Numbers 18:16
Numbers 18:16
When they are a month old, you must redeem them at the redemption price set at five shekels of silver, according to the sanctuary shekel, which weighs twenty gerahs.

Redeem them when they are one month old. The redemption price is five pieces of silver (as measured by the weight of the sanctuary shekel, which equals twenty gerahs).

And their redemption price (at a month old you shall redeem them) you shall fix at five shekels in silver, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, which is twenty gerahs.

"As to their redemption price, from a month old you shall redeem them, by your valuation, five shekels in silver, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, which is twenty gerahs.

And those that are to be redeemed from a month old shalt thou redeem, according to thine estimation, for the money of five shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary, which is twenty gerahs.

You will pay the redemption price for a month-old male according to your assessment: five shekels of silver by the standard sanctuary shekel, which is 20 gerahs."

Those that can be redeemed, you are to redeem at the age of one month, based on your estimate—for five shekels of silver, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, that is, for 20 gerahs.

And those that must be redeemed you are to redeem when they are a month old, according to your estimation, for five shekels of silver according to the sanctuary shekel (which is twenty gerahs).

When they are one month old, you must buy them back at the fixed price of two ounces of silver using the standard weight of the holy place.

And from a month old shalt thou effect their ransom, a ransom according to thine estimation, for the price of five shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary, which is twenty gerahs.

And those that are to be redeemed from a month old shall you redeem, according to your valuation, for the money of five shekels, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, which is twenty gerahs.

And those that are to be redeemed from a month old shall you redeem, according to your estimation, for the money of five shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary, which is twenty gerahs.

And those that are to be redeemed of them from a month old shalt thou redeem, according to thine estimation, for the money of five shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary (the same is twenty gerahs).

And the redemption of it shall be after one month, for five sicles of silver, by the weight of the sanctuary. A sicle hath twenty obols.

And those that are to be ransomed from a month old shalt thou ransom, according to thy valuation, for the money of five shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary, which is twenty gerahs.

And those that are to be redeemed of them from a month old shalt thou redeem, according to thine estimation, for the money of five shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary (the same is twenty gerahs).

And those that are to be redeemed from a month old shalt thou redeem, according to thy estimation, for the money of five shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary, which is twenty gerahs.

You shall redeem those who are to be redeemed of them from a month old, according to your estimation, for five shekels of money, after the shekel of the sanctuary (the same is twenty gerahs).

And their ransomed ones from a son of a month, thou dost ransom with thy valuation, of silver, five shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary, twenty gerahs it is.

Numrat 18:16
Dhe ata që duhet të shpengosh, do t'i shpengosh në moshën një muajsh, simbas vlerësimit tënd, për pesë sikla argjendi, simbas siklit të shenjtërores, që është njëzet gere.

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 18:16
وفداؤه من ابن شهر تقبله حسب تقويمك فضة خمسة شواقل على شاقل القدس. هو عشرون جيرة.

De Zalrach 18:16
Looskaauffen tuest ys mit aynn Maanet um fümfyfuchzg Wich Silber.

Числа 18:16
Като станат на един месец подлежащите на откупуване да вземаш откуп за тях по твоята оценка, пет сребърни сикли, според сикъла на светилището, който е двадесет гери.

民 數 記 18:16
其 中 在 一 月 之 外 所 當 贖 的 , 要 照 你 所 估 定 的 價 , 按 聖 所 的 平 , 用 銀 子 五 舍 客 勒 贖 出 來 ( 一 舍 客 勒 是 二 十 季 拉 ) 。

其 中 在 一 月 之 外 所 当 赎 的 , 要 照 你 所 估 定 的 价 , 按 圣 所 的 平 , 用 银 子 五 舍 客 勒 赎 出 来 ( 一 舍 客 勒 是 二 十 季 拉 ) 。



Numbers 18:16
Kad budu stari mjesec dana, pusti da ih otkupljuju. A njihovu otkupnu cijenu odredi: pet srebrnih šekela, prema hramskom šekelu, a to je dvadeset gera.

Numeri 18:16
Výplata pak jeho, když mu již jeden měsíc bude, vedlé ceny tvé bude pěti loty stříbra podlé lotu svatyně; dvadceti peněz váží lot.

4 Mosebog 18:16
Hine skal du lade udløse, naar de er en Maaned gamle eller derover, med en Vurderingssum af fem Sekel efter hellig Vægt, tyve Gera paa en Sekel.

Numberi 18:16
Die nu onder dezelve gelost zullen worden, zult gij van een maand oud lossen, naar uw schatting, voor het geld van vijf sikkelen, naar den sikkel des heiligdoms, die is twintig gera.

במדבר 18:16
וּפְדוּיָו֙ מִבֶּן־חֹ֣דֶשׁ תִּפְדֶּ֔ה בְּעֶ֨רְכְּךָ֔ כֶּ֛סֶף חֲמֵ֥שֶׁת שְׁקָלִ֖ים בְּשֶׁ֣קֶל הַקֹּ֑דֶשׁ עֶשְׂרִ֥ים גֵּרָ֖ה הֽוּא׃

טז ופדויו מבן חדש תפדה בערכך כסף חמשת שקלים בשקל הקדש  עשרים גרה הוא

ופדויו מבן־חדש תפדה בערכך כסף חמשת שקלים בשקל הקדש עשרים גרה הוא׃

4 Mózes 18:16
A melyek pedig váltságosok, egy hónapostól kezdve váltasd meg a te becslésed szerint, öt ezüst sikluson a szent siklus szerint: húsz géra az.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 18:16
Ilia elacxeto estas:post la agxo de unu monato prenu elacxeton laux via takso, kvin siklojn da argxento laux la sankta siklo, kiu konsistas el dudek geroj.

Ja kuukautisena pitää heidän sen lunastaman, ja annettakaan lunastettaa sinun arvios jälkeen rahalla, viidellä siklillä, pyhän siklin jälkeen, joka maksaa kaksikymmentä geraa.

Nombres 18:16
Et ceux qui doivent être rachetés, depuis l'âge d'un mois, tu les rachèteras selon ton estimation, qui sera de cinq sicles d'argent, selon le sicle du sanctuaire, qui est de vingt guéras.

Tu les feras racheter dès l'âge d'un mois, d'après ton estimation, au prix de cinq sicles d'argent, selon le sicle du sanctuaire, qui est de vingt guéras.

Et on rachètera [les premiers-nés des hommes] qui doivent être rachetés depuis l'âge d'un mois, selon l'estimation que tu en feras, qui sera de cinq sicles d'argent, selon le sicle du Sanctuaire, qui [est] de vingt oboles.

4 Mose 18:16
Sie sollen's aber lösen, wenn's eines Monden alt ist; und sollst es zu lösen geben um Geld, um fünf Sekel, nach dem Sekel des Heiligtums, der gilt zwanzig Gera.

Sie sollen's aber lösen, wenn's einen Monat alt ist; und sollst es zu lösen geben um Geld, um fünf Silberlinge nach dem Lot des Heiligtums, das hat zwanzig Gera.

Und was seine Auslösung betrifft, so sollst du ihn im Alter von einem Monat und darüber auf Grund der Schätzung für einen Betrag von fünf Sekeln heiliges Gewicht, den Sekel zu zwanzig Gera gerechnet, auslösen lassen.

Numeri 18:16
E quanto al riscatto, li farai riscattare dall’età di un mese, secondo la tua stima, per cinque sicli d’argento, a siclo di santuario, che è di venti ghere.

E fa’ riscattare i primogeniti degli uomini che conviene riscattare, dall’età d’un mese, secondo la tua estimazione, che sarà di cinque sicli d’argento, a siclo di Santuario, che è di vent’oboli;

Maka tebusannya, umur sebulan hendaklah kamu tebus atas nilaianmu dengan perak sampai lima syikal yang sama dengan syikal tempat suci, yaitu yang ada dua puluh gera.

민수기 18:16
그 사람을 속할 때에는 난지 일개월 이후에 네가 정한 대로 성소의 세겔을 따라 은 다섯 세겔로 속하라 한 세겔은 이십 게라니라

Numeri 18:16
cuius redemptio erit post unum mensem siclis argenti quinque pondere sanctuarii siclus viginti obolos habet

Skaièiø knyga 18:16
Kūdikis vieno mėnesio amžiaus bus išperkamas už penkis šekelius sidabro pagal šventyklos šekelį, kurį sudaro dvidešimt gerų.

Numbers 18:16
A, ko nga mea e utua ana e whakahokia ana, ka kotahi marama o tona whanautanga, me tango ona utu; kia rite ki tau e whakarite ai, kia rima hekere nga moni: hei nga hekere wahi tapu, e rua tekau nei nga kera.

4 Mosebok 18:16
Og løsepengene for en gutt skal du la dem utrede fra han er en måned gammel, efter det verd du skal sette på ham: fem sekel sølv efter helligdommens vekt, sekelen regnet til tyve gera.

Números 18:16
En cuanto a su redención, de un mes los redimirás, según tu valuación, por cinco siclos en plata, según el siclo del santuario que es de veinte geras.

"En cuanto a su redención, de un mes los redimirás, según tu valuación, por cinco siclos (57 gramos) en plata, según el siclo del santuario que es de veinte geras (11.4 gramos de plata).

Y de un mes harás efectuar el rescate de ellos, conforme a tu estimación, por precio de cinco siclos, al siclo del santuario, que es de veinte geras.

Y de un mes harás efectuar el rescate de ellos, conforme á tu estimación, por precio de cinco siclos, al siclo del santuario, que es de veinte óbolos.

Y de un mes harás efectuar su redención, conforme a tu estimación, por el precio de cinco siclos, al siclo del santuario, que es de veinte óbolos.

Números 18:16
O pagamento do resgate pelos meninos deverá ser feito a ti quando eles tiverem um mês de idade, e o valor do resgate será equivalente a cinco barras de prata, pesando cerca de sessenta gramas no total, de acordo com o peso padrão do santuário em que o siclo corresponde a doze gramas por barra de prata ou vinte guerás.

Os que deles se houverem de remir, desde a idade de um mês os remirás, segundo a tua avaliação, por cinco siclos de dinheiro, segundo o siclo do santuário, que é de vinte jeiras.   

Numeri 18:16
Să laşi să se răscumpere întăii născuţi ai oamenilor, dela vîrsta de o lună, după preţuirea ta, cu preţul de cinci sicli de argint, după siclul sfîntului locaş, care este de douăzeci de ghere.

Числа 18:16
а выкуп за них: начиная от одного месяца, по оценке твоей, бери выкуп пять сиклей серебра, по сиклю священному, который в двадцать гер;

а выкуп за них: начиная от одного месяца, по оценке твоей, бери выкуп пять сиклей серебра, по сиклю священному, который в двадцать гер;[]

4 Mosebok 18:16
Och vad angår dem som skola lösas, skall du taga lösen för dem, när de äro en månad gamla, och detta efter det värde du har bestämt: fem siklar silver, efter helgedomssikelns vikt, denna räknad till tjugu gera.

Numbers 18:16
At yaong mga matutubos sa kanila, mula sa isang buwang gulang ay iyong tutubusin, ayon sa iyong pagkahalaga, ng limang siklong pilak, ayon sa siklo ng santuario (na dalawang pung gera).

กันดารวิถี 18:16
และค่าไถ่ พออายุได้หนึ่งเดือนเจ้าก็ต้องไถ่ ให้เจ้ากำหนดว่าเป็นเงินห้าเชเขลตามเชเขลของสถานบริสุทธิ์ ซึ่งเป็นยี่สิบเก-ราห์

Çölde Sayım 18:16
İlk doğanlar bir aylıkken, kendi biçeceğin değer uyarınca, yirmi geradan oluşan kutsal yerin şekeline göre beş şekel gümüş bedel alacaksın.[]

Daân-soá Kyù 18:16
Về sự chuộc lại, ngươi phải chuộc lại những con từ một tháng trở đi, theo giá định của ngươi, là năm siếc-lơ bạc, theo siếc-lơ của nơi thánh là hai mươi ghê-ra.

Numbers 18:15
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