Nehemiah 13:6
Nehemiah 13:6
But while all this was going on, I was not in Jerusalem, for in the thirty-second year of Artaxerxes king of Babylon I had returned to the king. Some time later I asked his permission

I was not in Jerusalem at that time, for I had returned to King Artaxerxes of Babylon in the thirty-second year of his reign, though I later asked his permission to return.

While this was taking place, I was not in Jerusalem, for in the thirty-second year of Artaxerxes king of Babylon I went to the king. And after some time I asked leave of the king

But during all this time I was not in Jerusalem, for in the thirty-second year of Artaxerxes king of Babylon I had gone to the king. After some time, however, I asked leave from the king,

But in all this time was not I at Jerusalem: for in the two and thirtieth year of Artaxerxes king of Babylon came I unto the king, and after certain days obtained I leave of the king:

While all this was happening, I was not in Jerusalem, because I had returned to King Artaxerxes of Babylon in the thirty-second year of his reign. It was only later that I asked the king for a leave of absence

During all of this time, I was not in Jerusalem, because I had returned to the king in the thirty-second year of Artaxerxes, king of Babylon. After a while I obtained permission from the king

During all this time I was not in Jerusalem, for in the thirty-second year of King Artaxerxes of Babylon, I had gone back to the king. After some time I had requested leave of the king,

While all of this was taking place, I wasn't in Jerusalem. In the thirty-second year of King Artaxerxes' reign in Babylon, I returned to the king. Later, I asked the king for permission to return.

But in all this time I was not at Jerusalem; for in the thirty-second year of Artaxerxes, king of Babylon, I went unto the king, and after certain days I was sent by the king.

But in all this time I was not at Jerusalem: for in the two and thirtieth year of Artaxerxes king of Babylon came I unto the king, and after certain days obtained I leave of the king:

But in all this time was not I at Jerusalem: for in the two and thirtieth year of Artaxerxes king of Babylon came I to the king, and after certain days obtained I leave of the king:

But in all this time I was not at Jerusalem; for in the two and thirtieth year of Artaxerxes king of Babylon I went unto the king: and after certain days asked I leave of the king,

But in all this time I was not in Jerusalem, because in the two and thirtieth year of Artaxerxes king of Babylon, I went to the king, and after certain days I asked the king:

And during all that time I was not at Jerusalem; for in the two-and-thirtieth year of Artaxerxes king of Babylon I came to the king; and after some time I obtained leave of the king.

But in all this time I was not at Jerusalem: for in the two and thirtieth year of Artaxerxes king of Babylon I went unto the king, and after certain days asked I leave of the king:

But in all this time I was not at Jerusalem: for in the two and thirtieth year of Artaxerxes king of Babylon I came to the king, and after certain days I obtained leave of the king:

But in all this [time] I was not at Jerusalem; for in the two and thirtieth year of Artaxerxes king of Babylon I went to the king: and after certain days asked I leave of the king,

And during all this I was not in Jerusalem, for in the thirty and second year of Artaxerxes king of Babylon did I come unto the king, and at the end of days I have asked of the king,

Nehemia 13:6
Por gjatë kësaj kohe unë nuk isha në Jeruzalem, sepse në vitin e tridhjetë e dytë të Artakserksit, mbretit të Babilonisë, isha kthyer pranë mbretit. Pas një farë kohe mora leje nga mbreti

ﻧﺤﻤﻴﺎ 13:6
وفي كل هذا لم اكن في اورشليم لاني في السنة الاثنتين والثلاثين لارتحشستا ملك بابل دخلت الى الملك وبعد ايام استأذنت من الملك

Dyr Nehymies 13:6
Daa war i aber nit z Ruslham, weil i in n zwaiydreissigstn Jaar von n Bäbler Künig Ärtyxerx wider zo n Künig zrugggangen war. Eerst spaeter wider kunnt i mi von n Künig looseisn

Неемия 13:6
Но когато ставало всичко това, аз не бях в Ерусалим; защото в тридесет и втората година на вавилонския цар Артаксеркс, отидох при царя. И подир известно време, като изпросих позволение от царя,

尼 希 米 記 13:6
那 時 我 不 在 耶 路 撒 冷 ; 因 為 巴 比 倫 王 亞 達 薛 西 三 十 二 年 , 我 回 到 王 那 裡 。 過 了 多 日 , 我 向 王 告 假 。

那 时 我 不 在 耶 路 撒 冷 ; 因 为 巴 比 伦 王 亚 达 薛 西 三 十 二 年 , 我 回 到 王 那 里 。 过 了 多 日 , 我 向 王 告 假 。



Nehemiah 13:6
U to vrijeme nisam bio u Jeruzalemu, jer sam trideset i druge godine babilonskog kralja Artakserksa otišao kralju; ali poslije nekog vremena izmolio sam u kralja

Kinha Nehemiášova 13:6
Ale když se to vše dálo, nebyl jsem v Jeruzalémě. Nebo léta třidcátého druhého Artaxerxa krále Babylonského přišel jsem k králi, a po přeběhnutí let, vyžádán jsem na králi.

Nehemias 13:6
Da alt dette fandt Sted, var jeg ikke i Jerusalem, thi i Kong Artaxerxes af Babels to og tredivte Regeringsaar var jeg rejst til Kongen. Men nogen Tid efter bad jeg Kongen om Tilladelse til at rejse,

Nehemia 13:6
Doch in dit alles was ik niet te Jeruzalem; want in het twee en dertigste jaar van Arthahsasta, koning van Babel, kwam ik tot den koning; maar ten einde van sommige dagen verkreeg ik weder verlof van den koning.

נחמיה 13:6
וּבְכָל־זֶ֕ה לֹ֥א הָיִ֖יתִי בִּֽירוּשָׁלִָ֑ם כִּ֡י בִּשְׁנַת֩ שְׁלֹשִׁ֨ים וּשְׁתַּ֜יִם לְאַרְתַּחְשַׁ֤סְתְּא מֶֽלֶךְ־בָּבֶל֙ בָּ֣אתִי אֶל־הַמֶּ֔לֶךְ וּלְקֵ֥ץ יָמִ֖ים נִשְׁאַ֥לְתִּי מִן־הַמֶּֽלֶךְ׃

ו ובכל זה לא הייתי בירושלם  כי בשנת שלשים ושתים לארתחשסתא מלך בבל באתי אל המלך ולקץ ימים נשאלתי מן המלך

ובכל־זה לא הייתי בירושלם כי בשנת שלשים ושתים לארתחשסתא מלך־בבל באתי אל־המלך ולקץ ימים נשאלתי מן־המלך׃

Nehemiás 13:6
Mind ennek történtekor én nem valék Jeruzsálemben, mert Artaxerxes babilóniai királynak harminczkettedik esztendejében visszamentem vala a királyhoz, s napok múltán [újra szabadságot] kértem a királytól.

Neĥemja 13:6
Dum cxio cxi tio mi ne estis en Jerusalem, cxar en la tridek-dua jaro de Artahxsxast, regxo de Babel, mi iris al la regxo, kaj nur post kelka tempo mi forpetis min de la regxo.

Mutta en minä ollut silloin Jerusalemissa, kuin he kaikkia näitä tekivät; sillä Artahsastan Babelin kuninkaan toisena vuonna neljättäkymmentä tulin minä kuninkaan tykö, ja sain jonkun ajan perästä kuninkaalta luvan,

Néhémie 13:6
Et pendant tout cela je n'étais pas à Jérusalem; car, la trente-deuxième année d'Artaxerxès, roi de Babylone, j'étais allé vers le roi; et au bout de quelque temps j'avais demandé au roi la permission de m'en aller.

Je n'étais point à Jérusalem quand tout cela eut lieu, car j'étais retourné auprès du roi la trente-deuxième année d'Artaxerxès, roi de Babylone. A la fin de l'année, j'obtins du roi la permission

Or je n'étais point à Jérusalem pendant tout cela : car la trente-deuxième année d'Artaxerxes, Roi de Babylone, je retournai vers le Roi; et au bout de quelque temps je fus redemandé au Roi.

Nehemia 13:6
Aber in diesem allem war ich nicht zu Jerusalem. Denn im zweiunddreißigsten Jahr Arthahsasthas, des Königs zu Babel, kam ich zum Könige, und nach etlichen Tagen erwarb ich vom Könige,

Aber bei diesem allem war ich nicht zu Jerusalem; denn im zweiunddreißigsten Jahr Arthahsasthas, des Königs zu Babel, kam ich zum König, und nach etlicher Zeit erwarb ich vom König, {~}

Aber während sich alles dies zutrug, war ich nicht in Jerusalem; denn im zweiunddreißigsten Jahre des Arthahsastha, des Königs von Babel, hatte ich mich zum Könige begeben. Nach einer gewissen Zeit erbat ich mir vom König Urlaub;

Neemia 13:6
Ma quando si faceva tutto questo, io non ero a Gerusalemme; perché l’anno trentaduesimo di Artaserse, re di Babilonia, ero tornato presso il re; e in capo a qualche tempo avendo ottenuto un congedo dal re,

Ora, mentre si facevano tutte queste cose, io non era in Gerusalemme; perciocchè l’anno trentaduesimo di Artaserse, re di Babilonia, io me ne venni al re. Ma in capo d’un anno, io ottenni licenza dal re.

Tetapi dalam antara sekalian ini tiada aku di Yeruzalem, karena pada tahun yang ketiga puluh dua dari pada kerajaan Artahsasta atas Babil datanglah aku kembali menghadap baginda, tetapi selang beberapa hari bermohonlah aku pula kepada baginda.

느헤미아 13:6
그 때에는 내가 예루살렘에 있지 아니하였었느니라 바벨론 왕 아닥사스다 삼십 이년에 내가 왕에게 나아갔다가 며칠 후에 왕에게 말미를 청하고

Nehemiae 13:6
in omnibus autem his non fui in Hierusalem quia in anno tricesimo secundo Artarxersis regis Babylonis veni ad regem et in fine dierum rogavi regem

Nehemijo knyga 13:6
Tuo laiku aš nebuvau Jeruzalėje, nes trisdešimt antraisiais Babilono karaliaus Artakserkso metais buvau pas karalių. Tačiau kuriam laikui praėjus, aš pasiprašiau karaliaus išleidžiamas.

Nehemiah 13:6
Otiia i tenei wa katoa kahore ahau i Hiruharama; no te toru tekau ma rua nei hoki o nga tau o Arataherehe kingi o Papurona i tae ai ahau ki te kingi, a maha noa nga ra, ka inoitia e ahau i te kingi:

Nehemias 13:6
Under alt dette var jeg ikke i Jerusalem; for i Babels konge Artaxerxes' to og trettiende år var jeg kommet tilbake til kongen. Men da nogen tid var gått, bad jeg igjen kongen om lov til å reise,

Nehemías 13:6
Pero durante todo este tiempo yo no estaba en Jerusalén, porque en el año treinta y dos de Artajerjes, rey de Babilonia, yo había ido al rey; pero después de algún tiempo, pedí permiso al rey,

Pero durante todo este tiempo yo no estaba en Jerusalén, porque en el año treinta y dos de Artajerjes, rey de Babilonia, yo había ido al rey; pero después de algún tiempo, pedí permiso al rey,

Mas a todo esto, yo no estaba en Jerusalén; porque el año treinta y dos de Artajerjes rey de Babilonia, vine al rey; y al cabo de días obtuve permiso del rey.

Mas á todo esto, yo no estaba en Jerusalem; porque el año treinta y dos de Artajerjes rey de Babilonia, vine al rey; y al cabo de días fuí enviado del rey.

Mas a todo esto, yo no estaba en Jerusalén; porque el año treinta y dos de Artajerjes rey de Babilonia, vine al rey; y al cabo de días fui enviado del rey.

Neemias 13:6
Entretanto, quando tudo isso estava ocorrendo, eu não estava em Jerusalém, pois no trigésimo segundo ano do reinado de Artaxerxes, rei da Babilônia, retornei à presença do rei. Algum tempo mais tarde roguei sua permissão,

Mas durante todo este tempo não estava eu em Jerusalém, porque no ano trinta e dois de Artaxerxes, rei da Babilônia, fui ter com o rei; mas a cabo de alguns dias pedi licença ao rei,   

Neemia 13:6
Eu nu eram la Ierusalim cînd s'au petrecut toate acestea, căci mă întorsesem la împărat în al treizeci şi doilea an al lui Artaxerxe, împăratul Babilonului. La sfîrşitul anului am căpătat de la împărat învoire

Неемия 13:6
Когда все это происходило , я не был в Иерусалиме, потому что в тридцать втором году Вавилонского царя Артаксеркса я ходил к царю, и по прошествии нескольких дней опятьвыпросился у царя.

Когда все это [происходило], я не был в Иерусалиме, потому что в тридцать втором году Вавилонского царя Артаксеркса я ходил к царю, и по прошествии нескольких дней [опять] выпросился у царя.[]

Nehemja 13:6
Men under allt detta var jag icke i Jerusalem; ty i den babyloniske konungen Artasastas trettioandra regeringsår hade jag återkommit till konungen. Men sedan jag efter någon tid hade utbett mig tillstånd av konungen,

Nehemiah 13:6
Nguni't sa buong panahong ito ay wala ako sa Jerusalem: sapagka't sa ikatatlong pu't dalawang taon ni Artajerjes na hari sa Babilonia ay naparoon ako sa hari, at pagkatapos ng ilang araw ay nagpaalam ako sa hari:

เนหะมีย์ 13:6
เมื่อเกิดเรื่องนี้ข้าพเจ้ามิได้อยู่ในเยรูซาเล็ม เพราะในปีที่สามสิบสองแห่งรัชกาลอารทาเซอร์ซีสกษัตริย์แห่งบาบิโลนนั้น ข้าพเจ้าได้ไปเฝ้ากษัตริย์ และอีกไม่กี่วันข้าพเจ้าก็ทูลลากษัตริย์

Nehemya 13:6
Ama bütün bunlar olup biterken ben Yeruşalimde değildim. Babil Kralı Artahşastanın krallığının otuz ikinci yılında, onun yanına gitmiştim. Bir süre sonra yine izin istedim[]

Neâ-heâ-mi 13:6
Khi các điều đó xảy đến thì không có tôi ở tại Giê-ru-sa-lem; vì nhằm năm thứ ba mươi hai đời Aït-ta-xét-xe, vua Ba-by-lôn, tôi mắc phải trở về cùng vua; cuối một ít lâu, tôi có xin phép vua đặng đi.

Nehemiah 13:5
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