Lamentations 1:7
Lamentations 1:7
In the days of her affliction and wandering Jerusalem remembers all the treasures that were hers in days of old. When her people fell into enemy hands, there was no one to help her. Her enemies looked at her and laughed at her destruction.

In the midst of her sadness and wandering, Jerusalem remembers her ancient splendor. But now she has fallen to her enemy, and there is no one to help her. Her enemy struck her down and laughed as she fell.

Jerusalem remembers in the days of her affliction and wandering all the precious things that were hers from days of old. When her people fell into the hand of the foe, and there was none to help her, her foes gloated over her; they mocked at her downfall.

In the days of her affliction and homelessness Jerusalem remembers all her precious things That were from the days of old, When her people fell into the hand of the adversary And no one helped her. The adversaries saw her, They mocked at her ruin.

Jerusalem remembered in the days of her affliction and of her miseries all her pleasant things that she had in the days of old, when her people fell into the hand of the enemy, and none did help her: the adversaries saw her, and did mock at her sabbaths.

During the days of her affliction and homelessness Jerusalem remembers all her precious belongings that were hers in days of old. When her people fell into the adversary's hand, she had no one to help. The adversaries looked at her, laughing over her downfall.

Jerusalem remembers her time of affliction and misery; all her valued belongings of days gone by, when her people fell into enemy hands, with no one to help her, and her enemies stared at her, mocking her downfall.

Jerusalem remembers, when she became a poor homeless person, all her treasures that she owned in days of old. When her people fell into an enemy's grip, none of her allies came to her rescue. Her enemies gloated over her; they sneered at her downfall.

"Now, during its suffering and oppression, Jerusalem remembers all the treasures it had from ancient times, when its people fell into the power of their enemies with no one to help them. Their opponents looked on, and they laughed at Jerusalem's downfall.

Zain Jerusalem remembered the days of her affliction and of her rebellions and of all her desirable things that she had in the times of old when her people fell into the hand of the enemy, and no one helped her; the enemies saw her and mocked at her days of rest.

Jerusalem remembered in the days of her affliction and of her miseries all her pleasant things that she had in the days of old, when her people fell into the hand of the enemy, and none did help her: the adversaries saw her, and did mock at her sabbaths.

Jerusalem remembered in the days of her affliction and of her miseries all her pleasant things that she had in the days of old, when her people fell into the hand of the enemy, and none did help her: the adversaries saw her, and did mock at her sabbaths.

Jerusalem remembereth in the days of her affliction and of her miseries all her pleasant things that were from the days of old: When her people fell into the hand of the adversary, and none did help her, The adversaries saw her, they did mock at her desolations.

Zain. Jerusalem hath remembered the days of her affliction, and prevarication of all her desirable things which she had from the days of old, when her people fell in the enemy's hand, and there was no helper: the enemies have seen her, and have mocked at her sabbaths.

In the days of her affliction and of her wanderings, since her people fell into the hand of an adversary, and none did help her, Jerusalem remembereth all her precious things which she had in the days of old: the adversaries have seen her, they mock at her ruin.

Jerusalem remembereth in the days of her affliction and of her miseries all her pleasant things that were from the days of old: when her people fell into the hand of the adversary, and none did help her, the adversaries saw her, they did mock at her desolations.

Jerusalem remembered in the days of her affliction and of her miseries all her pleasant things that she had in the days of old, when her people fell into the hand of the enemy, and none helped her: the adversaries saw her, and mocked at her sabbaths.

Jerusalem remembers in the days of her affliction and of her miseries all her pleasant things that were from the days of old: when her people fell into the hand of the adversary, and none did help her, The adversaries saw her, they did mock at her desolations.

Remembered hath Jerusalem In the days of her affliction and her mournings, all her desirable things that were from the days of old, In the falling of her people into the hand of an adversary, And she hath no helper; Seen her have adversaries, They have laughed at her cessation.

Vajtimet 1:7
Në ditët e trishtimit të tij dhe të endjes Jeruzalemi kujton tërë të mirat e çmuara që zotëronte qysh nga ditët e lashta. Kur populli i tij binte në dorë të armikut dhe askush nuk i vinte në ndihmë, kundërshtarët e tij e shikonin dhe qeshnin me shkatërrimin e tij.

ﻣﺮﺍﺛﻲ ﺇﺭﻣﻴﺎ 1:7
قد ذكرت اورشليم في ايام مذلتها وتطوّحها كل مشتهياتها التي كانت في ايام القدم. عند سقوط شعبها بيد العدو وليس من يساعدها. رأتها الاعداء ضحكوا على هلاكها.

De Klaglieder 1:7
In dyr Drangsal, in dyr Noot, daa denkt Ruslham halt zrugg an seinn Reichtuem: Lang ist s her! Gholffen gögn önn Feind haat niemdd. Herentgögn, dyr Feind haat glacht: "Dö haat s sauber ietz dyrwischt!"

Плач Еремиев 1:7
В дните на скръбта си и на скитанията си Ерусалим си спомни Всичките желателни неща, които имаше от древни времена, Сега, когато са паднали людете му в ръката на противника, и никой не му помага; Противниците го видяха, засмяха се поради опустошението му.

耶 利 米 哀 歌 1:7
耶 路 撒 冷 在 困 苦 窘 迫 之 時 , 就 追 想 古 時 一 切 的 樂 境 。 她 百 姓 落 在 敵 人 手 中 , 無 人 救 濟 ; 敵 人 看 見 , 就 因 她 的 荒 涼 嗤 笑 。

耶 路 撒 冷 在 困 苦 窘 迫 之 时 , 就 追 想 古 时 一 切 的 乐 境 。 她 百 姓 落 在 敌 人 手 中 , 无 人 救 济 ; 敌 人 看 见 , 就 因 她 的 荒 凉 嗤 笑 。



Lamentations 1:7
Jeruzalem se spominje danÄa bijede i lutanja, kad mu narod dušmanu u ruke pade a nitko mu pomoći ne pruži. Tlačitelji ga gledahu smijući se njegovoj propasti.

Pláč Jeremiášův 1:7
Rozpomínáť se dcera Jeruzalémská ve dnech trápení svého a kvílení svého na všecka svá utěšení, kteráž mívala ode dnů starodávních, když padá lid její od ruky nepřítele, nemajíc žádného, kdo by ji retoval. Protivníciť se jí dívajíce, posmívají se klesnutí jejímu.

Klagesangene 1:7
Jerusalem mindes den Tid, hun blev arm og husvild, (alle sine kostelige Ting fra fordums Dage), i Fjendehaand faldt hendes Folk, og ingen hjalp, Fjender saa til og lo, fordi hun gik under.

Klaagliederen 1:7
Zain. Jeruzalem is, in de dagen harer ellende en harer veelvuldige ballingschap, indachtig aan al haar gewenste dingen, die zij van oude dagen af gehad heeft; dewijl haar volk door de hand des tegenpartijders valt, en zij geen helper heeft; de tegenpartijders zien haar aan, zij spotten met haar rustdagen.

איכה 1:7
זָֽכְרָ֣ה יְרוּשָׁלִַ֗ם יְמֵ֤י עָנְיָהּ֙ וּמְרוּדֶ֔יהָ כֹּ֚ל מַחֲמֻדֶ֔יהָ אֲשֶׁ֥ר הָי֖וּ מִ֣ימֵי קֶ֑דֶם בִּנְפֹ֧ל עַמָּ֣הּ בְּיַד־צָ֗ר וְאֵ֤ין עֹוזֵר֙ לָ֔הּ רָא֣וּהָ צָרִ֔ים שָׂחֲק֖וּ עַ֥ל מִשְׁבַּתֶּֽהָ׃ ס

ז זכרה ירושלם ימי עניה ומרודיה--כל מחמדיה אשר היו מימי קדם בנפל עמה ביד צר ואין עוזר לה--ראוה צרים שחקו על משבתה  {ס}

זכרה ירושלם ימי עניה ומרודיה כל מחמדיה אשר היו מימי קדם בנפל עמה ביד־צר ואין עוזר לה ראוה צרים שחקו על משבתה׃ ס

Jeremiás sir 1:7
Emlékezik Jeruzsálem az õ nyomorúságának és eltiportatásának napjain minden õ gyönyörûségérõl, a melyek voltak eleitõl fogva; mert az õ népe ellenség kezébe esett és nem volt segítsége. Látták õt az ellenségek; nevettek megsemmisülésén.

Plorkanto de Jeremia 1:7
En la tagoj de sia mizero kaj suferoj Jerusalem rememoras cxiujn cxarmajxojn, kiujn sxi havis en la tempoj pasintaj; Dume nun sxia popolo enfalis en la manon de premanto, kaj neniu sxin helpas, La malamikoj sxin rigardas kaj ridas pri sxia ruinigxo.

Jerusalem muistaa tällä ajalla, kuinka raadollinen ja hyljätty hän on, ja kuinka paljo hyvää hänellä vanhaan aikaan ollut on, että hänen kansansa vihollisen kädessä on, ja ei kenkään heitä auta; hänen vihollisensa näkevät hänen, ja nauravat hänen lepoansa.

Lamentations 1:7
Jérusalem, dans les jours de son affliction et de son bannissement, lorsque son peuple tombait dans la main de l'ennemi et qu'il n'y avait personne qui lui aidât, s'est souvenue de toutes les choses désirables qu'elle avait dans les jours d'autrefois; les adversaires l'ont vue, ils se sont moqués de sa ruine.

Aux jours de sa détresse et de sa misère, Jérusalem s'est souvenue De tous les biens dès longtemps son partage, Quand son peuple est tombé sans secours sous la main de l'oppresseur; Ses ennemis l'ont vue, et ils ont ri de sa chute.

[Zajin.] Jérusalem dans les jours de son affliction et de son pauvre état s’est souvenue de toutes ses choses désirables qu’elle avait depuis si longtemps, lorsque son peuple est tombé par la main de l’ennemi, sans qu’aucun la secourût; les ennemis l’ont vue, et se sont moqués de ses sabbats.

Klagelieder 1:7
Jerusalem denkt in dieser Zeit, wie elend und verlassen sie ist, und wieviel Gutes sie von alters her gehabt hat, weil all ihr Volk daniederliegt unter dem Feinde und ihr niemand hilft; ihre Feinde sehen ihre Lust an ihr und spotten ihrer Sabbate.

Jerusalem denkt in dieser Zeit, wie elend und verlassen sie ist und wie viel Gutes sie von alters her gehabt hat, weil all ihr Volk darniederliegt unter dem Feinde und ihr niemand hilft; ihre Feinde sehen ihre Lust an ihr und spotten ihrer Sabbate.

Jerusalem gedenkt an die Tage ihres Elends. Hinabgestürzt wurden alle ihre Herrlichkeiten, die seit den Tagen der Urzeit waren, als ihr Volk in die Hand des Bedrängers fiel, und keiner ihr half. Die Bedränger sahen zu, lachten über ihre Niederlagen.

Lamentazioni 1:7
Nei giorni della sua afflizione, della sua vita errante, Gerusalemme si ricorda di tutti i beni preziosi che possedeva fino dai giorni antichi; ora che il suo popolo è caduto in man dell’avversario, e nessuno la soccorre, i suoi avversari la guardano, e ridono del suo misero stato.

Gerusalemme, a’ dì della sua afflizione, e de’ suoi esilii, Si è ricordata di tutte le sue care cose ch’erano state ab antico; Allora che il suo popolo cadeva per la mano del nemico, Senza che alcuno la soccorresse; I nemici l’hanno veduta, e si son beffati delle sue desolazioni.

Bahwa pada hari kesukarannya dan dalam hal ketawanannya yang sangat, teringatlah Yeruzalem akan segala kesedapan yang padanya dari dahulukala, dan bagaimana bangsanya telah jatuh ke dalam tangan musuh dan tiadalah pembantu padanya, maka segala penganiayanya memandang kepadanya serta mengolok-olokkan kelemahannya.

예레미아애가 1:7
예루살렘이 환난과 군박을 당하는 날에 옛날의 모든 즐거움을 생각함이여 백성이 대적의 손에 빠지나 돕는 자가 없고 대적은 보고 그 황적함을 비웃도다

Lamentationes 1:7
ZAI recordata est Hierusalem dierum adflictionis suae et praevaricationis omnium desiderabilium suorum quae habuerat a diebus antiquis cum caderet populus eius in manu hostili et non esset auxiliator viderunt eam hostes et deriserunt sabbata eius

Raudø knyga 1:7
Jeruzalė, pavergta ir pamiršta, prisimena laimingus praeities laikus. Ji pateko į priešo rankas, niekas jai nepadėjo. Prispaudėjai tyčiojasi iš jos sabatų.

Lamentations 1:7
E mahara ana a Hiruharama i nga ra o tona tangi, o ona wherutanga, ki ana mea ahuareka katoa o nga ra o mua: i te takanga o tona iwi ki roto ki te ringa o te hoariri, a kahore he kaiawhina mona, ka kite nga hoariri i a ia, ka kata ki ona mutunga.

Klagesangene 1:7
I sin elendighets og landflyktighets tid kommer Jerusalem i hu alle de herligheter som hun hadde fra fordums dager; da hennes folk falt for fiendens hånd, og hun ingen hjelper hadde, da så fiendene henne, de spottet over det hun hadde tapt.

Lamentaciones 1:7
Jerusalén recuerda en los días de su aflicción y de su vagar todos sus tesoros que existían desde los tiempos antiguos, cuando su pueblo cayó en mano del adversario sin que nadie la ayudara. Al verla sus adversarios, se burlaron de su ruina.

Jerusalén recuerda en los días de su aflicción y de su vagar Todos sus tesoros Que existían desde los tiempos antiguos, Cuando su pueblo cayó en mano del adversario Sin que nadie la ayudara. Al verla sus adversarios, Se burlaron de su ruina.

Jerusalén, cuando cayó su pueblo en mano del enemigo y no hubo quien le ayudase, se acordó de los días de su aflicción, y de sus rebeliones, y de todas sus cosas deseables que tuvo desde los tiempos antiguos; la miraron los enemigos, y se burlaron de sus sábados.

Jerusalem, cuando cayó su pueblo en mano del enemigo y no hubo quien le ayudase, Se acordó de los días de su aflicción, y de sus rebeliones, Y de todas sus cosas deseables que tuvo desde los tiempos antiguos: Miráronla los enemigos, y escarnecieron de sus

Zain : Jerusalén, cuando cayó su pueblo en mano del enemigo y no hubo quien le ayudase, entonces se acordó de los días de su aflicción, y de sus rebeliones, y de todas sus cosas deseables que tuvo desde los tiempos antiguos; la miraron los enemigos, y escarnecieron de sus sábados.

Lamentaçôes de Jeremias 1:7
Agora, pois, no dia da sua aflição e desterro, eis que Jerusalém se recorda de todas as riquezas que possuiu desde a antiguidade. Quando o seu povo caiu nas mãos do inimigo, ninguém foi capaz de socorrê-la; ora, os adversários a contemplaram e escarneceram da sua derrota.

Lembra-se Jerusalém, nos dias da sua aflição e dos seus exílios, de todas as suas preciosas coisas, que tivera desde os tempos antigos; quando caía o seu povo na mão do adversário, e não havia quem a socorresse, os adversários a viram, e zombaram da sua ruína.   

Plangerile lui Ieremia 1:7
În zilele necazului şi ticăloşiei lui, Ierusalimul îşi aduce aminte de toate bunătăţile de cari a avut parte din zilele străbune; cînd a căzut poporul lui în mîna asupritorului, nimeni nu i -a venit în ajutor, iar vrăjmaşii se uitau la el şi rîdeau de prăbuşirea lui.

Плач Иеремии 1:7
Вспомнил Иерусалим, во дни бедствия своего и страданий своих, о всех драгоценностяхсвоих, какие были у него в прежние дни, тогда как народ его пал от руки врага, и никто не помогает ему; неприятели смотрят на него и смеются над его субботами.

Вспомнил Иерусалим, во дни бедствия своего и страданий своих, о всех драгоценностях своих, какие были у него в прежние дни, тогда как народ его пал от руки врага, и никто не помогает ему; неприятели смотрят на него и смеются над его субботами.[]

Klagovisorna 1:7
I denna sitt eländes och sin husvillhets tid kommer Jerusalem ihåg allt vad dyrbart hon ägde i forna dagar. Nu då hennes folk har fallit för ovännens hand och hon icke har någon hjälpare nu se hennes ovänner med hån på hennes undergång.

Lamentations 1:7
Naaalaala ng Jerusalem sa kaarawan ng kaniyang pagdadalamhati at ng kaniyang mga karalitaan ang lahat niyang naging maligayang bagay ng mga kaarawan nang una: nang mahulog ang kaniyang bayan sa kamay ng kalaban, at walang sumaklolo sa kaniya, nakita siya ng mga kalaban, tinuya nila ang kaniyang mga pagkasira.

เพลงคร่ำครวญ 1:7
เยรูซาเล็มเมื่อตกอยู่ในยามทุกข์ใจและยามลำเค็ญก็ได้หวนระลึกถึงสิ่งประเสริฐที่ตนเคยมีในครั้งกระโน้น เมื่อพลเมืองของเธอตกอยู่ในมือของคู่อริ และหามีผู้ใดจะสงเคราะห์เธอไม่ พวกคู่อริเห็นเธอแล้วก็เยาะเย้ยวันสะบาโตทั้งหลายของเธอ

Ağıtlar 1:7
Yeruşalim sıkıntı içinde başıboş dolaşırken
Eski günlerdeki varlığını anımsıyor.
Halkı hasmının eline düşüp de
Yardımına koşan çıkmayınca,
Hasımları haline bakıp
Yıkılışına güldüler.[]

Ca-thöông 1:7
Giê-ru-sa-lem, đương ngày khốn khổ lưu ly, nhớ xưa trải mọi mùi vui thích; Khi dân nó sa vào tay kẻ nghịch, chẳng ai đến cứu cùng. Quân thù xem thấy nó, chê cười nó hoang vu!

Lamentations 1:6
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