Joshua 22:22
Joshua 22:22
"The Mighty One, God, the LORD! The Mighty One, God, the LORD! He knows! And let Israel know! If this has been in rebellion or disobedience to the LORD, do not spare us this day.

"The LORD, the Mighty One, is God! The LORD, the Mighty One, is God! He knows the truth, and may Israel know it, too! We have not built the altar in treacherous rebellion against the LORD. If we have done so, do not spare our lives this day.

“The Mighty One, God, the LORD! The Mighty One, God, the LORD! He knows; and let Israel itself know! If it was in rebellion or in breach of faith against the LORD, do not spare us today

"The Mighty One, God, the LORD, the Mighty One, God, the LORD! He knows, and may Israel itself know. If it was in rebellion, or if in an unfaithful act against the LORD do not save us this day!

The LORD God of gods, the LORD God of gods, he knoweth, and Israel he shall know; if it be in rebellion, or if in transgression against the LORD, (save us not this day,)

Yahweh is the God of gods! Yahweh is the God of gods! He knows, and may Israel also know. Do not spare us today, if it was in rebellion or treachery against the LORD

"The God of gods, the LORD, the God of gods, the LORD is the one who knows! And may Israel itself be aware that if this was an act of rebellion or an act of treachery against the LORD, may he not deliver us today!

"El, God, the LORD! El, God, the LORD! He knows the truth! Israel must also know! If we have rebelled or disobeyed the LORD, don't spare us today!

They said, "The LORD is [the only true] God! The LORD is [the only true] God! He knows, so let Israel know! If our act is rebellious or unfaithful to the LORD,

The LORD God of gods, the LORD God of gods, he knows and let Israel also know; if it is in rebellion, or if in transgression against the LORD (save us not this day)

The LORD God of gods, the LORD God of gods, he knows, and Israel he shall know; if it be in rebellion, or if in transgression against the LORD, (save us not this day,)

The LORD God of gods, the LORD God of gods, he knows, and Israel he shall know; if it be in rebellion, or if in transgression against the LORD, (save us not this day,)

The Mighty One, God, Jehovah, the Mighty One, God, Jehovah, he knoweth; and Israel he shall know: if it be in rebellion, or if in trespass against Jehovah (save thou us not this day,)

The Lord the most mighty God, the Lord the most mighty God, he knoweth, and Israel also shall understand: If with the design of transgression we have set up this altar, let him not save us, but punish us immediately:

The ùGod of gods, Jehovah, the ùGod of gods, Jehovah, he knoweth, and Israel he shall know it; if it is in rebellion, or if in trespass against Jehovah, save us not this day!

The LORD, the God of gods, the LORD, the God of gods, he knoweth, and Israel he shall know; if it be in rebellion, or if in trespass against the LORD, (save thou us not this day,)

The LORD God of gods, the LORD God of gods, he knoweth, and Israel he shall know; if it is in rebellion, or if in transgression against the LORD, (save us not this day,)

"The Mighty One, God, Yahweh, the Mighty One, God, Yahweh, he knows; and Israel shall know: if it was in rebellion, or if in trespass against Yahweh (don't save us this day),

'The God of gods -- Jehovah, the God of gods -- Jehovah, He is knowing, and Israel, he doth know, if in rebellion, and if in trespass against Jehovah (Thou dost not save us this day!)

Jozueu 22:22
Zoti Perëndia i perëndive, Zoti Perëndia i perëndive! Ai e di, bile edhe Izraeli do ta mësojë. Në qoftë se e bëmë për rebelim ose për mosbesnikëri ndaj Zotit, mos na kurseni në këtë ditë.

ﻳﺸﻮﻉ 22:22
اله الآلهة الرب اله الآلهة الرب هو يعلم واسرائيل سيعلم. ان كان بتمرد وان كان بخيانة على الرب. لا تخلصنا هذا اليوم.

Dyr Josen 22:22
"Dyr Trechtein nur ist Got, dyr Herr yllain! Er waiß s, und Isryheel sollt s wissn: Wenn dös ayn Aufstand older Untreu gögn önn Trechtein gwösn ist, naacherd sollt yr üns waiß grad +was antuen!

Исус Навиев 22:22
Могъщият Бог Иеова, могъщият Бог Иеова, Той знае, и Израил сам ще узнае; ако [сме сторили това] за отстъпление, или за престъпление против Господа, то не ни избавяй, [Господи], днес.

約 書 亞 記 22:22
大 能 者 神 耶 和 華 ! 大 能 者 神 耶 和 華 ! 他 是 知 道 的 ! 以 色 列 人 也 必 知 道 ! 我 們 若 有 悖 逆 的 意 思 , 或 是 干 犯 耶 和 華 ( 願 你 今 日 不 保 佑 我 們 ) ,

大 能 者 神 耶 和 华 ! 大 能 者 神 耶 和 华 ! 他 是 知 道 的 ! 以 色 列 人 也 必 知 道 ! 我 们 若 有 悖 逆 的 意 思 , 或 是 干 犯 耶 和 华 ( 愿 你 今 日 不 保 佑 我 们 ) ,



Joshua 22:22
Bog, Bog Jahve, Bog nad bogovima, Jahve zna i neka zna Izrael: ako je to bila pobuna ili nevjernost prema Jahvi, neka nam uskrati svoju pomoć danas;

Jozue 22:22
Silný Bůh Hospodin, silný Bůh Hospodin, onť ví, ano sám Izrael pozná, žeť jsme ne z zpoury a všetečnosti proti Hospodinu to učinili, jináč nezachovávejž nás ani dne tohoto.

Josua 22:22
»Gud, Gud HERREN, Gud, Gud HERREN ved det, og Israel skal vide det: Hvis det er i Genstridighed eller Troløshed mod HERREN, i den Hensigt at vende os fra HERREN,

Jozua 22:22
De God der goden, de HEERE, de God der goden, de HEERE, Die weet het; Israel zelf zal het ook weten! Is het door wederspannigheid, of is het door overtreding tegen den HEERE, zo behoudt ons heden niet;

יהושע 22:22
אֵל֩ ׀ אֱלֹהִ֨ים ׀ יְהוָ֜ה אֵ֣ל ׀ אֱלֹהִ֤ים ׀ יְהוָה֙ ה֣וּא יֹדֵ֔עַ וְיִשְׂרָאֵ֖ל ה֣וּא יֵדָ֑ע אִם־בְּמֶ֤רֶד וְאִם־בְּמַ֙עַל֙ בַּֽיהוָ֔ה אַל־תֹּושִׁיעֵ֖נוּ הַיֹּ֥ום הַזֶּֽה׃

כב אל אלהים יהוה אל אלהים יהוה הוא ידע וישראל הוא ידע  אם במרד ואם במעל ביהוה אל תושיענו היום הזה

אל ׀ אלהים ׀ יהוה אל ׀ אלהים ׀ יהוה הוא ידע וישראל הוא ידע אם־במרד ואם־במעל ביהוה אל־תושיענו היום הזה׃

Józsué 22:22
Az Istenek Istene az Úr, az Istenek Istene az Úr: õ tudja, és az Izráel is megtudja. Ha pártütésbõl és ha az Úr ellen való vétekbõl van ez: ne tartson meg minket e napon!

Josuo 22:22
Dio de la dioj, la Eternulo, Dio de la dioj, la Eternulo, Li scias, kaj Izrael sciu; se ni agis pro ribelo aux por defali de la Eternulo, tiam Li ne helpu nin hodiaux.

JOOSUA 22:22
Herra väkevä Jumala, Herra väkevä Jumala tietää sen, ja Israel myös mahtaa itse tietää; jos me olemme langenneet pois ja syntiä tehneet Herraa vastaan, niin älkäät auttako hän meitä tänäpäivänä.

Josué 22:22
Le* Dieu des dieux, l'Éternel, le *Dieu des dieux, l'Éternel, lui le sait, et Israël, lui le saura, si c'est par rébellion, et si c'est par iniquité contre l'Éternel, (ne nous sauve pas en ce jour!)

Dieu, Dieu, l'Eternel, Dieu, Dieu, l'Eternel le sait, et Israël le saura! Si c'est par rébellion et par infidélité envers l'Eternel, ne viens point à notre aide en ce jour!

Le Fort, le Dieu, l'Eternel, le Fort, le Dieu, l'Eternel, sait lui-même, et Israël lui-même connaîtra si c'est par révolte, et si c'est pour commettre un crime contre l'Eternel; [en ce cas-là] ne nous protége point aujourd'hui.

Josua 22:22
Der starke Gott, der HERR, der starke Gott, der HERR, weiß, so weiß Israel auch: fallen wir ab oder sündigen wider den HERRN, so helfe er uns heute nicht.

Der starke Gott, der HERR, weiß es; so wisse es Israel auch: fallen wir ab oder sündigen wider den HERRN, so helfe er uns heute nicht! {~} {~} {~} {~} {~}

Der Starke, Gott, Jahwe - der Starke, Gott, Jahwe, er weiß es, und Israel soll es wissen: Wenn es in Empörung oder in Untreue gegen Jahwe - möchtest du uns dann noch heute deine Hilfe entziehen! - geschehen ist,

Giosué 22:22
Dio, Dio, l’Eterno, Dio, Dio, l’Eterno lo sa, e anche Israele lo saprà. Se abbiamo agito per ribellione, o per infedeltà verso l’Eterno, o Dio, non ci salvare in questo giorno!

Il Signore Iddio degl’iddii, il Signore Iddio degl’iddii, esso il sa; Israele anch’esso il saprà. O Signore se abbiam fatto questo per ribellione, e per commetter misfatto contro a te, non salvarci in questo giorno.

YOSUA 22:22
Bahwa Allah yang di atas segala dewata, bahkan, Hua, yaitu Allah yang di atas segala dewata itu amat mengetahui dan Israelpun akan mengetahui dia, jikalau kami ini murtad atau mendurhaka kepada Tuhan, baiklah kamu tiada sayang akan kami.

여호수아 22:22
'전능하신 자 하나님 여호와,전능하신 자 하나님 여호와께서 아시나니 이스라엘도 장차 알리라 이 일이 만일 여호와께 패역함이거나 범죄함이거든 주는 오늘날 우리를 구원치 마시옵소서

Iosue 22:22
fortissimus Deus Dominus fortissimus Deus Dominus ipse novit et Israhel simul intelleget si praevaricationis animo hoc altare construximus non custodiat nos sed puniat in praesenti

Jozuës knyga 22:22
“Galingasis Viešpatie Dieve! Galingasis Viešpatie Dieve! Tu žinai, ir Izraelis težino. Jei jūs manote, kad taip atsitiko dėl maišto ar neištikimybės Viešpačiui, tai šiandien tegul Jis nepadeda mums.

Joshua 22:22
Ko Ihowa, ko te Atua o nga atua, ko Ihowa, ko te Atua o nga atua, e mohio ana ia, ko Iharaira hoki ka mohio ano ia; mehemea na te tutu, mehemea ranei na te hara ki a Ihowa, penei kaua matou e whakaorangia e koe i tenei ra,

Josvas 22:22
Gud, Gud Herren, ja, Gud, Gud Herren, han vet det, og Israel skal vite det: Sannelig, det var ikke i tross eller i troløshet mot Herren - da frelse du oss ikke idag! -

Josué 22:22
¡El Poderoso Dios, el SEÑOR, el Poderoso Dios, el SEÑOR! El lo sabe; que Israel mismo lo sepa. Si fue rebelión, o una infidelidad contra el SEÑOR, que no nos salve hoy.

"¡El Poderoso Dios (Dios de dioses), el SEÑOR, el Poderoso Dios, el SEÑOR! El lo sabe; que Israel mismo lo sepa. Si fue rebelión, o una infidelidad contra el SEÑOR, que no nos salve hoy.

El Dios de los dioses, Jehová, el Dios de los dioses, Jehová, Él sabe, y lo sabrá Israel. Que si fue por rebelión o por prevaricación contra Jehová, no nos salves hoy.

El Dios de los dioses, Jehová, el Dios de los dioses, Jehová, él sabe, y sabrá Israel: si por rebelión ó por prevaricación contra Jehová (no nos salves hoy,)

El Dios de los dioses, El SEÑOR, el Dios de los dioses, El SEÑOR, él sabe, y que Israel también entienda; si por rebelión o por prevaricación contra el SEÑOR (no nos salves hoy.)

Josué 22:22
“O Deus dos deuses, Yahweh, o Deus Eterno e Poderoso! Ele sabe, e Israel deve ficar sabendo também o motivo pelo qual fizemos isso. Se houve de nossa parte qualquer intenção de rebeldia ou infidelidade para com o SENHOR, que Ele deixe de nos salvar neste momento!

O Poderoso, Deus, o Senhor, o Poderoso, Deus, o Senhor, ele o sabe, e Israel mesmo o saberá! Se foi em rebeldia, ou por transgressão contra o Senhor não nos salves hoje;   

Iosua 22:22
,,Domnul Dumnezeu, Cel atot puternic, Domnul Dumnezeu, Cel atot puternic, ştie, şi Israel însuş să ştie lucrul acesta! Dacă din răsvrătire şi păcătuire împotriva Domnului am făcut lucrul acesta, să nu ne vină în ajutor Domnul în ziua aceasta!

Иисус Навин 22:22
Бог богов Господь, Бог богов Господь, Он знает, и Израиль да знает! Если мы восстаем и отступаем от Господа, то да не пощадит нас Господь в сейдень!

Бог богов Господь, Бог богов Господь, Он знает, и Израиль да знает! Если мы восстаем и отступаем от Господа, то да не пощадит нас [Господь] в сей день![]

Josuaé 22:22
»Gud, HERREN Gud, ja, Gud, HERREN Gud, han vet det, och Israel må ock veta det: Sannerligen, om detta har skett i upproriskhet och otrohet mot HERREN -- du må då i dag undandraga oss din hjälp! --

Joshua 22:22
Ang Makapangyarihan, ang Dios, ang Panginoon, ang Makapangyarihan, ang Dios, ang Panginoon, ay siyang nakatatalastas; at matatalastas ng Israel; kung panghihimagsik nga o kung pagsalangsang laban sa Panginoon, (huwag mo kaming iligtas sa araw na ito,)

โยชูวา 22:22
พระเยโฮวาห์พระเจ้าของพระทั้งหลาย พระเยโฮวาห์พระเจ้าของพระทั้งหลาย พระองค์ทรงทราบ และอิสราเอลจะทราบเสียด้วย ถ้าว่าเป็นการกบฏหรือละเมิดต่อพระเยโฮวาห์ (ก็ขออย่าไว้ชีวิตพวกเราในวันนี้เลย)

Yeşu 22:22
‹‹Tanrıların Tanrısı RAB, tanrıların Tanrısı RAB her şeyi biliyor; İsrail de bilecek. Eğer yaptığımızı, RABbe isyan etmek ya da Ona ihanet etmek için yaptıysak, ya RAB, bugün bizi esirgeme![]

Gioâ-sueâ 22:22
Giê-hô-va, Ðức Chúa Trời toàn năng, Giê-hô-va, Ðức Chúa Trời toàn năng biết điều đó, và Y-sơ-ra-ên sẽ rõ! Nếu ấy là phản nghịch, nếu là bất trung cùng Ðức Giê-hô-va, thì ngày nay chớ cứu chúng tôi!

Joshua 22:21
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