Judges 7:4
Judges 7:4
But the LORD said to Gideon, "There are still too many men. Take them down to the water, and I will thin them out for you there. If I say, 'This one shall go with you,' he shall go; but if I say, 'This one shall not go with you,' he shall not go."

But the LORD told Gideon, "There are still too many! Bring them down to the spring, and I will test them to determine who will go with you and who will not."

And the LORD said to Gideon, “The people are still too many. Take them down to the water, and I will test them for you there, and anyone of whom I say to you, ‘This one shall go with you,’ shall go with you, and anyone of whom I say to you, ‘This one shall not go with you,’ shall not go.”

Then the LORD said to Gideon, "The people are still too many; bring them down to the water and I will test them for you there. Therefore it shall be that he of whom I say to you, 'This one shall go with you,' he shall go with you; but everyone of whom I say to you, 'This one shall not go with you,' he shall not go."

And the LORD said unto Gideon, The people are yet too many; bring them down unto the water, and I will try them for thee there: and it shall be, that of whom I say unto thee, This shall go with thee, the same shall go with thee; and of whomsoever I say unto thee, This shall not go with thee, the same shall not go.

Then the LORD said to Gideon, "There are still too many people. Take them down to the water, and I will test them for you there. If I say to you, 'This one can go with you,' he can go. But if I say about anyone, 'This one cannot go with you,' he cannot go."

"There are still too many soldiers," the LORD told Gideon. "Bring them down to the water and I'll refine them for you there. Therefore when I say to you, 'This one will be going with you,' he'll go with you, but no one may go about whom I tell you, 'This one won't be going with you.'"

The LORD spoke to Gideon again, "There are still too many men. Bring them down to the water and I will thin the ranks some more. When I say, 'This one should go with you,' pick him to go; when I say, 'This one should not go with you,' do not take him."

The LORD said to Gideon, "There are still too many men. Bring them down to the water, and I will test them for you there. If I say to you, 'This one will go with you,' he must go with you. And if I say to you, 'This one won't go with you,' he must not go."

And the LORD said unto Gideon, The people are yet too many; bring them down unto the water, and I will try them for thee there; and it shall be that of whom I say unto thee, This one shall go with thee, the same shall go with thee; and of whoever I say unto thee, This one shall not go with thee, the same shall not go.

And the LORD said unto Gideon, The people are yet too many; bring them down unto the water, and I will test them for you there: and it shall be, that of whom I say unto you, This one shall go with you, the same shall go with you; and of whomsoever I say unto you, This one shall not go with you, the same shall not go.

And the LORD said to Gideon, The people are yet too many; bring them down to the water, and I will try them for you there: and it shall be, that of whom I say to you, This shall go with you, the same shall go with you; and of whomsoever I say to you, This shall not go with you, the same shall not go.

And Jehovah said unto Gideon, The people are yet too many; bring them down unto the water, and I will try them for thee there: and it shall be, that of whom I say unto thee, This shall go with thee, the same shall go with thee; and of whomsoever I say unto thee, This shall not go with thee, the same shall not go.

And the Lord said to Gedeon: The people are still too many, bring them to the waters, and there I will try them: and of whom I shall say to thee, This shall go with thee, let him go: whom I shall forbid to go, let him return.

And the LORD said to Gideon, "The people are still too many; take them down to the water and I will test them for you there; and he of whom I say to you, 'This man shall go with you,' shall go with you; and any of whom I say to you, 'This man shall not go with you,' shall not go."

And the LORD said unto Gideon, The people are yet too many; bring them down unto the water, and I will try them for thee there: and it shall be, that of whom I say unto thee, This shall go with thee, the same shall go with thee; and of whomsoever I say unto thee, This shall not go with thee, the same shall not go.

And the LORD said to Gideon, The people are yet too many; bring them down to the water, and I will try them for thee there; and it shall be, that of whom I say to thee, This shall go with thee, the same shall go with thee; and of whomsoever I say to thee, This shall not go with thee, the same shall not go.

Yahweh said to Gideon, "The people are still too many. Bring them down to the water, and I will test them for you there. It shall be, that of whom I tell you, 'This shall go with you,' the same shall go with you; and of whoever I tell you, 'This shall not go with you,' the same shall not go."

And Jehovah saith unto Gideon, 'Yet are the people too many; bring them down unto the water, and I refine it for thee there; and it hath been, he of whom I say unto thee, This doth go with thee -- he doth go with thee; and any of whom I say unto thee, This doth not go with thee -- he doth not go.'

Gjyqtarët 7:4
Zoti i tha Gedeonit: "Njerëzit janë përsëri shumë; bëji të zbresin në ujë dhe atje do t'i vë në provë për ty. Ai për të cilin do të them: "Ky të vijë me ty", ka për të ardhur me ty; dhe ai për të cilin do të them: "Ky mos të vijë me ty, nuk ka për të ardhur".

ﺍﻟﻘﻀﺎﺓ 7:4
وقال الرب لجدعون لم يزل الشعب كثيرا. انزل بهم الى الماء فانقيهم لك هناك. ويكون ان الذي اقول لك عنه هذا يذهب معك فهو يذهب معك وكل من اقول لك عنه هذا لا يذهب معك فهو لا يذهب.

D Richter 7:4
Doch dyr Herr spraach zo n Gideun: "Dös seind myr +allweil non z vil. Füer s eyn s Wasser abhin; daadl prüef i s für di! Wenn i von ainn sag, der sollt mitgeen, naacherd nimmst n mit; und wenn i ainn +nit dyrbeihabn mecht, naacher sag i s dyr +aau glei."

Съдии 7:4
Но Господ каза на Гедеона: Людете пак са много; заведи ги при водата, и там ще ти ги пресея; и за когото ти кажа: Тоя да отиде с тебе, той нека отиде с тебе; а за когото ти кажа: Тоя да не отиде с тебе, той нека не отиде.

士 師 記 7:4
耶 和 華 對 基 甸 說 : 人 還 是 過 多 ; 你 要 帶 他 們 下 到 水 旁 , 我 好 在 那 裡 為 你 試 試 他 們 。 我 指 點 誰 說 : 這 人 可 以 同 你 去 , 他 就 可 以 同 你 去 ; 我 指 點 誰 說 : 這 人 不 可 同 你 去 , 他 就 不 可 同 你 去 。

耶 和 华 对 基 甸 说 : 人 还 是 过 多 ; 你 要 带 他 们 下 到 水 旁 , 我 好 在 那 里 为 你 试 试 他 们 。 我 指 点 谁 说 : 这 人 可 以 同 你 去 , 他 就 可 以 同 你 去 ; 我 指 点 谁 说 : 这 人 不 可 同 你 去 , 他 就 不 可 同 你 去 。



Judges 7:4
Jahve reče Gideonu: "Još je previše naroda. Povedi ih na vodu i ondje ću ih iskušati. Za koga ti kažem: 'Neka ide s tobom', taj će s tobom ići. A za koga ti kažem: 'Neka ne ide s tobom', taj neće ići."

Soudců 7:4
Řekl opět Hospodin Gedeonovi: Ještě jest mnoho lidu; kaž jim sstoupiti k vodám, a tam jej tobě zkusím. I bude, že o komžkoli řeknu: Tento půjde s tebou, ten ať s tebou jde, a o komžkoli řeknu tobě: Tento nepůjde s tebou, ten ať nechodí.

Dommer 7:4
Men HERREN sagde til Gideon: »Endnu er der for mange Folk; før dem ned til Vandet, der vil jeg sigte dem for dig. Den, jeg siger skal gaa med dig, han skal gaa med; men enhver, om hvem jeg siger til dig: denne skal ikke gaa med dig, han skal ikke gaa!«

Richtere 7:4
En de HEERE zeide tot Gideon: Nog is des volks te veel; doe hen afgaan naar het water, en Ik zal ze u aldaar beproeven; en het zal geschieden, van welken Ik tot u zeggen zal: Deze zal met u trekken, die zal met u trekken; maar al degene, van welken Ik zeggen zal: Deze zal niet met u trekken, die zal niet trekken.

שופטים 7:4
וַיֹּ֨אמֶר יְהוָ֜ה אֶל־גִּדְעֹ֗ון עֹוד֮ הָעָ֣ם רָב֒ הֹורֵ֤ד אֹותָם֙ אֶל־הַמַּ֔יִם וְאֶצְרְפֶ֥נּוּ לְךָ֖ שָׁ֑ם וְהָיָ֡ה אֲשֶׁר֩ אֹמַ֨ר אֵלֶ֜יךָ זֶ֣ה ׀ יֵלֵ֣ךְ אִתָּ֗ךְ ה֚וּא יֵלֵ֣ךְ אִתָּ֔ךְ וְכֹ֨ל אֲשֶׁר־אֹמַ֜ר אֵלֶ֗יךָ זֶ֚ה לֹא־יֵלֵ֣ךְ עִמָּ֔ךְ ה֖וּא לֹ֥א יֵלֵֽךְ׃

ד ויאמר יהוה אל גדעון עוד העם רב הורד אותם אל המים ואצרפנו לך שם והיה אשר אמר אליך זה ילך אתך הוא ילך אתך וכל אשר אמר אליך זה לא ילך עמך הוא לא ילך

ויאמר יהוה אל־גדעון עוד העם רב הורד אותם אל־המים ואצרפנו לך שם והיה אשר אמר אליך זה ׀ ילך אתך הוא ילך אתך וכל אשר־אמר אליך זה לא־ילך עמך הוא לא ילך׃

Birák 7:4
És monda az Úr Gedeonnak: Még ez a nép is sok; vezesd õket le a vízhez, és ott megpróbálom õket néked, és a melyikrõl azt mondom néked: Ez menjen el veled, az menjen el veled; de bármelyikrõl azt mondom: Ez ne menjen el veled, az ne [is] menjen.

Juĝistoj 7:4
Kaj la Eternulo diris al Gideon:Ankoraux estas tro multe da popolo; konduku ilin malsupren al la akvo, kaj tie Mi ilin elektos por vi. Pri kiu Mi diros al vi:CXi tiu iru kun vi-tiu devas iri kun vi; kaj cxiu, pri kiu Mi diros al vi:CXi tiu ne iru kun vi-tiu ne devas iri.

Ja Herra sanoi Gideonille: vielä on paljo kansaa, vie heitä veden tykö, siellä minä koettelen heitä sinulle: ja josta minä sanon sinulle: tämä menköön sinun kanssas, hän myös menee sinun kanssas: ja josta minä taas sanon sinulle: älköön hän menkö sinun kanssas, ei hänen pidä menemän.

Juges 7:4
Et l'Éternel dit à Gédéon: Le peuple est encore nombreux; fais-les descendre vers l'eau, et là je te les épurerai; et il arrivera que celui dont je te dirai: Celui-ci ira avec toi, celui-là ira avec toi; et que chacun de qui je te dirai: Celui-ci n'ira pas avec toi, celui-là n'ira pas.

L'Eternel dit à Gédéon: Le peuple est encore trop nombreux. Fais-les descendre vers l'eau, et là je t'en ferai le triage; celui dont je te dirai: Que celui-ci aille avec toi, ira avec toi; et celui dont je te dirai: Que celui-ci n'aille pas avec toi, n'ira pas avec toi.

Et l'Eternel dit à Gédeon : Il y a encore du peuple en trop grand nombre; fais-les descendre vers l'eau, et là je te les choisirai; et celui dont je te dirai, celui-ci ira avec toi, il ira avec toi; et celui duquel je te dirai, celui-ci n'ira point avec toi; il n'y ira point.

Richter 7:4

Und der HERR sprach zu Gideon: Des Volks ist noch zu viel. Führe sie sie hinab ans Wasser, daselbst will ich sie dir prüfen. Und von welchem ich dir sagen werde, daß er mit dir ziehen soll, der soll mit dir ziehen; von welchem aber ich sagen werde, daß er nicht mit dir ziehen soll, der soll nicht ziehen.

Da sprach Jahwe zu Gideon: Noch sind der Leute zu viel; führe sie hinab an das Wasser, daß ich sie dir dort sichte. Von wem ich dann zu dir sagen werde: dieser da soll dich begleiten! - der soll dich begleiten, aber jeder, von dem ich zu dir sagen werde: dieser da soll dich nicht begleiten! - der wird nicht mitgehen.

Giudici 7:4
L’Eterno disse a Gedeone: "La gente è ancora troppo numerosa; falla scendere all’acqua, e quivi io te ne farò la scelta. Quello del quale ti dirò: Questo vada teco andrà teco; e quello del quale ti dirò: Questo non vada teco non andrà".

E il Signore disse a Gedeone: La gente è ancora troppa; falli scendere all’acqua, e quivi io te li discernerò; e colui del quale io ti dirò: Costui andrà teco, vada teco; e colui del quale io ti dirò: Costui non andrà teco, non vada teco.

Maka firman Tuhan kepada Gideon: Ada lagi terlalu banyak orang. Suruhlah mereka itu turun ke tempat air, maka di sana Aku mencobai akan mereka itu kelak karena sebab engkau, bahwasanya barangsiapa yang firman-Ku kepadamu akan halnya demikian: Orang ini hendaklah berjalan sertamu, biarlah iapun berjalan sertamu; tetapi barangsiapa yang firman-Ku akan halnya: Orang ini tiada akan berjalan sertamu, jangan iapun berjalan sertamu.

사사기 7:4
여호와께서 또 기드온에게 이르시되 백성이 아직도 많으니 그들을 인도하여 물가로 내려가라 거기서 내가 너를 위하여 그들을 시험하리라 무릇 내가 누구를 가리켜 이르기를 이가 너와 함께 가리라 하면 그는 너와 함께 갈 것이요 내가 누구를 가리켜 이르기를 이는 너와 함께 가지 말 것이니라 하면 그는 가지 말것이니라

Iudicum 7:4
dixitque Dominus ad Gedeon adhuc populus multus est duc eos ad aquas et ibi probabo illos et de quo dixero tibi ut tecum vadat ipse pergat quem ire prohibuero revertatur

Teisëjø knyga 7:4
Viešpats tarė Gedeonui: “Dar per daug žmonių. Nuvesk juos prie vandens. Ten Aš juos tau atrinksiu. Apie kuriuos sakysiu: ‘Tas eis su tavimi’, tuos pasiimk, o apie kuriuos sakysiu: ‘Tas neis su tavimi’, tie tegrįžta!”

Judges 7:4
I mea ano a Ihowa ki a Kiriona, He nui rawa ano te iwi na; kawea ratou ki raro, ki te wai, a ko ahau hei kaiwhakamatautau mau i a ratou ki reira: a ko taku e mea ai ki a koe, Me haere tahi tenei i a koe; ko ia e haere tahi i a koe; a ko taku e me a ai ki a koe, E kore tenei e haere tahi i a koe; kaua tena e haere.

Dommernes 7:4
Men Herren sa til Gideon: Ennu er det for mange folk; la dem gå ned til vannet, så vil jeg prøve dem for dig der, og den som jeg sier skal gå med dig, han skal gå med dig; men hver den som jeg sier ikke skal gå med dig, skal ikke gå.

Jueces 7:4
Y el SEÑOR dijo a Gedeón: Todavía el pueblo es demasiado numeroso; hazlos bajar al agua y allí te los probaré. Y será que de quien yo te diga: ``Este irá contigo, ése irá contigo; pero todo aquel de quien yo te diga: ``Este no irá contigo, ése no irá.

Entonces el SEÑOR dijo a Gedeón: "Todavía el pueblo es demasiado numeroso. Hazlos bajar al agua y allí te los probaré. Y será que de quien Yo te diga: 'Este irá contigo,' ése irá contigo. Pero todo aquél de quien Yo te diga: 'Este no irá contigo,' ése no irá."

Y Jehová dijo a Gedeón: Aún es mucho el pueblo; llévalos a las aguas, y allí yo te los probaré; y será que del que yo te dijere: Vaya éste contigo, irá contigo; mas de cualquiera que yo te dijere: Éste no vaya contigo, el tal no irá.

Y Jehová dijo á Gedeón: Aun es mucho el pueblo; llévalos á las aguas, y allí yo te los probaré; y del que yo te dijere: Vaya este contigo, vaya contigo: mas de cualquiera que yo te dijere: Este no vaya contigo, el tal no vaya.

Y el SEÑOR dijo a Gedeón: Aún es mucho el pueblo; llévalos a las aguas, y allí yo te los probaré; y del que yo te dijere: Vaya éste contigo, irá contigo; mas de cualquiera que yo te dijere: Este no vaya contigo, el tal no vaya.

Juízes 7:4
Contudo, o SENHOR voltou a falar com Gideão: “Este povo ainda é muito numeroso. Faze-os descer a beira da água e lá os provarei para ti. Aquele de quem Eu disser: ‘Este irá contigo’, esse contigo irá. E todo aquele de quem Eu disser: ‘Este não irá contigo’, esse não irá!”

Disse mais o Senhor a Gideão: Ainda são muitos. Faze-os descer às águas, e ali os provarei; e será que, aquele de que eu te disser: Este irá contigo, esse contigo irá; porém todo aquele de que eu te disser: Este não irá contigo, esse não irá.   

Judecatori 7:4
Domnul a zis lui Ghedeon: ,,Poporul este încă prea mult. Pogoară -i la apă, şi acolo ţi -i voi alege; acela despre care îţi voi spune: ,Acesta să meargă cu tine`, va merge cu tine; şi acela despre care îţi voi spune: ,Acesta să nu meargă cu tine`, nu va merge cu tine``.

Книга Судей 7:4
И сказал Господь Гедеону: все еще много народа; веди их к воде, там Я выберу их тебе; о ком Я скажу: „пусть идет с тобою", тот и пусть идетс тобою; а о ком скажу тебе: „не должен идти с тобою", тот пусть и не идет.

И сказал Господь Гедеону: все еще много народа; веди их к воде, там Я выберу их тебе; о ком Я скажу: `пусть идет с тобою`, тот и пусть идет с тобою; а о ком скажу тебе: `не должен идти с тобою`, тот пусть и не идет.[]

Domarboken 7:4
Men HERREN sade till Gideon: »Folket är ännu för talrikt; för dem ned till vattnet, så skall jag där göra ett urval av dem åt dig. Den om vilken jag då säger till dig: 'Denne skall gå med dig', han får gå med dig, men var och en om vilken jag säger till dig: 'Denne skall icke gå med dig', han får icke gå med.»

Judges 7:4
At sinabi ng Panginoon kay Gedeon, Ang bayan ay totoong marami pa; palusungin mo sila sa tubig, at doo'y aking susubukin sila sa iyo: at mangyayari, na sinomang aking sabihin sa iyo, Ito'y sumama sa iyo, yaon sumama sa iyo; at sa sinomang sabihin ko sa iyo, Ito'y huwag sumama sa iyo, yao'y huwag sumama sa iyo.

ผู้วินิจฉัย 7:4
พระเยโฮวาห์ตรัสกับกิเดโอนว่า "ประชาชนยังมากอยู่ จงพาเขาลงไปที่น้ำและเราจะทำการทดสอบเขาให้เจ้าที่นั่น ผู้ที่เราจะบอกเจ้าว่า `ให้คนนี้ไปกับเจ้า' ผู้นั้นต้องไปกับเจ้า ผู้ที่เราบอกว่า `คนนี้อย่าให้ไป' ผู้นั้นไม่ต้องไป"

Hakimler 7:4
RAB Gidyona, ‹‹Adamların sayısı hâlâ fazla›› dedi, ‹‹Kalanları suyun başına götür, onları orada senin için sınayayım. ‹Bu seninle gidecek› dediğim adam seninle gidecek; ‹Bu seninle gitmeyecek› dediğim gitmeyecek.››[]

Caùc Quan Xeùt 7:4
Ðức Giê-hô-va phán cùng Ghê-đê-ôn rằng: Dân hãy còn đông quá, phải biểu chúng xuống nơi mé nước, rồi ta sẽ vì ngươi thử chúng nó tại đó. Hễ kẻ nào ta phán với ngươi rằng: "Nó khá đi với ngươi," thì nó sẽ đi theo ngươi; còn kẻ nào ta phán cùng ngươi rằng: "Nó chớ đi với ngươi," thì kẻ đó không đi.

Judges 7:3
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