Joshua 22:17
Joshua 22:17
Was not the sin of Peor enough for us? Up to this very day we have not cleansed ourselves from that sin, even though a plague fell on the community of the LORD!

Was our sin at Peor not enough? To this day we are not fully cleansed of it, even after the plague that struck the entire community of the LORD.

Have we not had enough of the sin at Peor from which even yet we have not cleansed ourselves, and for which there came a plague upon the congregation of the LORD,

'Is not the iniquity of Peor enough for us, from which we have not cleansed ourselves to this day, although a plague came on the congregation of the LORD,

Is the iniquity of Peor too little for us, from which we are not cleansed until this day, although there was a plague in the congregation of the LORD,

Wasn't the sin of Peor, which brought a plague on the LORD's community, enough for us, so that we have not cleansed ourselves from it even to this day,

Isn't the evil that happened at Peor enough for us, from which we have yet to be completely cleansed even to this point, and because of which a plague came upon the community of the LORD?

The sin we committed at Peor was bad enough. To this very day we have not purified ourselves; it even brought a plague on the community of the LORD.

Does the sin we committed at Peor mean nothing to us anymore? Didn't we cleanse ourselves from it? Because of that sin there was a plague on the LORD's congregation!

Is the iniquity of Peor too little for us, from which we are not cleansed until this day, for which there was a plague in the congregation of the LORD?

Is the iniquity of Peor too little for us, from which we are not cleansed until this day, although there was a plague in the congregation of the LORD,

Is the iniquity of Peor too little for us, from which we are not cleansed until this day, although there was a plague in the congregation of the LORD,

Is the iniquity of Peor too little for us, from which we have not cleansed ourselves unto this day, although there came a plague upon the congregation of Jehovah,

Is it a small thing to you that you sinned with Beelphegor, and the stain of that crime remaineth in us to this day? and many of the people perished.

Is the iniquity of Peor too little for us? from which we are not cleansed until this day, although there was a plague in the assembly of Jehovah.

Is the iniquity of Peor too little for us, from which we have not cleansed ourselves unto this day, although there came a plague upon the congregation of the LORD,

Is the iniquity of Peor too little for us, from which we are not cleansed until this day, although there was a plague in the congregation of the LORD,

Is the iniquity of Peor too little for us, from which we have not cleansed ourselves to this day, although there came a plague on the congregation of Yahweh,

Is the iniquity of Peor little to us, from which we have not been cleansed till this day -- and the plague is in the company of Jehovah,

Jozueu 22:17
Mos qe vallë gjë e vogël paudhësia e Peorit, nga e cila nuk jemi larë ende deri më sot dhe që solli një fatkeqësi mbi asamblenë e Zotit,

ﻳﺸﻮﻉ 22:17
أقليل لنا اثم فغور. الذي لم نتطهر منه الى هذا اليوم وكان الوبا في جماعة الرب.

Dyr Josen 22:17
Glangt n enk der Fräfl von Pegor non nity? Hinst heut sein myr dyrvon nit grainigt, zamt derer Plaag, wo yn n Herrn sein Volk daadl traaf.

Исус Навиев 22:17
Малко ли беше за нас съгрешението относно Фегора, от което и до днес не сме се очистили, макар че, [поради него], стана язва в Господното общество,

約 書 亞 記 22:17
從 前 拜 毘 珥 的 罪 孽 還 算 小 麼 ? 雖 然 瘟 疫 臨 到 耶 和 華 的 會 眾 , 到 今 日 我 們 還 沒 有 洗 淨 這 罪 。

从 前 拜 ? 珥 的 罪 孽 还 算 小 麽 ? 虽 然 瘟 疫 临 到 耶 和 华 的 会 众 , 到 今 日 我 们 还 没 有 洗 净 这 罪 。



Joshua 22:17
Zar vam nije dosta zločina iz Peora, od kojega se nismo očistili do dana današnjega i zbog kojega je došao pomor na zajednicu Jahvinu?

Jozue 22:17
Ještě-liž se nám malá zdá nepravost modly Fegor, od níž nejsme očištěni až do dnes, pročež byla rána v shromáždění Hospodinovu,

Josua 22:17
Har vi ikke nok i Brøden med Peor, som vi endnu den Dag i Dag ikke har faaet os renset for, og for hvis Skyld der kom Plage over Israels Menighed?

Jozua 22:17
Is ons de ongerechtigheid van Peor te weinig, van dewelke wij niet gereinigd zijn tot op dezen dag, hoewel de plaag in de vergadering des HEEREN geweest is?

יהושע 22:17
הַמְעַט־לָ֙נוּ֙ אֶת־עֲוֹ֣ן פְּעֹ֔ור אֲשֶׁ֤ר לֹֽא־הִטַּהַ֙רְנוּ֙ מִמֶּ֔נּוּ עַ֖ד הַיֹּ֣ום הַזֶּ֑ה וַיְהִ֥י הַנֶּ֖גֶף בַּעֲדַ֥ת יְהוָֽה׃

יז המעט לנו את עון פעור אשר לא הטהרנו ממנו עד היום הזה ויהי הנגף בעדת יהוה

המעט־לנו את־עון פעור אשר לא־הטהרנו ממנו עד היום הזה ויהי הנגף בעדת יהוה׃

Józsué 22:17
Avagy kevés-é nékünk a Peór miatt való hamisságunk, a mibõl ki sem tisztultunk még mind e napig, és a miért csapás lõn az Úrnak gyülekezetén?

Josuo 22:17
CXu ne suficxas al ni la krimo pri Peor, de kiu ni ne purigxis gxis la nuna tago kaj pro kiu trafis frapo la komunumon de Izrael?

JOOSUA 22:17
Vähäkö meillä on Peorin pahuudesta, josta emme puhtaat ole hamaan tähän päivään asti? josta myös rangaistus tuli Herran kansan päälle.

Josué 22:17
Est-ce peu de chose que l'iniquité de Péor, dont nous ne nous sommes pas purifiés jusqu'à aujourd'hui, quoiqu'il y ait eu une plaie sur l'assemblée de l'Éternel?

Regardons-nous comme peu de chose le crime de Peor, dont nous n'avons pas jusqu'à présent enlevé la tache de dessus nous, malgré la plaie qu'il attira sur l'assemblée de l'Eternel?

Nous fut-ce peu de chose que l'iniquité de Péhor, de laquelle nous ne nous sommes pas encore bien nettoyés jusqu'à aujourd'hui, quoiqu'il en soit venu une plaie sur l'assemblée de l'Eternel?

Josua 22:17
Ist's uns zu wenig an der Missetat Peors, von welcher wir noch auf diesen Tag nicht gereiniget sind, und kam eine Plage unter die Gemeine des HERRN,

Ist's uns zu wenig an der Missetat über dem Peor, von welcher wir noch auf diesen Tag nicht gereinigt sind und kam eine Plage unter die Gemeinde des HERRN?

Haben wir noch nicht genug an der Verschuldung in betreffs Peors, von der wir uns bis auf den heutigen Tag noch nicht gereinigt haben, und um deretwillen die Plage kam über die Gemeinde Jahwes?

Giosué 22:17
E’ ella poca cosa per noi l’iniquità di Peor della quale non ci siamo fino al dì d’oggi purificati e che attirò quella piaga sulla raunanza dell’Eterno? E voi oggi vi ritraete dal seguire l’Eterno!

L’iniquità di Peor, della quale infino ad oggi non siamo purgati, e per la quale fu quella piaga sopra la raunanza del Signore, ci pare ella poca cosa,

YOSUA 22:17
Sedikitlah bagi kita kesalahan Peor, yang belum kita disucikan dari padanya sampai kepada hari ini, yaitu pada masa bala itu terkena kepada segenap sidang Tuhan?

여호수아 22:17
브올의 죄악으로 인하여 여호와의 회중에 재앙이 내렸으나 오늘날까지 우리가 그 죄에서 정결함을 얻지 못하였거늘 그 죄악이 우리에게 부족하여서

Iosue 22:17
an parum vobis est quod peccastis in Beelphegor et usque in praesentem diem macula huius sceleris in nobis permanet multique de populo corruerunt

Jozuës knyga 22:17
Argi neužtenka Peoro nusikaltimo, nuo kurio ligi šios dienos dar neapsivalėme ir dėl kurio nukentėjo visa tauta?

Joshua 22:17
He nohinohi rawa ianei ki a tatou te haranga ki a Peoro, kahore ano nei i horoia atu i a tatou a tae noa mai ki tenei ra, ahakoa ra i pa he mate uruta ki te whakaminenga a Ihowa,

Josvas 22:17
Var det ikke nok med den misgjerning vi gjorde da vi holdt oss til Peor, en misgjerning som vi like til den dag idag ikke har renset oss fra, og for hvis skyld hjemsøkelsen kom over Herrens menighet?

Josué 22:17
``¿No nos es suficiente la iniquidad de Peor, de la cual no nos hemos limpiado hasta hoy, a pesar de que vino una plaga sobre la congregación del SEÑOR,

'¿No nos es suficiente la iniquidad de Peor, de la cual no nos hemos limpiado hasta hoy, a pesar de que vino una plaga sobre la congregación del SEÑOR,

¿Nos ha sido poco la maldad de Peor, de la que no estamos aún limpios hasta este día, por la cual fue la mortandad en la congregación de Jehová?

¿Nos ha sido poco la maldad de Peor, de la que no estamos aún limpios hasta este día, por la cual fué la mortandad en la congregación de Jehová?

¿Nos ha sido poco la maldad de Peor, de la que no estamos aún limpios hasta este día, por la cual fue la mortandad en la congregación del SEÑOR?

Josué 22:17
Já não nos basta o pecado cometido na cidade de Peor? Até hoje sofremos as consequências daquela afronta contra Deus, apesar do castigo que caiu sobre toda a congregação de Yahweh!

Acaso nos é pouca a iniqüidade de Peor, de que ainda até o dia de hoje não nos temos purificado, apesar de ter vindo uma praga sobre a congregaçao do Senhor,   

Iosua 22:17
Privim oare ca o nimica nelegiuirea lui Peor, a cărui pată n'am ridicat -o pînă acum de peste noi, cu toată urgia pe care a adus -o ea asupra adunării Domnului?

Иисус Навин 22:17
Разве мало для нас беззакония Фегорова, от которого мы не очистились до сего дня и за котороепоражено было общество Господне?

Разве мало для нас беззакония Фегорова, от которого мы не очистились до сего дня и [за которое] поражено было общество Господне?[]

Josuaé 22:17
Är det icke nog att vi hava begått missgärningen med Peor, från vilken vi ännu i dag icke hava blivit renade, och för vilken en hemsökelse drabbade HERRENS menighet?

Joshua 22:17
Napakaliit ba sa ganang atin ang kasamaan ng Peor, na hindi natin nilinis hanggang sa araw na ito, bagaman dumating ang salot sa kapisanan ng Panginoon,

โยชูวา 22:17
ความชั่วช้าซึ่งเราทำที่เมืองเปโอร์นั้นยังไม่พอเพียงหรือ ซึ่งจนกระทั่งวันนี้เรายังชำระตัวของเราให้สะอาดไม่หมดเลย และซึ่งเป็นเหตุให้ภัยพิบัติเกิดแก่ชุมนุมชนของพระเยโฮวาห์

Yeşu 22:17
Peorun günahı bize yetmedi mi? RABbin topluluğu onun yüzünden felakete uğradı. Bugüne dek kendimizi bu günahtan temizleyebilmiş değiliz.[]

Gioâ-sueâ 22:17
Tội ác của Phê-ô gây vạ cho cả hội chúng của Ðức Giê-hô-va, mà đến bây giờ chúng ta chưa rửa sạch được, há là một việc nhỏ mọn cho chúng ta sao?

Joshua 22:16
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