Nehemiah 9:29
Nehemiah 9:29
"You warned them in order to turn them back to your law, but they became arrogant and disobeyed your commands. They sinned against your ordinances, of which you said, 'The person who obeys them will live by them.' Stubbornly they turned their backs on you, became stiff-necked and refused to listen.

"You warned them to return to your Law, but they became proud and obstinate and disobeyed your commands. They did not follow your regulations, by which people will find life if only they obey. They stubbornly turned their backs on you and refused to listen.

And you warned them in order to turn them back to your law. Yet they acted presumptuously and did not obey your commandments, but sinned against your rules, which if a person does them, he shall live by them, and they turned a stubborn shoulder and stiffened their neck and would not obey.

And admonished them in order to turn them back to Your law. Yet they acted arrogantly and did not listen to Your commandments but sinned against Your ordinances, By which if a man observes them he shall live. And they turned a stubborn shoulder and stiffened their neck, and would not listen.

And testifiedst against them, that thou mightest bring them again unto thy law: yet they dealt proudly, and hearkened not unto thy commandments, but sinned against thy judgments, (which if a man do, he shall live in them;) and withdrew the shoulder, and hardened their neck, and would not hear.

You warned them to turn back to Your law, but they acted arrogantly and would not obey Your commands. They sinned against Your ordinances, which a person will live by if he does them. They stubbornly resisted, stiffened their necks, and would not obey.

You admonished them to return to your Law, but they acted arrogantly, and would not listen to your commands. They sinned against your regulations, which if anyone obeys, he will live by them. They turned away, being stubborn and stiff-necked, and they did not listen.

And you solemnly admonished them in order to return them to your law, but they behaved presumptuously and did not obey your commandments. They sinned against your ordinances--those by which an individual, if he obeys them, will live. They boldly turned from you; they rebelled and did not obey.

You warned them in order to bring them back to your teachings, but they became arrogant and would not obey your commandments. They sinned by not following your regulations. If anyone follows them, he will find life in them. But they gave you the cold shoulder, became impossible to deal with, and wouldn't listen.

and didst protest unto them, that they return unto thy law; yet they dealt proudly and did not hearken unto thy commandments, but sinned against thy judgments (which if a man shall do, in them he shall live) and withdrew the shoulder and hardened their neck and would not hear.

And testified against them, that you might bring them again unto your law: yet they acted presumptuously, and hearkened not unto your commandments, but sinned against your judgments, (which if a man does, he shall live in them;) and turned the shoulder, and hardened their neck, and would not hear.

And testified against them, that you might bring them again to your law: yet they dealt proudly, and listened not to your commandments, but sinned against your judgments, (which if a man do, he shall live in them;) and withdrew the shoulder, and hardened their neck, and would not hear.

and testifiedst against them, that thou mightest bring them again unto thy law. Yet they dealt proudly, and hearkened not unto thy commandments, but sinned against thine ordinances, (which if a man do, he shall live in them,) and withdrew the shoulder, and hardened their neck, and would not hear.

And thou didst admonish them to re turn to thy law. But they dealt proudly, and hearkened not to thy commandments, but sinned against thy judgments, which if a man do, he shall live in them: and they withdrew the shoulder, and hardened their neck, and would not hear.

And thou testifiedst against them, that thou mightest bring them again unto thy law; but they dealt proudly, and hearkened not unto thy commandments, but sinned against thine ordinances (which if a man do, he shall live in them); and they withdrew the shoulder, and hardened their neck, and would not hear.

and testifiedst against them, that thou mightest bring them again unto thy law: yet they dealt proudly, and hearkened not unto thy commandments, but sinned against thy judgments, (which if a man do, he shall live in them,) and withdrew the shoulder, and hardened their neck, and would not hear.

And testifiedst against them, that thou mightest bring them again to thy law: yet they dealt proudly, and hearkened not to thy commandments, but sinned against thy judgments, (which if a man doeth, he shall live in them:) and withdrew the shoulder, and hardened their neck, and would not hear.

and testified against them, that you might bring them again to your law. Yet they dealt proudly, and didn't listen to your commandments, but sinned against your ordinances, (which if a man does, he shall live in them), turned their backs, stiffened their neck, and would not hear.

and dost testify against them, to bring them back unto Thy law; and they -- they have acted proudly, and have not hearkened to Thy commands, and against Thy judgments have sinned, -- which man doth and hath lived in them -- and they give a refractory shoulder, and their neck have hardened, and have not hearkened.

Nehemia 9:29
Ti i nxisje të ktheheshin në ligjin tënd, por ata bëheshin krenarë dhe nuk u bindeshin urdhërimeve të tua, dhe mëkatonin kundër dekreteve të tua me anën e të cilëve, në qoftë se dikush i zbaton në praktikë, shpëton jetën; hiqnin shpatullat e tyre nga zgjedha, e fortësonin zverkun e tyre dhe kundërshtonin të bindeshin.

ﻧﺤﻤﻴﺎ 9:29
واشهدت عليهم لتردهم الى شريعتك. واما هم فبغوا ولم يسمعوا لوصاياك واخطأوا ضد احكامك التي اذا عملها انسان يحيا بها. واعطوا كتفا معاندة وصلّبوا رقابهم ولم يسمعوا.

Dyr Nehymies 9:29
Du gwarnst ys, dyrmitst ys zo deinn Gsötz zruggbringebst. Aber die warnd ja so stolz; sö glosnd nit auf deine Geboter und gversündignend si gögn deine Vorschriftn; und dennert ist dös s Löbn von dönn, der wo s befolgt. Sö gwenddnd dyr trutzig önn Ruggn zue; starrig warnd s und ungfölgig.

Неемия 9:29
Ти и заявяваше против тях, за да ги обърнеш към закона Си; но те се гордееха и не слушаха Твоите заповеди, но съгрешаваха против съдбите Ти (чрез които, ако ги изпълнява човек, ще живее), и обръщаха към [Тебе] гърба си, и закоравяваха врата си та не слушаха.

尼 希 米 記 9:29
又 警 戒 他 們 , 要 使 他 們 歸 服 你 的 律 法 。 他 們 卻 行 事 狂 傲 , 不 聽 從 你 的 誡 命 , 干 犯 你 的 典 章 ( 人 若 遵 行 就 必 因 此 活 著 ) , 扭 轉 肩 頭 , 硬 著 頸 項 , 不 肯 聽 從 。

又 警 戒 他 们 , 要 使 他 们 归 服 你 的 律 法 。 他 们 却 行 事 狂 傲 , 不 听 从 你 的 诫 命 , 干 犯 你 的 典 章 ( 人 若 遵 行 就 必 因 此 活 着 ) , 扭 转 肩 头 , 硬 着 颈 项 , 不 肯 听 从 。



Nehemiah 9:29
Ali čim bi se smirili, opet su pred tobom zlo činili, a ti si ih puštao u ruke neprijatelja njihovih, koji su ih mučili. I opet su k tebi vapili i ti si ih s neba uslišio: u milosrđu svojem mnogo si ih puta izbavio.

Kinha Nehemiášova 9:29
A napomínals jich, abys je obrátil k zákonu svému, ale oni pyšně sobě počínali, a neposlouchali přikázaní tvých, a proti soudům tvým hřešili, v nichžto, činil-li by je člověk, byl by živ. Nýbrž plece svého uchylujíce, šíji svou zatvrzovali, a neposlouchali.

Nehemias 9:29
Du talede dem alvorligt til for at lede dem tilbage til din Lov, men de var overmodige og vilde ikke høre paa dine Bud, og de syndede mod dine Lovbud, som dog holder det Menneske i Live, der gør efter dem; de vendte i Genstridighed Ryggen til og var halsstarrige og vilde ikke lyde.

Nehemia 9:29
En Gij hebt tegen hen betuigd, om hen te doen wederkeren tot Uw wet; maar zij hebben trotselijk gehandeld, en niet gehoord naar Uw geboden, en tegen Uw rechten, tegen dezelve hebben zij gezondigd, door dewelke een mens, die ze doet, leven zal; en zij hebben hun schouder teruggetogen, en hun nek verhard, en niet gehoord.

נחמיה 9:29
וַתָּ֨עַד בָּהֶ֜ם לַהֲשִׁיבָ֣ם אֶל־תֹּורָתֶ֗ךָ וְהֵ֨מָּה הֵזִ֜ידוּ וְלֹא־שָׁמְע֤וּ לְמִצְוֹתֶ֙יךָ֙ וּבְמִשְׁפָּטֶ֣יךָ חָֽטְאוּ־בָ֔ם אֲשֶׁר־יַעֲשֶׂ֥ה אָדָ֖ם וְחָיָ֣ה בָהֶ֑ם וַיִּתְּנ֤וּ כָתֵף֙ סֹורֶ֔רֶת וְעָרְפָּ֥ם הִקְשׁ֖וּ וְלֹ֥א שָׁמֵֽעוּ׃

כט ותעד בהם להשיבם אל תורתך והמה הזידו ולא שמעו למצותיך ובמשפטיך חטאו בם אשר יעשה אדם וחיה בהם ויתנו כתף סוררת וערפם הקשו ולא שמעו

ותעד בהם להשיבם אל־תורתך והמה הזידו ולא־שמעו למצותיך ובמשפטיך חטאו־בם אשר־יעשה אדם וחיה בהם ויתנו כתף סוררת וערפם הקשו ולא שמעו׃

Nehemiás 9:29
És bizonyságot tevél ellenök, hogy visszatérítsd õket törvényedhez; de õk felfuvalkodának s nem hallgaták parancsolatidat, és végzéseid ellen vétkezének, melyeket ha valaki megtart, él azok által; és makacskodva hátat fordítának, s nyakukat megkeményíték és nem engedelmeskedének.

Neĥemja 9:29
Vi admonis ilin, ke ili returnu sin al Via instruo; sed ili estis malhumilaj kaj ne obeis Viajn ordonojn, ili pekis kontraux Viaj preskriboj, per kies plenumado la homo vivas, ili deturnis sian sxultron, malmoligis sian nukon, kaj ne volis auxskulti.

Ja sinä annoit heille tiettäväksi tehdä, että heidän piti kääntämän itsensä sinun lakis tykö; mutta he olivat ylpiät ja ei totelleet sinun käskyjäs, ja syntiä tekivät sinun tuomiotas vastaan, joita jos ihminen tekee, hän elää niissä; ja he käänsivät hartionsa ja kovensivat niskansa, ja ei totelleet.

Néhémie 9:29
Et tu rendis témoignage contre eux pour les ramener à ta loi; mais ils agirent avec fierté, et n'écoutèrent pas tes commandements, et péchèrent contre tes ordonnances, par lesquelles, s'il les pratique, un homme vivra; et ils opposèrent une épaule revêche, et roidirent leur cou, et n'écoutèrent pas.

Tu les conjuras de revenir à ta loi; et ils persévérèrent dans l'orgueil, ils n'écoutèrent point tes commandements, ils péchèrent contre tes ordonnances, qui font vivre celui qui les met en pratique, ils eurent une épaule rebelle, ils raidirent leur cou, et ils n'obéirent point.

Et tu les as sommés pour les ramener à ta Loi, mais ils se sont fièrement élevés, et n'ont point obéi à tes commandements; mais ils ont péché contre tes ordonnances, lesquelles si l'homme accomplit, il vivra par elles. Ils ont toujours tiré l'épaule en arrière, et ont roidi leur cou, et n'ont pas écouté.

Nehemia 9:29
und ließest sie bezeugen, daß sie sich bekehren sollten zu deinem Gesetz. Aber sie waren stolz und gehorchten deinen Geboten nicht; und sündigten an deinen Rechten (welche so ein Mensch tut, lebet er darinnen) und wandten ihre Schulter weg und wurden halsstarrig und gehorchten nicht.

Und du ließest ihnen bezeugen, daß sie sich bekehren sollten zu deinem Gesetz. Aber sie waren stolz und gehorchten deinen Geboten nicht und sündigten an deinen Rechten (durch welche ein Mensch lebt, so er sie tut) und kehrten dir den Rücken zu und wurden halsstarrig und gehorchten nicht.

Und du verwarntest sie, um sie zu deinem Gesetze zurückzuführen; sie aber waren übermütig und hörten nicht auf deine Gebote und versündigten sich gegen deine Ordnungen, durch die doch leben soll, wer nach ihnen thut. Sie aber kehrten dir widerspenstig den Rücken zu und zeigten sich halsstarrig und gehorchten nicht.

Neemia 9:29
Tu li scongiuravi per farli tornare alla tua legge; ma essi s’inorgoglivano e non ubbidivano ai tuoi comandamenti, peccavano contro le tue prescrizioni che fanno vivere chi le mette in pratica; la loro spalla rifiutava il giogo, essi induravano le loro cervici e non voleano ubbidire.

Ed hai loro protestato, per convertirli alla tua Legge; ma essi sono superbamente proceduti, e non hanno ubbidito a’ tuoi comandamenti, ed hanno peccato contro alle tue leggi, per le quali, chi le metterà ad effetto viverà; e sono stati restii a porger la spalla, ed hanno indurato il lor collo, e non hanno ubbidito.

Tetapi baharu mereka itu beroleh selamat sentosa, maka kembali mereka itu berbuat barang yang jahat kepada pemandangan-Mu, sebab itu Kautinggalkan mereka itu pula dalam kuasa musuhnya, supaya mereka itu diperhambakan olehnya, tetapi pada masa mereka itu bertobat dan kembali berseru kepada-Mu, maka Engkaupun mendengar akan mereka itu dari dalam sorga dan menolong akan mereka itu oleh karena segala rahmat-Mu sampai beberapa berapa zaman.

느헤미아 9:29
다시 주의 율법을 복종하게 하시려고 경계하셨으나 저희가 교만히 행하여 사람이 준행하면 그 가운데서 삶을 얻는 주의 계명을 듣지 아니하며 주의 규례를 범하여 고집하는 어깨를 내어밀며 목을 굳게 하여 듣지 아니하였나이다

Nehemiae 9:29
et contestatus es eos ut reverterentur ad legem tuam ipsi vero superbe egerunt et non audierunt mandata tua et in iudiciis tuis peccaverunt quae faciet homo et vivet in eis et dederunt umerum recedentem et cervicem suam induraverunt nec audierunt

Nehemijo knyga 9:29
Tu perspėdavai juos grįžti prie Tavo įstatymų, tačiau jie elgdavosi išdidžiai ir nepaklusdavo Tavo įsakymams, bet laužė Tavo nuostatus, kuriuos vykdydamas žmogus yra gyvas. Jie atsuko Tau nugarą ir pasiliko užkietėję.

Nehemiah 9:29
I whakaatu tikanga ano koe ki a ratou, kia hoki ai ki tau ture; otiia whakakake ana ratou, kihai hoki i rongo ki au whakahau, na ka hara ki au whakaritenga, he mea hoki enei e ora ai te tangata, ki te mahia e ia; whakahokia ana e ratou te pokohi wi, whakapakeketia ana o ratou kaki, kihai hoki i rongo.

Nehemias 9:29
Du vidnet for dem og vilde omvende dem til din lov; men de var overmodige og hørte ikke på dine bud, de syndet mot dine lover, de som mennesket lever ved når han gjør efter dem; i sin gjenstridighet satte de skulderen imot; de var hårdnakkede og vilde ikke høre.

Nehemías 9:29
Los amonestaste para que volvieran a tu ley, pero ellos obraron con soberbia y no escucharon tus mandamientos, sino que pecaron contra tus ordenanzas, las cuales si el hombre las cumple, por ellas vivirá. Y dieron la espalda en rebeldía, endurecieron su cerviz y no escucharon.

Los amonestaste para que volvieran a Tu ley, Pero ellos obraron con soberbia y no escucharon Tus mandamientos, sino que pecaron contra Tus ordenanzas, Las cuales si el hombre las cumple, por ellas vivirá. Dieron la espalda en rebeldía, fueron tercos y no escucharon.

Y los amonestaste para que volviesen a tu ley; mas ellos fueron soberbios, y no oyeron tus mandamientos, sino que pecaron contra tus juicios, los cuales si el hombre hiciere, en ellos vivirá. Pero ellos dieron la espalda, y endurecieron su cerviz, y no escucharon.

Y protestásteles que se volviesen á tu ley; mas ellos hicieron soberbiamente, y no oyeron tus mandamientos, sino que pecaron contra tus juicios, los cuales si el hombre hiciere, en ellos vivirá; y dieron hombro renitente, y endurecieron su cerviz, y no es

Y les protestaste que se volviesen a tu ley; mas ellos hicieron soberbiamente, y no oyeron tus mandamientos, sino que pecaron contra tus juicios (los cuales si el hombre hiciere, en ellos vivirá); y dieron hombro renitente, y endurecieron su cerviz, y no escucharon.

Neemias 9:29
Tu os advertiste a fim de que retornassem à tua Torá, Lei, no entanto eles insistiram em sua arrogância e desobedeceram aos teus mandamentos. Pecaram contra as tuas ordens expressas, pelas quais o homem vive se lhes obedece de todo o coração. Cheios de teimosia e insensatez te viraram as costas, tornaram-se, portanto, inflexíveis e se negaram a dar-te ouvidos.

e testemunhaste contra eles, para os fazerdes voltar para a tua lei; contudo eles se houveram soberbamente, e não deram ouvidos aos teus mandamentos, mas pecaram contra os teus juízos, pelos quais viverá o homem que os cumprir; viraram o ombro, endureceram a cerviz e não quiseram ouvir.   

Neemia 9:29
I-ai rugat fierbinte să se întoarcă la Legea Ta; dar ei au stăruit în îngîmfarea lor, n'au ascultat de poruncile Tale, au păcătuit împotriva orînduirilor Tale, cari fac viu pe celce le împlineşte, Ţi-au întors spatele cu îndărătnicie, şi-au înţepenit grumazul, şi n'au ascultat.

Неемия 9:29
Ты напоминал им обратиться к закону Твоему, но они упорствовали и не слушали заповедей Твоих, и отклонялись от уставов Твоих, которыми жил бы человек, еслибы исполнял их, и хребет свой сделали упорным, и шею свою держали упруго, и не слушали.

Ты напоминал им обратиться к закону Твоему, но они упорствовали и не слушали заповедей Твоих, и отклонялись от уставов Твоих, которыми жил бы человек, если бы исполнял их, и хребет [свой] сделали упорным, и шею свою держали упруго, и не слушали.[]

Nehemja 9:29
Och du varnade dem och ville omvända dem till din lag; men de voro övermodiga och hörde icke på dina bud, utan syndade mot dina rätter, om vilka det gäller att den människa som gör efter dem får leva genom dem; de spjärnade emot i gensträvighet och voro hårdnackade och ville icke höra.

Nehemiah 9:29
At sumaksi ka laban sa kanila, upang mangaibalik mo sila sa iyong kautusan. Gayon ma'y nagsigawa sila na may kapalaluan, at hindi dininig ang iyong mga utos, kundi nangagkasala laban sa iyong mga kahatulan, (na kung gawin ng isang tao, siya'y mabubuhay sa kanila,) at iniurong ang balikat at nagpatigas ng kanilang leeg, at hindi nangakinig.

เนหะมีย์ 9:29
และพระองค์ทรงตักเตือนเขา เพื่อว่าจะทรงหันเขาให้กลับมาสู่พระราชบัญญัติของพระองค์ แต่เขาก็ยังประพฤติอย่างเย่อหยิ่งอวดดี ไม่ยอมเชื่อฟังพระบัญญัติของพระองค์ แต่ได้กระทำผิดต่อคำตัดสินของพระองค์ (อันเป็นข้อปฏิบัติซึ่งมนุษย์จะดำรงชีพอยู่ได้) และได้หันบ่าดื้อและคอแข็งเข้าสู้และมิได้เชื่อฟัง

Nehemya 9:29
‹‹Onları Kutsal Yasana dönmeleri için uyardınsa da, gurura kapılarak buyruklarına karşı geldiler. Kurallarını çiğneyip günah işlediler. Oysa kim kurallarına bağlı kalırsa yaşam bulur. İnatla sana sırt çevirdiler, dinlemek istemediler.[]

Neâ-heâ-mi 9:29
Chúa cũng làm chứng nghịch cùng chúng, để dẫn dắt chúng trở lại luật pháp của Ngài. Dầu vậy, chúng cư xử cách kiêu ngạo không nghe các điều răn Chúa, phạm đến luật lệ của Chúa, là luật lệ nếu người nào vâng làm theo, tất sẽ được sống; chúng ở chấp nhất, cứng cổ mình, và không khứng nghe theo.

Nehemiah 9:28
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