Judges 21:22
Judges 21:22
When their fathers or brothers complain to us, we will say to them, 'Do us the favor of helping them, because we did not get wives for them during the war. You will not be guilty of breaking your oath because you did not give your daughters to them.'"

And when their fathers and brothers come to us in protest, we will tell them, 'Please be sympathetic. Let them have your daughters, for we didn't find wives for all of them when we destroyed Jabesh-gilead. And you are not guilty of breaking the vow since you did not actually give your daughters to them in marriage.'"

And when their fathers or their brothers come to complain to us, we will say to them, ‘Grant them graciously to us, because we did not take for each man of them his wife in battle, neither did you give them to them, else you would now be guilty.’”

"It shall come about, when their fathers or their brothers come to complain to us, that we shall say to them, 'Give them to us voluntarily, because we did not take for each man of Benjamin a wife in battle, nor did you give them to them, else you would now be guilty.'"

And it shall be, when their fathers or their brethren come unto us to complain, that we will say unto them, Be favourable unto them for our sakes: because we reserved not to each man his wife in the war: for ye did not give unto them at this time, that ye should be guilty.

When their fathers or brothers come to us and protest, we will tell them, 'Show favor to them, since we did not get enough wives for each of them in the battle. You didn't actually give the women to them, so you are not guilty of breaking your oath.'"

If their fathers or brothers come complaining to us, we'll tell them 'Be generous! Give them to us voluntarily, because we didn't take anyone to be a wife for the men of the tribe of Benjamin as a result of the battle. And you haven't incurred guilt by giving your daughters to them.'"

When their fathers or brothers come and protest to us, we'll say to them, "Do us a favor and let them be, for we could not get each one a wife through battle. Don't worry about breaking your oath! You would only be guilty if you had voluntarily given them wives.'"

When their fathers or brothers come to us to complain, we'll tell them, 'Have pity on them, since we didn't provide a wife for each man in the battle. You won't be guilty because you didn't give them the wives yourselves.'"

And when their fathers or their brethren come unto us to complain, we will say unto them, Be merciful unto us for their sakes because in the war we did not take enough women for all of them; and you could not have given them to them, or ye should be guilty now.

And it shall be, when their fathers or their brethren come unto us to complain, that we will say unto them, Be favorable unto them for our sakes: because we reserved not to each man his wife in the war: for you did not give unto them at this time, that you should be guilty.

And it shall be, when their fathers or their brothers come to us to complain, that we will say to them, Be favorable to them for our sakes: because we reserved not to each man his wife in the war: for you did not give to them at this time, that you should be guilty.

And it shall be, when their fathers or their brethren come to complain unto us, that we will say unto them, Grant them graciously unto us, because we took not for each man of them his wife in battle, neither did ye give them unto them, else would ye now be guilty.

And when their fathers and their brethren shall come, and shall begin to complain against you, and to chide, we will say to them: Have pity on them for they took them not away as by the right of war or conquest, but when they asked to have them, you gave them not, and the fault was committed on your part.

And when their fathers or their brothers come to complain to us, we will say to them, 'Grant them graciously to us; because we did not take for each man of them his wife in battle, neither did you give them to them, else you would now be guilty.'"

And it shall be, when their fathers or their brethren come to complain unto us, that we will say unto them, Grant them graciously unto us: because we took not for each man of them his wife in battle: neither did ye give them unto them; else would ye now be guilty.

And it shall be, when their fathers or their brethren come to us to complain, that we will say to them, Be favorable to them for our sakes: because we reserved not to each man his wife in the war: for ye did not give to them at this time, that ye should be guilty.

It shall be, when their fathers or their brothers come to complain to us, that we will say to them, 'Grant them graciously to us, because we didn't take for each man his wife in battle, neither did you give them to them, otherwise you would now be guilty.'"

and it hath been, when their fathers or their brethren come in to plead unto us, that we have said unto them, Favour us by them, for we have not taken to each his wife in battle, for ye -- ye have not given to them at this time that ye are guilty.'

Gjyqtarët 21:22
Kur etërit o vëllezërit e tyre do të vinë te ne për të protestuar, ne do t'u themi: "Na i jepni, ju lutem, sepse në këtë luftë nuk kemi zënë një grua për secilin prej tyre; por në rast se nuk ua jepni atyre as në këtë rast, ju do të jeni fajtorë"".

ﺍﻟﻘﻀﺎﺓ 21:22
فاذا جاء آباؤهنّ او اخوتهنّ لكي يشكوا الينا نقول لهم تراءفوا عليهم لاجلنا لاننا لم ناخذ لكل واحد امرأته في الحرب لانكم انتم لم تعطوهم في الوقت حتى تكونوا قد اثمتم.

D Richter 21:22
Wenn dann ienerne Vätter older Brüeder kemmend und bei üns klagnd, sagn myr zo ien: "Vergib ien; mir habnd halt in n Krieg für ien nit gnueg Weiber zammbrungen; und göbn haettß ien kain künnen, weilß enk naacherd schuldig gmacht haettß."

Съдии 21:22
И когато бащите им или братята им, дойдат при нас, за да се оплачат, ние ще им речем: Бъдете благосклонни към тях заради нас, понеже в битката ние не задържахме жена за всекиго; а сега вие не сте им ги дали, та да сте виновни.

士 師 記 21:22
他 們 的 父 親 或 是 弟 兄 若 來 與 我 們 爭 競 , 我 們 就 說 : 求 你 們 看 我 們 的 情 面 , 施 恩 給 這 些 人 , 因 我 們 在 爭 戰 的 時 候 沒 有 給 他 們 留 下 女 子 為 妻 。 這 也 不 是 你 們 將 子 女 給 他 們 的 ; 若 是 你 們 給 的 , 就 算 有 罪 。

他 们 的 父 亲 或 是 弟 兄 若 来 与 我 们 争 竞 , 我 们 就 说 : 求 你 们 看 我 们 的 情 面 , 施 恩 给 这 些 人 , 因 我 们 在 争 战 的 时 候 没 有 给 他 们 留 下 女 子 为 妻 。 这 也 不 是 你 们 将 子 女 给 他 们 的 ; 若 是 你 们 给 的 , 就 算 有 罪 。



Judges 21:22
A kad njihovi očevi ili njihova braća dođu da se prituže na vas, mi ćemo im reći: 'Oprostite im što je svaki uzeo po ženu kao u ratu; vi im ih niste dali, pa je tako krivnja na vama.'"

Soudců 21:22
Když pak přijdou otcové jejich aneb bratří jejich, aby se před námi soudili, tedy řekneme jim: Slitujte se nad námi místo nich, nebo v té válce nevzali jsme pro každého z nich manželky; také jste vy jim nedali jich, a tak nebudete nic vinni.

Dommer 21:22
Naar saa deres Fædre eller Brødre kommer for at gaa i Rette med eder, skal I sige til dem: Skaan os, thi vi fik os ikke alle en Hustru i Krigen! Det er jo ikke eder, der har givet os dem; i saa Fald vilde I have forbrudt eder!«

Richtere 21:22
En het zal geschieden, wanneer haar vaders of haar broeders zullen komen, om voor ons te rechten, dat wij tot hen zullen zeggen: Zijt hun om onzentwil genadig, omdat wij geen huisvrouw voor een ieder van hen in deze krijg genomen hebben; want gijlieden hebt ze hun niet gegeven, dat gij te dezer tijd schuldig zoudt zijn.

שופטים 21:22
וְהָיָ֡ה כִּֽי־יָבֹ֣אוּ אֲבֹותָם֩ אֹ֨ו אֲחֵיהֶ֜ם [לָרֹוב כ] (לָרִ֣יב ׀ ק) אֵלֵ֗ינוּ וְאָמַ֤רְנוּ אֲלֵיהֶם֙ חָנּ֣וּנוּ אֹותָ֔ם כִּ֣י לֹ֥א לָקַ֛חְנוּ אִ֥ישׁ אִשְׁתֹּ֖ו בַּמִּלְחָמָ֑ה כִּ֣י לֹ֥א אַתֶּ֛ם נְתַתֶּ֥ם לָהֶ֖ם כָּעֵ֥ת תֶּאְשָֽׁמוּ׃ ס

כב והיה כי יבאו אבותם או אחיהם לרוב (לריב) אלינו ואמרנו אליהם חנונו אותם--כי לא לקחנו איש אשתו במלחמה  כי לא אתם נתתם להם כעת תאשמו  {ס}

והיה כי־יבאו אבותם או אחיהם [לרוב כ] (לריב ׀ ק) אלינו ואמרנו אליהם חנונו אותם כי לא לקחנו איש אשתו במלחמה כי לא אתם נתתם להם כעת תאשמו׃ ס

Birák 21:22
Ha aztán atyjaik vagy testvéreik hozzánk jõnek perlõdni, akkor azt mondjuk nékik: Könyörüljetek rajtuk mi érettünk, mert nem hozhattunk mindeniknek feleséget ama hadból, és minthogy nem ti adtátok nékik, most [nem] vagytok vétkesek.

Juĝistoj 21:22
Kaj se venos iliaj patroj aux fratoj kun plendo al ni, ni diros al ili:Pardonu nin pro ili; cxar ni ne prenis por cxiu edzinon en la milito, kaj vi ne donis al ili; tial vi estas nun senkulpaj.

Kuin heidän isänsä taikka veljensä tulevat valittamaan meidän eteemme, niin me sanomme heille: olkaat heille armiaat, sillä emme ole ottaneet heille emäntää sodalla; mutta ette tahtoneet heille antaa: tämä on teidän syynne.

Juges 21:22
Et s'il arrive que leurs pères ou leurs frères viennent nous quereller, nous leur dirons: Usez de grâce envers nous à leur sujet, car nous n'avons pas reçu chacun sa femme par la guerre; car ce n'est pas vous qui les leur avez données, de sorte que vous soyez coupables maintenant.

Si leurs pères ou leurs frères viennent se plaindre auprès de nous, nous leur dirons: Accordez-les-nous, car nous n'avons pas pris une femme pour chacun dans la guerre. Ce n'est pas vous qui les leur avez données; en ce cas, vous seriez coupables.

Et quand leurs pères, ou leurs frères viendront vers nous pour plaider, nous leur dirons : Ayez pitié d'eux pour l'amour de nous, puisque nous n'avons point pris femme pour [chacun d'eux] en cette guerre, et vous serez coupables si vous ne leur en donnez point en un temps comme celui-ci.

Richter 21:22

Wenn aber ihre Väter oder Brüder kommen, mit uns zu rechten, wollen wir zu ihnen sagen: Gönnt sie uns; denn wir hatten nicht für jeden ein Weib genommen im Streit. Auch habt nicht ihr sie ihnen gegeben; sonst wäret ihr jetzt schuldig.

Wenn dann ihre Väter oder Brüder kommen, um mit uns zu hadern, so wollen wir ihnen erwidern: Laßt sie ihnen, ihr habt sie ihnen ja nicht gegeben! - sonst freilich würdet ihr euch verschulden!

Giudici 21:22
E quando i loro padri o i loro fratelli verranno a querelarsi con noi, noi diremo loro: "Datecele, per favore, giacché in questa guerra non abbiam preso una donna per uno; né siete voi che le avete date loro; nel qual caso, voi sareste colpevoli".

E, quando i lor padri, ovvero i lor fratelli, verranno a noi per litigarne, noi diremo loro: Datele a noi di grazia; perciocchè in quella guerra non abbiamo presa per ciascun di loro la sua donna; conciossiachè voi non le abbiate loro date, onde ora siate colpevoli.

Maka akan jadi kelak apabila bapa-bapa dan saudara-saudara mereka itu datang hendak mengadukan halnya kepada kami, maka kami hendak berkata kepadanya demikian: Kasihankan apalah akan mereka itu oleh karena kami, sebab dalam perang itu tiada kami mendapat seorang bini bagi masing-masing mereka itu; bahwasanya bukan kamu yang sudah memberikan dia kepadanya, maka sebab itu sekarang sekali-kali tiada kamu bersalah dengan demikian.

사사기 21:22
만일 그 아비나 형제가 와서 우리에게 쟁론하면 우리가 그에게 말하기를 청컨대 너희는 우리에게 은혜를 베풀어 그들을 우리에게 줄지니라 이는 우리가 전쟁할 때에 각 사람을 위하여 그 아내를 얻어 주지 못하였고 너희가 자의로 그들에게 준것이 아니니 너희에게 죄가 없을 것임이니라 하겠노라' 하매

Iudicum 21:22
cumque venerint patres earum ac fratres et adversum vos queri coeperint atque iurgari dicemus eis miseremini eorum non enim rapuerunt eas iure bellantium atque victorum sed rogantibus ut acciperent non dedistis et a vestra parte peccatum est

Teisëjø knyga 21:22
O kai ateis jų tėvai arba broliai su skundu pas mus, mes jiems sakysime: ‘Būkite jiems malonūs, nes mes nekariavome, kad gautume jiems žmonų, ir jūs patys jiems nedavėte, tai ir nenusikaltote’ ”.

Judges 21:22
A ka tae mai o ratou matua, o ratou tungane ranei, ki a matou whakawa ai, ko reira matou mea ai ki a ratou, Kia atawhai ki a matou, ara ki a ratou: kihai hoki i riro i a matou he wahine ma tenei, ma tenei, o ratou i te mea e whawhai ana: ehara a no i te mea na koutou i hoatu i tenei wa, e he ai koutou.

Dommernes 21:22
Og når deres fedre eller brødre kommer og vil gå i rette med oss, da skal vi si til dem: Unn oss dem! For vi har ikke alle fått oss hustruer i krigen*, og I har jo ikke selv gitt dem pikene; da vilde I nu være skyldige**.

Jueces 21:22
Y sucederá que cuando sus padres o sus hermanos vengan a quejarse a nosotros, les diremos: Dádnoslas voluntariamente, porque no pudimos tomar en batalla una mujer para cada hombre de Benjamín, tampoco vosotros se las disteis, pues entonces seríais culpables.

"Y cuando sus padres o sus hermanos vengan a quejarse a nosotros, les diremos: 'Dénnoslas voluntariamente, porque no pudimos tomar en batalla una mujer para cada hombre de Benjamín. Tampoco ustedes se las dieron, pues entonces serían culpables.'"

Y será que cuando sus padres o sus hermanos vinieren a quejarse ante nosotros, nosotros les diremos: Tened piedad de ellos por causa de nosotros; pues que nosotros en la guerra no tomamos esposas para todos; que vosotros no se las habéis dado, para que ahora seáis culpables.

Y cuando vinieren los padres de ellas ó sus hermanos á demandárnoslo, nosotros les diremos: Tened piedad de nosotros en lugar de ellos: pues que nosotros en la guerra no tomamos mujeres para todos: que vosotros no se las habéis dado, para que ahora seáis

Y cuando vinieren los padres de ellas o sus hermanos a demandárnoslo, nosotros les diremos: Tened piedad de nosotros en lugar de ellos; pues que nosotros en la guerra no tomamos mujeres para todos; y pues que vosotros no se las habéis dado, para que ahora seáis culpables.

Juízes 21:22
Se os pais ou irmãos delas chegarem até nós para se queixarem do ocorrido, dir-lhes-emos: “Conformai-vos, porque não pudemos conseguir mulher para cada um na guerra; e vós não podieis entregá-las a eles, porquanto, nesse caso, teríeis sido culpados, mas agora sois inocentes!”

Então quando seus pais e seus irmãos vierem queixar-se a nós, nós lhes diremos: Dignai-vos de no-las conceder; pois nesta guerra não tomamos mulheres para cada um deles, nem vós lhas destes; de outro modo seríeis agora culpados.   

Judecatori 21:22
Dacă părinţii sau fraţii lor vor veni să se plîngă la noi, le vom spune: ,,Daţi-ni-le nouă, căci n'am luat cîte o nevastă de fiecare în război. Nu voi li le-aţi dat: numai atunci, aţi fi vinovaţi.

Книга Судей 21:22
и когда придут отцы их, или братья их с жалобою к нам, мы скажем им:простите нас за них, ибо мы не взяли для каждого из них жены на войне, и вы не дали им; теперь вы виновны.

и когда придут отцы их, или братья их с жалобою к нам, мы скажем им: простите нас за них, ибо мы не взяли для каждого из них жены на войне, и вы не дали им; теперь вы виновны.[]

Domarboken 21:22
Om sedan deras fäder eller deras bröder komma och beklaga sig för oss, vilja vi säga till dem: 'Förunnen oss dem; ty ingen av oss har tagit sig någon hustru i kriget. I haven ju då icke själva givit dem åt dessa; ty i sådant fall haden I ådragit eder skuld.'»

Judges 21:22
At mangyayari, na pagka ang kanilang mga magulang o ang kanilang mga kapatid ay naparito upang kami ay usapin, ay aming sasabihin sa kanila, Ipagkaloob na ninyo sila sa amin: sapagka't hindi namin kinuha na asawa sa bawa't isa sa kanila sa pagkikipagbaka: o ibinigay man ninyo sila sa kanila, sa ibang paraan kayo'y magkakasala.

ผู้วินิจฉัย 21:22
ถ้าบิดาหรือพี่น้องของหญิงเหล่านั้นมาร้องทุกข์ต่อเรา เราจะบอกเขาว่า `ขอโปรดยินยอมเพราะเห็นแก่เราเถิด ในเวลาสงครามเราไม่ได้ผู้หญิงให้พอแก่ทุกคน ทั้งท่านทั้งหลายเองก็ไม่ได้ให้แก่เขา ถ้ามิฉะนั้นบัดนี้พวกท่านก็จะมีโทษ'"

Hakimler 21:22
Kızların babaları ya da erkek kardeşleri bize yakınmaya gelirse, ‹Benyaminoğullarını hatırımız için bağışlayın› diyeceğiz, ‹Savaşarak aldığımız kızlar hepsine yetmedi. Siz de kendi kızlarınızı isteyerek vermediğinize göre suçlu sayılmazsınız.› ››[]

Caùc Quan Xeùt 21:22
Khi cha hay anh chúng nó đến kiện cùng chúng ta, chúng ta sẽ đáp rằng: xin hãy làm ơn cho chúng tôi mà gả chúng nó cho họ, vì trong giặc giã nầy, chúng tôi không thế cưới một người vợ cho mỗi người nam trong họ. Lại nữa, chẳng phải chính các anh em đã gả chúng nó cho họ; vì nếu như vậy, chắc anh em phải mắc tội.

Judges 21:21
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