Judges 19:9
Judges 19:9
Then when the man, with his concubine and his servant, got up to leave, his father-in-law, the woman's father, said, "Now look, it's almost evening. Spend the night here; the day is nearly over. Stay and enjoy yourself. Early tomorrow morning you can get up and be on your way home."

Later, as the man and his concubine and servant were preparing to leave, his father-in-law said, "Look, it's almost evening. Stay the night and enjoy yourself. Tomorrow you can get up early and be on your way."

And when the man and his concubine and his servant rose up to depart, his father-in-law, the girl’s father, said to him, “Behold, now the day has waned toward evening. Please, spend the night. Behold, the day draws to its close. Lodge here and let your heart be merry, and tomorrow you shall arise early in the morning for your journey, and go home.”

When the man arose to go along with his concubine and servant, his father-in-law, the girl's father, said to him, "Behold now, the day has drawn to a close; please spend the night. Lo, the day is coming to an end; spend the night here that your heart may be merry. Then tomorrow you may arise early for your journey so that you may go home."

And when the man rose up to depart, he, and his concubine, and his servant, his father in law, the damsel's father, said unto him, Behold, now the day draweth toward evening, I pray you tarry all night: behold, the day groweth to an end, lodge here, that thine heart may be merry; and to morrow get you early on your way, that thou mayest go home.

The man got up to go with his concubine and his servant, when his father-in-law, the girl's father, said to him, "Look, night is coming. Please spend the night. See, the day is almost over. Spend the night here, enjoy yourself, then you can get up early tomorrow for your journey and go home."

When the man got up to leave with his mistress and servant, his father-in-law, the young woman's father, told him, "Look now, evening is coming, so please spend another night. See how the daylight is fading, so spend the night here and enjoy yourself. Then tomorrow get up early and leave on your journey home."

When the man got ready to leave with his concubine and his servant, his father-in-law, the girl's father, said to him, "Look! The day is almost over! Stay another night! Since the day is over, stay another night here and have a good time. You can get up early tomorrow and start your trip home."

The Levite started to leave with his concubine and his servant. But his father-in-law said to him, "It's already evening. Please stay another night. It's too late [to leave] now. Stay here, and enjoy yourself. Tomorrow you can start out early to go home."

And when the man rose up to depart, he and his concubine and his servant, his father-in-law, the damsel's father, said unto him, Behold, now the day draws toward evening, I pray you tarry all night; behold, the day comes to an end; lodge here that thy heart may be merry, and tomorrow ye shall get up early and be on your way that thou may come unto thy tent.

And when the man rose up to depart, he, and his concubine, and his servant, his father-in-law, the young woman's father, said unto him, Behold, now the day draws toward evening, I pray you tarry all night: behold, the day grows to an end, lodge here, that your heart may be merry; and tomorrow get you early on your way, that you may go home.

And when the man rose up to depart, he, and his concubine, and his servant, his father in law, the damsel's father, said to him, Behold, now the day draws toward evening, I pray you tarry all night: behold, the day grows to an end, lodge here, that your heart may be merry; and to morrow get you early on your way, that you may go home.

And when the man rose up to depart, he, and his concubine, and his servant, his father-in-law, the damsel's father, said unto him, Behold, now the day draweth toward evening, I pray you tarry all night: behold, the day groweth to an end, lodge here, that thy heart may be merry; and to-morrow get you early on your way, that thou mayest go home.

And the young man arose to set forward with his wife and servant. And his father in law spoke to him again: Consider that the day is declining, and draweth toward evening: tarry with me to day also, and spend the day in mirth, and to morrow thou shalt depart, that thou mayest go into thy house.

And when the man and his concubine and his servant rose up to depart, his father-in-law, the girl's father, said to him, "Behold, now the day has waned toward evening; pray tarry all night. Behold, the day draws to its close; lodge here and let your heart be merry; and tomorrow you shall arise early in the morning for your journey, and go home."

And when the man rose up to depart, he, and his concubine, and his servant, his father in law, the damsel's father, said unto him, Behold, now the day draweth toward evening, I pray you tarry all night: behold, the day groweth to an end, lodge here, that thine heart may be merry; and tomorrow get you early on your way, that thou mayest go home.

And when the man arose to depart, he, and his concubine, and his servant, his father-in-law, the damsel's father, said to him, Behold now the day draweth towards evening, I pray you tarry all night: behold, the day is coming to an end, lodge here, that thy heart may be merry; and to-morrow get you early on your way, that thou mayest go home.

When the man rose up to depart, he, and his concubine, and his servant, his father-in-law, the young lady's father, said to him, "Behold, now the day draws toward evening, please stay all night: behold, the day grows to an end, lodge here, that your heart may be merry; and tomorrow go on your way early, that you may go home."

And the man riseth to go, he and his concubine, and his young man, and his father-in-law, father of the young woman, saith to him, 'Lo, I pray thee, the day hath fallen toward evening, lodge all night, I pray thee; lo, the declining of the day! lodge here, and let thine heart be glad -- and ye have risen early to-morrow for your journey, and thou hast gone to thy tent.'

Gjyqtarët 19:9
Kur ai njeri u ngrit për të ikur bashkë me konkubinën e tij dhë shërbëtorin e tij, i vjehrri, i ati i së resë, i tha: "Ja, ka filluar të erret; të lutem kaloje natën këtu; shiko, dita është duke mbaruar; kaloje këtu natën dhe zemra jote të gëzohet; nesër do të niseni herët dhe do të arrini në shtëpi".

ﺍﻟﻘﻀﺎﺓ 19:9
ثم قام الرجل للذهاب هو وسريته وغلامه فقال له حموه ابو الفتاة ان النهار قد مال الى الغروب. بيتوا الآن. هوذا آخر النهار. بتّ هنا وليطب قلبك وغدا تبكرون في طريقكم وتذهب الى خيمتك.

D Richter 19:9
Dann wär yr aber wirklich mit seinn Köbsweib und seinn Knecht abgraist. Aber sein Schweher, dyr Vater von dönn Weiberleut, fieng schoon wider an: "Gee, ietz werd s y schoon auf Nach zuehin! Ietz künntß +glei non über Nacht bleibn. Laaß s dyr guetgeen; und morgn eyn dyr Frueh künntß allss zammrichtn und naacherd haimzue geen."

Съдии 19:9
Сетне, когато човекът стана да си отиде- той и наложницата му и слугата му, рече тъст му, бащата на младата: Ето, сега денят преваля към вечер; пренощувайте, моля. Ето, денят е на свършване; пренощувай тук и нека се развесели сърцето ти; а утре тръгнете рано на път, за да отидеш у дома си.

士 師 記 19:9
那 人 同 他 的 妾 和 僕 人 起 來 要 走 , 他 岳 父 , 就 是 女 子 的 父 親 , 對 他 說 : 看 哪 , 日 頭 偏 西 了 , 請 你 再 住 一 夜 ; 天 快 晚 了 , 可 以 在 這 裡 住 宿 , 暢 快 你 的 心 。 明 天 早 早 起 行 回 家 去 。

那 人 同 他 的 妾 和 仆 人 起 来 要 走 , 他 岳 父 , 就 是 女 子 的 父 亲 , 对 他 说 : 看 哪 , 日 头 偏 西 了 , 请 你 再 住 一 夜 ; 天 快 晚 了 , 可 以 在 这 里 住 宿 , 畅 快 你 的 心 。 明 天 早 早 起 行 回 家 去 。



Judges 19:9
Muž ustade da ide, s inočom i slugom, kad mu tast, otac mlade žene, reče: "Evo se dan nagnuo k večeru. Prenoći još ovdje i proveseli se, pa sutra uranite na put i vratite se svom šatoru."

Soudců 19:9
Tedy vstal muž ten, aby šel, on i ženina jeho i mládenec jeho. I řekl mu tchán jeho, otec děvky: Aj, již se den nachýlil k večerou, medle zůstaňte přes noc; aj, dokonává se den, pobuď přes noc zde, a buď mysli veselé, a zítra tím raněji vypravíte se na cestu svou, a půjdeš k příbytku svému.

Dommer 19:9
Saa gjorde Manden sig rede til at drage bort med sin Medhustru og sin Tjener. Men hans Svigerfader, den unge Kvindes Fader, sagde til ham: »Se, det lider mod Aften, overnat dog her; se, Dagen hælder, bliv dog her i Nat og gør dig til gode, saa kan I i Morgen tidlig begive eder paa Vej og du drage til dit Hjem!«

Richtere 19:9
Toen maakte de man zich op, om weg te trekken, hij, en zijn bijwijf, en zijn jongen; en zijn schoonvader, de vader van de jonge vrouw, zeide: Zie toch, de dag heeft afgenomen, dat het avond zal worden, vernacht toch; zie, de dag legert zich, vernacht hier, en laat uw hart vrolijk zijn, en maak u morgen vroeg op uws weegs, en ga naar uw tent.

שופטים 19:9
וַיָּ֤קָם הָאִישׁ֙ לָלֶ֔כֶת ה֥וּא וּפִילַגְשֹׁ֖ו וְנַעֲרֹ֑ו וַיֹּ֣אמֶר לֹ֣ו חֹתְנֹ֣ו אֲבִ֣י הַֽנַּעֲרָ֡ה הִנֵּ֣ה נָא֩ רָפָ֨ה הַיֹּ֜ום לַעֲרֹ֗ב לִֽינוּ־נָ֞א הִנֵּ֨ה חֲנֹ֤ות הַיֹּום֙ לִ֥ין פֹּה֙ וְיִיטַ֣ב לְבָבֶ֔ךָ וְהִשְׁכַּמְתֶּ֤ם מָחָר֙ לְדַרְכְּכֶ֔ם וְהָלַכְתָּ֖ לְאֹהָלֶֽךָ׃

ט ויקם האיש ללכת הוא ופילגשו ונערו ויאמר לו חתנו אבי הנערה הנה נא רפה היום לערוב לינו נא הנה חנות היום לין פה וייטב לבבך והשכמתם מחר לדרככם והלכת לאהלך

ויקם האיש ללכת הוא ופילגשו ונערו ויאמר לו חתנו אבי הנערה הנה נא רפה היום לערב לינו־נא הנה חנות היום לין פה וייטב לבבך והשכמתם מחר לדרככם והלכת לאהלך׃

Birák 19:9
Ekkor felkele az a férfiú, hogy elmenjen ágyasával és szolgájával; de ipa, a leánynak atyja, így szólt hozzá: Ímé a nap már lehanyatlik, hogy beesteledjék, azért háljatok meg itt; ímé nyugalomra hajlik a nap, hálj itt, és gyönyörködjék a te szíved; holnap aztán készüljetek fel jókor reggel a ti útatokra, és menj el sátorodba.

Juĝistoj 19:9
Kaj la viro levigxis, por iri, li kaj lia kromedzino kaj lia junulo. Sed lia bopatro, la patro de la juna virino, diris al li:Jen finigxis la tago kaj farigxas vespero, tranoktu do, mi petas; jen la tago finigxis, tranoktu cxi tie, ke via koro faru al si gxojon; morgaux frue vi levigxos, por iri vian vojon, kaj vi iros al via tendo.

Ja mies nousi lähtemään matkaan jalkavaimonsa ja palveliansa kanssa, mutta hänen appensa, vaimon isä, sanoi hänelle: katsos, päivä on kulunut ja ehtoo on käsissä, olkaat tässä yötä; katso, tässä on sinulla oltava vielä nyt tämä päivä, ole tässä yö, että sydämes tulis iloiseksi. Nouskaat aamulla varhain matkallenne ja matkustakaat majoillenne.

Juges 19:9
Et l'homme se leva pour s'en aller, lui et sa concubine, et son serviteur. Et son beau-père, le père de la jeune femme, lui dit: Tu vois que le jour faiblit, le soir approche; je vous prie, passez la nuit; voici, le jour tombe, passe ici la nuit, et que ton coeur se réjouisse; et demain vous vous lèverez de bonne heure pour aller votre chemin, et tu t'en iras à ta tente.

Le mari se levait pour s'en aller, avec sa concubine et son serviteur; mais son beau-père, le père de la jeune femme, lui dit: Voici, le jour baisse, il se fait tard, passez donc la nuit; voici, le jour est sur son déclin, passe ici la nuit, et que ton coeur se réjouisse; demain vous vous lèverez de bon matin pour vous mettre en route, et tu t'en iras à ta tente.

Puis le mari se mit en chemin pour s'en aller, lui et sa concubine, avec son serviteur. Et son beau-père le père de la jeune femme, lui dit : Voici maintenant le jour baisse, il se fait tard, je vous prie passez ici la nuit, voici le jour finit, passe ici la nuit, et que ton cœur se réjouisse; et demain au matin vous vous lèverez pour aller votre chemin, et tu t'en iras en ta maison.

Richter 19:9

Und der Mann machte sich auf und wollte ziehen mit seinem Kebsweib und mit seinem Knechte. Aber sein Schwiegervater, der Dirne Vater, sprach zu ihm: Siehe, der Tag hat sich geneigt, und es will Abend werden; bleib über Nacht. Siehe, hier ist Herberge noch diesen Tag; bleibe hier über Nacht und laß dein Herz guter Dinge sein. Morgen steht ihr früh auf und zieht eures Weges zu deiner Hütte. {~} {~}

Als dann der Mann aufstand, um mit seinem Kebsweib und seinem Diener zu gehen, sagte sein Schwiegervater, der Vater des Mädchens, zu ihm: Sieh' doch, wie der Tag abgenommen hat, es wird Abend: bleibt doch über Nacht! Sieh', wie der Tag sich neigt: bleibe hier über Nacht und sei guter Dinge! Morgen früh mögt ihr dann eures Weges ziehen, damit du heim gelangst.

Giudici 19:9
E quando quell’uomo si levò per andarsene con la sua concubina e col suo servo, il suocero, il padre della giovane, gli disse: "Ecco, il giorno volge ora a sera; ti prego, trattienti qui questa notte; vedi, il giorno sta per finire; pernotta qui, e il cuor tuo si rallegri; e domani vi metterete di buon’ora in cammino e te ne andrai a casa".

Allora quell’uomo si levò, per andarsene con la sua concubina, e col suo servitore. Ma il suo suocero, padre della giovane, gli disse: Ecco ora, il giorno vien mancando e fassi sera; deh! state qui questa notte: ecco, il giorno cade; deh! sta’ qui questa notte, e rallegrisi il cuor tuo; e domattina voi vi leverete per andare a vostro cammino, e tu te ne andrai a casa tua.

Lalu bangkitlah orang itu hendak pergi, baik ia baik gundiknya dan hambanya, maka kata mentuanya, yaitu bapa perempuan muda itu: Lihat apalah olehmu, siang sudah lalu, hampir akan malam, bermalamlah kiranya di sini, bahwasanya haripun sudah lingsir, bermalamlah di sini dan biarlah hatimu bersukacita, maka esok hari hendaklah engkau bangun pagi-pagi, lalu berjalan pulang ke kemahmu.

사사기 19:9
그 사람이 첩과 하인으로 더불어 일어나 떠나고자 하매 그 첩장인 곧 여자의 아비가 그에게 이르되 `보라 ! 이제 해가 저물어가니 청컨대 이 밤도 유숙하라 보라 ! 해가 기울었느니라 그대는 여기서 유숙하여 그대의 마음을 즐겁게 하고 내일 일찌기 그대의 길을 행하여 그대의 집으로 돌아가라'

Iudicum 19:9
surrexitque adulescens ut pergeret cum uxore sua et puero cui rursum locutus est socer considera quod dies ad occasum declivior sit et propinquet ad vesperum mane apud me etiam hodie et duc laetum diem et cras proficisceris ut vadas in domum tuam

Teisëjø knyga 19:9
Kai levitas, jo sugulovė ir tarnas pasiruošė keliauti, uošvis vėl kalbėjo: “Žiūrėk, diena jau eina vakarop. Pasilikite nakčiai. Tegul pasidžiaugia tavo širdis, o rytoj, anksti atsikėlę, galėsite keliauti į namus”.

Judges 19:9
Na ka whakatika taua tangata ki te haere, a ia, tana wahine iti me tana tangata, a ka mea tona hungawai, te papa o te kotiro ki a ia, Nana, kua heke te ra, kua ahiahi, e noho ra, nana kua tawharara te ra, hei konei moe ai, kia koa ai tou ngakau; a hei te ata apopo ka maranga wawe ai koutou ki te ara, ka haere ki tou kainga.

Dommernes 19:9
Siden gjorde da mannen sig ferdig til å reise med sin medhustru og sin dreng; men hans svigerfar - den unge kvinnes far - sa til ham: Nu lider det mot aften; bli her natten over! Du ser dagen heller, bli her inatt og hygg dig her! Så kan I tidlig imorgen gi eder på veien, så du kan komme hjem igjen.

Jueces 19:9
Cuando el hombre se levantó para irse con su concubina y su criado, su suegro, el padre de la joven, le dijo: He aquí, ya ha declinado el día; te ruego que pases la noche. Mira, el día llega a su fin; pasa la noche aquí para que se alegre tu corazón. Y mañana os levantaréis temprano para vuestro viaje y te irás a tu casa.

Cuando el hombre se levantó para irse con su concubina y su criado, su suegro, el padre de la joven, le dijo: "Mira, ya ha declinado el día; te ruego que pases la noche, pues el día llega a su fin. Pasa la noche aquí para que se alegre tu corazón. Y mañana se levantarán temprano para su viaje y te irás a tu casa."

Se levantó luego el varón para irse, él, y su concubina, y su criado. Entonces su suegro, el padre de la joven, le dijo: He aquí el día declina para ponerse el sol, te ruego que pases aquí la noche; he aquí que el día se acaba, duerme aquí, para que se alegre tu corazón; y mañana os levantaréis temprano a vuestro camino, y te irás a tu casa.

Levantóse luego el varón para irse, él, y su concubina, y su criado. Entonces su suegro, el padre de la moza, le dijo: He aquí el día declina para ponerse el sol, ruégote que os estéis aquí la noche; he aquí que el día se acaba, ten aquí la noche, para qu

Se levantó luego el varón para irse, él, y su concubina, y su criado. Entonces su suegro, el padre de la joven, le dijo: He aquí el día declina para ponerse el sol , te ruego que os estéis aquí la noche; he aquí que el día se acaba, ten aquí la noche, para que se alegre tu corazón; y mañana os levantaréis temprano a vuestro camino, y llegarás a tus tiendas.

Juízes 19:9
Então o homem levantou-se pronto para partir com a sua concubina e o seu servo, quando o pai da jovem, lhe ponderou: “Eis que o dia termina e a tarde vem chegando depressa, portanto passa conosco a noite pelo menos. O dia declina, passai a noite aqui em segurança e que teu coração se regozije conosco. Amanhã bem cedo partireis, e tu irás para a tua habitação!”

Então o homem se levantou para partir, ele, a sua concubina, e o seu moço; e disse-lhe seu sogro, o pai da moça: Eis que já o dia declina para a tarde; peço-te que aqui passes a noite. O dia já vai acabando; passa aqui a noite, e alegre-se o teu coração: Amanhã de madrugada levanta-te para encetares viagem, e irás para a tua tenda.   

Judecatori 19:9
Bărbatul se scula să plece, cu ţiitoarea şi sluga lui; dar socrul-său, tatăl tinerei femei, i -a zis: ,,Iată că ziua a trecut, e tîrziu, rămîi dar peste noapte aici; iată că ziua se pleacă spre noapte, rămîi aici peste noapte, şi să ţi se veselească inima; mîne vă veţi scula disdedimineaţă ca să porniţi la drum, şi te vei duce la cortul tău.``

Книга Судей 19:9
И встал тот человек, чтоб идти, сам он, наложница его и слуга его. И сказал ему тесть его, отец молодой женщины: вот, день преклонился к вечеру, ночуйте, пожалуйте; вот, дню скоро конец, ночуй здесь, пусть повеселится сердце твое; завтра пораньше встанете в путь ваш, и пойдешь в дом твой.

И встал тот человек, чтоб идти, сам он, наложница его и слуга его. И сказал ему тесть его, отец молодой женщины: вот, день преклонился к вечеру, ночуйте, пожалуйте; вот, дню скоро конец, ночуй здесь, пусть повеселится сердце твое; завтра пораньше встанете в путь ваш, и пойдешь в дом твой.[]

Domarboken 19:9
När sedan mannen gjorde sig redo att resa med sin bihustru och sin tjänare, sade hans svärfader, kvinnans fader, till honom: »Se, det lider mot aftonen; stannen kvar över natten, dagen nalkas ju sitt slut; ja, stanna kvar här över natten, och låt ditt hjärta vara glatt. Sedan kunnen I i morgon bittida företaga eder färd, så att du får komma hem till din hydda.»

Judges 19:9
At nang tumindig ang lalake upang yumaon, siya, at ang kaniyang babae, at ang kaniyang bataan, ay sinabi ng kaniyang biyanan, na ama ng kaniyang babae, sa kaniya, Narito, ngayo'y ang araw ay gumagabi na, isinasamo ko sa inyong magpahinga sa buong gabi: narito, ang araw ay nananaw; tumigil dito, upang ang iyong puso ay sumaya; at bukas ay yumaon kayong maaga sa inyong paglakad, upang makauwi ka.

ผู้วินิจฉัย 19:9
เมื่อชายคนนั้นและภรรยาน้อยกับคนใช้ลุกขึ้นจะออกเดิน พ่อตาของเขาคือบิดาของผู้หญิงก็บอกเขาว่า "ดูเถิด นี่ก็บ่ายใกล้ค่ำแล้ว ขอค้างอยู่อีกคืนหนึ่งเถิด ดูเถิด จะสิ้นวันอยู่แล้ว พักนอนที่นี่เถิด เพื่อใจของเจ้าจะเบิกบาน พรุ่งนี้เช้าขอเจ้าตื่นแต่เช้าเพื่อออกเดินทาง เจ้าจะได้ไปบ้าน"

Hakimler 19:9
Damat, cariyesi ve uşağıyla birlikte gitmek için ayağa kalkınca, kayınbaba, ‹‹Bak, akşam oluyor, lütfen geceyi burada geçirin›› dedi, ‹‹Gün batmak üzere. Geceyi burada geçirin, keyfinize bakın. Yarın erkenden kalkıp yola çıkar, evine gidersin.››[]

Caùc Quan Xeùt 19:9
Ðoạn, người Lê-vi đứng dậy đặng đi cùng vợ bé và tôi tớ mình; nhưng ông gia, là cha của người đờn bà trẻ, nói rằng: Nầy, ngày đã xế, chiều hầu gần, cha xin hai con hãy ở lại đây. Ngày đã xế, hãy ở đêm lại đây, cho lòng con vui mừng. Ngày mai, hai con sẽ thức dậy sớm, đặng lên đường, và trở về nhà con.

Judges 19:8
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