Joshua 8:5
Joshua 8:5
I and all those with me will advance on the city, and when the men come out against us, as they did before, we will flee from them.

When our main army attacks, the men of Ai will come out to fight as they did before, and we will run away from them.

And I and all the people who are with me will approach the city. And when they come out against us just as before, we shall flee before them.

"Then I and all the people who are with me will approach the city. And when they come out to meet us as at the first, we will flee before them.

And I, and all the people that are with me, will approach unto the city: and it shall come to pass, when they come out against us, as at the first, that we will flee before them,

Then I and all the people who are with me will approach the city. When they come out against us as they did the first time, we will flee from them.

I and all of the army with me will advance upon the city. When they come out after us like they did before, we'll run away from them.

I and all the troops who are with me will approach the city. When they come out to fight us like before, we will retreat from them.

I'll approach the city with the rest of the troops. When they come out to attack us as they did the first time, we will run away from them.

And I and all the people that are with me, will approach the city; and when they come out against us, as at the first, we will flee before them

And I, and all the people that are with me, will approach unto the city: and it shall come to pass, when they come out against us, as at the first, that we will flee before them,

And I, and all the people that are with me, will approach to the city: and it shall come to pass, when they come out against us, as at the first, that we will flee before them,

and I, and all the people that are with me, will approach unto the city. And it shall come to pass, when they come out against us, as at the first, that we will flee before them;

But I and the rest of the multitude which is with me; will approach on the contrary side against the city. And when they shall come out against us, we will flee, and turn our backs, as we did before:

And I and all the people that are with me will approach to the city; and it shall come to pass when they come out against us, as at the first, that we will flee before them.

and I, and all the people that are with me, will approach unto the city: and it shall come to pass, when they come out against us, as at the first, that we will flee before them;

And I, and all the people that are with me, will approach to the city: and it shall come to pass when they come out against us, as at the first, that we will flee before them,

I, and all the people who are with me, will approach to the city. It shall happen, when they come out against us, as at the first, that we will flee before them.

and I and all the people who are with me draw near unto the city, and it hath come to pass when they come out to meet us as at the first, and we have fled before them,

Jozueu 8:5
Pastaj unë dhe tërë njerëzit që janë me mua do t'i afrohemi qytetit; dhe kur ata do të dalin kundër nesh si herën e parë, ne do të ikim para tyre.

ﻳﺸﻮﻉ 8:5
واما انا وجميع الشعب الذي معي فنقترب الى المدينة ويكون حينما يخرجون للقائنا كما في الاول اننا نهرب قدامهم

Dyr Josen 8:5
I aber ruck mit allsand Leut von mir gögn d Stat vor; und wenn die dann wie dös eerste Maal wider ausfallnd, gaan myr vor ien fliehen.

Исус Навиев 8:5
а аз и всичките люде, които са с мене, ще се приближим до града; и когато излязат против нас, както изпърво, тогава ние ще побегнем от тях.

約 書 亞 記 8:5
我 與 我 所 帶 領 的 眾 民 要 向 城 前 往 。 城 裡 的 人 像 初 次 出 來 攻 擊 我 們 的 時 候 , 我 們 就 在 他 們 面 前 逃 跑 ,

我 与 我 所 带 领 的 众 民 要 向 城 前 往 。 城 里 的 人 像 初 次 出 来 攻 击 我 们 的 时 候 , 我 们 就 在 他 们 面 前 逃 跑 ,



Joshua 8:5
A ja i sav narod koji me prati primaknut ćemo se gradu; i kada ljudi iz Aja izađu pred nas, mi ćemo kao i prije pobjeći ispred njih.

Jozue 8:5
Já pak i všecken lid, kterýž se mnou jest, přitáhneme k městu. A když oni nám vyjdou vstříc, jako prvé, utíkati budeme před nimi.

Josua 8:5
Jeg og alle de Folk, som er med mig, vil nærme os Byen, og naar de gør Udfald imod os ligesom forrige Gang, flygter vi for dem.

Jozua 8:5
Ik nu, en al het volk, dat bij mij is, zullen tot de stad naderen; en het zal geschieden, wanneer zij ons tegemoet zullen uitgaan, gelijk als in het eerst, zo zullen wij voor hun aangezicht vlieden.

יהושע 8:5
וַאֲנִ֗י וְכָל־הָעָם֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר אִתִּ֔י נִקְרַ֖ב אֶל־הָעִ֑יר וְהָיָ֗ה כִּֽי־יֵצְא֤וּ לִקְרָאתֵ֙נוּ֙ כַּאֲשֶׁ֣ר בָּרִֽאשֹׁנָ֔ה וְנַ֖סְנוּ לִפְנֵיהֶֽם׃

ה ואני וכל העם אשר אתי נקרב אל העיר והיה כי יצאו לקראתנו כאשר בראשנה ונסנו לפניהם

ואני וכל־העם אשר אתי נקרב אל־העיר והיה כי־יצאו לקראתנו כאשר בראשנה ונסנו לפניהם׃

Józsué 8:5
Én pedig és az egész nép, a mely velem van, megközelítjük a várost. És ha kijönnek ellenünk, mint elõször, akkor megfutamodunk elõttök.

Josuo 8:5
Kaj mi, kaj la tuta popolo, kiu estas kun mi, alproksimigxos al la urbo. Kaj kiam ili eliros kontraux nin, kiel antauxe, ni forkuros de ili.

Ja minä ja kaikki kansa, joka minun kanssani on, lähestymme kaupunkia. Ja kuin he tulevat ulos meitä vastaan niinkuin ennenkin, niin me pakenemme heidän edellänsä,

Josué 8:5
Et moi et tout le peuple qui est avec moi, nous nous approcherons de la ville; et il arrivera que lorsqu'ils sortiront à notre rencontre comme la première fois, nous fuirons devant eux.

Mais moi et tout le peuple qui est avec moi, nous nous approcherons de la ville. Et quand ils sortiront à notre rencontre, comme la première fois, nous prendrons la fuite devant eux.

Et moi, et tout le peuple qui est avec moi, nous nous approcherons de la ville, et quand ils sortiront à notre rencontre, comme [ils ont fait] la première fois, nous nous enfuirons de devant eux.

Josua 8:5
Ich aber und alles Volk, das mit mir ist, wollen uns zu der Stadt machen. Und wenn sie uns entgegen herausfahren wie vorhin, so wollen wir vor ihnen fliehen,

Ich aber und das Volk, das mit mir ist, wollen uns zu der Stadt machen. Und wenn sie uns entgegen herausfahren wie das erstemal, so wollen wir vor ihnen fliehen,

Ich aber, und alle die Leute, die ich bei mir habe, wollen gegen die Stadt anrücken; wenn sie dann einen Ausfall machen, wie das erste Mal, um uns entgegen zu treten, so wollen wir vor ihnen fliehen.

Giosué 8:5
Io e tutto il popolo ch’è meco ci accosteremo alla città; e quando essi ci usciranno contro come la prima volta, ci metteremo in fuga dinanzi a loro.

Ed io, e tutto il popolo che resta meco, ci appresseremo alla città, e quando essi usciranno contro a noi, come la prima volta, noi fuggiremo davanti a loro

Maka aku dengan segala orang yang sertaku hendak menghampiri negeri, bahwasanya apabila mereka itu keluar hendak mendatangi kami, maka kami akan lari dari hadapannya seperti dahulu.

여호수아 8:5
나와 나를 좇는 모든 백성은 다 성읍으로 가까이 가리니 그들이 처음과 같이 우리에게로 쳐 올라올 것이라 그리할 때에 우리가 그들 앞에서 도망하면

Iosue 8:5
ego autem et reliqua multitudo quae mecum est accedemus ex adverso contra urbem cumque exierint contra nos sicut ante fecimus fugiemus et terga vertemus

Jozuës knyga 8:5
Tuo metu aš su kariais artėsime prie miesto. O kai jie išeis prieš mus kaip pirmą kartą, mes bėgsime nuo jų.

Joshua 8:5
A maku, ma te hunga katoa hoki i ahau, e whakatata ki te pa: a ka puta mai ratou ki te tu i a matou, ka pera me to mua, na ka rere matou i to ratou aroaro;

Josvas 8:5
Men jeg og alt det folk som er med mig, vil dra nær innimot byen, og når de da drar ut mot oss likesom første gang, vil vi flykte for dem.

Josué 8:5
Y yo y todo el pueblo que me acompaña nos acercaremos a la ciudad. Y sucederá que cuando ellos salgan a nuestro encuentro como la primera vez, nosotros huiremos delante de ellos,

"Entonces yo y todo el pueblo que me acompaña nos acercaremos a la ciudad. Cuando ellos salgan a nuestro encuentro como la primera vez, nosotros huiremos delante de ellos,

Y yo, y todo el pueblo que está conmigo, nos acercaremos a la ciudad; y cuando saldrán ellos contra nosotros, como hicieron antes, huiremos delante de ellos.

Y yo, y todo el pueblo que está conmigo, nos acercaremos á la ciudad; y cuando saldrán ellos contra nosotros, como hicieron antes, huiremos delante de ellos.

Y yo, y todo el pueblo que está conmigo, nos acercaremos a la ciudad; y cuando saldrán ellos contra nosotros, como hicieron antes, huiremos delante de ellos.

Josué 8:5
Eu, porém, e toda a gente que me acompanha nos aproximaremos da cidade e, quando o povo de Ai sair para lutar contra nós, como da primeira vez, fugiremos da presença deles.

Mas eu e todo o povo que está comigo nos aproximaremos da cidade; e quando eles nos saírem ao encontro, como dantes, fugiremos diante deles.   

Iosua 8:5
Iar eu şi tot poporul care este cu mine ne vom apropia de cetate. Şi cînd vor ieşi înaintea noastră, ca întîiaş dată, noi o s'o luăm la fugă dinaintea lor.

Иисус Навин 8:5
а я и весь народ, который со мною, подойдем к городу; и когда жители Гая выступят против нас, как и прежде, то мы побежим от них;

а я и весь народ, который со мною, подойдем к городу; и когда [жители Гая] выступят против нас, как и прежде, то мы побежим от них;[]

Josuaé 8:5
Själv skall jag, med allt det folk som är kvar hos mig, rycka fram mot staden. När de då draga ut mot oss såsom förra gången, vilja vi fly för dem.

Joshua 8:5
At ako, at ang buong bayan na kasama ko ay lalapit sa bayan. At mangyayari, na pagka sila'y lumabas laban sa amin gaya ng una, ay tatakas kami sa harap nila;

โยชูวา 8:5
ส่วนตัวเราและประชาชนทั้งหมดที่อยู่กับเราจะเข้าไปถึงตัวเมือง และต่อมาเมื่อเขาออกมาต่อสู้เราอย่างคราวก่อน เราก็จะถอยหนีให้พ้นหน้าเขา

Yeşu 8:5
Ben yanımdaki halkla birlikte kente yaklaşacağım. Bir önceki gibi, düşman kentten çıkıp üzerimize gelince, önlerinde kaçar gibi yapıp[]

Gioâ-sueâ 8:5
Còn ta với cả dân sự theo ta, sẽ đi gần lại thành. Khi chúng nó ra đón đánh chúng ta như lần trước, thì chúng ta sẽ chạy trốn trước mặt chúng nó.

Joshua 8:4
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