Nehemiah 2:17
Nehemiah 2:17
Then I said to them, "You see the trouble we are in: Jerusalem lies in ruins, and its gates have been burned with fire. Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, and we will no longer be in disgrace."

But now I said to them, "You know very well what trouble we are in. Jerusalem lies in ruins, and its gates have been destroyed by fire. Let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem and end this disgrace!"

Then I said to them, “You see the trouble we are in, how Jerusalem lies in ruins with its gates burned. Come, let us build the wall of Jerusalem, that we may no longer suffer derision.”

Then I said to them, "You see the bad situation we are in, that Jerusalem is desolate and its gates burned by fire. Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem so that we will no longer be a reproach."

Then said I unto them, Ye see the distress that we are in, how Jerusalem lieth waste, and the gates thereof are burned with fire: come, and let us build up the wall of Jerusalem, that we be no more a reproach.

So I said to them, "You see the trouble we are in. Jerusalem lies in ruins and its gates have been burned down. Come, let's rebuild Jerusalem's wall, so that we will no longer be a disgrace."

Later I told them, "You all are watching the predicament we're in, how Jerusalem lies desolate, with its gates burned by fire. Let's rebuild the Jerusalem wall so we're no longer a disgrace."

Then I said to them, "You see the problem that we have: Jerusalem is desolate and its gates are burned. Come on! Let's rebuild the wall of Jerusalem so that this reproach will not continue."

Then I told them, "You see the trouble we're in. Jerusalem is in ruins, and its gates are burned down. Let's rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, and we will no longer be insulted."

Then said I unto them, Ye see the distress that we are in, how Jerusalem lies waste and its gates are burned with fire; come, and let us build up the wall of Jerusalem, that we be no longer in reproach.

Then said I unto them, You see the distress that we are in, how Jerusalem lies in ruins, and the gates thereof are burned with fire: come, let us build the wall of Jerusalem, that we are no more a reproach.

Then said I to them, You see the distress that we are in, how Jerusalem lies waste, and the gates thereof are burned with fire: come, and let us build up the wall of Jerusalem, that we be no more a reproach.

Then said I unto them, Ye see the evil case that we are in, how Jerusalem lieth waste, and the gates thereof are burned with fire: come, and let us build up the wall of Jerusalem, that we be no more a reproach.

Then I said to them: You know the affliction wherein we are, because Jerusalem is desolate, and the gates thereof are consumed with fire: come, and let us build up the walls of Jerusalem, and let us be no longer a reproach.

And I said to them, Ye see the distress that we are in, that Jerusalem lies waste, and its gates are burned with fire. Come, and let us build up the wall of Jerusalem, that we be no more a reproach.

Then said I unto them, Ye see the evil case that we are in, how Jerusalem lieth waste, and the gates thereof are burned with fire: come and let us build up the wall of Jerusalem, that we be no more a reproach.

Then said I to them, Ye see the distress that we are in, how Jerusalem lieth waste, and its gates are burned with fire: come, and let us build up the wall of Jerusalem, that we may be no more a reproach.

Then I said to them, "You see the evil case that we are in, how Jerusalem lies waste, and its gates are burned with fire. Come, let us build up the wall of Jerusalem, that we won't be disgraced."

and I say unto them, 'Ye are seeing the evil that we are in, in that Jerusalem is waste, and its gates have been burnt with fire; come and we build the wall of Jerusalem, and we are not any more a reproach.'

Nehemia 2:17
Atëherë u thashë atyre: "Ju e shikoni gjendjen e mjeruar në të cilat ndodhemi: Jeruzalemi është shkatërruar dhe portat e tij janë konsumuar nga zjarri! Ejani, t'i rindërtojmë muret e Jeruzalemit, dhe kështu nuk do të jemi më të turpëruar!".

ﻧﺤﻤﻴﺎ 2:17
ثم قلت لهم انتم ترون الشر الذي نحن فيه كيف ان اورشليم خربة وابوابها قد احرقت بالنار هلم فنبني سور اورشليم ولا نكون بعد عارا.

Dyr Nehymies 2:17
Ietz aber gsag i ien: "Dös seghtß y selbn, in waffern Elend däß myr stöckend! Ruslham ligt in Trümmer, und seine Toerer habnd s verbrennt. Pack myr halt an und baun myr d Mauern von Ruslham wider auf! Mit ünserner Schandd mueß s ayn End habn."

Неемия 2:17
Тогава им рекох: Вие виждате бедствието, в което се намираме, как Ерусалим е опустошен и портите му са изгорени с огън; елате, да съградим стената на Ерусалим, за да не бъдем вече за укор.

尼 希 米 記 2:17
以 後 , 我 對 他 們 說 : 我 們 所 遭 的 難 , 耶 路 撒 冷 怎 樣 荒 涼 , 城 門 被 火 焚 燒 , 你 們 都 看 見 了 。 來 罷 , 我 們 重 建 耶 路 撒 冷 的 城 牆 , 免 得 再 受 凌 辱 !

以 後 , 我 对 他 们 说 : 我 们 所 遭 的 难 , 耶 路 撒 冷 怎 样 荒 凉 , 城 门 被 火 焚 烧 , 你 们 都 看 见 了 。 来 罢 , 我 们 重 建 耶 路 撒 冷 的 城 墙 , 免 得 再 受 凌 辱 !



Nehemiah 2:17
Tada im rekoh: "Vidite u kakvoj smo nevolji: Jeruzalem je u ruševinama, a vrata mu spaljena. Hajte, sagradimo jeruzalemski zid da više ne budemo izloženi ruglu."

Kinha Nehemiášova 2:17
Protož řekl jsem jim: Vy vidíte, v jakém jsme zlém, a Jeruzalém zpuštěný, a brány jeho ohněm zkaženy. Poďtež, a stavějme zed Jeruzalémskou, abychom nebyli více v pohanění.

Nehemias 2:17
Men nu sagde jeg til dem: I ser den Ulykke, vi er i, hvorledes Jerusalem er ødelagt og Portene opbrændt; kom derfor og lad os opbygge Jerusalems Mur, saa vi ikke mere skal være til Spot!

Nehemia 2:17
Toen zeide ik tot hen: Gijlieden ziet de ellende, waarin wij zijn, dat Jeruzalem woest is, en haar poorten met vuur verbrand zijn; komt, en laat ons Jeruzalems muur opbouwen; opdat wij niet meer een versmaadheid zijn.

נחמיה 2:17
וָאֹומַ֣ר אֲלֵהֶ֗ם אַתֶּ֤ם רֹאִים֙ הָרָעָה֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר אֲנַ֣חְנוּ בָ֔הּ אֲשֶׁ֤ר יְרוּשָׁלִַ֙ם֙ חֲרֵבָ֔ה וּשְׁעָרֶ֖יהָ נִצְּת֣וּ בָאֵ֑שׁ לְכ֗וּ וְנִבְנֶה֙ אֶת־חֹומַ֣ת יְרוּשָׁלִַ֔ם וְלֹא־נִהְיֶ֥ה עֹ֖וד חֶרְפָּֽה׃

יז ואומר אלהם אתם ראים הרעה אשר אנחנו בה אשר ירושלם חרבה ושעריה נצתו באש  לכו ונבנה את חומת ירושלם ולא נהיה עוד חרפה

ואומר אלהם אתם ראים הרעה אשר אנחנו בה אשר ירושלם חרבה ושעריה נצתו באש לכו ונבנה את־חומת ירושלם ולא־נהיה עוד חרפה׃

Nehemiás 2:17
Ekkor mondék nékik: Ti látjátok a nyomorúságot, a melyben mi vagyunk, hogy Jeruzsálem pusztán hever és kapui tûzben égtek meg; jertek, építsük meg Jeruzsálem kõfalát, és ne legyünk többé gyalázatul!

Neĥemja 2:17
Kaj mi diris al ili:Vi vidas la mizeron, en kiu ni trovigxas, kiel Jerusalem estas dezertigita kaj gxiaj pordegoj estas forbruligitaj per fajro; ni iru kaj konstruu la muregon de Jerusalem, ke ni ne estu plu en malhonoro.

Ja minä sanoin heille: te näette tämän onnettomuuden, jossa me olemme, että Jerusalem on autiona, ja sen portit ovat tulella kulutetut: tulkaat ja rakentakaamme Jerusalemin muurit, ettemme enää häpiänä olisi.

Néhémie 2:17
Et je leur dis: Vous voyez la misère dans laquelle nous sommes, que Jérusalem est dévastée et que ses portes sont brûlées par le feu. Venez et bâtissons la muraille de Jérusalem, afin que nous ne soyons plus dans l'opprobre.

Je leur dis alors: Vous voyez le malheureux état où nous sommes! Jérusalem est détruite, et ses portes sont consumées par le feu! Venez, rebâtissons la muraille de Jérusalem, et nous ne serons plus dans l'opprobre.

Alors je leur dis : Vous voyez la misère dans laquelle nous sommes; comment Jérusalem demeure désolée, et ses portes brûlées par le feu. Venez, et rebâtissons les murailles de Jérusalem, et que nous ne soyons plus en opprobre.

Nehemia 2:17
Und sprach zu ihnen: Ihr sehet das Unglück, darinnen wir sind, daß Jerusalem wüste liegt, und ihre Tore sind mit Feuer verbrannt; kommt, laßt uns die Mauern Jerusalems bauen, daß wir nicht mehr eine Schmach seien!

Und ich sprach zu ihnen: Ihr seht das Unglück, darin wir sind, daß Jerusalem wüst liegt und seine Tore sind mit Feuer verbrannt. Kommt, laßt uns die Mauern Jerusalems bauen, daß wir nicht mehr eine Schmach seien!

Und ich sprach nun zu ihnen: Ihr seht die schlimme Lage, in der wir uns befinden, daß Jerusalem wüste liegt und seine Thore verbrannt sind. Wohlan, laßt uns die Mauern Jerusalems wieder aufbauen, daß wir nicht länger ein Gegenstand der Verhöhnung seien!

Neemia 2:17
Allora io dissi loro: "Voi vedete la misera condizione nella quale ci troviamo; Gerusalemme è distrutta, e le sue porte son consumate dal fuoco! Venite, riedifichiamo le mura di Gerusalemme, e non sarem più nell’obbrobrio!"

Allora io dissi loro: Voi vedete la miseria nella quale noi siamo, come Gerusalemme è distrutta, e le sue porte sono bruciate col fuoco: venite, riedifichiamo le mura di Gerusalemme, acciocchè non siamo più in vituperio.

Maka pada masa itu kataku kepada mereka itu: Bahwa kamu melihat kesukaran yang ada kita dalamnya, bagaimana Yeruzalem sudah rusak dan segala pintu gerbangnyapun habis dimakan api; mari, biarlah kita membangunkan pula pagar tembok Yeruzalem, supaya jangan lagi kita menjadi suatu kecelaan.

느헤미아 2:17
후에 저희에게 이르기를 `우리의 당한 곤경은 너희도 목도하는바라 예루살렘이 황무하고 성문이 소화되었으니 자, 예루살렘 성을 중건하여 다시 수치를 받지 말자' 하고

Nehemiae 2:17
et dixi eis vos nostis adflictionem in qua sumus quia Hierusalem deserta est et portae eius consumptae sunt igni venite et aedificemus muros Hierusalem et non simus ultra obprobrium

Nehemijo knyga 2:17
Tada jiems tariau: “Jūs matote, kokiame varge esame; Jeruzalė apleista ir jos vartai sudeginti. Atstatykime Jeruzalės sieną, kad nebūtų mums pažeminimo”.

Nehemiah 2:17
Katahi ka mea ahau ki a ratou, Ka kite koutou i te nui o to tatou aitua, ko Hiruharama kua ururuatia, ko ona keti kua wera i te ahi. Haere mai, tatou ka hanga i te taiepa o Hiruharama; kei waiho tonu tatou hei tawainga.

Nehemias 2:17
Men nu sa jeg til dem: I ser selv den ulykke vi er i, at Jerusalem ligger øde og dets porter er opbrent; kom og la oss bygge op igjen Jerusalems mur, så vi ikke mere skal være til spott!

Nehemías 2:17
Entonces les dije: Vosotros veis la mala situación en que estamos, que Jerusalén está desolada y sus puertas quemadas a fuego. Venid, reedifiquemos la muralla de Jerusalén para que ya no seamos un oprobio.

Entonces les dije: "Ustedes ven la mala situación en que estamos, que Jerusalén está desolada y sus puertas quemadas a fuego. Vengan, reedifiquemos la muralla de Jerusalén para que no seamos más motivo de burla."

Les dije, pues: Vosotros veis el mal en que estamos, que Jerusalén está desierta, y sus puertas consumidas por el fuego; venid, y edifiquemos el muro de Jerusalén, y no seamos más oprobio.

Díjeles pues: Vosotros veis el mal en que estamos, que Jerusalem está desierta, y sus puertas consumidas del fuego: venid, y edifiquemos el muro de Jerusalem, y no seamos más en oprobio.

Y les dije: Vosotros veis el mal en que estamos, que Jerusalén está desierta, y sus puertas consumidas del fuego; venid, y edifiquemos el muro de Jerusalén, y no seamos más en oprobio.

Neemias 2:17
Então eu lhes disse: Vede a deplorável e humilhante situação em que nos encontramos, como toda a cidade de Jerusalém está em ruínas e suas portas devastadas pelo fogo. Vinde! Vamos reconstruir os muros de Jerusalém, para que não passemos mais vergonha.

Então eu lhes disse: Bem vedes vós o triste estado em que estamos, como Jerusalém está assolada, e as suas portas queimadas a fogo; vinde, pois, e edifiquemos o muro de Jerusalém, para que não estejamos mais em opróbrio.    

Neemia 2:17
Le-am zis atunci: ,,Vedeţi starea nenorocită în care sîntem! Ierusalimul este dărîmat, şi porţile sînt arse de foc. Veniţi să zidim iarăş zidul Ierusalimului, şi să nu mai fim de ocară!``

Неемия 2:17
И сказал я им: вы видите бедствие, в каком мы находимся; Иерусалим пуст и ворота его сожжены огнем; пойдем, построим стену Иерусалима, ине будем впредь в таком уничижении.

И сказал я им: вы видите бедствие, в каком мы находимся; Иерусалим пуст и ворота его сожжены огнем; пойдем, построим стену Иерусалима, и не будем впредь [в таком] уничижении.[]

Nehemja 2:17
Men nu sade jag till dem: »I sen själva i vilken nöd vi äro, huru Jerusalem ligger öde, och huru dess portar äro uppbrända i eld. Välan då, låt oss bygga upp Jerusalems mur, för att vi icke längre må vara till smälek.»

Nehemiah 2:17
Nang magkagayo'y sinabi ko sa kanila, Inyong nakikita ang masamang kalagayan na kinaroroonan natin, kung paanong ang Jerusalem ay guho at ang mga pintuang-bayan nito ay nasunog sa apoy: kayo'y parito, at ating itayo ang kuta ng Jerusalem, upang tayo'y huwag nang maging kadustaan.

เนหะมีย์ 2:17
แล้วข้าพเจ้าพูดกับเขาทั้งหลายว่า "ท่านทั้งหลายเห็นแล้วว่าเราตกอยู่ในความลำบากอย่างไร ที่เยรูซาเล็มสลักหักพังลง และไฟไหม้ประตูเมืองเสียนั้น มาเถิด ให้เราสร้างกำแพงเยรูซาเล็มขึ้น เพื่อเราจะไม่ต้องอับอายขายหน้าอีก"

Nehemya 2:17
Sonra onlara, ‹‹İçine düştüğümüz yıkımı görüyorsunuz›› dedim, ‹‹Yeruşalim yıkılmış, kapıları ateşe verilmiş. Gelin, Yeruşalim surlarını onaralım, utancımıza son verelim.››[]

Neâ-heâ-mi 2:17
Tôi bèn nói với chúng rằng: Các ngươi hãy xem tình cảnh khổ nạn của chúng ta đương đây; Giê-ru-sa-lem bị phá hoang, và các cửa nó bị lửa thiêu đốt. Hãy đến, xây cất các vách thành Giê-ru-sa-lem lại, hầu cho chúng ta chẳng còn bị sỉ nhục nữa.

Nehemiah 2:16
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