Nehemiah 9:25
Nehemiah 9:25
They captured fortified cities and fertile land; they took possession of houses filled with all kinds of good things, wells already dug, vineyards, olive groves and fruit trees in abundance. They ate to the full and were well-nourished; they reveled in your great goodness.

Our ancestors captured fortified cities and fertile land. They took over houses full of good things, with cisterns already dug and vineyards and olive groves and fruit trees in abundance. So they ate until they were full and grew fat and enjoyed themselves in all your blessings.

And they captured fortified cities and a rich land, and took possession of houses full of all good things, cisterns already hewn, vineyards, olive orchards and fruit trees in abundance. So they ate and were filled and became fat and delighted themselves in your great goodness.

"They captured fortified cities and a fertile land. They took possession of houses full of every good thing, Hewn cisterns, vineyards, olive groves, Fruit trees in abundance. So they ate, were filled and grew fat, And reveled in Your great goodness.

And they took strong cities, and a fat land, and possessed houses full of all goods, wells digged, vineyards, and oliveyards, and fruit trees in abundance: so they did eat, and were filled, and became fat, and delighted themselves in thy great goodness.

They captured fortified cities and fertile land and took possession of well-supplied houses, cisterns cut out of rock, vineyards, olive groves, and fruit trees in abundance. They ate, were filled, became prosperous, and delighted in Your great goodness.

They conquered fortified cities and fertile ground, possessing houses filled with all kinds of good things, wells already dug, with vineyards, olive orchards, and fruit trees in abundance. So they ate, were satiated, and were well nourished, delighting themselves in your great goodness.

They captured fortified cities and fertile land. They took possession of houses full of all sorts of good things--wells previously dug, vineyards, olive trees, and fruit trees in abundance. They ate until they were full and grew fat. They enjoyed to the full your great goodness.

The Israelites captured fortified cities and a rich land. They took possession of houses filled with all sorts of good things, cisterns, vineyards, olive trees, and plenty of fruit trees. So they ate and were satisfied and grew fat. They enjoyed the vast supply of good things you gave them.

And they took strong cities and fertile land and inherited houses full of all goods, hewn cisterns, vineyards and oliveyards and many trees of good fruit; so they ate and were filled and became fat and delighted themselves in thy great goodness.

And they took strong cities, and a rich land, and possessed houses full of all goods, cisterns hewed out, vineyards, and olive groves, and fruit trees in abundance: so they did eat, and were filled, and became fat, and delighted themselves in your great goodness.

And they took strong cities, and a fat land, and possessed houses full of all goods, wells dig, vineyards, and olive groves, and fruit trees in abundance: so they did eat, and were filled, and became fat, and delighted themselves in your great goodness.

And they took fortified cities, and a fat land, and possessed houses full of all good things, cisterns hewn out, vineyards, and oliveyards, and fruit-trees in abundance: so they did eat, and were filled, and became fat, and delighted themselves in thy great goodness.

And they took strong cities and a fat land, and possessed houses full of all goods: cisterns made by others, vine- yards, and oliveyards, and fruit trees in abundance: and they ate, and were filled, and became fat, and abounded with de- light in thy great goodness.

And they took strong cities, and a fat land, and possessed houses full of all good things, wells digged, vineyards and olive-gardens, and fruit trees in abundance. And they did eat and were filled, and became fat, and delighted themselves in thy great goodness.

And they took fenced cities, and a fat land and possessed houses full of good things, cisterns hewn out, vineyards, and oliveyards, and fruit trees in abundance: so they did eat, and were filled, and became fat, and delighted themselves in thy great goodness.

And they took strong cities, and a fat land, and possessed houses full of all goods, wells digged, vineyards and olive-yards, and fruit trees in abundance: so they ate and were filled, and became fat, and delighted themselves in thy great goodness.

They took fortified cities, and a rich land, and possessed houses full of all good things, cisterns dug out, vineyards, and olive groves, and fruit trees in abundance. So they ate, were filled, became fat, and delighted themselves in your great goodness.

And they capture fenced cities, and fat ground, and possess houses full of all good, digged-wells, vineyards, and olive-yards, and fruit-trees in abundance, and they eat, and are satisfied, and become fat, and delight themselves in Thy great goodness.

Nehemia 9:25
Ata pushtuan qytete të fortifikuara dhe një tokë pjellore dhe hynë në zotërim të shtëpive plot me të mira, të sternave të gatshme, të vreshtave, të ullishteve dhe të pemëve frutore me bollëk; ata hëngrën, u ngopën, u majmën dhe jetuan në gëzim për shkak të mirësisë sate të madhe.

ﻧﺤﻤﻴﺎ 9:25
وأخذوا مدنا حصينة وارضا سمينة وورثوا بيوتا ملآنة كل خير وآبارا محفورة وكروما وزيتونا واشجارا مثمرة بكثرة فأكلوا وشبعوا وسمنوا وتلذذوا بخيرك العظيم

Dyr Nehymies 9:25
Sö gerobernd Mauerstötn und fruchtbars Ackerland. Häuser fielnd ien zue mit kostbare Sachenn drinn, Schargruebnen, Weinleittnen, Öl- und Obstgärtn aau grad gnueg. Sö aassnd si sat, wurdnd faist und rund und gschwelgnd in deine reiche Gaabn.

Неемия 9:25
И те превзеха укрепени градове и плодовита земя; и притежаваха къщи пълни с всякакви блага, изкопани кладенци, лозя, маслини, и множество плодовити дървета; така те ядоха и се наситиха, затлъстяха, и се насладиха с Твоята голяма благост.

尼 希 米 記 9:25
他 們 得 了 堅 固 的 城 邑 、 肥 美 的 地 土 、 充 滿 各 樣 美 物 的 房 屋 、 鑿 成 的 水 井 、 葡 萄 園 、 橄 欖 園 , 並 許 多 果 木 樹 。 他 們 就 吃 而 得 飽 , 身 體 肥 胖 , 因 你 的 大 恩 , 心 中 快 樂 。

他 们 得 了 坚 固 的 城 邑 、 肥 美 的 地 土 、 充 满 各 样 美 物 的 房 屋 、 凿 成 的 水 井 、 葡 萄 园 、 橄 榄 园 , 并 许 多 果 木 树 。 他 们 就 吃 而 得 饱 , 身 体 肥 胖 , 因 你 的 大 恩 , 心 中 快 乐 。



Nehemiah 9:25
Sinovi su ušli i pokorili zemlju, a ti si pred njima svladao stanovnike zemlje, Kanaance, i predao si u ruke njihove kraljeve i narode zemlje da rade s njima što ih je volja;

Kinha Nehemiášova 9:25
A tak vzali města hrazená i pole úrodná, a dědičně ujali domy plné všeho dobrého, studnice vykopané, vinice a olivoví, i stromoví ovoce nesoucí velmi mnohé. I jedli, a nasyceni jsouce, vytyli, a v dobrodiní tvém hojném rozkoší oplývali.

Nehemias 9:25
De indtog befæstede Byer og frugtbart Land, og Huse, fulde af alle Slags Goder, tog de i Besiddelse og udhugne Cisterner, Vingaarde, Oliventræer og Frugttræer i Mængde; og de spiste sig mætte og blev fede og gjorde sig til gode med dine store Rigdomme.

Nehemia 9:25
En zij hebben vaste steden en een vet land ingenomen, en erfelijk bezeten, huizen, vol van alle goed, uitgehouwen bornputten, wijngaarden, olijfgaarden en bomen van spijze, in menigte; en zij hebben gegeten, en zijn zat en vet geworden, en hebben in wellust geleefd, door Uw grote goedigheid.

נחמיה 9:25
וַֽיִּלְכְּד֞וּ עָרִ֣ים בְּצֻרֹות֮ וַאֲדָמָ֣ה שְׁמֵנָה֒ וַיִּֽירְשׁ֡וּ בָּתִּ֣ים מְלֵֽאִים־כָּל־ט֠וּב בֹּרֹ֨ות חֲצוּבִ֜ים כְּרָמִ֧ים וְזֵיתִ֛ים וְעֵ֥ץ מַאֲכָ֖ל לָרֹ֑ב וַיֹּאכְל֤וּ וַֽיִּשְׂבְּעוּ֙ וַיַּשְׁמִ֔ינוּ וַיִּֽתְעַדְּנ֖וּ בְּטוּבְךָ֥ הַגָּדֹֽול׃

כה וילכדו ערים בצורת ואדמה שמנה ויירשו בתים מלאים כל טוב ברות חצובים כרמים וזיתים ועץ מאכל לרב ויאכלו וישבעו וישמינו ויתעדנו בטובך הגדול

וילכדו ערים בצרות ואדמה שמנה ויירשו בתים מלאים־כל־טוב ברות חצובים כרמים וזיתים ועץ מאכל לרב ויאכלו וישבעו וישמינו ויתעדנו בטובך הגדול׃

Nehemiás 9:25
És megvevének erõs városokat és kövér földet, s elfoglalának minden jóval teljes házakat, kõbõl vágott kutakat, szõlõs és olajfás kerteket és sok gyümölcsfát, s evének és megelégedének és meghízának, s gyönyörködének a te nagy jóvoltodban.

Neĥemja 9:25
Kaj ili venkoprenis urbojn fortikigitajn kaj teron grasan, kaj ili ekposedis domojn plenajn de cxio bona, putojn elhakitajn en sxtonoj, vinbergxardenojn kaj olivgxardenojn, kaj multajn mangxajxdonajn arbojn. Kaj ili mangxis, satigxis, grasigxis, kaj gxuis, dank� al Via granda boneco.

Ja he voittivat vahvat kaupungit ja lihavan maan, ja omistivat huoneet täynnä kaikkinaista viljaa, vuojonkivisiä kaivoja, viinamäkiä ja öljymäkiä ja paljon hedelmällisiä puita. Ja he söivät ja ravittiin, ja lihoivat, ja elivät herkullisesti sinun suuresta hyvyydestäs.

Néhémie 9:25
Et ils prirent des villes fortifiées, et un pays gras, et ils possédèrent des maisons pleines de tout bien, des puits creusés, des vignes et des oliviers, et des arbres fruitiers en abondance; et ils mangèrent, et furent rassasiés, et s'engraissèrent; et ils vécurent dans les délices par ta grande bonté.

Ils devinrent maîtres de villes fortifiées et de terres fertiles; ils possédèrent des maisons remplies de toutes sortes de biens, des citernes creusées, des vignes, des oliviers, et des arbres fruitiers en abondance; ils mangèrent, ils se rassasièrent, ils s'engraissèrent, et ils vécurent dans les délices par ta grande bonté.

De sorte qu'ils prirent les villes fermées et la terre grasse, et possédèrent les maisons pleines de tous biens, les puits qu'on avait creusés, les vignes, les oliviers, et les arbres fruitiers en abondance, desquels ils ont mangé, et ont été rassasiés; ils ont été engraissés, et ils se sont délicieusement traités de tes grands biens.

Nehemia 9:25
Und sie gewannen feste Städte und ein fett Land und nahmen Häuser ein, voll allerlei Güter, ausgehauene Brunnen, Weinberge, Ölgärten und Bäume, davon man isset, die Menge; und aßen und wurden satt und fett und lebten in Wollust durch deine große Güte.

Und sie gewannen feste Städte und ein fettes Land und nahmen Häuser ein voll allerlei Güter, ausgehauene Brunnen, Weinberge, Ölgärten und Bäume, davon man ißt, die Menge, und sie aßen und wurden satt und fett und lebten in Wonne durch deine große Güte.

Und sie eroberten befestigte Städte und fettes Land und nahmen Häuser in Besitz, die mit allerlei Gut angefüllt waren, sowie ausgehauene Brunnen, Weinberge und Ölgärten und Obstbäume in Menge. Da aßen sie und wurden satt und fett und schwelgten in deiner großen Segensfülle.

Neemia 9:25
Ed essi s’impadronirono di città fortificate e d’una terra fertile, e possedettero case piene d’ogni bene, cisterne bell’e scavate, vigne, uliveti, alberi fruttiferi in abbondanza, e mangiarono e si saziarono e ingrassarono e vissero in delizie, per la tua gran bontà.

Talchè presero delle città forti, ed un paese grasso; e possedettero case piene d’ogni bene, pozzi cavati, vigne, uliveti, ed alberi fruttiferi, in abbondanza; e mangiarono, e si saziarono, e s’ingrassarono, e vissero in delizie per li tuoi gran beni.

Demikianlah segala anaknyapun sudah masuk ke dalam negeri itu dan sudah beroleh dia akan bahagian pusaka, dan Engkaupun sudah menaklukkan segala orang isi negeri itu, yaitu orang Kanani, di hadapan mereka itu dan Engkau sudah menyerahkan dia kepada tangan mereka itu serta dengan segala rajanya dan segala bangsa negeri itu, supaya diperbuatnya akan dia barang kehendak hati mereka itu.

느헤미아 9:25
저희가 견고한 성들과 기름진 땅을 취하고 모든 아름다운 물건을 채운 집과 파서 만든 우물과 포도원과 감람원과 허다한 과목을 차지하여 배불리 먹어 살지고 주의 큰 복을 즐겼사오나

Nehemiae 9:25
ceperunt itaque urbes munitas et humum pinguem et possederunt domos plenas cunctis bonis cisternas ab aliis fabricatas vineas et oliveta et ligna pomifera multa et comederunt et saturati sunt et inpinguati sunt et abundavere deliciis in bonitate tua magna

Nehemijo knyga 9:25
Jie paėmė sutvirtintus miestus, derlingą žemę, pasisavino jų namus, pilnus gėrybių, ir iškastus šulinius, vynuogynus, alyvmedžių sodus ir vaismedžių daugybę. Jie valgė, pasisotino ir pralobo. Jie džiaugėsi Tavo didžiu gerumu.

Nehemiah 9:25
Na kua riro i a ratou nga pa kaha, me te oneone momona, kua whiwhi ano ki nga whare e ki tonu ana i nga mea papai katoa, ki nga poka wai kua oti te keri, ki nga mara waina, oriwa, ki nga rakau hei kai, tona tini; a kai ana ratou, ka makona, kua whai kiko, a koa ana ratou ki te nui o au mea pai.

Nehemias 9:25
De inntok faste byer og vant sig fruktbar jord og tok huser til eie som var fulle av alle gode ting, og uthugne brønner, vingårder og oljetrær og frukttrær i mengde; og de åt og blev mette og fete og gjorde sig til gode ved din store godhet.

Nehemías 9:25
Y capturaron ciudades fortificadas y una tierra fértil. Tomaron posesión de casas llenas de toda cosa buena, cisternas excavadas, viñas y olivares, y árboles frutales en abundancia. Y comieron, se saciaron, engordaron y se deleitaron en tu gran bondad.

Capturaron ciudades fortificadas y una tierra fértil. Tomaron posesión de casas llenas de toda cosa buena, Cisternas excavadas, viñas y olivares, Y árboles frutales en abundancia. Comieron, se saciaron, engordaron Y se deleitaron en tu gran bondad.

Y tomaron ciudades fortificadas y tierra fértil, y heredaron casas llenas de todo bien, cisternas hechas, viñas y olivares, y muchos árboles de comer; y comieron y se saciaron, se engordaron y se deleitaron en tu gran bondad.

Y tomaron ciudades fortalecidas, y tierra pingüe, y heredaron casas llenas de todo bien, cisternas hechas, viñas y olivares, y muchos árboles de comer; y comieron, y hartáronse, y engrosáronse, y deleitáronse en tu grande bondad.

Y tomaron ciudades fortalecidas, y tierra fértil, y heredaron casas llenas de todo bien, cisternas hechas, viñas y olivares, y muchos árboles de buenos frutos; y comieron, y se saciaron, y se engordaron, y se deleitaron en tu gran bondad.

Neemias 9:25
Conquistaram cidades fortes e terra fértil e tomaram casas repletas de toda espécie bens e provisões, cisternas já cavadas, vinhas e olivais e muitas árvores frutíferas. Assim, eles comeram, fartaram-se e engordaram, e aproveitaram todas as coisas boas que lhes deste pela tua incomensurável bondade.

Tomaram cidades fortificadas e uma terra fértil, e possuíram casas cheias de toda sorte de coisas boas, cisternas cavadas, vinhas e olivais, e árvores frutíferas em abundância; comeram, pois, fartaram-se e engordaram, e viveram em delícias, pela tua grande bondade.   

Neemia 9:25
Au ajuns stăpîni pe cetăţi întărite şi pe pămînturi roditoare; au stăpînit case pline de tot felul de bunătăţi, puţuri săpate, vii, măslini, şi pomi roditori din belşug; au mîncat, s'au săturat, s'au îngrăşat, şi au trăit în desfătări, prin bunătatea Ta cea mare.

Неемия 9:25
И заняли они укрепленные города и тучную землю, и взяли во владение домы, наполненные всяким добром, водоемы, высеченные из камня , виноградныеи масличные сады и множество дерев с плодами для пищи. Они ели,насыщались, тучнели и наслаждались по великой благости Твоей;

И заняли они укрепленные города и тучную землю, и взяли во владение домы, наполненные всяким добром, водоемы, высеченные [из камня], виноградные и масличные сады и множество дерев [с плодами] для пищи. Они ели, насыщались, тучнели и наслаждались по великой благости Твоей;[]

Nehemja 9:25
Och de intogo befästa städer och ett bördigt land och kommo i besittning av hus, fulla med allt gott, och av uthuggna brunnar, vingårdar, olivplanteringar och fruktträd i myckenhet; och de åto och blevo mätta och feta och gjorde sig glada dagar av ditt myckna goda.

Nehemiah 9:25
At sila'y nagsisakop ng mga bayan na nakukutaan, at ng matabang lupain, at nangagari ng mga bahay na puno ng lahat na mabubuting bagay, ng mga balon na hinukay, ng mga ubasan, at ng mga olibohan, at ng mga punong kahoy na may bungang sagana: na anopa't sila'y nagsikain, at nangabusog, at naging mataba, at nangaaliw sa iyong malaking kagandahang loob.

เนหะมีย์ 9:25
และเขาจึงเข้ายึดหัวเมืองที่มีป้อม และแผ่นดินอุดม และถือกรรมสิทธิ์เรือนซึ่งเต็มด้วยของดีทั้งปวง ทั้งที่ขังน้ำซึ่งสกัดไว้ สวนองุ่น สวนมะกอกเทศ และต้นผลไม้มากมาย เขาจึงได้กินอิ่มจนอ้วน และปีติยินดีในพระคุณยิ่งของพระองค์

Nehemya 9:25
Surlu kentler, verimli topraklar ele geçirdiler. Güzel eşyalarla dolu evlere, kazılmış sarnıçlara, bağlara, zeytinliklere, çok sayıda meyve ağacına sahip oldular. Yediler, doydular, beslendiler ve onlara yaptığın büyük iyiliklere sevindiler.[]

Neâ-heâ-mi 9:25
Họ chiếm lấy những thành bền vững, và ruộng đất mầu mỡ, được những nhà đầy các vật tốt lành, nhưng giếng đào, vườn nho, vườn ô-li-ve, và cây trái rất nhiều; chúng ăn, bèn được no nê, và mập béo, vui lòng trong sự nhân từ lớn lao của Chúa.

Nehemiah 9:24
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