Nehemiah 9:3
Nehemiah 9:3
They stood where they were and read from the Book of the Law of the LORD their God for a quarter of the day, and spent another quarter in confession and in worshiping the LORD their God.

They remained standing in place for three hours while the Book of the Law of the LORD their God was read aloud to them. Then for three more hours they confessed their sins and worshiped the LORD their God.

And they stood up in their place and read from the Book of the Law of the LORD their God for a quarter of the day; for another quarter of it they made confession and worshiped the LORD their God.

While they stood in their place, they read from the book of the law of the LORD their God for a fourth of the day; and for another fourth they confessed and worshiped the LORD their God.

And they stood up in their place, and read in the book of the law of the LORD their God one fourth part of the day; and another fourth part they confessed, and worshipped the LORD their God.

While they stood in their places, they read from the book of the law of the LORD their God for a fourth of the day and spent another fourth of the day in confession and worship of the LORD their God.

While they stood there, they read from the Book of the Law of the LORD their God for one fourth of the day, and they confessed and worshipped the LORD their God for another fourth of the day.

For one-fourth of the day they stood in their place and read from the book of the law of the LORD their God, and for another fourth they were confessing their sins and worshiping the LORD their God.

They stood in their places, and for one-fourth of the day, [they listened as] the Book of the Teachings of the LORD their God was read, and for another fourth [of the day], they confessed their sins and worshiped the LORD their God.

And they stood up in their place and read in the book of the law of the LORD their God one fourth part of the day; and another fourth part they confessed and worshipped the LORD their God.

And they stood up in their place, and read in the book of the law of the LORD their God one fourth part of the day; and another fourth part they confessed, and worshiped the LORD their God.

And they stood up in their place, and read in the book of the law of the LORD their God one fourth part of the day; and another fourth part they confessed, and worshipped the LORD their God.

And they stood up in their place, and read in the book of the law of Jehovah their God a fourth part of the day; and another fourth part they confessed, and worshipped Jehovah their God.

And they rose up to stand: and they read in the book of the law of the Lord their God, four times in the day, and four times they confessed, and adored the Lord their God.

And they stood up in their place, and read in the book of the law of Jehovah their God a fourth part of the day; and a fourth part they confessed, and worshipped Jehovah their God.

And they stood up in their place, and read in the book of the law of the LORD their God a fourth part of the day; and another fourth part they confessed, and worshipped the LORD their God.

And they stood up in their place, and read in the book of the law of the LORD their God one fourth part of the day; and another fourth part they confessed, and worshiped the LORD their God.

They stood up in their place, and read in the book of the law of Yahweh their God a fourth part of the day; and [another] fourth part they confessed, and worshiped Yahweh their God.

and rise up on their station, and read in the book of the law of Jehovah their God a fourth of the day, and a fourth they are confessing and bowing themselves to Jehovah their God.

Nehemia 9:3
Pastaj u ngritën në këmbë në vendin e tyre dhe lexuan librin e ligjit të Zotit, Perëndisë të tyre, për një të katërtën pjesë të ditës; dhe për një të katër tjetër të ditës bënë rrëfimin e mëkateve që kishin bërë dhe ranë përmys përpara Zotit, Perëndisë të tyre.

ﻧﺤﻤﻴﺎ 9:3
واقاموا في مكانهم وقرأوا في سفر شريعة الرب الههم ربع النهار وفي الربع الآخر كانوا يحمدون ويسجدون للرب الههم

Dyr Nehymies 9:3
Sö erhobnd si von de Plätz, und aft wurd drei Stund lang aus n Buech mit n Gsötz von n Trechtein, ienern Got, vürglösn. Aft gabkennend s drei Stund lang iener Schuld und warffend si vor n Herrn, ienern Got, nider.

Неемия 9:3
През една четвърт от деня те ставаха на мястото си та четяха от книгата на закона на Господа своя Бог, и през [друга] четвърт се изповядваха и кланяха се на Господа своя Бог.

尼 希 米 記 9:3
那 日 的 四 分 之 一 站 在 自 己 的 地 方 念 耶 和 華 ─ 他 們   神 的 律 法 書 , 又 四 分 之 一 認 罪 , 敬 拜 耶 和 華 ─ 他 們 的   神 。

那 日 的 四 分 之 一 站 在 自 己 的 地 方 念 耶 和 华 ─ 他 们   神 的 律 法 书 , 又 四 分 之 一 认 罪 , 敬 拜 耶 和 华 ─ 他 们 的   神 。



Nehemiah 9:3
Rod se Izraelov odvojio od svih tuđinaca: pristupili su i ispovijedali svoje grijehe i bezakonja svojih otaca.

Kinha Nehemiášova 9:3
I stáli na místech svých, a čtli v knize zákona Hospodina Boha svého čtyřikrát za den, a čtyřikrát vyznávali a klaněli se Hospodinu Bohu svému.

Nehemias 9:3
Saa rejste de sig paa deres Plads, og der blev læst op af Bogen med HERREN deres Guds Lov i en Fjerdedel af Dagen, og i en anden Fjerdedel bekendte de deres Synder og tilbad HERREN deres Gud.

Nehemia 9:3
Want als zij opgestaan waren op hun standplaats, zo lazen zij in het wetboek des HEEREN, huns Gods, een vierendeel van den dag; en op een ander vierendeel deden zij belijdenis, en aanbaden den HEERE, hun God.

נחמיה 9:3
וַיָּק֙וּמוּ֙ עַל־עָמְדָ֔ם וַֽיִּקְרְא֗וּ בְּסֵ֨פֶר תֹּורַ֧ת יְהוָ֛ה אֱלֹהֵיהֶ֖ם רְבִעִ֣ית הַיֹּ֑ום וּרְבִעִית֙ מִתְוַדִּ֣ים וּמִֽשְׁתַּחֲוִ֔ים לַיהוָ֖ה אֱלֹהֵיהֶֽם׃ פ

ג ויקומו על עמדם ויקראו בספר תורת יהוה אלהיהם רבעית היום ורבעית מתודים ומשתחוים ליהוה אלהיהם  {פ}

ויקומו על־עמדם ויקראו בספר תורת יהוה אלהיהם רבעית היום ורבעית מתודים ומשתחוים ליהוה אלהיהם׃ פ

Nehemiás 9:3
És megállának helyökön, és olvasának az Úrnak, az õ Istenöknek törvénye könyvébõl a nap negyedrésze alatt, negyedrésze alatt pedig vallást tõnek és leborulának az Úr elõtt, az õ Istenök elõtt.

Neĥemja 9:3
Kaj ili levigxis sur la loko, kie ili staris, kaj oni legis el la libro de instruo de la Eternulo, ilia Dio, dum kvarono de tago, kaj dum alia kvarono oni faris konfeson kaj adorklinigxon antaux la Eternulo, ilia Dio.

Ja he nousivat ylös siallensa, ja heidän edessänsä luettiin neljä kertaa päivässä Herran heidän Jumalansa lakikirjasta; ja he tunnustivat, ja rukoilivat Herraa Jumalaansa neljä kertaa päivässä.

Néhémie 9:3
Et ils se levèrent à leurs places, et lurent dans le livre de la loi de l'Éternel, leur Dieu, pendant un quart de la journée; et pendant un quart, ils firent confession et se prosternèrent devant l'Éternel, leur Dieu.

Lorsqu'ils furent placés, on lut dans le livre de la loi de l'Eternel, leur Dieu, pendant un quart de la journée; et pendant un autre quart ils confessèrent leurs péchés et se prosternèrent devant l'Eternel, leur Dieu.

Ils se levèrent donc en leur place, et on lut au Livre de la Loi de l'Eternel, leur Dieu pendant la quatrième partie du jour, et pendant une [autre] quatrième partie, ils faisaient confession [de leurs péchés], et se prosternaient devant l'Eternel leur Dieu.

Nehemia 9:3
Und stunden auf an ihrer Stätte; und man las im Gesetzbuch des HERRN, ihres Gottes, viermal des Tages; und sie bekannten und beteten an den HERRN, ihren Gott, viermal des Tages.

Und standen auf an ihrer Stätte, und man las im Gesetzbuch des HERRN, ihres Gottes, ein Viertel des Tages; und ein Viertel bekannten sie und beteten an den HERRN, ihren Gott.

Sodann erhoben sie sich an ihrem Platze, und man las aus dem Buche des Gesetzes Jahwes, ihres Gottes, während des vierten Teils des Tages vor, und während eines anderen Vierteils bekannten sie ihre Sünden und warfen sich vor Jahwe, ihrem Gotte, nieder.

Neemia 9:3
S’alzarono in piè nel posto dove si trovavano, e fu fatta la lettura del libro della legge dell’Eterno, del loro Dio, per un quarto del giorno; e per un altro quarto essi fecero la confessione de’ peccati, e si prostrarono davanti all’Eterno, al loro Dio.

Ed essendosi rizzati in piè nel luogo stesso ove ciascuno si ritrovava, si lesse nel libro della Legge del Signore Iddio loro, una quarta parte del giorno; ed un’altra quarta parte fecero confessione, e adorarono il Signore Iddio loro.

Maka bani Israelpun menjauhkanlah dirinya dari pada segala orang helat, dan berdirilah mereka itu sambil mengaku dosanya dan salah nenek moyangnya.

느헤미아 9:3
이 날에 낮 사분지 일은 그 처소에 서서 그 하나님 여호와의 율법책을 낭독하며 그 하나님 여호와께 경배하는데

Nehemiae 9:3
et consurrexerunt ad standum et legerunt in volumine legis Domini Dei sui quater in die et quater confitebantur et adorabant Dominum Deum suum

Nehemijo knyga 9:3
Stovėdami savo vietose, jie ketvirtį dienos skaitė iš Viešpaties, savo Dievo, įstatymo knygos, o antrą dienos ketvirtį išpažino savo nuodėmes ir, parpuolę ant žemės, garbino Viešpatį, savo Dievą.

Nehemiah 9:3
Tu ana ratou i to ratou wahi; a i tetahi o nga wehenga e wha o te ra ka korerotia te pukapuka o te ture a Ihowa, a to ratou Atua; a i tetahi o nga wehenga e wha o te ra ka whaki, ka koropiko ki a Ihowa, ki to ratou Atua.

Nehemias 9:3
Så blev de stående på sin plass mens det blev lest op for dem av Herrens, deres Guds lovbok en fjerdedel av dagen, og en annen fjerdedel av dagen avla de bekjennelse og tilbad Herren sin Gud.

Nehemías 9:3
Puestos de pie, cada uno en su lugar, leyeron en el libro de la ley del SEÑOR su Dios por una cuarta parte del día; y por otra cuarta parte confesaron y adoraron al SEÑOR su Dios.

Puestos de pie, cada uno en su lugar, una cuarta parte del día estuvieron leyendo en el Libro de la Ley del SEÑOR su Dios, y otra cuarta parte, estuvieron confesando y adorando al SEÑOR su Dios.

Y puestos de pie en su lugar, leyeron en el libro de la ley de Jehová su Dios la cuarta parte del día, y la cuarta parte confesaron y adoraron a Jehová su Dios.

Y puestos de pie en su lugar, leyeron en el libro de la ley de Jehóva su Dios la cuarta parte del día, y la cuarta parte confesaron y adoraron á Jehóva su Dios.

Y puestos de pie en su lugar, leyeron en el libro de la ley de su Dios cuatro veces al día, y cuatro veces confesaron y adoraron al SEÑOR su Dios.

Neemias 9:3
Postaram-se de pé, cada um no seu lugar, leram atentamente o Livro da Torá, a Lei de Yahweh,seu Deus, durante toda a quarta parte do dia, e passaram outras três horas reconhecendo e confessando humildemente seus pecados, enquanto adoravam o SENHOR, o seu Deus.

E, levantando-se no seu lugar, leram no livro da lei do Senhor seu Deus, uma quarta parte do dia; e outra quarta parte fizeram confissão, e adoraram ao Senhor seu Deus.   

Neemia 9:3
După ce au şezut jos, au cetit în cartea Legii Domnului, Dumnezeului lor, a patra parte din zi; şi altă a patra parte din zi şi-au mărturisit păcatele şi s'au închinat înaintea Domnului, Dumnezeului lor.

Неемия 9:3
И стояли на своем месте, и четверть дня читали из книги закона Господа Бога своего, и четверть исповедывались и поклонялись ГосподуБогу своему.

И стояли на своем месте, и четверть дня читали из книги закона Господа Бога своего, и четверть исповедывались и поклонялись Господу Богу своему.[]

Nehemja 9:3
Och de stodo upp, var och en på sin plats, och man föreläste ur HERRENS, deras Guds, lagbok under en fjärdedel av dagen; och under en annan fjärdedel bekände de sina synder och tillbådo HERREN, sin Gud.

Nehemiah 9:3
At sila'y nagsitayo sa kanilang dako, at bumasa sa aklat ng kautusan ng Panginoon nilang Dios ng isang ikaapat na bahagi ng araw; at ang isang ikaapat na bahagi ay nagpahayag ng kasalanan, at nagsisamba sa Panginoon nilang Dios.

เนหะมีย์ 9:3
และเขาลุกขึ้นในที่ของเขา และอ่านหนังสือพระราชบัญญัติของพระเยโฮวาห์พระเจ้าของเขาอยู่สามชั่วโมง อีกสามชั่วโมงเขาสารภาพและนมัสการพระเยโฮวาห์พระเจ้าของเขาทั้งหลาย

Nehemya 9:3
Oldukları yerde durup günün dörtte biri boyunca Tanrıları RABbin Yasa Kitabını okudular. Günün öbür dörtte birindeyse günahlarını itiraf ederek Tanrıları RABbe tapındılar.[]

Neâ-heâ-mi 9:3
Chúng đứng dậy tại chỗ mình, đọc trong sách luật pháp của Giê-hô-va Ðức Chúa Trời mình, lâu đến phần tư ngày: trong một phần tư khác, chúng xưng tội và thờ lạy Giê-hô-va Ðức Chúa Trời của họ.

Nehemiah 9:2
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