Nehemiah 3:16
Nehemiah 3:16
Beyond him, Nehemiah son of Azbuk, ruler of a half-district of Beth Zur, made repairs up to a point opposite the tombs of David, as far as the artificial pool and the House of the Heroes.

Next to him was Nehemiah son of Azbuk, the leader of half the district of Beth-zur. He rebuilt the wall from a place across from the tombs of David's family as far as the water reservoir and the House of the Warriors.

After him Nehemiah the son of Azbuk, ruler of half the district of Beth-zur, repaired to a point opposite the tombs of David, as far as the artificial pool, and as far as the house of the mighty men.

After him Nehemiah the son of Azbuk, official of half the district of Beth-zur, made repairs as far as a point opposite the tombs of David, and as far as the artificial pool and the house of the mighty men.

After him repaired Nehemiah the son of Azbuk, the ruler of the half part of Bethzur, unto the place over against the sepulchres of David, and to the pool that was made, and unto the house of the mighty.

After him Nehemiah son of Azbuk, ruler over half the district of Beth-zur, made repairs up to a point opposite the tombs of David, as far as the artificial pool and the House of the Warriors.

Next to him Azbuk's son Nehemiah, ruling official of half of the Beth-zur district, carried on repairs as far as the tombs of David, then to the artificial pool that had been installed there, and then as far as the military barracks.

Nehemiah son of Azbuk, head of a half-district of Beth Zur, worked after him as far as the tombs of David and the artificial pool and the House of the Warriors.

After him Nehemiah, Azbuk's son, the official in charge of half the district of Beth Zur, made repairs all the way to a point across from the tombs of David as far as the pool and the soldiers' barracks.

After him restored Nehemiah, the son of Azbuk, the prince of half the region of Bethzur, unto the place over against the sepulchres of David and to the pool that was made and unto the house of the mighty.

After him repaired Nehemiah the son of Azbuk, the ruler of the half district of Beth-zur, unto the place opposite the sepulchers of David, and to the pool that was man made, and unto the house of the mighty men.

After him repaired Nehemiah the son of Azbuk, the ruler of the half part of Bethzur, to the place over against the sepulchers of David, and to the pool that was made, and to the house of the mighty.

After him repaired Nehemiah the son of Azbuk, the ruler of half the district of Beth-zur, unto the place over against the sepulchres of David, and unto the pool that was made, and unto the house of the mighty men.

After him built Nehemias the son of Azboc, lord of half the street of Bethsur, as far as over against the sepulchre of David, and to the pool, that was built with great labour, and to the house of the mighty.

After him repaired Nehemiah the son of Azbuk, the chief of the half district of Beth-zur, even over against the sepulchres of David, and to the pool that was made, and to the house of the mighty men.

After him repaired Nehemiah the son of Azbuk, the ruler of half the district of Beth-zur, unto the place over against the sepulchres of David, and unto the pool that was made, and unto the house of the mighty men.

After him repaired Nehemiah the son of Azbuk, the ruler of the half part of Beth-zur, to the place over against the sepulchers of David, and to the pool that was made, and to the house of the mighty.

After him repaired Nehemiah the son of Azbuk, the ruler of half the district of Beth Zur, to the place over against the tombs of David, and to the pool that was made, and to the house of the mighty men.

After him hath Nehemiah son of Azbuk, head of the half of the district of Beth-Zur, strengthened, unto over-against the graves of David, and unto the pool that is made, and unto the house of the mighty ones.

Nehemia 3:16
Pas tij Nehemia, bir i Azbukut, kryetar i gjysmës së rrethit të Beth-Zurit, punoi për riparimet deri përpara varreve të Davidit, deri te pishina artificiale dhe deri te shtëpia e Trimave.

ﻧﺤﻤﻴﺎ 3:16
وبعده رمم نحميا بن عزبوق رئيس نصف دائرة بيت صور الى مقابل قبور داود والى البركة المصنوعة والى بيت الجبابرة.

Dyr Nehymies 3:16
Naach iem garechtt dyr Nehymies Äsbucksun, dyr Haauptman von ainn von de zween Bett-Zurer Bezirk. Er kaam umhin hinst gögnüber von de Dafetngräber und weiter hinst eyn n Stainweiher und eyn d Leibwachwapff.

Неемия 3:16
След него поправяше Неемия Азвуковият син, началник на половината от Вет-сурския окръг, до мястото срещу Давидовите гробища, и до направения водоем, и до къщата на силните мъже.

尼 希 米 記 3:16
其 次 是 管 理 伯 夙 一 半 、 押 卜 的 兒 子 尼 希 米 修 造 , 直 到 大 衛 墳 地 的 對 面 , 又 到 挖 成 的 池 子 , 並 勇 士 的 房 屋 。

其 次 是 管 理 伯 夙 一 半 、 押 卜 的 儿 子 尼 希 米 修 造 , 直 到 大 卫 坟 地 的 对 面 , 又 到 挖 成 的 池 子 , 并 勇 士 的 房 屋 。



Nehemiah 3:16
Za njim je popravljao Nehemija, sin Azbukov, glavar nad polovicom betsurskog okruga, sve do nasuprot Davidovim grobnicama i do umjetnog ribnjaka i Vojarne.

Kinha Nehemiášova 3:16
Za ním opravoval Nehemiáš syn Azbukův, hejtman nad polovici kraje Betsur, až naproti hrobům Davidovým, a až k rybníku udělanému, až k domu silných.

Nehemias 3:16
Efter ham arbejdede Øversten over den ene Halvdel af Bet-Zurs Omraade, Nehemja, Azbuks Søn, hen til Pladsen ud for Davids Grave, til den udgravede Dam og til Kærnetroppernes Hus.

Nehemia 3:16
Na hem verbeterde Nehemia, de zoon van Azbuk, overste van het halve deel van Beth-Zur, tot tegenover Davids graven, en tot aan den gemaakten vijver, en tot aan het huis der helden.

נחמיה 3:16
אַחֲרָ֤יו הֶחֱזִיק֙ נְחֶמְיָ֣ה בֶן־עַזְבּ֔וּק שַׂ֕ר חֲצִ֖י פֶּ֣לֶךְ בֵּֽית־צ֑וּר עַד־נֶ֙גֶד֙ קִבְרֵ֣י דָוִ֔יד וְעַד־הַבְּרֵכָה֙ הָעֲשׂוּיָ֔ה וְעַ֖ד בֵּ֥ית הַגִּבֹּרִֽים׃ ס

טז אחריו החזיק נחמיה בן עזבוק שר חצי פלך בית צור--עד נגד קברי דויד ועד הברכה העשויה ועד בית הגברים  {ס}

אחריו החזיק נחמיה בן־עזבוק שר חצי פלך בית־צור עד־נגד קברי דויד ועד־הברכה העשויה ועד בית הגברים׃ ס

Nehemiás 3:16
Õ utána javítgata Nehémiás, Azbuk fia, Béth-Sur tartománya felének fejedelme, a Dávid sírjai ellenébe való helyig, és az [újonnan] készült tóig, és a vitézek házáig.

Neĥemja 3:16
Post li konstruis Nehxemja, filo de Azbuk, estro de duondistrikto de Bet-Cur, gxis la loko kontraux la tomboj de David kaj gxis la farita lageto kaj gxis la Domo de Herooj.

Hänen vieressänsä rakensi Nehemia Asbukin poika, puolen Betsuurin päämies, aina Davidin hautain kohdalle, ja kaivettuun lammikkoon asti väkeväin huoneeseen asti.

Néhémie 3:16
Après lui Néhémie, fils d'Azbuk, chef de la moitié du district de Beth-Tsur, répara jusque vis-à-vis des sépulcres de David, et jusqu'à l'étang qui avait été fait, et jusqu'à la maison des hommes forts.

Après lui Néhémie, fils d'Azbuk, chef de la moitié du district de Beth-Tsur, travailla aux réparations jusque vis-à-vis des sépulcres de David, jusqu'à l'étang qui avait été construit, et jusqu'à la maison des héros.

Après lui répara Néhémie, fils d'Hazbuk, capitaine du demi-quartier de Beth-Tsur, jusqu'à l'endroit des sépulcres de David, et jusqu'à l'étang qui avait été refait, et jusqu'à la maison des forts.

Nehemia 3:16
Nach ihm bauete Nehemia, der Sohn Asbuks, der Oberste des halben Vierteils zu Beth-Zur, bis gegen die Gräber Davids über und bis an den Teich Asuja und bis an das Haus der Helden.

Nach ihm baute Nehemia, der Sohn Asbuks, der Oberste des halben Kreises von Beth-Zur, bis gegenüber den Gräbern Davids und bis an den Teich, den man gemacht hatte, und bis an das Haus der Helden.

Darnach besserte aus Nehemia, der Sohn Asbuks, der Oberste der Hälfte des Bezirks von Bethzur, bis gegenüber den Davidsgräbern und bis an den künstlich angelegten Teich und bis zum Hause der Gibborim.

Neemia 3:16
Dopo di lui Neemia, figliuolo di Azbuk, capo della metà del distretto di Beth-Zur, lavorò alle riparazioni fin dirimpetto ai sepolcri di Davide, fino al serbatoio ch’era stato costruito, e fino alla casa de’ prodi.

Dopo lui Neemia, figliuolo di Azbuc, capitano della metà della contrada di Betsur, ristorò fin dirimpetto alle sepolture di Davide, e fino allo stagno fatto per arte, e fino alla casa de’ prodi.

Kemudian dari padanya adalah Nehemya bin Azbuk, penghulu setengah bahagian Bait-Zur, membaiki sampai tentang pekuburan Daud dan sampai kepada kolam yang beratap dan kepada gedung pahlawan.

느헤미아 3:16
그 다음은 벧술 지방 절반을 다스리는 자 아스북의 아들 느헤미야가 중수하여 다윗의 묘실과 마주 대한곳에 이르고 또 파서 만든 못을 지나 용사의 집까지 이르렀고

Nehemiae 3:16
post eum aedificavit Neemias filius Azboc princeps dimidiae partis vici Bethsur usque contra sepulchra David et usque ad piscinam quae grandi opere constructa est et usque ad domum Fortium

Nehemijo knyga 3:16
Už jo­Azbuko sūnus Nehemija, pusės Bet Cūro srities viršininkas; jis atstatė iki Dovydo kapų, dirbtinio tvenkinio ir iki karžygių namų.

Nehemiah 3:16
I muri i a ia e hanga ana a Nehemia tama a Atapuku, rangatira o te hawhe o nga wahi o Peteturu, tae noa ki te ritenga o nga tanumanga o Rawiri, ki te poka wai i hanga, ki te whare ano o te hunga nunui.

Nehemias 3:16
Efter ham arbeidet Nehemias, Asbuks sønn, høvdingen over den ene halvdel av Betsurs distrikt, til midt imot Davids graver og til den gravde dam og til heltenes hus.

Nehemías 3:16
Después de él hizo reparaciones Nehemías, hijo de Azbuc, oficial de la mitad del distrito de Bet-sur, hasta un punto frente a los sepulcros de David, hasta el estanque artificial y hasta la casa de los valientes.

Después de él hizo reparaciones Nehemías, hijo de Azbuc, oficial de la mitad del distrito de Bet Sur, hasta un punto frente a los sepulcros de David, hasta el estanque artificial y hasta la casa de los valientes.

Después de él restauró Nehemías hijo de Azbuc, príncipe de la mitad de la región de Bet-zur, hasta delante de los sepulcros de David, y hasta el estanque labrado, y hasta la casa de los Valientes.

Después de él restauró Nehemías hijo de Azbuc, príncipe de la mitad de la región de Beth-sur, hasta delante de los sepulcros de David, y hasta el estanque labrado, y hasta la casa de los Valientes.

Después de él restauró Nehemías hijo de Azbuc, príncipe de la mitad de la región de Bet-sur, hasta delante de los sepulcros de David, y hasta el estanque labrado, y hasta la casa de los Valientes.

Neemias 3:16
Depois dele, Neemias, filho de Azbuque, governador da metade do distrito de Bete-Zur, providenciou todos os consertos até em frente ao sepulcro de Davi, até o açude artificial, e a Casa dos Valentes, a residência dos soldados.

Depois dele Neemias, filho de Azbuque, governador da metade do distrito de Bete-Zur, fez os reparos até defronte dos sepulcros de Davi, até a piscina artificial, e até a casa dos homens poderosos.    

Neemia 3:16
După el Neemia, fiul lui Azbuc, mai marele peste jumătate din ţinutul Bet-Ţurului, a lucrat la dregerea zidului pînă în faţa mormintelor lui David, pînă la iazul care fusese zidit, şi pînă la casa vitejilor.

Неемия 3:16
За ним чинил Неемия, сын Азбука, начальник полуокруга Бефцурского, до гробниц Давидовых и до выкопанного пруда и до дома храбрых.

За ним чинил Неемия, сын Азбука, начальник полуокруга Бефцурского, до гробниц Давидовых и до выкопанного пруда и до дома храбрых.[]

Nehemja 3:16
Därnäst sattes ett stycke i stånd av Nehemja, Asbuks son, hövdingen över ena hälften av Bet-Surs område, nämligen stycket ända fram till platsen mitt emot Davidsgravarna och vidare fram till den grävda dammen och till Hjältehuset.

Nehemiah 3:16
Sumunod sa kaniya ay hinusay ni Nehemias na anak ni Azbuc, na pinuno ng kalahating distrito ng Beth-sur, hanggang sa dako ng tapat ng mga libingan ni David, at hanggang sa tangke na ginawa, at hanggang sa bahay ng mga makapangyarihang lalake.

เนหะมีย์ 3:16
ถัดเขาไปเนหะมีย์บุตรชายอัสบูก ผู้ปกครองแขวงเบธซูร์ครึ่งหนึ่งได้ซ่อมแซม ไปจนถึงที่ตรงข้ามกับอุโมงค์ฝังศพของดาวิด ถึงสระขุดและถึงโรงทแกล้วทหาร

Nehemya 3:16
Oradan ötesini Beytsur bölgesinin yarısını yöneten Azbuk oğlu Nehemya, Davutun aile mezarlığından yapay havuza ve Yiğitler Evine kadar onardı.[]

Neâ-heâ-mi 3:16
Kế người, Nê-hê-mi, con trai của A-húc, quản lý phân nửa quận Bết-Xu-rơ, sửa xây vách cho đến ngang các lăng tẩm Ða-vít, cho đến ao đã đào, và cho đến nhà của các dõng sĩ.

Nehemiah 3:15
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