Nahum 3:19
Nahum 3:19
Nothing can heal you; your wound is fatal. All who hear the news about you clap their hands at your fall, for who has not felt your endless cruelty?

There is no healing for your wound; your injury is fatal. All who hear of your destruction will clap their hands for joy. Where can anyone be found who has not suffered from your continual cruelty?

There is no easing your hurt; your wound is grievous. All who hear the news about you clap their hands over you. For upon whom has not come your unceasing evil?

There is no relief for your breakdown, Your wound is incurable. All who hear about you Will clap their hands over you, For on whom has not your evil passed continually?

There is no healing of thy bruise; thy wound is grievous: all that hear the bruit of thee shall clap the hands over thee: for upon whom hath not thy wickedness passed continually?

There is no remedy for your injury; your wound is severe. All who hear the news about you will clap their hands because of you, for who has not experienced your constant cruelty?

There is no healing for your injury— your wound is fatal. Everyone who hears about you will applaud, because who hasn't escaped your endless evil?"

Your destruction is like an incurable wound; your demise is like a fatal injury! All who hear what has happened to you will clap their hands for joy, for no one ever escaped your endless cruelty!

There is no relief for your collapse. Your wound is fatal. All who hear the news about you will clap their hands. Who hasn't suffered from your endless evil?

There is no cure for thy destruction; thy wound is grievous; all that hear thy story shall clap their hands over thee; for upon whom has not thy wickedness passed continually?

There is no healing of your bruise; your wound is grievous: all that hear the report of you shall clap their hands over you: for upon whom has not your wickedness passed continually?

There is no healing of your bruise; your wound is grievous: all that hear the bruit of you shall clap the hands over you: for on whom has not your wickedness passed continually?

There is no assuaging of thy hurt: thy wound is grievous: all that hear the report of thee clap their hands over thee; for upon whom hath not thy wickedness passed continually?

Thy destruction is not hidden, thy wound is grievous: all that have heard the fame of thee, have clapped their hands over thee: for upon whom hath not thy wickedness passed continually?

There is no healing of thy breach; thy wound is grievous; all that hear the report of thee clap the hands over thee; for upon whom hath not thy wickedness passed continually?

There is no assuaging of thy hurt; thy wound is grievous: all that hear the bruit of thee clap the hands over thee; for upon whom hath not thy wickedness passed continually?

There is no healing of thy bruise; thy wound is grievous: all that hear the fame of thee shall clap the hands over thee: for upon whom hath not thy wickedness passed continually?

There is no healing your wound, for your injury is fatal. All who hear the report of you clap their hands over you; for who hasn't felt your endless cruelty?

There is no weakening of thy destruction, Grievous is thy smiting, All hearing thy fame have clapped the hand at thee, For over whom did not thy wickedness pass continually?

Nahumi 3:19
Nuk ka ilaç për plagën tënde, plaga jote është vdekjeprurëse; të gjithë ata që do të dëgjojnë të flitet për ty, do të përplasin duart për fatin tënd. Sepse mbi kë nuk është ushtruar vazhdimisht ligësia jote?

ﻧﺎﺣﻮﻡ 3:19
ليس جبر لانكسارك. جرحك عديم الشفاء. كل الذين يسمعون خبرك يصفّقون بايديهم عليك لانه على من لم يمرّ شرّك على الدوام

Dyr Nähum 3:19
Du bist verwüestt, und dyrbei bleibt s aau. Toedlich ist dein Verwundung. Ayn Ieds, wo hoert, was mit dir gscheghn ist, gaat grad schadnfroo klatschn; denn wer haet n +nit de gantze Zeit unter deiner Schlechtigkeit glitn?

Наум 3:19
Няма лек за язвата ти; Раната ти е люта; Всички, които чуят вестта за тебе, Изпляскват с ръце поради тебе; Защото върху кого не е падало всякога нечестието ти?

那 鴻 書 3:19
你 的 損 傷 無 法 醫 治 ; 你 的 傷 痕 極 其 重 大 。 凡 聽 你 信 息 的 必 都 因 此 向 你 拍 掌 。 你 所 行 的 惡 誰 沒 有 時 常 遭 遇 呢 ?

你 的 损 伤 无 法 医 治 ; 你 的 伤 痕 极 其 重 大 。 凡 听 你 信 息 的 必 都 因 此 向 你 拍 掌 。 你 所 行 的 恶 谁 没 有 时 常 遭 遇 呢 ?



Nahum 3:19
Tvojoj rani nema lijeka! Neizlječiva je tvoja ozljeda. Svi koji to saznaju plješću tvojoj razvalini. Tko nije bez sanka i prestanka osjećao na sebi tvoju okrutnost?

Nahuma 3:19
K potření tvému není žádného léku, bolest rány tvé rozmohla se. Kteřížkoli uslyší pověst o tobě, rukama plésati budou nad tebou. Nebo na koho ustavičně nedocházelo ukrutenství tvé?

Nahum 3:19
Ulægeligt er dit Brud, dit Saar er til Døden. Alle, som hører om dig, klapper i Haand; thi hvem fik ikke din Ondskab stadig at føle?

Nahum 3:19
Er is geen samentrekking voor uw breuk, uw plage is smartelijk; allen, die het gerucht van u horen, zullen de handen over u klappen; want over wien is uw boosheid niet geduriglijk gegaan?

נחום 3:19
אֵין־כֵּהָ֣ה לְשִׁבְרֶ֔ךָ נַחְלָ֖ה מַכָּתֶ֑ךָ כֹּ֣ל ׀ שֹׁמְעֵ֣י שִׁמְעֲךָ֗ תָּ֤קְעוּ כַף֙ עָלֶ֔יךָ כִּ֗י עַל־מִ֛י לֹֽא־עָבְרָ֥ה רָעָתְךָ֖ תָּמִֽיד׃

יט אין כהה לשברך נחלה מכתך כל שמעי שמעך תקעו כף עליך--כי על מי לא עברה רעתך תמיד  {ש}

אין־כהה לשברך נחלה מכתך כל ׀ שמעי שמעך תקעו כף עליך כי על־מי לא־עברה רעתך תמיד׃

Náhum 3:19
Nincs enyhítés a te sebedre, gyógyíthatatlan a te nyavalyád. A kik híredet hallják, mind tapsolnak feletted, mert kire nem hatott volna ki a te gonoszságod soha?

Naĥum 3:19
Ne resanigxas via vundo, doloriga estas via ulcero; cxiu, kiu auxdas la sciigon pri vi, aplauxdas pri vi; cxar kiun ne trafis sencxese via malboneco?

Ei pidä kenenkään sinun vahinkoas parantaman, eikä sinun rangaistuksestas sureman; vaan kaikki, jotka näitä sinusta kuulevat, pitää käsiänsä sinusta yhteen lyömän; sillä ketä ei ole sinun pahuutes ilman lakkaamata kohdannut.

Nahum 3:19
Il n'y a pas de soulagement à ta blessure; ta plaie est très-maligne; tous ceux qui entendent parler de toi battent des mains sur toi; car sur qui ta méchanceté n'a-t-elle pas continuellement passé?

Il n'y a point de remède à ta blessure, Ta plaie est mortelle. Tous ceux qui entendront parler de toi Battront des mains sur toi; Car quel est celui que ta méchanceté n'a pas atteint?

Il n'y a point de remède à ta blessure, ta plaie est douloureuse; tous ceux qui entendront parler de toi battront des mains sur toi; car qui est-ce qui n'a pas continuellement éprouvé les effets de ta malice?

Nahum 3:19
Niemand wird um deinen Schaden trauern, noch sich um deine Plage kränken, sondern alle, die solches von dir hören, werden mit ihren Händen über dich klappen. Denn über wen ist nicht deine Bosheit ohne Unterlaß gegangen?

Niemand wird deinen Schaden lindern, und deine Wunde wird unheilbar sein. Alle, die solches von dir hören, werden mit ihren Händen über dich klatschen; denn über wen ist nicht deine Bosheit ohne Unterlaß gegangen?

Keine Linderung giebt's für deinen Schaden, unheilbar ist deine Verwundung! Alle, die die Kunde von dir vernehmen, klatschen deinetwegen in die Hände; denn über wen wäre nicht beständig deine Bosheit ergangen!

Nahum 3:19
Non v’è rimedio per la tua ferita; la tua piaga è grave; tutti quelli che udranno parlare di te batteranno le mani alla tua sorte; poiché su chi non è passata del continuo la tua malvagità?

La tua rottura non si può risaldare in modo alcuno; la tua piaga è dolorosa; tutti quelli che udiranno il grido di te si batteranno a palme di te; perciocchè, sopra cui non è del continuo passata la tua malvagità?

NAHUM 3:19
Tiadalah pembebatan bagi lukamu; balamu itu sangatlah pedih; segala orang yang mendengar kabar akan halmu itu akan bertepuk-tepuk tangan; karena atas siapa gerangan kejahatanmu sudah tiada berlaku senantiasa?

나훔 3:19
너의 다친 것은 고칠 수 없고 네 상처는 중하도다 네 소식을 듣는 자가 다 너를 인하여 손뼉을 치나니 이는 네 악행을 늘 받지 않은 자가 없음이 아니냐 ?

Nahum 3:19
non est obscura contritio tua pessima est plaga tua omnes qui audierunt auditionem tuam conpresserunt manum super te quia super quem non transiit malitia tua semper

Nahumo knyga 3:19
Tavo žlugimas nesustabdomas, žaizda mirtina. Visi, išgirdę šią žinią apie tave, ploja rankomis, nes tavo nedorybė palietė visus.

Nahum 3:19
Kahore he whakamahunga i tou pakaru; he mamae rawa tou marutanga: ko te hunga katoa e rongo ana i te rongo ki a koe, ka papaki o ratou ringa ki a koe: i kore hoki ki a wahi te panga tonutanga o tou kino.

Nahum 3:19
Det er ingen lindring for din skade, ulægelig er ditt sår. Alle som hører tidenden om dig, klapper i hendene over dig; for hvem gikk ikke din ondskap uavlatelig ut over?

Nahúm 3:19
No hay remedio para tu quebranto, tu herida es incurable. Todos los que oigan noticias de ti batirán palmas sobre ti, porque ¿sobre quién no pasó continuamente tu maldad?

No hay remedio para tu quebranto, Tu herida es incurable. Todos los que oigan noticias de ti Batirán palmas sobre ti, Porque ¿sobre quién no pasó Constantemente tu maldad?

No hay alivio para tu quebradura; tu herida es incurable; todos los que oigan tu fama aplaudirán sobre ti, porque ¿sobre quién no pasó continuamente tu maldad?

No hay cura para tu quebradura; tu herida se encrudeció: todos los que oyeron tu fama, batirán las manos sobre ti, porque ¿sobre quién no pasó continuamente tu malicia?

No hay cura para tu quebradura; tu herida se encrudeció; todos los que oyeron tu fama, batirán las manos sobre ti, porque ¿sobre quién no pasó continuamente tu malicia?

Naum 3:19
Não há cura para a tua chaga; a tua ferida é de morte! Todos os que forem informados sobre o que aconteceu contigo haverão de aplaudir a tua queda; pois, quem não tem sofrido por causa da tua malignidade e crueldade sem limites?

Não há cura para a tua ferida; a tua chaga é grave. Todos os que ouvirem a tua fama baterão as palmas sobre ti; porque, sobre quem não tem passado continuamente a tua malícia?   

Naum 3:19
Rana ta nu se alină prin nimic, rana ta este fără leac! Toţi ceice vor auzi de tine vor bate din palme, căci cine este acela, pe care să nu -l fi atins răutatea ta

Наум 3:19
Нет врачевства для раны твоей, болезненна язва твоя. Все, услышавшие весть о тебе, будут рукоплескать о тебе, ибо на кого не простиралась беспрестанно злоба твоя?

Нет врачевства для раны твоей, болезненна язва твоя. Все, услышавшие весть о тебе, будут рукоплескать о тебе, ибо на кого не простиралась беспрестанно злоба твоя?[]

Nahum 3:19
Det finnes ingen bot för din skada oläkligt är ditt sår. Alla som höra vad som har hänt dig klappa i händerna över dig. Ty över vem gick ej din ondska beständigt?

Nahum 3:19
Walang kagamutan sa iyong sakit: ang iyong sugat ay malubha: lahat na makabalita sa iyo ay nagsisipakpak ng kamay dahil sa iyo; sapagka't sinong hindi nadaanan ng iyong kasamaan?

นาฮูม 3:19
แผลฟกช้ำของเจ้าไม่มีบรรเทา บาดแผลของเจ้าก็สาหัส ทุกคนผู้ได้ยินข่าวของเจ้า เขาก็ตบมือเยาะเจ้า มีใครเล่าที่ไม่ได้รับภัยอันร้ายเนืองนิตย์ของเจ้า

Nahum 3:19
Uğradığın felaketten kurtuluş yok, yaraların ölümcül.
Başına gelenleri duyanlar sevinçle el ovuşturuyorlar. Çünkü dinmeyen vahşetinden kim kaçabildi ki?[]

Na-hum 3:19
Vết thương ngươi không thuốc chữa, dấu vít ngươi rất hiểm nghèo; phàm kẻ nghe nói về ngươi đều vỗ tay trên ngươi; vì ai là kẻ chẳng từng chịu luôn sự hung ác của ngươi!

Nahum 3:18
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