Numbers 11:18
Numbers 11:18
"Tell the people: 'Consecrate yourselves in preparation for tomorrow, when you will eat meat. The LORD heard you when you wailed, "If only we had meat to eat! We were better off in Egypt!" Now the LORD will give you meat, and you will eat it.

"And say to the people, 'Purify yourselves, for tomorrow you will have meat to eat. You were whining, and the LORD heard you when you cried, "Oh, for some meat! We were better off in Egypt!" Now the LORD will give you meat, and you will have to eat it.

And say to the people, ‘Consecrate yourselves for tomorrow, and you shall eat meat, for you have wept in the hearing of the LORD, saying, “Who will give us meat to eat? For it was better for us in Egypt.” Therefore the LORD will give you meat, and you shall eat.

"Say to the people, 'Consecrate yourselves for tomorrow, and you shall eat meat; for you have wept in the ears of the LORD, saying, "Oh that someone would give us meat to eat! For we were well-off in Egypt." Therefore the LORD will give you meat and you shall eat.

And say thou unto the people, Sanctify yourselves against to morrow, and ye shall eat flesh: for ye have wept in the ears of the LORD, saying, Who shall give us flesh to eat? for it was well with us in Egypt: therefore the LORD will give you flesh, and ye shall eat.

Tell the people: Purify yourselves in readiness for tomorrow, and you will eat meat because you cried before the LORD: 'Who will feed us meat? We really had it good in Egypt.' The LORD will give you meat and you will eat.

"But give this command to the people: 'You are to consecrate yourselves, because tomorrow you're going to eat meat, since you've complained where the LORD can hear it, "Who can give us meat to eat? After all, life was better with us in Egypt." Therefore, the LORD is going to give you meat and you'll eat—

"And say to the people, 'Sanctify yourselves for tomorrow, and you will eat meat, for you have wept in the hearing of the LORD, saying, "Who will give us meat to eat, for life was good for us in Egypt?" Therefore the LORD will give you meat, and you will eat.

Tell the people to get ready for tomorrow. They must be set apart as holy. Then they will eat meat. I, the LORD, heard them crying and saying, 'If only we had meat to eat! We were better off in Egypt!' So I will give them meat.

But thou shalt say unto the people, Sanctify yourselves for tomorrow, and ye shall eat flesh, for ye have wept in the ears of the LORD, saying, Who shall give us flesh to eat? for it was better with us in Egypt. Therefore the LORD will give you flesh, and ye shall eat.

And say unto the people, Sanctify yourselves for tomorrow, and you shall eat flesh: for you have wept in the ears of the LORD, saying, Who shall give us flesh to eat? for it was well with us in Egypt: therefore the LORD will give you flesh, and you shall eat.

And say you to the people, Sanctify yourselves against to morrow, and you shall eat flesh: for you have wept in the ears of the LORD, saying, Who shall give us flesh to eat? for it was well with us in Egypt: therefore the LORD will give you flesh, and you shall eat.

And say thou unto the people, Sanctify yourselves against to-morrow, and ye shall eat flesh; for ye have wept in the ears of Jehovah, saying, Who shall give us flesh to eat? for it was well with us in Egypt: therefore Jehovah will give you flesh, and ye shall eat.

And thou shalt say to the people: Be ye sanctified : to morrow you shall eat flesh: for I have heard you say: Who will give us flesh to eat? it was well with us in Egypt. That the Lord may give you flesh, and you may eat:

And unto the people shalt thou say, Hallow yourselves for to-morrow, and ye shall eat flesh; for ye have wept in the ears of Jehovah, saying, Who will give us flesh to eat? for it was well with us in Egypt; and Jehovah will give you flesh, and ye shall eat.

And say thou unto the people, Sanctify yourselves against tomorrow, and ye shall eat flesh: for ye have wept in the ears of the LORD, saying, Who shall give us flesh to eat? for it was well with us in Egypt: therefore the LORD will give you flesh, and ye shall eat.

And say thou to the people, Sanctify yourselves against to-morrow, and ye shall eat flesh; for ye have wept in the ears of the LORD, saying, Who shall give us flesh to eat? for it was well with us in Egypt: therefore the LORD will give you flesh, and ye shall eat.

"Say to the people, 'Sanctify yourselves against tomorrow, and you will eat flesh; for you have wept in the ears of Yahweh, saying, "Who will give us flesh to eat? For it was well with us in Egypt." Therefore Yahweh will give you flesh, and you will eat.

And unto the people thou dost say, Sanctify yourselves for to-morrow, and ye have eaten flesh (for ye have wept in the ears of Jehovah, saying, Who doth give us flesh? for we had good in Egypt) -- and Jehovah hath given to you flesh, and ye have eaten.

Numrat 11:18
Pastaj do t'i thuash popullit: Shenjtërohuni për nesër, dhe do të hani mish, sepse keni qarë në veshët e Zotit, duke thënë: "Kush do të na japë mish për të ngrënë? Ishim kaq mirë në Egjipt!". Prandaj Zoti do t'ju japë mish dhe ju do ta hani.

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 11:18
وللشعب تقول تقدسوا للغد فتأكلوا لحما. لانكم قد بكيتم في اذني الرب قائلين من يطعمنا لحما. انه كان لنا خير في مصر. فيعطيكم الرب لحما فتأكلون.

De Zalrach 11:18
Zo n Volk aber saist: 'Heiligtß enk für morgn, naacherd geit s ayn Fleish. Denn ös habtß yn n Herrn d Oorn vollgweuslt: Wenn üns diend grad öbber ayn Fleish zueherbräng! Z Güptn, mein, daa gieng s üns guet! - Dyr Herr gaat enk ayn Fleish zo n Össn göbn.

Числа 11:18
И кажи на людете: Очистете се за утре, и ще ядете месо; защото плачехте в ушите на Господа и казвахте: Кой ще ни даде месо да ядем? защото добре ни беше в Египет. Затова Господ ще ви даде месо, и ще ядете.

民 數 記 11:18
又 要 對 百 姓 說 : 你 們 應 當 自 潔 , 預 備 明 天 吃 肉 , 因 為 你 們 哭 號 說 : 誰 給 我 們 肉 吃 ! 我 們 在 埃 及 很 好 。 這 聲 音 達 到 了 耶 和 華 的 耳 中 , 所 以 他 必 給 你 們 肉 吃 。

又 要 对 百 姓 说 : 你 们 应 当 自 洁 , 预 备 明 天 吃 肉 , 因 为 你 们 哭 号 说 : 谁 给 我 们 肉 吃 ! 我 们 在 埃 及 很 好 。 这 声 音 达 到 了 耶 和 华 的 耳 中 , 所 以 他 必 给 你 们 肉 吃 。



Numbers 11:18
Nadalje, kaži narodu: Za sutra se posvetite i jest ćete mesa, jer ste mrmljali u uši Jahvi govoreći: 'Tko će nas nasititi mesa? U Egiptu nam je bilo dobro.' Jahve će vam, dakle, dati mesa da jedete.

Numeri 11:18
Lidu pak díš: Posvěťtež se k zítřku,a budete jísti maso; nebo jste plakali v uších Hospodinových, řkouce: Kdo nám dá najísti se masa? Jistě že lépe nám bylo v Egyptě. I dá vám Hospodin masa, a budete jísti.

4 Mosebog 11:18
Men til Folket skal du sige: Helliger eder til i Morgen, saa skal I faa Kød at spise! I har jo grædt højlydt for HERREN og sagt: Kunde vi dog faa Kød at spise! Vi havde det jo bedre i Ægypten! Derfor vil HERREN give eder Kød at spise;

Numberi 11:18
En tot het volk zult gij zeggen: Heiligt u tegen morgen, en gij zult vlees eten; want gij hebt voor de oren des HEEREN geweend, zeggende: Wie zal ons vlees te eten geven? want het ging ons wel in Egypte! Daarom zal de HEERE u vlees geven, en gij zult eten.

במדבר 11:18
וְאֶל־הָעָ֨ם תֹּאמַ֜ר הִתְקַדְּשׁ֣וּ לְמָחָר֮ וַאֲכַלְתֶּ֣ם בָּשָׂר֒ כִּ֡י בְּכִיתֶם֩ בְּאָזְנֵ֨י יְהוָ֜ה לֵאמֹ֗ר מִ֤י יַאֲכִלֵ֙נוּ֙ בָּשָׂ֔ר כִּי־טֹ֥וב לָ֖נוּ בְּמִצְרָ֑יִם וְנָתַ֨ן יְהוָ֥ה לָכֶ֛ם בָּשָׂ֖ר וַאֲכַלְתֶּֽם׃

יח ואל העם תאמר התקדשו למחר ואכלתם בשר--כי בכיתם באזני יהוה לאמר מי יאכלנו בשר כי טוב לנו במצרים ונתן יהוה לכם בשר ואכלתם

ואל־העם תאמר התקדשו למחר ואכלתם בשר כי בכיתם באזני יהוה לאמר מי יאכלנו בשר כי־טוב לנו במצרים ונתן יהוה לכם בשר ואכלתם׃

4 Mózes 11:18
A népnek pedig mondd meg: Készítsétek el magatokat holnapra, és húst esztek; mert sírtatok az Úr hallására, mondván: Kicsoda ád nékünk húst ennünk? mert jobban vala nékünk dolgunk Égyiptomban. Azért az Úr ád néktek húst és enni fogtok.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 11:18
Kaj al la popolo diru:Preparigxu por morgaux, kaj vi mangxos viandon; cxar vi ploris al la oreloj de la Eternulo, dirante:Kiu mangxigos al ni viandon? bone estis al ni en Egiptujo-tial la Eternulo donos al vi viandon, kaj vi mangxos.

Ja sano kansalle: pyhittäkäät teitänne huomeneksi, että te lihaa söisitte; sillä teidän itkunne on tullut Herran korviin ja te sanoitte: kuka antaa meille lihaa syödäksemme? sillä hyvin me elimme Egyptissä; ja Herra antaa teille lihaa syödäksenne.

Nombres 11:18
Et tu diras au peuple: Sanctifiez-vous pour demain, et vous mangerez de la chair; car vous avez pleuré aux oreilles de l'Éternel, disant: Qui nous fera manger de la chair? car nous étions bien en Égypte! Et l'Éternel vous donnera de la chair, et vous en mangerez.

Tu diras au peuple: Sanctifiez-vous pour demain, et vous mangerez de la viande, puisque vous avez pleuré aux oreilles de l'Eternel, en disant: Qui nous fera manger de la viande? car nous étions bien en Egypte. L'Eternel vous donnera de la viande, et vous en mangerez.

Et tu diras au peuple : Apprêtez-vous pour demain, et vous mangerez de la chair; parce que vous avez pleuré, l'Eternel l'entendant, et que vous avez dit : Qui nous fera manger de la chair? car nous étions bien en Egypte; ainsi l'Eternel vous donnera de la chair, et vous en mangerez.

4 Mose 11:18
Und zum Volk sollst du sagen: Heiliget euch auf morgen, daß ihr Fleisch esset! Denn euer Weinen ist vor die Ohren des HERRN kommen, die ihr sprecht: Wer gibt uns Fleisch zu essen, denn es ging uns wohl in Ägypten? Darum wird euch der HERR Fleisch geben, daß ihr esset,

Und zum Volk sollst du sagen: Heiliget euch auf morgen, daß ihr Fleisch esset; denn euer Weinen ist vor die Ohren des HERRN gekommen, die ihr sprecht: Wer gibt uns Fleisch zu essen? denn es ging uns wohl in Ägypten. Darum wird euch der HERR Fleisch geben, daß ihr esset,

Zum Volk aber sollst du sprechen: Sorgt dafür, daß ihr morgen rein seid, so sollt ihr Fleisch zu essen bekommen; denn ihr habt laut vor Jahwe gejammert und gesagt: Wer giebt uns nun Fleisch zu essen? Wir hatten es ja in Ägypten besser! So wird euch nun Jahwe Fleisch schaffen, daß ihr zu essen haben sollt.

Numeri 11:18
E dirai al popolo: Santificatevi per domani, e mangerete della carne, poiché avete pianto agli orecchi dell’Eterno, dicendo: Chi ci farà mangiar della carne? Stavamo pur bene in Egitto! Ebbene, l’Eterno vi darà della carne, e voi ne mangerete.

Or di’ al popolo: Santificatevi per domani, e voi mangerete della carne; conciossiachè voi abbiate pianto agli orecchi del Signore, dicendo: Chi ci darà a mangiar della carne? certo noi stavamo bene in Egitto. Il Signore adunque vi darà della carne, e voi ne mangerete.

Maka hendaklah engkau mengatakan kepada bangsa ini: Sucikanlah dirimu bagi esok hari, maka kamu akan makan daging kelak; karena sesungguhnya kamu telah menangis di hadapan telinga Tuhan sambil katamu: Siapakah memberikan kami makan daging? dan baiklah kami lagi di Mesir! Sebab itu Tuhan kelak memberikan kamu makan daging, dan kamupun akan makan dia.

민수기 11:18
또 백성에게 이르기를 너희 몸을 거룩히 하여 내일 고기 먹기를 기다리라 너희가 울며 이르기를 누가 우리에게 고기를 주어 먹게할꼬 애굽에 있을 때가 우리에게 재미 있었다 하는 말이 여호와께 들렸으므로 여호와께서 너희에게 고기를 주어 먹게 하실 것이라

Numeri 11:18
populo quoque dices sanctificamini cras comedetis carnes ego enim audivi vos dicere quis dabit nobis escas carnium bene nobis erat in Aegypto ut det vobis Dominus carnes et comedatis

Skaièiø knyga 11:18
O tautai sakyk: ‘Pasišventinkite ir rytoj valgysite mėsos, nes Viešpats išgirdo jūsų verksmą, kai sakėte: ‘Kas mums duos mėsos? Gera mums buvo Egipte’. Viešpats jums duos mėsos, ir jūs valgysite.

Numbers 11:18
Me ki atu hoki e koe ki te iwi, Whakatapu i a koutou mo apopo a ka kai kikokiko koutou: kua tangi na hoki koutou ki nga taringa o Ihowa, kua mea, Ma wai e homai he kikokiko hei kai ma matou? he pai hoki nga mea i a matou i Ihipa: mo reira ka hom ai e Ihowa he kikokiko ki a koutou, a ka kai koutou.

4 Mosebok 11:18
Og til folket skal du si: Hellige eder til imorgen, så skal I få kjøtt å ete, siden I har grått for Herren og sagt: Å, om vi hadde kjøtt å ete, for i Egypten hadde vi det godt. Nu vil Herren gi eder kjøtt, så I kan ete.

Números 11:18
Y di al pueblo: ``Consagraos para mañana, y comeréis carne, pues habéis llorado a oídos del SEÑOR, diciendo: `¡Quién nos diera a comer carne! Porque nos iba mejor en Egipto.' El SEÑOR, pues, os dará carne y comeréis.

"Y dile al pueblo: 'Conságrense para mañana, y comerán carne, pues han llorado a oídos del SEÑOR, diciendo: "¡Quién nos diera de comer carne! Porque nos iba mejor en Egipto." El SEÑOR, pues, les dará carne y comerán.

Pero dirás al pueblo: Santificaos para mañana, y comeréis carne: pues que habéis llorado en oídos de Jehová, diciendo: ¡Quién nos diera a comer carne! ¡Cierto mejor nos iba en Egipto! Jehová, pues, os dará carne, y comeréis.

Empero dirás al pueblo: Santificaos para mañana, y comeréis carne: pues que habéis llorado en oídos de Jehová, diciendo: ¡Quién nos diera á comer carne! ¡cierto mejor nos iba en Egipto! Jehová, pues, os dará carne, y comeréis.

Pero dirás al pueblo: Santificaos para mañana, y comeréis carne; porque habéis llorado en oídos del SEÑOR, diciendo: ¡Quién nos diera a comer carne! ¡Cierto mejor nos iba en Egipto! El SEÑOR, pues, os dará carne, y comeréis.

Números 11:18
E ordenarás ao povo: Santificai-vos para amanhã e comereis carne, porquanto chorastes aos ouvidos de Yahweh, clamando: ‘Quem nos dará carne para comer? Quão melhor era para nós no Egito!’ Pois bem, Yahweh vos dará carne para comer.

E dirás ao povo: Santificai-vos para amanhã, e comereis carne; porquanto chorastes aos ouvidos do Senhor, dizendo: Quem nos dará carne a comer? pois bem nos ia no Egito. Pelo que o Senhor vos dará carne, e comereis.   

Numeri 11:18
Să spui poporului: ,Sfinţiţi-vă pentru mîne, şi aveţi să mîncaţi carne, fiindcă aţi plîns în auzul Domnului, şi aţi zis: ,Cine ne va da carne să mîncăm? Căci noi o duceam bine în Egipt!` Domnul vă va da carne, şi veţi mînca.

Числа 11:18
Народу же скажи: очиститесь к завтрашнему дню, ибудете есть мясо; так как вы плакали вслух Господа и говорили: кто накормит нас мясом? хорошо нам было в Египте, – то и даст вам Господь мясо, и будете есть.

Народу же скажи: очиститесь к завтрашнему дню, и будете есть мясо; так как вы плакали вслух Господа и говорили: кто накормит нас мясом? хорошо нам было в Египте, --то и даст вам Господь мясо, и будете есть.[]

4 Mosebok 11:18
Och till folket skall du säga: Helgen eder till i morgon, så skolen I få kött att äta, eftersom I haven gråtit inför HERREN och sagt: 'Ack om vi hade kött att äta! I Egypten var oss gott att vara!' Så skall nu HERREN giva eder kött att äta.

Numbers 11:18
At sabihin mo sa bayan, Magpakabanal kayo, para sa kinabukasan, at kayo'y magsisikain ng karne: sapagka't kayo'y nagsisiiyak sa pakinig ng Panginoon, na sinasabi, Sinong magbibigay sa amin ng karne na aming makakain? sapagka't maigi kahit nang nasa Egipto: dahil dito bibigyan kayo ng Panginoon ng karne at kakain kayo.

กันดารวิถี 11:18
และจงกล่าวแก่คนทั้งปวงว่า `ท่านทั้งหลายจงชำระตัวให้บริสุทธิ์สำหรับพรุ่งนี้ ท่านจะได้รับประทานเนื้อ เพราะท่านร้องไห้ต่อพระกรรณของพระเยโฮวาห์ว่า "ผู้ใดจะให้เนื้อเรากิน เมื่อเราอยู่ในอียิปต์เราก็สุขสบาย" เพราะเหตุนี้พระเยโฮวาห์จะทรงประทานเนื้อให้ท่านทั้งหลายรับประทาน

Çölde Sayım 11:18
‹‹Halka de ki, ‹Yarın için kendinizi kutsayın, et yiyeceksiniz. Keşke yiyecek biraz et olsaydı, Mısırda durumumuz iyiydi diye ağladığınızı RAB duydu. Şimdi yemeniz için size et verecek.[]

Daân-soá Kyù 11:18
Ngươi phải truyền cho dân sự rằng: Ngày mai phải dọn mình ra thánh, thì các ngươi sẽ ăn thịt. Vì chưng lỗ tai Ðức Giê-hô-va có nghe các ngươi khóc mà rằng: Ai sẽ cho chúng tôi ăn thịt, vì chúng tôi lấy làm sung sướng tại xứ Ê-díp-tô, bởi cớ đó, Ðức Giê-hô-va sẽ ban thịt cho các ngươi, thì các ngươi sẽ ăn.

Numbers 11:17
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