Nehemiah 8:3
Nehemiah 8:3
He read it aloud from daybreak till noon as he faced the square before the Water Gate in the presence of the men, women and others who could understand. And all the people listened attentively to the Book of the Law.

He faced the square just inside the Water Gate from early morning until noon and read aloud to everyone who could understand. All the people listened closely to the Book of the Law.

And he read from it facing the square before the Water Gate from early morning until midday, in the presence of the men and the women and those who could understand. And the ears of all the people were attentive to the Book of the Law.

He read from it before the square which was in front of the Water Gate from early morning until midday, in the presence of men and women, those who could understand; and all the people were attentive to the book of the law.

And he read therein before the street that was before the water gate from the morning until midday, before the men and the women, and those that could understand; and the ears of all the people were attentive unto the book of the law.

While he was facing the square in front of the Water Gate, he read out of it from daybreak until noon before the men, the women, and those who could understand. All the people listened attentively to the book of the law.

Ezra read from it, facing the plaza in front of the Water Gate, from early in the morning until mid-day in the presence of the men and women, as well as all who could understand. All the people were attentive to the Book of the Law.

So he read it before the plaza in front of the Water Gate from dawn till noon before the men and women and those children who could understand. All the people were eager to hear the book of the law.

From daybreak until noon, he read from it in the courtyard in front of Water Gate to the men, women, and [children] who could understand it. All the people listened to the Book of Moses' Teachings.

And he read in the book before the plaza that was before the water gate from the morning until midday, before the men and the women, and those that could understand; and the ears of all the people were attentive unto the book of the law.

And he read in it facing the square that was before the water gate from the morning until midday, before the men and the women, and those that could understand; and the ears of all the people were attentive unto the book of the law.

And he read therein before the street that was before the water gate from the morning until midday, before the men and the women, and those that could understand; and the ears of all the people were attentive to the book of the law.

And he read therein before the broad place that was before the water gate from early morning until midday, in the presence of the men and the women, and of those that could understand; and the ears of all the people were attentive unto the book of the law.

And he read it plainly in the street that was before the water gate, from the morning until midday, before the men, and the women, and all those that could understand: and the ears of all the people were attentive to the book.

And he read in it before the open place that was before the water-gate from the morning until midday, in presence of the men and the women, and those that could understand. And the ears of all the people were attentive to the book of the law.

And he read therein before the broad place that was before the water gate from early morning until midday, in the presence of the men and the women, and of those that could understand; and the ears of all the people were attentive unto the book of the law.

And he read therein before the street that was before the water-gate from the morning until mid-day, before the men and the women, and those that could understand; and the ears of all the people were attentive to the book of the law.

He read therein before the broad place that was before the water gate from early morning until midday, in the presence of the men and the women, and of those who could understand; and the ears of all the people were [attentive] to the book of the law.

and he readeth in it before the broad place that is before the water-gate, from the light till the middle of the day, over-against the men, and the women, and those intelligent, and the ears of all the people are unto the book of the law.

Nehemia 8:3
Pastaj e lexoi në sheshin që ndodhet përpara portës së Ujërave, nga agimi deri në mesditë përpara burrave, grave dhe atyre që ishin të aftë të kuptonin; dhe veshët e të gjithë popullit ndiqnin me vëmendje librin e ligjit.

ﻧﺤﻤﻴﺎ 8:3
وقرأ فيها امام الساحة التي امام باب الماء من الصباح الى نصف النهار امام الرجال والنساء والفاهمين وكانت آذان كل الشعب نحو سفر الشريعة.

Dyr Nehymies 8:3
Von aller Frueh hinst Mittag laas dyr Esren auf n Wassertoorplaz aus n Gsötz vür, yn Mannen und Weiber, halt allsand, wo s verstuenddnd. Dös gantze Volk war voller Andacht mit dyrbei.

Неемия 8:3
И на площада, който бе пред портата на водата, той чете от него, от зори до пладне, пред мъжете и жените и ония, които можеха да разбират; и вниманието на всичките люде беше в книгата на закона.

尼 希 米 記 8:3
在 水 門 前 的 寬 闊 處 , 從 清 早 到 晌 午 , 在 眾 男 女 、 一 切 聽 了 能 明 白 的 人 面 前 讀 這 律 法 書 。 眾 民 側 耳 而 聽 。

在 水 门 前 的 宽 阔 处 , 从 清 早 到 晌 午 , 在 众 男 女 、 一 切 听 了 能 明 白 的 人 面 前 读 这 律 法 书 。 众 民 侧 耳 而 听 。



Nehemiah 8:3
Na trgu koji je pred Vodenim vratima počeo je čitati knjigu, od ranoga jutra do podneva, pred ljudima, ženama i pred onima koji su bili zreli. Sav je narod pozorno slušao knjigu Zakona.

Kinha Nehemiášova 8:3
I četl v něm na té ulici, kteráž jest proti bráně vodné, od jitra až do poledne, při přítomnosti mužů i žen, i kteřížkoli rozuměti mohli. A uši všeho lidu obráceny byly k knize zákona.

Nehemias 8:3
og vendt mod den aabne Plads foran Vandporten læste han den op fra Daggry til Middag for Mændene, Kvinderne og dem, der kunde fatte det, og alt Folket lyttede til Lovbogens Ord.

Nehemia 8:3
En Ezra, de priester, bracht de wet voor de gemeente, beiden mannen en vrouwen, en allen, die verstandig waren om te horen, op den eersten dag der zevende maand.

נחמיה 8:3
וַיִּקְרָא־בֹו֩ לִפְנֵ֨י הָרְחֹ֜וב אֲשֶׁ֣ר ׀ לִפְנֵ֣י שַֽׁעַר־הַמַּ֗יִם מִן־הָאֹור֙ עַד־מַחֲצִ֣ית הַיֹּ֔ום נֶ֛גֶד הָאֲנָשִׁ֥ים וְהַנָּשִׁ֖ים וְהַמְּבִינִ֑ים וְאָזְנֵ֥י כָל־הָעָ֖ם אֶל־סֵ֥פֶר הַתֹּורָֽה׃

ג ויקרא בו לפני הרחוב אשר לפני שער המים מן האור עד מחצית היום--נגד האנשים והנשים והמבינים ואזני כל העם אל ספר התורה

ויקרא־בו לפני הרחוב אשר ׀ לפני שער־המים מן־האור עד־מחצית היום נגד האנשים והנשים והמבינים ואזני כל־העם אל־ספר התורה׃

Nehemiás 8:3
És olvasa abból a piaczon, mely a vizek kapuja elõtt vala, kora reggeltõl fogva mind délig, a férfiak és az asszonyok elõtt és mindazok elõtt, a kik azt érthetik vala, mivel az egész nép nagy figyelemmel hallgatá a törvényt.

Neĥemja 8:3
Kaj li legis el gxi sur la placo, kiu estas antaux la Pordego de la Akvo, de la tagigxo gxis la tagmezo, antaux la viroj kaj virinoj kaj komprenpovantoj; kaj la oreloj de la tuta popolo estis turnitaj al la libro de instruo.

Ja hän luki siitä kadulla Vesiportin edessä aamusta hamaan puolipäivään asti miesten ja vaimoin edessä, ja jokaisen joka ymmärtää taisi; ja kaiken kansan korvat olivat lakikirjaan käännetyt.

Néhémie 8:3
Et il y lut devant la place qui est devant la porte des eaux, depuis l'aube jusqu'à midi, en présence des hommes et des femmes, et de ceux qui avaient de l'intelligence. Et tout le peuple prêtait l'oreille au livre de la loi.

Esdras lut dans le livre depuis le matin jusqu'au milieu du jour, sur la place qui est devant la porte des eaux, en présence des hommes et des femmes et de ceux qui étaient capables de l'entendre. Tout le peuple fut attentif à la lecture du livre de la loi.

Et il lut au Livre, dans la place qui [était] devant la porte des eaux, depuis l'aube du jour jusqu'à midi, en la présence des hommes, et des femmes, et de ceux qui étaient capables d'entendre; et les oreilles de tout le peuple étaient attentives à la lecture du Livre de la Loi.

Nehemia 8:3
und las drinnen auf der breiten Gasse, die vor dem Wassertor ist, von licht Morgen an bis auf den Mittag, vor Mann und Weib und wer es vernehmen konnte. Und des ganzen Volks Ohren waren zu dem Gesetzbuch gekehrt.

und las daraus auf der breiten Gasse, die vor dem Wassertor ist, vom lichten Morgen an bis auf den Mittag, vor Mann und Weib und wer's vernehmen konnte. Und des ganzen Volkes Ohren waren zu dem Gesetz gekehrt.

Und er las daraus vor, angesichts des freien Platzes vor dem Wasserthore, von Tagesanbruch bis zum Mittag, in Gegenwart der Männer und der Weiber und derer von den Kindern, die es verstehen konnten, indem die Ohren von ganz Israel auf das Buch des Gesetzes gerichtet waren.

Neemia 8:3
E lesse il libro sulla piazza ch’è davanti alla porta delle Acque, dalla mattina presto fino a mezzogiorno, in presenza degli uomini, delle donne, e di quelli ch’eran capaci d’intendere; e tutto il popolo teneva tese le orecchie a sentire il libro della legge.

Ed egli lesse nel Libro, in capo della piazza che è davanti alla porta delle acque, dallo schiarir del giorno fino a mezzodì, in presenza degli uomini, delle donne, e di coloro ch’erano in età di conoscimento; e gli orecchi di tutto il popolo erano intenti al libro della Legge.

Maka imam Ezrapun membawalah akan kitab Taurat itu ke hadapan perhimpunan itu, baik laki-laki baik perempuan dan segala orang yang cukup akalnya akan mendengar, yaitu pada sehari bulan yang ketujuh.

느헤미아 8:3
수문 앞 광장에서 새벽부터 오정까지 남자, 여자 무릇 알아 들을 만한 자의 앞에서 읽으매 뭇백성이 그 율법책에 귀를 기울였는데

Nehemiae 8:3
et legit in eo aperte in platea quae erat ante portam Aquarum de mane usque ad mediam diem in conspectu virorum et mulierum et sapientium et aures omnis populi erant erectae ad librum

Nehemijo knyga 8:3
Jis skaitė iš knygos aikštėje prie Vandens vartų nuo ankstyvo ryto iki vidudienio vyrams, moterims ir visiems suprantantiems; visų dėmesys buvo nukreiptas į įstatymą.

Nehemiah 8:3
A ka korerotia e ia i te marae i te kuwaha wai, i te ata iho a taea noatia a waenganui o te ra, i te aroaro o nga tane, o nga wahine, o te hunga whai whakaaro; na tau tonu mai nga taringa o te iwi katoa ki te pukapuka o te ture.

Nehemias 8:3
Og han leste op av den midt for plassen foran Vannporten fra tidlig morgen til midt på dagen - for mennene og kvinnene og dem som kunde forstå; og alt folket lyttet til lovbokens ord.

Nehemías 8:3
Y leyó en el libro frente a la plaza que estaba delante de la puerta de las Aguas, desde el amanecer hasta el mediodía, en presencia de hombres y mujeres y de los que podían entender; y los oídos de todo el pueblo estaban atentos al libro de la ley.

Y leyó en el libro frente a la plaza que estaba delante de la Puerta de las Aguas, desde el amanecer hasta el mediodía, en presencia de hombres y mujeres y de los que podían entender; y los oídos de todo el pueblo estaban atentos al Libro de la Ley.

Y leyó en el libro delante de la plaza que está delante de la puerta de las Aguas, desde el alba hasta el mediodía, en presencia de hombres y mujeres y entendidos; y los oídos de todo el pueblo estaban atentos al libro de la ley.

Y leyó en el libro delante de la plaza que está delante de la puerta de las Aguas, desde el alba hasta el medio día, en presencia de hombres y mujeres y entendidos; y los oídos de todo el pueblo estaban atentos al libro de la ley.

Y leyó en el libro delante de la plaza que está delante de la puerta de las Aguas, desde el alba hasta el mediodía, en presencia de varones y mujeres y entendidos; y los oídos de todo el pueblo estaban atentos al libro de la ley.

Neemias 8:3
Ele leu a Torá, Lei, com grande voz, de frente para a praça, em frente ao portal das Águas, na presença de todos os homens, mulheres e crianças que já tinham idade para compreender.

E leu nela diante da praça que está fronteira à porta das águas, desde a alva até o meio-dia, na presença dos homens e das mulheres, e dos que podiam entender; e os ouvidos de todo o povo estavam atentos ao livro da lei.   

Neemia 8:3
Ezra a citit în carte de dimineaţă pînă la amează, pe locul deschis dinaintea porţii apelor, în faţa bărbaţilor şi femeilor şi în faţa celor ce erau în stare s'o înţeleagă. Tot poporul a fost cu luare aminte la cetirea cărţii Legii.

Неемия 8:3
и читал из него на площади, которая пред Водяными воротами, от рассвета до полудня, пред мужчинами и женщинами и всеми, которые могли понимать; и уши всего народа были приклонены к книге закона.

и читал из него на площади, которая пред Водяными воротами, от рассвета до полудня, пред мужчинами и женщинами и всеми, которые могли понимать; и уши всего народа [были приклонены] к книге закона.[]

Nehemja 8:3
Och han föreläste därur vid den öppna platsen framför Vattenporten, från dagningen till middagen, för män och kvinnor, dem som kunde förstå det; och allt folket lyssnade till lagboken.

Nehemiah 8:3
At binasa niya roon sa harap ng luwal na dako na nasa harap ng pintuang-bayan ng tubig, mula sa madaling araw hanggang sa katanghaliang tapat sa harapan ng mga lalake at mga babae, at ng makakaalam: at ang mga pakinig ng buong bayan ay nakikinig sa aklat ng kautusan.

เนหะมีย์ 8:3
และท่านหันหน้าไปทางถนนซึ่งอยู่หน้าประตูน้ำ อ่านตั้งแต่เช้าตรู่จนเที่ยงวัน ต่อหน้าผู้ชายผู้หญิงกับบรรดาผู้ที่ฟังเข้าใจได้ และประชาชนก็ตะแคงหูฟังหนังสือพระราชบัญญัติ

Nehemya 8:3
Ezra Su Kapısının karşısındaki alanda kadınların, erkeklerin ve anlayabilecek yaştaki çocukların önünde, sabahtan öğlene kadar Yasa Kitabını okudu. Herkes dikkatle dinledi.[]

Neâ-heâ-mi 8:3
Người đứng tại phố ở trước cửa Nước, đọc trong quyển ấy từ rạng đông cho đến trưa, có mặt các người nam và nữ, cùng những kẻ có thể hiểu được. Cả dân sự lắng tai nghe đọc sách luật pháp.

Nehemiah 8:2
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