Malachi 2:9
Malachi 2:9
"So I have caused you to be despised and humiliated before all the people, because you have not followed my ways but have shown partiality in matters of the law."

"So I have made you despised and humiliated in the eyes of all the people. For you have not obeyed me but have shown favoritism in the way you carry out my instructions."

and so I make you despised and abased before all the people, inasmuch as you do not keep my ways but show partiality in your instruction.”

"So I also have made you despised and abased before all the people, just as you are not keeping My ways but are showing partiality in the instruction.

Therefore have I also made you contemptible and base before all the people, according as ye have not kept my ways, but have been partial in the law.

So I in turn have made you despised and humiliated before all the people because you are not keeping My ways but are showing partiality in your instruction."

"So I also made you despised, humiliating you before all of the people, because you aren't following my ways and are showing partiality when you teach."

"Therefore, I have caused you to be ignored and belittled before all people to the extent to which you are not following after me and are showing partiality in your instruction."

"So I have made you disgusting, and I have humiliated you in front of all the people, because you have not followed my ways. You have been unfair when [applying] my teachings."

Therefore I have also made you contemptible and base before all the people, according as ye have not kept my ways, but have been partial in the law.

Therefore have I also made you contemptible and base before all the people, according as you have not kept my ways, but have been partial in the law.

Therefore have I also made you contemptible and base before all the people, according as you have not kept my ways, but have been partial in the law.

Therefore have I also made you contemptible and base before all the people, according as ye have not kept my ways, but have had respect of persons in the law.

Therefore have I also made you contemptible, and base before all people, as you have not kept my ways, and have accepted persons in the law.

And I also have made you contemptible and base before all the people, because ye have not kept my ways, but have respect of persons in administering the law.

Therefore have I also made you contemptible and base before all the people, according as ye have not kept my ways, but have had respect of persons in the law.

Therefore have I also made you contemptible and base before all the people, according as ye have not kept my ways, but have been partial in the law.

"Therefore I have also made you contemptible and base before all the people, according to the way you have not kept my ways, but have had respect for persons in the law.

And I also, I have made you despised and low before all the people, Because ye are not keeping My ways, And are accepting persons in the law.

Malakia 2:9
Për këtë arsye ju kam bërë të përbuzshëm dhe të neveritshëm përpara gjithë popullit, sepse nuk keni respektuar rrugët e mia dhe keni qenë të njëanshëm në zbatimin e ligjit.

ﻣﻼﺥ 2:9
فانا ايضا صيّرتكم محتقرين ودنيئين عند كل الشعب كما انكم لم تحفظوا طرقي بل حابيتم في الشريعة

Dyr Mälychies 2:9
Drum mach i enk bei n Volk zo n lösstn Drök, weilß nit meinn Willn taan habtß und dönn hindraet habtß vor n Volk, wieß is grad brauchtß.

Малахия 2:9
Затова и Аз ви направих презряни И унижени пред всичките люде, Защото не сте опазили пътищата Ми, Но сте били лицеприятни относно закона.

瑪 拉 基 書 2:9
所 以 我 使 你 們 被 眾 人 藐 視 , 看 為 下 賤 ; 因 你 們 不 守 我 的 道 , 竟 在 律 法 上 瞻 徇 情 面 。

所 以 我 使 你 们 被 众 人 藐 视 , 看 为 下 贱 ; 因 你 们 不 守 我 的 道 , 竟 在 律 法 上 瞻 徇 情 面 。



Malachi 2:9
Zato učinih da vas preziru i ponizuju svi narodi jer se putova mojih vi držali niste, nego ste bili pristrani primjenjujuć Zakon.

Malachiáše 2:9
Pročež i já také vydal jsem vás v potupu a v nevážnost všemu lidu, jakož vy v ničemž neostříháte cest mých, a přijímáte osoby v zákoně.

Malakias 2:9
Derfor har jeg ogsaa gjort eder ringeagtede og oversete af alt Folket, fordi I ikke tager Vare paa mine Veje eller bryder eder om Loven.

Maleachi 2:9
Daarom heb Ik ook u verachtelijk en onwaard gemaakt voor het ganse volk, dewijl gij Mijn wegen niet houdt, maar het aangezicht aanneemt in de wet.

מלאכי 2:9
וְגַם־אֲנִ֞י נָתַ֧תִּי אֶתְכֶ֛ם נִבְזִ֥ים וּשְׁפָלִ֖ים לְכָל־הָעָ֑ם כְּפִ֗י אֲשֶׁ֤ר אֵֽינְכֶם֙ שֹׁמְרִ֣ים אֶת־דְּרָכַ֔י וְנֹשְׂאִ֥ים פָּנִ֖ים בַּתֹּורָֽה׃ פ

ט וגם אני נתתי אתכם נבזים ושפלים--לכל העם  כפי אשר אינכם שמרים את דרכי ונשאים פנים בתורה  {פ}

וגם־אני נתתי אתכם נבזים ושפלים לכל־העם כפי אשר אינכם שמרים את־דרכי ונשאים פנים בתורה׃ פ

Malakiás 2:9
Azért én is szidalmasakká tettelek titeket és útálatosakká az egész nép elõtt, a miatt, hogy meg nem õriztétek az én útamat, hanem személyválogatók voltatok a törvénnyel.

Malaĥi 2:9
Tial Mi ankaux faris vin malestimataj kaj malaltigataj antaux la tuta popolo, pro tio, ke vi ne observas Miajn vojojn kaj estas personfavoraj en la aferoj de la legxo.

Sentähden olen minä myös tehnyt, että te olette hyljätyt ja ylönkatsotut kaiken kansan edessä, ettette pidä minun teitäni, mutta katsotte ihmisten muotoa laissa.

Malachie 2:9
Et moi aussi, je vous ai rendus méprisables et vils devant tout le peuple, parce que vous n'avez pas gardé mes voies, et avez fait acception des personnes dans ce qui concerne la loi.

Et moi, je vous rendrai méprisables et vils Aux yeux de tout le peuple, Parce que vous n'avez pas gardé mes voies, Et que vous avez égard à l'apparence des personnes Quand vous interprétez la loi.

C'est pourquoi je vous ai rendus méprisables et abjects à tout le peuple; car vous ne tenez point mes chemins, et vous avez égard à l'apparence des personnes en la Loi.

Maleachi 2:9
Darum hab ich auch euch gemacht, daß ihr verachtet und unwert seid vor dem ganzen Volk, weil ihr meine Wege nicht haltet und sehet Personen an im Gesetze.

Darum habe ich auch euch gemacht, daß ihr verachtet und unwert seid vor dem ganzen Volk, weil ihr meine Wege nicht haltet und seht Personen an im Gesetz.

Darum habe nun auch ich euch bei allem Volk in tiefe Verachtung gebracht, weil ihr euch ja doch nicht an meine Wege haltet und euch bei eurer Unterweisung parteiisch zeigt.

Malachia 2:9
E io pure vi rendo spregevoli e abietti agli occhi di tutto il popolo, perché non osservate le mie vie, e avete de’ riguardi personali quando applicate la legge.

Laonde altresì vi ho resi vili, ed abbietti appo tutto il popolo; siccome voi non osservate le mie vie, ed avete riguardo alla qualità delle persone spiegando la Legge.

Maka sebab itu Aku juga sudah menghinakan kamu dan merendahkan kamu di antara segenap orang banyak, tegal tiada kamu memeliharakan segala jalan-Ku dan sudah memandang muka orang dalam hal taurat.

말라기 2:9
너희가 내 도를 지키지 아니하고 율법을 행할 때에 사람에게 편벽되이 하였으므로 나도 너희로 모든 백성 앞에 멸시와 천대를 당하게 하였느니라 하시니라

Malachias 2:9
propter quod et ego dedi vos contemptibiles et humiles omnibus populis sicut non servastis vias meas et accepistis faciem in lege

Malachijo knyga 2:9
Todėl ir Aš jus paniekinsiu ir menkaverčius padarysiu visos tautos akivaizdoje, nes nesilaikėte mano kelių ir buvote šališki įstatymo reikaluose”.

Malachi 2:9
Na kua meinga na koutou e ahau kia whakahaweatia, kia iti, i te aroaro o nga tangata katoa, kua rite ki ta koutou kihai na i mau ki aku ara; a i nga mea o te ture he whakapai tangata ta koutou.

Malakias 2:9
Derfor har også jeg gjort eder foraktet og ringe i alt folkets øine, fordi I ikke akter på mine veier, men gjør forskjell på folk for loven*.

Malaquías 2:9
Por eso yo también os he hecho despreciables y viles ante todo el pueblo, así como vosotros no habéis guardado mis caminos y hacéis acepción de personas en la ley.

"Por eso Yo también los he hecho despreciables y viles ante todo el pueblo, así como ustedes no han guardado Mis caminos y hacen acepción de personas al aplicar la ley.

Por tanto, yo también os he hecho despreciables y bajos ante todo el pueblo, así como vosotros no habéis guardado mis caminos, y en la ley hacéis acepción de personas.

Por tanto, yo también os torné viles y bajos á todo el pueblo, según que vosotros no habéis guardado mis caminos, y en la ley tenéis acepción de personas.

Por tanto, yo también os torné viles y bajos a todo el pueblo, como vosotros no guardasteis mis caminos, y en la ley tenéis acepción de personas.

Malaquias 2:9
“Por esse motivo Eu fiz com que fosseis desprezados e humilhados diante de todo o povo, porque preferistes não seguir todas as minhas orientações, mas demonstrastes que sois parciais e tendenciosos na aplicação da Torá, Lei.”

Por isso também eu vos fiz desprezíveis, e indignos diante de todo o povo, visto que não guardastes os meus caminhos, mas fizestes acepção de pessoas na lei.   

Maleahi 2:9
De aceea şi Eu vă voi face să fiţi dispreţuiţi şi înjosiţi înaintea întregului popor, pentrucă n'aţi păzit căile Mele, ci căutaţi la faţa oamenilor, cînd tîlmăciţi Legea.

Малахия 2:9
За то и Я сделаю вас презренными и униженными перед всем народом, так как вы не соблюдаете путей Моих, лицеприятствуете в делах закона.

За то и Я сделаю вас презренными и униженными перед всем народом, так как вы не соблюдаете путей Моих, лицеприятствуете в делах закона.[]

Malaki 2:9
Därför har ock jag gjort eder föraktade och låga i allt folkets ögon, eftersom I icke hållen mina vägar, utan haven anseende till personen, när I handhaven undervisningen.

Malachi 2:9
Kaya't kayo'y ginawa ko namang hamak at pinakamababa sa harap ng buong bayan, ayon sa hindi ninyo pagkaingat ng aking mga daan, kundi tumangi kayo ng mga pagkatao sa kautusan.

มาลาคี 2:9
ดังนั้นเราจึงกระทำให้เจ้าเป็นที่ดูหมิ่นและเหยียดหยามต่อหน้าประชาชนทั้งปวง ให้สมกับที่เจ้ามิได้รักษาบรรดาวิถีทางของเรา แต่ได้แสดงอคติในการสอนราชบัญญัติ"

Malaki 2:9
‹‹Benim yollarımı izlemediniz, Kutsal Yasayla ilgili konularda adam kayırdınız. Bu yüzden ben de bütün halkın önünde sizi aşağılayıp gülünç duruma düşürdüm.››[]

Ma-la-chi 2:9
Vậy nên ta cũng đã làm cho các ngươi ra khinh bỉ hèn hạ trước mặt cả dân, vì các ngươi chẳng giữ đường lối ta, hay vị nể người ta trong luật pháp.

Malachi 2:8
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