Joshua 22:3
Joshua 22:3
For a long time now--to this very day--you have not deserted your fellow Israelites but have carried out the mission the LORD your God gave you.

During all this time you have not deserted the other tribes. You have been careful to obey the commands of the LORD your God right up to the present day.

You have not forsaken your brothers these many days, down to this day, but have been careful to keep the charge of the LORD your God.

"You have not forsaken your brothers these many days to this day, but have kept the charge of the commandment of the LORD your God.

Ye have not left your brethren these many days unto this day, but have kept the charge of the commandment of the LORD your God.

You have not deserted your brothers even once this whole time but have carried out the requirement of the command of the LORD your God.

You haven't abandoned your relatives these past days to the present, and you have met the obligation contained in the commands of the LORD your God.

You have not abandoned your fellow Israelites this entire time, right up to this very day. You have completed the task given you by the LORD your God.

All this time, to this day, you have never deserted your relatives. You have carefully kept the commands of the LORD your God.

Ye have not left your brethren these many days unto this day but have kept the charge of the commandment of the LORD your God.

You have not left your brethren these many days unto this day, but have kept the charge of the commandment of the LORD your God.

You have not left your brothers these many days to this day, but have kept the charge of the commandment of the LORD your God.

ye have not left your brethren these many days unto this day, but have kept the charge of the commandment of Jehovah your God.

Neither have you left your brethren this long time, until this present day, keeping the commandment of the Lord your God.

Ye have not left your brethren these many days unto this day, and ye have kept the charge of the commandment of Jehovah your God.

ye have not left your brethren these many days unto this day, but have kept the charge of the commandment of the LORD your God.

Ye have not left your brethren these many days to this day, but have kept the charge of the commandment of the LORD your God.

You have not left your brothers these many days to this day, but have performed the duty of the commandment of Yahweh your God.

ye have not left your brethren these many days unto this day, and have kept the charge -- the command of Jehovah your God.

Jozueu 22:3
Ju nuk keni braktisur vëllezërit tuaj gjatë kësaj kohe të gjatë deri më sot dhe keni zbatuar urdhrat që Zoti, Perëndia juaj, ju ka porositur.

ﻳﺸﻮﻉ 22:3
ولم تتركوا اخوتكم هذه الايام الكثيرة الى هذا اليوم وحفظتم ما يحفظ وصية الرب الهكم.

Dyr Josen 22:3
Ös habtß enkerne Brüeder de gantze lange Zeit hinst heut nit in n Stich laassn und drauf gachtt, yn n Befelh von n Herrn, enkern Got, z folgn.

Исус Навиев 22:3
През това дълго време до днес не оставихте братята си, но изпълнихте поръчката, която Господ вашият Бог ви заповяда.

約 書 亞 記 22:3
你 們 這 許 多 日 子 , 總 沒 有 撇 離 你 們 的 弟 兄 , 直 到 今 日 , 並 守 了 耶 和 華 ─ 你 們   神 所 吩 咐 你 們 當 守 的 。

你 们 这 许 多 日 子 , 总 没 有 撇 离 你 们 的 弟 兄 , 直 到 今 日 , 并 守 了 耶 和 华 ─ 你 们   神 所 吩 咐 你 们 当 守 的 。



Joshua 22:3
Niste ostavili svoje braće unatoč dugom vojevanju do današnjega dana i vršili ste vjerno zapovijedi Jahve, Boga svojega.

Jozue 22:3
Neopustili jste bratří svých již za dlouhý čas až do dne tohoto, ale bedlivě jste ostříhali přikázaní Hospodina Boha vašeho.

Josua 22:3
I har ikke svigtet eders Brødre i denne lange Tid; indtil denne Dag har I holdt HERREN eders Guds Bud.

Jozua 22:3
Gij hebt uw broederen niet verlaten nu langen tijd, tot op dezen dag toe; maar gij hebt waargenomen de onderhouding der geboden van den HEERE, uw God.

יהושע 22:3
לֹֽא־עֲזַבְתֶּ֣ם אֶת־אֲחֵיכֶ֗ם זֶ֚ה יָמִ֣ים רַבִּ֔ים עַ֖ד הַיֹּ֣ום הַזֶּ֑ה וּשְׁמַרְתֶּ֕ם אֶת־מִשְׁמֶ֕רֶת מִצְוַ֖ת יְהוָ֥ה אֱלֹהֵיכֶֽם׃

ג לא עזבתם את אחיכם זה ימים רבים עד היום הזה ושמרתם--את משמרת מצות יהוה אלהיכם

לא־עזבתם את־אחיכם זה ימים רבים עד היום הזה ושמרתם את־משמרת מצות יהוה אלהיכם׃

Józsué 22:3
Nem hagytátok el a ti atyátokfiait immár sok nap óta mind e mai napig, és megtartottátok a megtartandókat, az Úrnak, a ti Isteneteknek parancsolatját.

Josuo 22:3
Vi ne forlasis viajn fratojn dum longa tempo gxis nun, kaj vi plenumis la deciditajxon laux la ordono de la Eternulo, via Dio.

Ette hyljänneet teidän veljiänne isoon aikaan tähän päivään asti, ja te piditte Herran teidän Jumalanne käskyn.

Josué 22:3
vous n'avez pas abandonné vos frères pendant ce long temps, jusqu'à ce jour, et vous avez gardé ce que l'Éternel, votre Dieu, vous a commandé de garder.

Vous n'avez point abandonné vos frères, depuis un long espace de temps jusqu'à ce jour; et vous avez gardé les ordres, les commandements de l'Eternel, votre Dieu.

Vous n'avez pas abandonné vos frères, quoiqu'il y ait longtemps [que vous êtes avec eux], jusqu'à ce jour; mais vous avez pris garde à observer le commandement de l'Eternel votre Dieu.

Josua 22:3
Ihr habt eure Brüder nicht verlassen eine lange Zeit her bis auf diesen Tag; und habt gehalten an dem Gebot des HERRN eures Gottes.

Ihr habt eure Brüder nicht verlassen eine lange Zeit her bis auf diesen Tag und habt gehalten an dem Gebot des HERRN, eures Gottes. {~}

Eine so lange Zeit hindurch bis auf diesen Tag habt ihr eure Volksgenossen nicht im Stiche gelassen und den Befehl Jahwes, eures Gottes, treulich beobachtet.

Giosué 22:3
Voi non avete abbandonato i vostri fratelli durante questo lungo tempo, fino ad oggi, e avete osservato come dovevate il comandamento dell’Eterno, ch’è il vostro Dio.

voi non avete abbandonati i vostri fratelli in questo lungo tempo, infino ad oggi; e avete osservato ciò che il Signore Iddio vostro vi avea comandato d’osservare.

YOSUA 22:3
Maka tiada kamu meninggalkan saudaramu beberapa tahun ini lamanya sampai kepada hari ini, dan kamu telah melakukan firman Tuhan, Allahmu, dengan yakin.

여호수아 22:3
오늘날까지 날이 오래도록 너희가 너희 형제를 떠나지 아니하고 오직 너희 하나님 여호와의 명하신 그 책임을 지키도다

Iosue 22:3
nec reliquistis fratres vestros longo tempore usque in praesentem diem custodientes imperium Domini Dei vestri

Jozuës knyga 22:3
Jūs nepalikote savo brolių per visą šitą laiką ir iki šios dienos stropiai vykdėte Viešpaties, jūsų Dievo, įsakymą.

Joshua 22:3
Kihai koutou i whakarere i o koutou tuakana i enei rangi e maha a tae noa mai ki tenei ra, engari i ata pupuri marie koutou i te whakahau a Ihowa, a to koutou Atua.

Josvas 22:3
I har ikke sviktet eders brødre i denne lange tid, like til denne dag, men I har tatt vare på alt det Herren eders Gud har befalt eder å vareta.

Josué 22:3
Hasta el día de hoy no habéis abandonado a vuestros hermanos durante este largo tiempo, sino que habéis cuidado de guardar el mandamiento del SEÑOR vuestro Dios.

"Hasta el día de hoy no han abandonado a sus hermanos durante este largo tiempo, sino que ustedes han cuidado de guardar el mandamiento del SEÑOR su Dios.

No habéis dejado a vuestros hermanos en estos muchos días hasta hoy, sino que habéis cuidado de guardar los mandamientos de Jehová vuestro Dios.

No habéis dejado á vuestros hermanos en estos muchos días hasta hoy, antes habéis guardado la observancia de los mandamientos de Jehová vuestro Dios.

No habéis dejado a vuestros hermanos en estos muchos días hasta hoy, antes habéis guardado la observancia de los mandamientos del SEÑOR vuestro Dios.

Josué 22:3
Não abandonastes os vossos irmãos, durante este longo tempo, até o dia de hoje, cumprindo a observância do mandamento do SENHOR, vosso Deus.

A vossos irmãos nunca desamparastes, até o dia de hoje, mas tendes observado cuidadosamente o mandamento do Senhor vosso Deus.   

Iosua 22:3
N'aţi părăsit pe fraţii voştri, de o bună bucată de vreme pînă în ziua de azi; şi aţi păzit rînduielile şi poruncile Domnului, Dumnezeului vostru.

Иисус Навин 22:3
вы не оставляли братьев своих в продолжение многих дней до сего дня и исполнили, что надлежало исполнить по повелению Господа, Бога вашего:

вы не оставляли братьев своих в продолжение многих дней до сего дня и исполнили, что надлежало исполнить по повелению Господа, Бога вашего:[]

Josuaé 22:3
I haven under denna långa tid, ända till denna dag, icke övergivit edra bröder, och I haven hållit vad HERRENS, eder Guds, bud har befallt eder hålla.

Joshua 22:3
Hindi ninyo iniwan ang inyong mga kapatid na malaong panahon hanggang sa araw na ito, kundi inyong iningatan ang bilin na utos ng Panginoon ninyong Dios.

โยชูวา 22:3
นานวันแล้วจนบัดนี้ ท่านมิได้ทอดทิ้งญาติพี่น้องของท่าน แต่ได้ระมัดระวังที่จะกระทำตามพระบัญชาของพระเยโฮวาห์พระเจ้าของท่าน

Yeşu 22:3
Bugüne dek, bunca zaman kardeşlerinizi yalnız bırakmadınız; Tanrınız RABbin sizi yükümlü saydığı buyruğu yerine getirdiniz.[]

Gioâ-sueâ 22:3
Trong khoảng lâu ngày nay, các ngươi không có bỏ anh em mình cho đến ngày nay, và có vâng giữ mọi điều phải vâng giữ, tức là mạng lịnh của Giê-hô-va Ðức Chúa Trời các ngươi.

Joshua 22:2
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