Judges 19:4
Judges 19:4
His father-in-law, the woman's father, prevailed on him to stay; so he remained with him three days, eating and drinking, and sleeping there.

Her father urged him to stay awhile, so he stayed three days, eating, drinking, and sleeping there.

And his father-in-law, the girl’s father, made him stay, and he remained with him three days. So they ate and drank and spent the night there.

His father-in-law, the girl's father, detained him; and he remained with him three days. So they ate and drank and lodged there.

And his father in law, the damsel's father, retained him; and he abode with him three days: so they did eat and drink, and lodged there.

His father-in-law, the girl's father, detained him, and he stayed with him for three days. They ate, drank, and spent the nights there.

The young woman's father (that is, his father-in-law) made him stay there for three days while they ate and drank during his visit there.

His father-in-law, the girl's father, persuaded him to stay with him for three days, and they ate and drank together, and spent the night there.

He made the Levite stay there with him, celebrating for three days.

and his father-in-law, the damsel's father, retained him, and he dwelt with him three days; eating and drinking, and abiding there.

And his father-in-law, the young woman's father, detained him; and he abode with him three days: so they did eat and drink, and lodged there.

And his father in law, the damsel's father, retained him; and he stayed with him three days: so they did eat and drink, and lodged there.

And his father-in-law, the damsel's father, retained him; and he abode with him three days: so they did eat and drink, and lodged there.

And embraced the man. And the son in law tarried in the house of his father in law three days, eating with him and drinking familiarly.

And his father-in-law, the girl's father, made him stay, and he remained with him three days; so they ate and drank, and lodged there.

And his father in law, the damsel's father, retained him; and he abode with him three days: so they did eat and drink, and lodged there.

And his father-in-law, the damsel's father, retained him; and he abode with him three days: so they ate and drank, and lodged there.

His father-in-law, the young lady's father, retained him; and he stayed with him three days: so they ate and drink, and lodged there.

And keep hold on him doth his father-in-law, father of the young woman, and he abideth with him three days, and they eat and drink, and lodge there.

Gjyqtarët 19:4
Vjehrri i tij, i ati i së resë, e mbajti dhe ai qëndroi tri ditë me të; kështu hëngrën e pinë, dhe e kaluan natën aty.

ﺍﻟﻘﻀﺎﺓ 19:4
وامسكه حموه ابو الفتاة فمكث معه ثلاثة ايام فأكلوا وشربوا وباتوا هناك.

D Richter 19:4
Weil n sein Schweher, yn dönn Weiberleut sein Vater, gar yso drum gabitt, blib yr drei Täg bei iem. Sö aassnd und trankend, und er gnächtigt dort.

Съдии 19:4
И тъст му, бащата на младата, го задържа, та преседя с него три дена; и ядоха и пиеха и пренощуваха там.

士 師 記 19:4
那 人 的 岳 父 , 就 是 女 子 的 父 親 , 將 那 人 留 下 住 了 三 天 。 於 是 二 人 一 同 吃 喝 、 住 宿 。

那 人 的 岳 父 , 就 是 女 子 的 父 亲 , 将 那 人 留 下 住 了 三 天 。 於 是 二 人 一 同 吃 喝 、 住 宿 。



Judges 19:4
Tast, otac mlade žene, zadrži ga tri dana kod sebe te su jeli, pili i noćivali.

Soudců 19:4
I zdržel jej tchán jeho, otec té děvky, tak že pozůstal u něho za tři dni. Tu také jídali i píjeli i nocovali.

Dommer 19:4
og hans Svigerfader, den unge Kvindes Fader, holdt paa ham, saa at han blev hos ham i tre Dage; og de spiste og drak og overnattede der.

Richtere 19:4
En zijn schoonvader, de vader van de jonge vrouw, behield hem, dat hij drie dagen bij hem bleef; en zij aten en dronken, en vernachtten aldaar.

שופטים 19:4
וַיֶּחֱזַק־בֹּ֤ו חֹֽתְנֹו֙ אֲבִ֣י הַֽנַּעֲרָ֔ה וַיֵּ֥שֶׁב אִתֹּ֖ו שְׁלֹ֣שֶׁת יָמִ֑ים וַיֹּאכְלוּ֙ וַיִּשְׁתּ֔וּ וַיָּלִ֖ינוּ שָֽׁם׃

ד ויחזק בו חתנו אבי הנערה וישב אתו שלשת ימים ויאכלו וישתו וילינו שם

ויחזק־בו חתנו אבי הנערה וישב אתו שלשת ימים ויאכלו וישתו וילינו שם׃

Birák 19:4
És ott tartóztatá õt ipa, a leánynak atyja, és õ ott maradt nála három napig, és ettek, ittak, és ott [is] háltak.

Juĝistoj 19:4
Kaj retenis lin lia bopatro, la patro de la juna virino, kaj li restis cxe li dum tri tagoj; kaj ili mangxis kaj trinkis kaj tranoktis tie.

Ja hänen appensa, vaimon isä, pidätti hänen, että hän viipyi hänen tykönänsä kolme päivää; he söivät ja joivat, ja olivat siinä yötä.

Juges 19:4
Et son beau-père, le père de la jeune femme, le retint; et il demeura avec lui trois jours; et ils mangèrent et burent, et ils passèrent la nuit là.

Son beau-père, le père de la jeune femme, le retint trois jours chez lui. Ils mangèrent et burent, et ils y passèrent la nuit.

Son beau-père donc, père de la jeune femme, le retint [à grande instance]; de sorte qu'il demeura avec lui trois jours; et ils mangèrent et burent, et logèrent là.

Richter 19:4

Und sein Schwiegervater, der Dirne Vater, hielt ihn, daß er drei Tage bei ihm blieb; sie aßen und tranken und blieben des Nachts da.

Sein Schwiegervater, der Vater des Mädchens, nahm ihn bei der Hand und führte ihn hinein, und er blieb drei Tage bei ihm. Sie aßen und tranken und blieben dort über Nacht.

Giudici 19:4
Il suo suocero, il padre della giovane, lo trattenne, ed egli rimase con lui tre giorni; e mangiarono e bevvero e pernottarono quivi.

E il suo suocero, padre della giovane, lo ritenne; ed egli dimorò con lui tre giorni; e mangiarono, e bevvero, e albergarono quivi.

Maka mentuanya, yaitu bapa perempuan muda itu, membujuk akan dia, sehingga tinggallah ia dengan dia tiga hari lamanya, maka keduanyapun makan minumlah dan bermalamlah di sana.

사사기 19:4
그 첩장인 곧 여자의 아비가 그를 머물리매 그가 삼일을 그와 함께 거하며 먹고 마시며 거기서 유숙하다가

Iudicum 19:4
et amplexatus est hominem mansitque gener in domo soceri tribus diebus comedens cum eo et bibens familiariter

Teisëjø knyga 19:4
Uošvis užlaikė jį, ir jis pasiliko ten tris dienas. Jie valgė, gėrė ir nakvojo.

Judges 19:4
Na ka pupuri tona hungawai, te papa o te kotiro, i a ia; a e toru nga ra i noho ai ia ki a ia; heoi kai ana, inu ana raua, a noho ana i reira.

Dommernes 19:4
Og hans svigerfar - den unge kvinnes far - holdt på ham, så han blev hos ham i tre dager; og de åt og drakk og blev der natten over.

Jueces 19:4
Y su suegro, el padre de la joven, lo retuvo, y se quedó con él tres días. Y comieron, bebieron y se alojaron allí.

Su suegro, el padre de la joven, lo retuvo, y se quedó con él tres días. Y comieron, bebieron y se alojaron allí.

y le detuvo su suegro, padre de la joven, y quedó en su casa tres días, comiendo y bebiendo, y reposando allí.

Y viéndole el padre de la moza, salióle á recibir gozoso; y detúvole su suegro, padre de la moza, y quedó en su casa tres días, comiendo y bebiendo, y reposando allí.

Y viéndole el padre de la joven, le salió a recibir gozoso; y le detuvo su suegro, el padre de la joven, y quedó en su casa tres días, comiendo y bebiendo, y reposando allí.

Juízes 19:4
O pai da jovem o convenceu a ficar ali por algum tempo; e ele aceitando, permaneceu com eles por três dias. O casal passou a fazer as suas refeições e a dormir juntos.

E seu sogro, o pai da moça, o deteve consigo três dias; assim comeram e beberam, e se alojaram ali.   

Judecatori 19:4
Socrul său, tatăl femeii aceleia tinere, l -a ţinut la el trei zile. Au mîncat şi au băut, şi au rămas noaptea acolo.

Книга Судей 19:4
Отец этой молодой женщины, увидев его, с радостью встретил его, и удержал его тесть его, отец молодой женщины. И пробыл он у него три дня; они ели и пили и ночевали там.

Отец этой молодой женщины, увидев его, с радостью встретил его, и удержал его тесть его, отец молодой женщины. И пробыл он у него три дня; они ели и пили и ночевали там.[]

Domarboken 19:4
Och hans svärfader, kvinnans fader, höll honom kvar, så att han stannade hos honom i tre dagar; de åto och drucko och voro där nätterna över.

Judges 19:4
At pinigil siya ng kaniyang biyanan, ng ama ng babae; at siya'y tumahang kasama niya na tatlong araw: sa gayo'y sila'y nagkainan at naginuman, at tumuloy roon.

ผู้วินิจฉัย 19:4
พ่อตาของเขาคือบิดาของผู้หญิงหน่วงเหนี่ยวเขา และเขาพักอยู่ด้วยสามวัน เขาก็กินและดื่ม และพักนอนอยู่ที่นั่น

Hakimler 19:4
Yanında alıkoydu. Adam onların evinde üç gün kaldı, onlarla birlikte yedi, içti ve orada geceledi.[]

Caùc Quan Xeùt 19:4
Ông gia người, là cha của người đờn bà trẻ, cầm người lại, và người ở nhà ông gia trong ba ngày, cùng ăn uống, và ngủ đêm tại đó.

Judges 19:3
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