Joshua 20:6
Joshua 20:6
They are to stay in that city until they have stood trial before the assembly and until the death of the high priest who is serving at that time. Then they may go back to their own home in the town from which they fled."

But the slayer must stay in that city and be tried by the local assembly, which will render a judgment. And he must continue to live in that city until the death of the high priest who was in office at the time of the accident. After that, he is free to return to his own home in the town from which he fled."

And he shall remain in that city until he has stood before the congregation for judgment, until the death of him who is high priest at the time. Then the manslayer may return to his own town and his own home, to the town from which he fled.’”

'He shall dwell in that city until he stands before the congregation for judgment, until the death of the one who is high priest in those days. Then the manslayer shall return to his own city and to his own house, to the city from which he fled.'"

And he shall dwell in that city, until he stand before the congregation for judgment, and until the death of the high priest that shall be in those days: then shall the slayer return, and come unto his own city, and unto his own house, unto the city from whence he fled.

He is to stay in that city until he stands trial before the assembly and until the death of the high priest serving at that time. Then the one who committed manslaughter may return home to his own city from which he fled."

He is to live in that city until he stands trial before the community, until the death of the one who is high priest at that time. Then the killer may return to his own city and to his own home, that is, to the city from which he fled."

He must remain in that city until his case is decided by the assembly and the high priest dies. Then the one who committed manslaughter may return home to the city from which he escaped."

The accused person may remain in that city until he can stand trial in front of the congregation or until whoever is chief priest at that time dies. Then he may go back to his home in the city from which he ran away.'"

And he shall dwell in that city until he stands before the congregation for judgment and until the death of the high priest that shall be in those days; then shall the manslayer return, and come unto his own city and unto his own house unto the city from where he fled.

And he shall dwell in that city, until he stands before the congregation for judgment, and until the death of the high priest that shall be in those days: then shall the slayer return, and come unto his own city, and unto his own house, unto the city from where he fled.

And he shall dwell in that city, until he stand before the congregation for judgment, and until the death of the high priest that shall be in those days: then shall the slayer return, and come to his own city, and to his own house, to the city from from where he fled.

And he shall dwell in that city, until he stand before the congregation for judgment, until the death of the high priest that shall be in those days: then shall the manslayer return, and come unto his own city, and unto his own house, unto the city from whence he fled.

And he shall dwell in that city, till he stand before judgment to give an account of his fact, and till the death of the high priest, who shall be at that time: then shall the manslayer return, and go into his own city and house from whence he fled.

And he shall dwell in that city, until he have stood before the assembly in judgment, until the death of the high-priest that shall be in those days; then shall the slayer return, and come unto his own city, and unto his own house, unto the city from whence he fled.

And he shall dwell in that city, until he stand before the congregation for judgment, until the death of the high priest that shall be in those days: then shall the manslayer return, and come unto his own city, and unto his own house, unto the city from whence he fled.

And he shall dwell in that city, until he shall stand before the congregation for judgment, and until the death of the high-priest that shall be in those days: then shall the slayer return, and come to his own city, and to his own house, to the city from whence he fled.

He shall dwell in that city until he stands before the congregation for judgment, until the death of the high priest that shall be in those days. Then the manslayer shall return, and come to his own city, and to his own house, to the city he fled from.'"

and he hath dwelt in that city till his standing before the company for judgment, till the death of the chief priest who is in those days -- then doth the man-slayer turn back and hath come unto his city, and unto his house, unto the city whence he fled.'

Jozueu 20:6
Vrasësi do të qëndrojë në atë qytet deri sa, me vdekjen e kryepriftit që do të jetë në funksion ato ditë, do të dalë në gjyq para asamblesë. Atëherë vrasësi mund të kthehet dhe të hyjë në qytetin e tij dhe në shtëpinë e tij, në qytetin nga i cili kishte ikur"".

ﻳﺸﻮﻉ 20:6
ويسكن في تلك المدينة حتى يقف امام الجماعة للقضاء الى ان يموت الكاهن العظيم الذي يكون في تلك الايام. حينئذ يرجع القاتل ويأتي الى مدينته وبيته الى المدينة التي هرب منها.

Dyr Josen 20:6
In derer Stat mueß yr bleibn, hinst däß yr vor s zuestöndige Gricht kimmt und hinst däß dyr amptete Hoohpriester gstorbn ist. Dann derf dyr Tootschlager wider haimgeen eyn sein Stat, aus derer wo yr gfloohen ist."

Исус Навиев 20:6
И да живее в оня град догде се представи на съд пред обществото, [и] до смъртта на онзи който е първосвещеник в онова време; тогава убиецът да се върне и да отиде в града си, и в дома си, в града, от който е побягнал.

約 書 亞 記 20:6
他 要 住 在 那 城 裡 , 站 在 會 眾 面 前 聽 審 判 , 等 到 那 時 的 大 祭 司 死 了 , 殺 人 的 才 可 以 回 到 本 城 本 家 , 就 是 他 所 逃 出 來 的 那 城 。

他 要 住 在 那 城 里 , 站 在 会 众 面 前 听 审 判 , 等 到 那 时 的 大 祭 司 死 了 , 杀 人 的 才 可 以 回 到 本 城 本 家 , 就 是 他 所 逃 出 来 的 那 城 。



Joshua 20:6
Ubojica neka ostane u tom gradu sve dok ne stupi pred sud zajednice ili do smrti velikoga svećenika koji bude u ono vrijeme. Tada neka se ubojica vrati i neka ode u svoj grad i svome domu - u grad iz kojega je utekao.'"

Jozue 20:6
A bydliti bude v městě tom, dokudž nestane před shromážděním k soudu, až do smrti kněze velikého, kterýž by byl toho času; nebo tehdáž navrátí se vražedlník, a přijde do města svého a do domu svého, do města, odkudž utekl.

Josua 20:6
han skal blive boende i denne By, indtil han har været stillet for Menighedens Domstol, eller den Mand, som paa den Tid er Ypperstepræst, dør; derefter kan Manddraberen vende tilbage til sin By og sit Hjem, den By, han er flygtet fra.«

Jozua 20:6
En hij zal in dezelve stad wonen, totdat hij sta voor het aangezicht der vergadering voor het gericht, totdat de hogepriester sterve, die in die dagen zijn zal; dan zal de doodslager wederkeren, en komen tot zijn stad, en tot zijn huis, tot de stad, van waar hij gevloden is.

יהושע 20:6
וְיָשַׁ֣ב ׀ בָּעִ֣יר הַהִ֗יא עַד־עָמְדֹ֞ו לִפְנֵ֤י הָֽעֵדָה֙ לַמִּשְׁפָּ֔ט עַד־מֹות֙ הַכֹּהֵ֣ן הַגָּדֹ֔ול אֲשֶׁ֥ר יִהְיֶ֖ה בַּיָּמִ֣ים הָהֵ֑ם אָ֣ז ׀ יָשׁ֣וּב הָרֹוצֵ֗חַ וּבָ֤א אֶל־עִירֹו֙ וְאֶל־בֵּיתֹ֔ו אֶל־הָעִ֖יר אֲשֶׁר־נָ֥ס מִשָּֽׁם׃

ו וישב בעיר ההיא עד עמדו לפני העדה למשפט עד מות הכהן הגדול אשר יהיה בימים ההם אז ישוב הרוצח ובא אל עירו ואל ביתו--אל העיר אשר נס משם

וישב ׀ בעיר ההיא עד־עמדו לפני העדה למשפט עד־מות הכהן הגדול אשר יהיה בימים ההם אז ׀ ישוב הרוצח ובא אל־עירו ואל־ביתו אל־העיר אשר־נס משם׃

Józsué 20:6
És lakozzék abban a városban mindaddig, a míg ítéletre állhat a gyülekezet elé, a míg meghal a fõpap, a ki abban az idõben lesz, azután térjen vissza a gyilkos, és menjen haza az õ városába és az õ házába, abba a városba, a melybõl elfutott vala.

Josuo 20:6
Kaj li logxos en tiu urbo, gxis li starigxos antaux la komunumo por jugxo, gxis la morto de la granda pastro, kiu estos en tiu tempo. Tiam la mortiginto reiru, kaj venu en sian urbon kaj al sia domo, en la urbon, el kiu li forkuris.

Niin asukaan hän siinä kaupungissa, siihenasti kuin hän seisoo seurakunnan oikeuden edessä, ylimmäisen papin kuolemaan asti, joka siihen aikaan on; sitte pitää miehentappajan palaaman ja tuleman kaupunkiinsa ja huoneeseensa, kaupunkiin, josta hän pakeni.

Josué 20:6
Et il habitera dans cette ville, jusqu'à ce qu'il comparaisse en jugement devant l'assemblée, jusqu'à la mort du grand sacrificateur qui sera en ces jours-là; alors l'homicide s'en retournera et reviendra dans sa ville et dans sa maison, dans la ville d'où il s'était enfui.

Il restera dans cette ville jusqu'à ce qu'il ait comparu devant l'assemblée pour être jugé, jusqu'à la mort du souverain sacrificateur alors en fonctions. A cette époque, le meurtrier s'en retournera et rentrera dans sa ville et dans sa maison, dans la ville d'où il s'était enfui.

Mais il demeurera dans cette ville-là, jusqu'à ce qu'il comparaisse devant l'assemblée en jugement, [même] jusqu'à la mort du souverain Sacrificateur qui sera en ce temps-là; alors le meurtrier retournera, et viendra dans sa ville et dans sa maison, à la ville dont il s'en sera fui.

Josua 20:6
So soll er in der Stadt wohnen, bis daß er stehe vor der Gemeine vor Gericht, bis daß der Hohepriester sterbe, der zur selben Zeit sein wird. Alsdann soll der Totschläger wiederkommen in seine Stadt und in sein Haus, zur Stadt, davon er geflohen ist.

So soll er in der Stadt wohnen, bis daß er stehe vor der Gemeinde vor Gericht, und bis daß der Hohepriester sterbe, der zur selben Zeit sein wird. Alsdann soll der Totschläger wiederkommen in seine Stadt und in sein Haus, zur Stadt, davon er geflohen ist. {~}

Und er soll in selbiger Stadt bleiben, bis er zum Behufe seiner Aburteilung vor der Gemeinde gestanden hat - bis zum Tode des Hohenpriesters, der zu dieser Zeit vorhanden sein wird. Alsdann mag der Totschläger wieder in seine Stadt und sein Haus, die Stadt, aus der er geflohen war, zurückkehren.

Giosué 20:6
L’omicida rimarrà in quella città finché, alla morte del sommo sacerdote che sarà in funzione in quei giorni, comparisca in giudizio davanti alla raunanza. Allora l’omicida potrà tornarsene, e rientrare nella sua città e nella sua casa, nella città donde era fuggito".

Ed egli starà in quella città, finchè, alla morte del sommo Sacerdote che sarà a que’ dì, egli comparisca in giudicio davanti alla raunanza; allora l’ucciditore se ne ritornerà, e verrà alla sua città, e alla sua casa; alla città, onde egli sarà fuggito.

YOSUA 20:6
Maka iapun akan duduk dalam negeri itu juga sampai ia telah menghadap majelis akan diputuskan hukumnya, sampai sudah mati imam besar yang ada pada masa itu, lalu orang yang membunuh itu akan balik dan pulang ke negerinya dan kepada rumahnya, kepada negeri yang telah ia lari dari dalamnya.

여호수아 20:6
그 살인자가 회중의 앞에 서서 재판을 받기까지나 당시 대제사장의 죽기까지 그 성읍에 거하다가 그 후에 그 살인자가 본 성읍 곧 자기가 도망하여 나온 그 성읍의 자기 집으로 돌아갈지니라

Iosue 20:6
et habitabit in civitate illa donec stet ante iudicium causam reddens facti sui et moriatur sacerdos magnus qui fuerit in illo tempore tunc revertetur homicida et ingredietur civitatem et domum suam de qua fugerat

Jozuës knyga 20:6
Žmogžudys galės gyventi tame mieste iki teismo sprendimo. Po vyriausiojo kunigo mirties žudikas galės grįžti į savo miestą bei namus, iš kurio jis buvo pabėgęs”.

Joshua 20:6
Engari me noho ia ki taua pa, kia tu ra ano ia ki mua i te whakaminenga whakawakia ai, a kia mate ra ano te tino tohunga o aua ra: ko reira hoki ai te tangata whakamate, haere ai ki tona pa, ki tona whare hoki, ki te pa i rere atu nei ia i reira

Josvas 20:6
Og han skal bli boende der i byen, til han har stått til doms for menigheten, og til den yppersteprest som da lever, er død; derefter kan manndraperen vende tilbake til sin by og sitt hus, til den by som han rømte fra.

Josué 20:6
``Y habitará en esa ciudad hasta que comparezca en juicio delante de la congregación, y hasta la muerte del que sea sumo sacerdote en aquellos días. Entonces el homicida volverá a su ciudad y a su casa, a la ciudad de donde huyó.

'Habitará en esa ciudad hasta que comparezca en juicio delante de la congregación, y hasta la muerte del que sea sumo sacerdote en aquellos días. Entonces el refugiado volverá a su ciudad y a su casa, a la ciudad de donde huyó.'"

Y quedará en aquella ciudad hasta que comparezca en juicio delante de la congregación, hasta la muerte del sumo sacerdote que fuere en aquel tiempo: entonces el homicida tornará y vendrá a su ciudad y a su casa y a la ciudad de donde huyó.

Y quedará en aquella ciudad hasta que parezca en juicio delante del ayuntamiento, hasta la muerte del gran sacerdote que fuere en aquel tiempo: entonces el homicida tornará y vendrá á su ciudad y á su casa y á la ciudad de donde huyó.

Y quedará en aquella ciudad hasta que parezca en juicio delante del ayuntamiento, hasta la muerte del sumo sacerdote que fuere en aquel tiempo; entonces el homicida tornará y vendrá a su ciudad y a su casa y a la ciudad de donde huyó.

Josué 20:6
Entretanto, o fugitivo deverá permanecer naquela cidade até o dia do seu julgamento por parte da comunidade e até que morra o sumo sacerdote que estiver servindo naquele tempo. Então poderá voltar para a sua própria casa, à cidade de onde fugiu.”

E habitará nessa cidade até que compareça em juizo perante a congregação, até que morra o sumo sacerdote que houver naqueles dias; então o homicida voltará, e virá à sua cidade e à sua casa, à cidade donde tiver fugido.   

Iosua 20:6
El să rămînă în cetatea aceasta pînă se va înfăţişa înaintea adunării ca să fie judecat, pînă la moartea marelui preot care va fi atunci în slujbă. Atunci, ucigaşul să se întoarcă şi să intre iarăş în cetatea şi în casa lui, în cetatea de unde fugise``.

Иисус Навин 20:6
пусть он живет в этом городе, доколе не предстанет пред общество на суд, доколе не умрет великий священник, который будет в те дни. А потом пусть возвратится убийца и пойдет в город свой и в дом свой, в город, из которого он убежал.

пусть он живет в этом городе, доколе не предстанет пред общество на суд, доколе не умрет великий священник, который будет в те дни. А потом пусть возвратится убийца и пойдет в город свой и в дом свой, в город, из которого он убежал.[]

Josuaé 20:6
Och han skall stanna kvar där i staden, till dess han har stått till rätta inför menigheten, och till dess den dåvarande översteprästen har dött; sedan må dråparen vända tillbaka och komma till sin stad från vilken han har flytt.»

Joshua 20:6
At siya'y tatahan sa bayang yaon, hanggang sa siya'y tumayo sa harap ng kapisanan upang hatulan, hanggang sa pagkamatay ng pangulong saserdote, na nalalagay sa mga araw na yaon: kung magkagayo'y uuwi ang nakamatay, at paroroon sa kaniyang sariling bayan, at sa kaniyang sariling bahay, hanggang sa pinagmulan niyang bayan na tinakasan.

โยชูวา 20:6
และผู้นั้นจะอาศัยอยู่ในเมืองนั้นจนกว่าเขาจะยืนต่อหน้าชุมนุมชนเพื่อรอรับการพิพากษา จนกว่ามหาปุโรหิตในเวลานั้นสิ้นชีวิต ผู้ฆ่าคนนั้นจึงจะกลับไปยังเมืองของตน ไปบ้านของตน ไปยังเมืองที่เขาจากมานั้นได้'"

Yeşu 20:6
Bu kişi topluluğun önüne çıkıp yargılanıncaya ve o dönemde görevli başkâhin ölünceye dek o kentte kalmalıdır. Ondan sonra kaçıp geldiği kente, kendi evine dönebilir.››[]

Gioâ-sueâ 20:6
Người phải ở trong thành ấy cho đến chừng chịu đoán xét trước mặt hội chúng, cho đến chừng thầy tế kễ thượng phẩm đương chức qua đời. Kế đó, kẻ sát nhơn sẽ trở về vào thành và nhà mình, tức là thành mà mình đã trốn khỏi.

Joshua 20:5
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