Nehemiah 13:14
Nehemiah 13:14
Remember me for this, my God, and do not blot out what I have so faithfully done for the house of my God and its services.

Remember this good deed, O my God, and do not forget all that I have faithfully done for the Temple of my God and its services.

Remember me, O my God, concerning this, and do not wipe out my good deeds that I have done for the house of my God and for his service.

Remember me for this, O my God, and do not blot out my loyal deeds which I have performed for the house of my God and its services.

Remember me, O my God, concerning this, and wipe not out my good deeds that I have done for the house of my God, and for the offices thereof.

Remember me for this, my God, and don't erase the deeds of faithful love I have done for the house of my God and for its services.

Remember me, my God, concerning this, and do not erase my faithful deeds that I have undertaken for the Temple of my God, and for its services.

Please remember me for this, O my God, and do not wipe out the kindness that I have done for the temple of my God and for its services!

[Nehemiah prayed,] "Remember me for what I have done, my God, and don't wipe out the good things that I have done for your temple and for the worship that is held there."

Remember me, O my God, concerning this, and wipe not out my mercies that I have done for the house of my God and for its wards.

Remember me, O my God, concerning this, and wipe not out my good deeds that I have done for the house of my God, and for its service.

Remember me, O my God, concerning this, and wipe not out my good deeds that I have done for the house of my God, and for the offices thereof.

Remember me, O my God, concerning this, and wipe not out my good deeds that I have done for the house of my God, and for the observances thereof.

Remember me, O my God, for this thing, and wipe not out my kindnesses, which I have done relating to the house of my God and his ceremonies.

Remember me, O my God, concerning this, and wipe not out my good deeds which I have done for the house of my God, and for the charges thereof!

Remember me, O my God, concerning this, and wipe not out my good deeds that I have done for the house of my God, and for the observances thereof.

Remember me, O my God, concerning this, and wipe not out my good deeds that I have done for the house of my God, and for its offices.

Remember me, my God, concerning this, and don't wipe out my good deeds that I have done for the house of my God, and for its observances.

Be mindful of me, O my God, for this, and do not blot out my kind acts that I have done, for the house of my God, and for its charges.

Nehemia 13:14
Për këtë më kujto mua, o Perëndia im, dhe mos i fshij veprat e mira që kam bërë për shtëpinë e Perëndisë tim dhe për ruajtjen e saj.

ﻧﺤﻤﻴﺎ 13:14
اذكرني يا الهي من اجل هذا ولا تمح حسناتي التي عملتها نحو بيت الهي ونحو شعائره

Dyr Nehymies 13:14
Denk dyrfür an mi, mein Got, und vergiß nit auf de guetn Taatn, wo i für s Haus von meinn Got und seinn gantzn Dienst erbrungen haan!

Неемия 13:14
Помни ме, Боже мой, за това, и не заличавай добрините, които сторих за дома на моя Бог и за наредбите Му.

尼 希 米 記 13:14
我 的   神 啊 , 求 你 因 這 事 記 念 我 , 不 要 塗 抹 我 為   神 的 殿 與 其 中 的 禮 節 所 行 的 善 。

我 的   神 啊 , 求 你 因 这 事 记 念 我 , 不 要 涂 抹 我 为   神 的 殿 与 其 中 的 礼 节 所 行 的 善 。



Nehemiah 13:14
Zato, sjeti se mene, Bože moj: ne prezri mojih pobožnih djela koja učinih za Dom Boga svoga i za službu u njemu.

Kinha Nehemiášova 13:14
Budiž pamětliv na mne, Bože můj, pro to, a nevyhlazuj dobrodiní mých, kteráž jsem prokázal k domu Boha svého i k službám jeho.

Nehemias 13:14
Kom mig det i Hu, min Gud, og udslet ikke de Kærlighedsgerninger, jeg har gjort mod min Guds Hus til Gavn for Tjenesten der!

Nehemia 13:14
Gedenk mijner, mijn God, in dezen; en delg mijn weldadigheden niet uit, die ik aan het huis mijns Gods en aan Zijn wachten gedaan heb.

נחמיה 13:14
זָכְרָה־לִּ֥י אֱלֹהַ֖י עַל־זֹ֑את וְאַל־תֶּ֣מַח חֲסָדַ֗י אֲשֶׁ֥ר עָשִׂ֛יתִי בְּבֵ֥ית אֱלֹהַ֖י וּבְמִשְׁמָרָֽיו׃

יד זכרה לי אלהי על זאת ואל תמח חסדי אשר עשיתי בבית אלהי--ובמשמריו

זכרה־לי אלהי על־זאת ואל־תמח חסדי אשר עשיתי בבית אלהי ובמשמריו׃

Nehemiás 13:14
Emlékezzél meg én rólam én Istenem ezért, és ne engedd, hogy eltöröltessenek az én jótéteményeim, melyeket cselekedtem vala az én Istenem házával és rendtartásaival!

Neĥemja 13:14
Memoru tion pri mi, ho mia Dio, kaj ne forvisxu miajn bonajn agojn, kiujn mi faris koncerne la domon de mia Dio kaj la servadon al Li.

Minun Jumalani, muista minua sen edestä, ja älä pyyhi laupiuttani pois, minkä minä olen tehnyt Jumalani huoneelle ja hänen vartiollensa!

Néhémie 13:14
Souviens-toi de moi, ô mon Dieu, à cause de ceci, et n'efface pas les bonnes actions que j'ai faites à l'égard de la maison de mon Dieu et de ce qu'il y avait à y observer.

Souviens-toi de moi, ô mon Dieu, à cause de cela, et n'oublie pas mes actes de piété à l'égard de la maison de mon Dieu et des choses qui doivent être observées!

Mon Dieu! Souviens-toi de moi touchant ceci; et n'efface point ce que j'ai fait d'une bonne et d'une sincère affection, pour la maison de mon Dieu, et pour ce qu'il est ordonné d'y faire.

Nehemia 13:14
Gedenke, mein Gott, mir daran und tilge nicht aus meine Barmherzigkeit, die ich an meines Gottes Hause und an seiner Hut getan habe!

Gedenke, mein Gott, mir daran und tilge nicht aus meine Barmherzigkeit, die ich an meines Gottes Hause und an seinem Dienst getan habe!

Gedenke mir dies, mein Gott, und tilge nicht aus deinem Gedächtnis die Wohlthaten, die ich dem Tempel meines Gottes und dem Dienst an ihm erwiesen habe!

Neemia 13:14
Ricordati per questo di me, o Dio mio, e non cancellare le opere pie che ho fatte per la casa del mio Dio e per il suo servizio!

O Dio mio, ricordati di me per questo; e non iscancellar le opere pie fatte da me intorno alla Casa dell’Iddio mio, ed intorno alle cose che vi si devono osservare.

Ya Allahku! ingatlah kiranya akan daku dalam perkara ini, dan jangan apalah Kauhapuskan segala kebajikan yang sudah kuperbuat akan bait Allahku dan akan segala pengawalannya.

느헤미아 13:14
내 하나님이여, 이 일을 인하여 나를 기억하옵소서 ! 내 하나님의 전과 그 모든 직무를 위하여 나의 행한 선한 일을 도말하지 마옵소서

Nehemiae 13:14
memento mei Deus meus pro hoc et ne deleas miserationes meas quas feci in domo Dei mei et in caerimoniis eius

Nehemijo knyga 13:14
Mano Dieve, atsimink mane ir nepamiršk mano gerų darbų, kuriuos padariau Dievo namams ir tarnavimui juose.

Nehemiah 13:14
Kia mahara, e toku Atua, ki tenei mea aku, kaua hoki e horoia atu tenei tikanga pai aku i puta nei ki te whare o toku Atua, ki nga ritenga mahi ano mo reira.

Nehemias 13:14
Kom mig i hu, min Gud, for dette og utslett ikke de gode gjerninger som jeg har gjort mot min Guds hus og for tjenesten der!

Nehemías 13:14
Acuérdate de mí por esto, Dios mío, y no borres las obras de misericordia que he hecho por la casa de mi Dios y por sus servicios.

Acuérdate de mí por esto, Dios mío, y no borres las obras de misericordia que he hecho por la casa de mi Dios y por sus servicios.

Acuérdate de mí, oh Dios, en orden a esto, y no borres mis misericordias que hice en la casa de mi Dios, y en el servicio en ella.

Acuérdate de mí, oh Dios, en orden á esto, y no raigas mis misericordias que hice en la casa de mi Dios, y en sus observancias.

Acuérdate de mí, oh Dios, en orden a esto, y no raigas mis misericordias que hice en la Casa de mi Dios, y en sus guardas.

Neemias 13:14
E orei: “Lembra-te de mim por isso, meu Deus, e não te esqueças do que fiz com a mais absoluta lealdade pela Casa de meu Deus e pelo serviço religioso prestado em tua honra e adoração!”

Por isto, Deus meu, lembra-te de mim, e não risques as beneficências que eu tenho feito para a casa do meu Deus e para o serviço dela.   

Neemia 13:14
Adu-Ţi aminte de mine, Dumnezeule, pentru aceste lucruri, şi nu uita faptele mele evlavioase făcute pentru Casa Dumnezeului meu şi pentru lucrurile cari trebuiesc păzite în ea!

Неемия 13:14
Помяни меня за это, Боже мой, и не изгладь усердных дел моих, которые я сделал для дома Бога моего и для служения при нем!

Помяни меня за это, Боже мой, и не изгладь усердных дел моих, которые я сделал для дома Бога моего и для служения при нем![]

Nehemja 13:14
Tänk fördenskull på mig, min Gud, och låt icke de fromma gärningar bliva utplånade, som jag har gjort för min Guds hus och för tjänstgöringen där!

Nehemiah 13:14
Alalahanin mo ako, Oh aking Dios, tungkol dito, at huwag mong pawiin ang aking mga mabuting gawa na aking ginawa sa ikabubuti ng bahay ng aking Dios, at sa pagganap ng kaugaliang paglilingkod doon.

เนหะมีย์ 13:14
ข้าแต่พระเจ้าของข้าพระองค์ เกี่ยวกับเรื่องนี้ขอทรงระลึกถึงข้าพระองค์ และขออย่าทรงลบล้างการที่ดีทั้งหลายของข้าพระองค์ที่ข้าพระองค์ได้กระทำ เพื่อพระนิเวศของพระเจ้าของข้าพระองค์ และเพื่อการปรนนิบัติในที่นั้น

Nehemya 13:14
Ey Tanrım, beni anımsa. Tapınağın için ve oradaki hizmetler için yaptığım iyi işleri hiçe sayma.[]

Neâ-heâ-mi 13:14
Ðức Chúa Trời tôi ôi! vì cớ điều này, xin nhớ đến tôi, và chớ bôi xóa các việc tốt lành mà tôi đã làm vì đền của Ðức Chúa Trời tôi và về điều phải gìn giữ tại đó.

Nehemiah 13:13
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