Judges 14:3
Judges 14:3
His father and mother replied, "Isn't there an acceptable woman among your relatives or among all our people? Must you go to the uncircumcised Philistines to get a wife?" But Samson said to his father, "Get her for me. She's the right one for me."

His father and mother objected. "Isn't there even one woman in our tribe or among all the Israelites you could marry?" they asked. "Why must you go to the pagan Philistines to find a wife?" But Samson told his father, "Get her for me! She looks good to me."

But his father and mother said to him, “Is there not a woman among the daughters of your relatives, or among all our people, that you must go to take a wife from the uncircumcised Philistines?” But Samson said to his father, “Get her for me, for she is right in my eyes.”

Then his father and his mother said to him, "Is there no woman among the daughters of your relatives, or among all our people, that you go to take a wife from the uncircumcised Philistines?" But Samson said to his father, "Get her for me, for she looks good to me."

Then his father and his mother said unto him, Is there never a woman among the daughters of thy brethren, or among all my people, that thou goest to take a wife of the uncircumcised Philistines? And Samson said unto his father, Get her for me; for she pleaseth me well.

But his father and mother said to him, "Can't you find a young woman among your relatives or among any of our people? Must you go to the uncircumcised Philistines for a wife?" But Samson told his father, "Get her for me, because I want her."

His father and mother asked him, "Isn't there a woman suitable among the daughters of your relatives or among all of our people, since you're going to get your wife from the uncircumcised Philistines?" But Samson retorted to his father, "Get her for me, since she looks fine to me."

But his father and mother said to him, "Certainly you can find a wife among your relatives or among all our people! You should not have to go and get a wife from the uncircumcised Philistines." But Samson said to his father, "Get her for me, because she is the right one for me."

His father and mother asked him, "Aren't there any women among our relatives or all our people? Do you have to marry a woman from those godless Philistines?" But Samson told his father, "Get her for me! She's the one I want!"

Then his father and his mother said unto him, Is there never a woman among the daughters of thy brethren or among all my people that thou goest to take a wife of the uncircumcised Philistines? And Samson said unto his father, Get her for me; for she pleases me well.

Then his father and his mother said unto him, Is there no woman among the daughters of your brethren, or among all my people, that you go to take a wife of the uncircumcised Philistines? And Samson said unto his father, Get her for me; for she pleases me well.

Then his father and his mother said to him, Is there never a woman among the daughters of your brothers, or among all my people, that you go to take a wife of the uncircumcised Philistines? And Samson said to his father, Get her for me; for she pleases me well.

Then his father and his mother said unto him, Is there never a woman among the daughters of thy brethren, or among all my people, that thou goest to take a wife of the uncircumcised Philistines? And Samson said unto his father, Get her for me; for she pleaseth me well.

And his father and mother said to him: Is there no woman among the daughters of thy brethren, or among all my people, that thou wilt take a wife of the Philistines, who are uncircumcised? And Samson said to his father: Take this woman for me, for she hath pleased my eyes.

But his father and mother said to him, "Is there not a woman among the daughters of your kinsmen, or among all our people, that you must go to take a wife from the uncircumcised Philistines?" But Samson said to his father, "Get her for me; for she pleases me well."

Then his father and his mother said unto him, Is there never a woman among the daughters of thy brethren, or among all my people, that thou goest to take a wife of the uncircumcised Philistines? And Samson said unto his father, Get her for me; for she pleaseth me well.

Then his father and his mother said to him, Is there not a woman among the daughters of thy brethren, or among all my people, that thou goest to take a wife of the uncircumcised Philistines? And Samson said to his father, Get her for me; for she pleaseth me well.

Then his father and his mother said to him, "Is there never a woman among the daughters of your brothers, or among all my people, that you go to take a wife of the uncircumcised Philistines?" Samson said to his father, "Get her for me; for she pleases me well."

And his father saith to him -- also his mother, 'Is there not among the daughters of thy brethren, and among all my people, a woman, that thou art going to take a woman from the uncircumcised Philistines?' and Samson saith unto his father, 'Take her for me, for she is right in mine eyes.'

Gjyqtarët 14:3
Babai dhe nëna e tij i thanë: "A nuk ka vallë një grua midis bijave të vëllezërve të tu në gjithë popullin tonë, që ti të shkosh të marrësh një grua midis Filistejve të parrethprerë?". Por Sansoni iu përgjegj atit të tij me këto fjalë: "Merrma atë, sepse më pëlqen".

ﺍﻟﻘﻀﺎﺓ 14:3
فقال له ابوه وامه أليس في بنات اخوتك وفي كل شعبي امرأة حتى انك ذاهب لتأخذ امرأة من الفلسطينيين الغلف. فقال شمشون لابيه اياها خذ لي لانها حسنت في عينيّ.

D Richter 14:3
Daa gmainend seine Ölttern: "Ja, geit s ietz in ünsern Stamm und Volk kaine Weiber niemer, däßst dyr daa ausgrechnet aine bei dene Pflisterhaidn suechen muesst?" Dyr Säms gantwortt yn n Vatern: "Mein, wenn s myr halt gfallt!"

Съдии 14:3
А баща му и майка му му рекоха: Няма ли някоя жена между дъщерите на братята ти, или между всичките ми люде, та отиваш да вземаш жена от необрязаните филистимци? А Самсон рече на баща си: Нея ми вземи; защото тя ми е угодна.

士 師 記 14:3
他 父 母 說 : 在 你 弟 兄 的 女 兒 中 , 或 在 本 國 的 民 中 , 豈 沒 有 一 個 女 子 , 何 至 你 去 在 未 受 割 禮 的 非 利 士 人 中 娶 妻 呢 ? 參 孫 對 他 父 親 說 : 願 你 給 我 娶 那 女 子 , 因 我 喜 悅 他 。

他 父 母 说 : 在 你 弟 兄 的 女 儿 中 , 或 在 本 国 的 民 中 , 岂 没 有 一 个 女 子 , 何 至 你 去 在 未 受 割 礼 的 非 利 士 人 中 娶 妻 呢 ? 参 孙 对 他 父 亲 说 : 愿 你 给 我 娶 那 女 子 , 因 我 喜 悦 他 。



Judges 14:3
Otac i mati rekoše: "Zar nema djevojaka među kćerima tvoga plemena i u svemu našem narodu da moraš uzeti ženu između neobrezanih Filistejaca?" Ali Samson odgovori ocu: "Oženi me njome jer mi ona omilje."

Soudců 14:3
I řekl mu otec jeho a matka jeho: Zdali není mezi dcerami bratří tvých a ve všem lidu mém ženy, že sobě vzíti chceš manželku z Filistinských neobřezaných? Odpověděl Samson otci svému: Tuto vezměte mi, nebť mi se líbí.

Dommer 14:3
Hans Fader og Moder svarede ham: »Findes der da ingen Kvinde blandt dine Landsmænds Døtre eller i hele dit Folk, siden du vil gaa hen og tage dig en Hustru hos de uomskaarne Filistere?« Men Samson svarede sin Fader: »Nej, hende maa du hjælpe mig til, thi det er hende, jeg synes om!«

Richtere 14:3
Maar zijn vader zeide tot hem, mitsgaders zijn moeder: Is er geen vrouw onder de dochteren uwer broeders, en onder al mijn volk, dat gij heengaat, om een vrouw te nemen van de Filistijnen, die onbesnedenen? En Simson zeide tot zijn vader: Neem mij die, want zij is bevallig in mijn ogen.

שופטים 14:3
וַיֹּ֨אמֶר לֹ֜ו אָבִ֣יו וְאִמֹּ֗ו הַאֵין֩ בִּבְנֹ֨ות אַחֶ֤יךָ וּבְכָל־עַמִּי֙ אִשָּׁ֔ה כִּֽי־אַתָּ֤ה הֹולֵךְ֙ לָקַ֣חַת אִשָּׁ֔ה מִפְּלִשְׁתִּ֖ים הָעֲרֵלִ֑ים וַיֹּ֨אמֶר שִׁמְשֹׁ֤ון אֶל־אָבִיו֙ אֹותָ֣הּ קַֽח־לִ֔י כִּֽי־הִ֖יא יָשְׁרָ֥ה בְעֵינָֽי׃

ג ויאמר לו אביו ואמו האין בבנות אחיך ובכל עמי אשה--כי אתה הולך לקחת אשה מפלשתים הערלים ויאמר שמשון אל אביו אותה קח לי כי היא ישרה בעיני

ויאמר לו אביו ואמו האין בבנות אחיך ובכל־עמי אשה כי־אתה הולך לקחת אשה מפלשתים הערלים ויאמר שמשון אל־אביו אותה קח־לי כי־היא ישרה בעיני׃

Birák 14:3
És monda néki az õ atyja és anyja: Hát nincsen a te atyádfiainak és az én egész népemnek leányai között nõ, hogy te elmégy, hogy feleséget végy a körülmetéletlen Filiszteusok közül? És monda Sámson az õ atyjának: Õt vegyed nékem, mert [csak] õ kedves az én szemeim elõtt.

Juĝistoj 14:3
Kaj lia patro kaj lia patrino diris al li:CXu ne trovigxas virino inter la filinoj de viaj fratoj kaj en nia tuta popolo, ke vi iras preni edzinon el la necirkumciditaj Filisxtoj? Sed SXimsxon diris al sia patro:SXin prenu por mi, cxar sxi placxas al mi.

Ja hänen isänsä ja äitinsä sanoivat hänelle: eikö yhtään vaimoa ole veljeis tytärten seassa ja kaikessa minun kansassani, ettäs menet ottamaan emäntää Philistealaisista, jotka ovat ympärileikkaamattomat? Ja Simson sanoi isällensä: salli minulle tämä, sillä hän kelpaa minun silmilleni.

Juges 14:3
Et son père et sa mère lui dirent: N'y a-t-il pas de femme parmi les filles de tes frères, et dans tout mon peuple, que tu ailles prendre une femme d'entre les Philistins, les incirconcis? Et Samson dit à son père: Prends celle-là pour moi, car elle plaît à mes yeux.

Son père et sa mère lui dirent: N'y a-t-il point de femme parmi les filles de tes frères et dans tout notre peuple, que tu ailles prendre une femme chez les Philistins, qui sont incirconcis? Et Samson dit à son père: Prends-la pour moi, car elle me plaît.

Et son père et sa mère lui dirent : N'y a-t-il point de femme parmi les filles de tes frères, et parmi tout mon peuple, que tu ailles prendre une femme d'entre les Philistins, ces incirconcis? Et Samson dit à son père : Prenez-la moi, car elle plaît à mes yeux.

Richter 14:3

Sein Vater und sein Mutter sprachen zu ihm: Ist denn nun kein Weib unter den Töchtern deiner Brüder und in allem deinem Volk, daß du hingehst und nimmst ein Weib bei den Philistern, die unbeschnitten sind? Simson sprach zu seinem Vater: Gib mir diese; denn sie gefällt meinen Augen.

Seine Eltern erwiderten ihm: Giebt es denn unter den Töchtern deiner Stammesgenossen und in meinem ganzen Volke kein Weib, daß du dir auswärts bei den Philistern, den Unbeschnittenen, ein Weib holen willst? Simson entgegnete seinem Vater: Diese gieb mir, denn sie sagt mir zu!

Giudici 14:3
Suo padre e sua madre gli dissero: "Non v’è egli dunque tra le figliuole de’ tuoi fratelli e in tutto il nostro popolo una donna per te, che tu vada a prenderti una moglie tra i Filistei incirconcisi?" E Sansone rispose a suo padre: "Prendimi quella, poiché mi piace".

E suo padre e sua madre gli dissero: Non v’è egli alcuna donna fra le figliuole de’ tuoi fratelli, o fra tutto il nostro popolo, che tu vada a prendere una moglie d’infra i Filistei incirconcisi? Ma Sansone disse a suo padre: Prendimi costei; perciocchè ella piace a’ miei occhi.

Tetapi kata ibu bapanya kepadanya: Tiadakah seorang bini bagimu di antara segala anak perempuan saudaramu, atau di antara kaum keluarga kita, maka engkau pergi mengambil bini dari pada orang Filistin, bangsa kulup itu? Maka kata Simson kepada bapanya: Ambilkan apalah dia juga akan daku, karena sukalah aku akan dia.

사사기 14:3
부모가 그에게 이르되 `네 형제들의 딸 중에나 내 백성 중에 어찌 여자가 없어서 네가 할례받지 아니한 블레셋 사람에게 가서 아내를 취하려 하느냐 ?' 삼손이 아비에게 이르되 `내가 그 여자를 좋아 하오니 나를 위하여 그를 데려오소서' 하니

Iudicum 14:3
cui dixerunt pater et mater sua numquid non est mulier in filiabus fratrum tuorum et in omni populo meo quia vis accipere uxorem de Philisthim qui incircumcisi sunt dixitque Samson ad patrem suum hanc mihi accipe quia placuit oculis meis

Teisëjø knyga 14:3
Jo tėvai atsakė: “Nejaugi tarp tavo giminių ir visoje tautoje nėra mergaitės, kad nori vesti iš neapipjaustytų filistinų?” Bet Samsonas atsakė: “Leiskite man ją vesti, nes ji man labai patinka”.

Judges 14:3
Katahi ka mea tona papa raua ko tona whaea ki a ia; He kore koia no te wahine i roto i nga tamahine a ou tuakana, a toku iwi katoa hoki, i haere ai koe ki te tiki wahine i roto i nga Pirihitini kokotikore? A ka mea a Hamahona ki tona papa, Tikina atu maku; he pai hoki ia ki taku titiro.

Dommernes 14:3
Da sa hans far og mor til ham: Er det da ikke nogen kvinne blandt dine frenders døtre eller i hele mitt folk siden du vil avsted og ta en hustru blandt de uomskårne filistrer? Men Samson sa til sin far: Henne må du la mig få! Det er henne jeg synes om.

Jueces 14:3
Le respondieron su padre y su madre: ¿No hay mujer entre las hijas de tus parientes o entre todo nuestro pueblo, para que vayas a tomar mujer de los filisteos incircuncisos? Pero Sansón dijo a su padre: Tómala para mí, porque ella me agrada.

Le respondieron su padre y su madre: "¿No hay mujer entre las hijas de tus parientes o entre todo nuestro pueblo, para que vayas a tomar mujer de los Filisteos incircuncisos?" Pero Sansón dijo a su padre: "Tómala para mí, porque ella me agrada."

Y su padre y su madre le dijeron: ¿No hay mujer entre las hijas de tus hermanos, ni en todo mi pueblo, para que vayas tú a tomar esposa de los filisteos incircuncisos? Y Sansón respondió a su padre: Tómala para mí, porque ésta agradó a mis ojos.

Y su padre y su madre le dijeron: ¿No hay mujer entre las hijas de tus hermanos, ni en todo mi pueblo, para que vayas tú á tomar mujer de los Filisteos incircuncisos? Y Samsón respondió á su padre: Tómamela por mujer, porque ésta agradó á mis ojos.

Y su padre y su madre le dijeron: ¿No hay mujer entre las hijas de tus hermanos, ni en todo mi pueblo, para que vayas tú a tomar mujer de los filisteos incircuncisos? Y Sansón respondió a su padre: Tómamela por mujer , porque ésta agradó a mis ojos.

Juízes 14:3
No entanto, seu pai e sua mãe questionaram-lhe: “Não há mulheres entre as filhas dos teus parentes e no seio de todo o teu povo, para que vás procurar esposa entre os incircuncisos?” Mas Sansão replicou a seu pai: “Consiga-a para mim, te peço. É esta a jovem pela qual me apaixonei!”

Responderam-lhe, porém, seu pai e sua mãe: Não há, porventura, mulher entre as filhas de teus irmãos, nem entre todo o nosso povo, para que tu vás tomar mulher dos filisteus, daqueles incircuncisos? Disse, porém, Sansão a seu pai: Toma esta para mim, porque ela muito me agrada.   

Judecatori 14:3
Tatăl său şi mama sa i-au zis: ,,Nu este nici o femeie între fetele fraţilor tăi şi în tot poporul nostru, de te duci să-ţi iei nevastă dela Filisteni, cari sînt netăiaţi împrejur?`` Şi Samson a zis tatălui său: ,,Ia-mi -o, căci îmi place.``

Книга Судей 14:3
Отец и мать его сказали ему: разве нет женщин между дочерями братьев твоихи во всем народе моем, что ты идешь взять жену у Филистимлян необрезанных? И сказал Самсон отцу своему: ее возьми мне, потому что она мне понравилась.

Отец и мать его сказали ему: разве нет женщин между дочерями братьев твоих и во всем народе моем, что ты идешь взять жену у Филистимлян необрезанных? И сказал Самсон отцу своему: ее возьми мне, потому что она мне понравилась.[]

Domarboken 14:3
Hans fader och moder sade till honom: »Finnes då ingen kvinna bland dina bröders döttrar och i hela mitt folk, eftersom du vill gå bort för att skaffa dig en hustru från de oomskurna filistéerna?» Simson sade till sin fader: »Skaffa mig denna, ty hon behagar mig.»

Judges 14:3
Nang magkagayo'y sinabi ng kaniyang ama at ng kaniyang ina sa kaniya, Wala na bang babae sa mga anak ng iyong kapatid, o sa aking buong bayan, na ikaw ay yayaong magaasawa sa mga di tuling Filisteo? At sinabi ni Samson sa kaniyang ama, Papag-asawahin mo ako sa kaniya; sapagka't siya'y lubhang nakalulugod sa akin.

ผู้วินิจฉัย 14:3
แต่บิดาและมารดาของท่านกล่าวแก่ท่านว่า "จะหาเมียในบรรดาญาติพี่น้องของเจ้า หรือในท่ามกลางชนชาติของเราไม่ได้หรือ เจ้าจึงจะไปรับหญิงจากคนฟีลิสเตียที่ไม่เข้าสุหนัตมาเป็นเมียของเจ้า" แต่แซมสันกล่าวแก่บิดาว่า "ไปขอหญิงนั้นให้ฉันที เพราะเธอเป็นที่พอใจฉันมาก"

Hakimler 14:3
Annesiyle babası, ‹‹Akrabalarının ya da halkımızın kızları arasında kimse yok mu ki, sünnetsiz Filistlilerden kız almaya kalkıyorsun?›› diye karşılık verdiler. Ama Şimşon babasına, ‹‹Bana o kadını al, ondan hoşlanıyorum›› dedi.[]

Caùc Quan Xeùt 14:3
Cha mẹ người nói rằng: Trong vòng các con gái của anh em con và trong cả dân sự chúng ta, há chẳng có người nữ nào, mà con phải đi cưới vợ nơi dân Phi-li-tin chẳng chịu cắt bì đó sao? Sam-sôn đáp cùng cha rằng: Xin cha hãy cưới nàng đó cho con, vì nó đẹp mắt con.

Judges 14:2
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