Judges 18:31
Judges 18:31
They continued to use the idol Micah had made, all the time the house of God was in Shiloh.

So Micah's carved image was worshiped by the tribe of Dan as long as the Tabernacle of God remained at Shiloh.

So they set up Micah’s carved image that he made, as long as the house of God was at Shiloh.

So they set up for themselves Micah's graven image which he had made, all the time that the house of God was at Shiloh.

And they set them up Micah's graven image, which he made, all the time that the house of God was in Shiloh.

So they set up for themselves Micah's carved image that he had made, and it was there as long as the house of God was in Shiloh.

Micah's carved image, that he himself had crafted, was in place during the entire time that God's tent was set up at Shiloh.

They worshiped Micah's carved image the whole time God's authorized shrine was in Shiloh.

So they set up for themselves the carved idol Micah had made. It stayed there the whole time the house of God was at Shiloh.

And they set up Micah's graven image, which he made, all the time that the house of God was in Shiloh.

And they set them up Micah's graven image, which he made, all the time that the house of God was in Shiloh.

And they set them up Micah's graven image, which he made, all the time that the house of God was in Shiloh.

So they set them up Micah's graven image which he made, all the time that the house of God was in Shiloh.

And the idol of Michas remained with them all the time that the house of God was in Silo. In those days there was no king in Israel.

So they set up Micah's graven image which he made, as long as the house of God was at Shiloh.

So they set them up Micah's graven image which he made, all the time that the house of God was in Shiloh.

And they set up for themselves Micah's graven image which he made, all the time that the house of God was in Shiloh.

So they set them up Micah's engraved image which he made, all the time that the house of God was in Shiloh.

And they appoint for them the graven image of Micah, which he had made, all the days of the house of God being in Shiloh.

Gjyqtarët 18:31
Kështu ngritën për vete shëmbëlltyrën e gdhendur nga Mikahu, gjatë gjithë kohës që shtëpia e Perëndisë mbeti në Shiloh.

ﺍﻟﻘﻀﺎﺓ 18:31
ووضعوا لانفسهم تمثال ميخا المنحوت الذي عمله كل الايام التي كان فيها بيت الله في شيلوه

D Richter 18:31
Sö hietnd also dös Gotsbild, wo dyr Michen gmacht hiet, bei ien aufgstöllt, und es stuendd daadl de gantze Zeit, wie s aau z Schilo s Gotshaus gaab.

Съдии 18:31
Така те си поставиха изваяния идол, който Михей бе направил, и който оставаше там през цялото време, когато Божият дом беше в Сило.

士 師 記 18:31
  神 的 殿 在 示 羅 多 少 日 子 , 但 人 為 自 己 設 立 米 迦 所 雕 刻 的 像 也 在 但 多 少 日 子 。

  神 的 殿 在 示 罗 多 少 日 子 , 但 人 为 自 己 设 立 米 迦 所 雕 刻 的 像 也 在 但 多 少 日 子 。



Judges 18:31
I stajaše im onaj rezani i ljeveni idol što ga je Mika načinio, i ostade ondje za sve vrijeme dokle Dom Božji bijaše u Šilu.

Soudců 18:31
Vystavili tedy sobě tu rytinu, kterouž udělal Mícha, a byla tam po všecky dny,v nichž dům Boží byl v Sílo.

Dommer 18:31
Og det Gudebillede, Mika havde lavet sig, stillede de op hos sig, og det stod der, al den Tid Guds Hus var i Silo.

Richtere 18:31
Alzo stelden zij onder zich het gesneden beeld van Micha, dat hij gemaakt had, al de dagen, dat het huis Gods te Silo was.

שופטים 18:31
וַיָּשִׂ֣ימוּ לָהֶ֔ם אֶת־פֶּ֥סֶל מִיכָ֖ה אֲשֶׁ֣ר עָשָׂ֑ה כָּל־יְמֵ֛י הֱיֹ֥ות בֵּית־הָאֱלֹהִ֖ים בְּשִׁלֹֽה׃ פ

לא וישימו להם את פסל מיכה אשר עשה כל ימי היות בית האלהים בשלה  {פ}

וישימו להם את־פסל מיכה אשר עשה כל־ימי היות בית־האלהים בשלה׃ פ

Birák 18:31
És felállítva tarták a Míka faragott képét, a melyet az készíttetett, mindaddig, míg az Istenháza Silóban volt.

Juĝistoj 18:31
Kaj dum la tuta tempo, kiam la domo de Dio estis en SXilo, ili havis cxe si la idolon de Mihxa, kiun li faris.

Ja he panivat keskellensä Miikan kuvan, jonka hän tehnyt oli, niinkauvan kuin Jumalan huone oli Silossa.

Juges 18:31
Et ils dressèrent pour eux l'image taillée de Michée, qu'il avait faite, pendant tout le temps que la maison de Dieu fut à Silo.

Ils établirent pour eux l'image taillée qu'avait faite Mica, pendant tout le temps que la maison de Dieu fut à Silo.

Ils y dressèrent donc l'image taillée que Mica avait faite, tout le temps que la maison de Dieu fut à Silo.

Richter 18:31

Also setzten sie unter sich das Bild Michas, das er gemacht hatte, so lange, als das Haus Gottes war zu Silo.

Und sie stellten sich das Schnitzbild, das Micha gefertigt hatte, auf über die ganze Zeit, während welcher das Gotteshaus zu Silo bestand.

Giudici 18:31
Così rizzarono par se l’immagine scolpita che Mica avea fatta, durante tutto il tempo che la casa di Dio rimase a Sciloh.

Si rizzarono adunque quella scultura di Mica, ch’egli avea fatta; ed ella vi fu tutto il tempo che la Casa di Dio fu in Silo.

Maka ditaruhnya bagi dirinya akan patung ukiran, yang perbuatan Mikha itu, pada segala hari adalah Bait-Ullah di Silo.

사사기 18:31
하나님의 집이 실로에 있을 동안에 미가의 지은 바 새긴 신상이 단 자손에게 있었더라

Iudicum 18:31
mansitque apud eos idolum Michae omni tempore quo fuit domus Dei in Silo in diebus illis non erat rex in Israhel

Teisëjø knyga 18:31
Jie laikė pas save Mikajo padarytą drožtą atvaizdą visą laiką, kol Dievo šventykla buvo Šilojuje.

Judges 18:31
A tu tonu ta ratou whakapakoko whakairo, ta Mika i hanga ra, i nga ra katoa o te whare o te Atua i Hiro.

Dommernes 18:31
Det utskårne billede som Mika hadde gjort, hadde de stående hos sig hele den tid Guds hus var i Silo.

Jueces 18:31
Levantaron, pues, para sí la imagen tallada que Micaía había hecho, todo el tiempo que la casa de Dios estuvo en Silo.

Levantaron, pues, para sí la imagen tallada que Micaía había hecho, todo el tiempo que la casa de Dios estuvo en Silo.

Y se levantaron la imagen de Micaía, la cual él había hecho, todo el tiempo que la casa de Dios estuvo en Silo.

Y levantáronse la imagen de Michâs, la cual él había hecho, todo el tiempo que la casa de Dios estuvo en Silo.

Y levantaron la imagen de Micaía, la cual él había hecho, todo el tiempo que la casa de Dios estuvo en Silo.

Juízes 18:31
Eles conservaram o ídolo feito por Mica com eles durante todo o tempo em que a casa de Deus esteve em Siló.

Assim, pois, estabeleceram para si a imagem esculpida que Mica fizera, por todo o tempo em que a casa de Deus esteve em Siló.   

Judecatori 18:31
Au aşezat pentru ei chipul cioplit pe care -l făcuse Mica, în tot timpul cît a fost casa lui Dumnezeu la Silo.

Книга Судей 18:31
и имели у себя истукан, сделанный Михою, во все то время, когда дом Божий находился в Силоме.

и имели у себя истукан, сделанный Михою, во все то время, когда дом Божий находился в Силоме.[]

Domarboken 18:31
De ställde upp åt sig den skurna gudabild som Mika hade gjort, och de hade denna kvar under hela den tid Guds hus var i Silo.

Judges 18:31
Gayon nila itinayo ang larawang inanyuan ni Michas na kaniyang ginawa, sa buong panahon na ang bahay ng Dios ay nasa Silo.

ผู้วินิจฉัย 18:31

Hakimler 18:31
Tanrı'nın Tapınağı Şilo'da olduğu sürece Mika'nın yaptırdığı puta taptılar. İbrani din bilginlerine göre ‹‹Musa oğlu››, Masoretik metin ‹‹Manaşşe oğlu››.[]

Caùc Quan Xeùt 18:31
Chúng giữ tượng chạm của Mi-ca làm nên trọn trong lúc đền của Ðức Chúa Trời ở tại Si-lô.

Judges 18:30
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