Jeremiah 51:56
Jeremiah 51:56
A destroyer will come against Babylon; her warriors will be captured, and their bows will be broken. For the LORD is a God of retribution; he will repay in full.

Destroying armies come against Babylon. Her mighty men are captured, and their weapons break in their hands. For the LORD is a God who gives just punishment; he always repays in full.

for a destroyer has come upon her, upon Babylon; her warriors are taken; their bows are broken in pieces, for the LORD is a God of recompense; he will surely repay.

For the destroyer is coming against her, against Babylon, And her mighty men will be captured, Their bows are shattered; For the LORD is a God of recompense, He will fully repay.

Because the spoiler is come upon her, even upon Babylon, and her mighty men are taken, every one of their bows is broken: for the LORD God of recompences shall surely requite.

for a destroyer is coming against her, against Babylon. Her warriors will be captured, their bows shattered, for the LORD is a God of retribution; He will certainly repay.

Indeed, the destroyer is coming against her, against Babylon. Her warriors are captured, and her bows are broken. For the LORD is a God of recompense, and he will repay in full.

For a destroyer is attacking Babylon. Her warriors will be captured; their bows will be broken. For the LORD is a God who punishes; he pays back in full.

A destroyer will attack Babylon, its soldiers will be captured, and their bows and arrows will be broken. "I, the LORD, am a God who punishes evil. I will certainly punish them.

because the destroyer is come against her, even upon Babylon, and her mighty men are taken, their bow is broken: for the LORD God of recompenses shall surely requite.

Because the plunderer has come upon her, even upon Babylon, and her mighty men are taken, everyone of their bows is broken: for the LORD God of recompenses shall surely repay.

Because the spoiler is come on her, even on Babylon, and her mighty men are taken, every one of their bows is broken: for the LORD God of recompenses shall surely requite.

for the destroyer is come upon her, even upon Babylon, and her mighty men are taken, their bows are broken in pieces; for Jehovah is a God of recompenses, he will surely requite.

Because the spoiler is come upon her, that is, upon Babylon, and her valiant men are taken, and their bow is weakened, because the Lord, who is a strong revenger, will surely repay.

For the spoiler is come against her, against Babylon, and her mighty men are taken; their bows are broken in pieces; for Jehovah, the ùGod of recompences, will certainly requite.

for the spoiler is come upon her, even upon Babylon, and her mighty men are taken, their bows are broken in pieces: for the LORD is a God of recompences, he shall surely requite.

Because the spoiler is come upon her, even upon Babylon, and her mighty men are taken, every one of their bows is broken: for the LORD God of recompenses shall surely requite.

for the destroyer is come on her, even on Babylon, and her mighty men are taken, their bows are broken in pieces; for Yahweh is a God of recompenses, he will surely requite.

For come in against it -- against Babylon -- hath a spoiler, And captured have been its mighty ones, Broken have been their bows, For the God of recompences -- Jehovah -- doth certainly repay.

Jeremia 51:56
Shkatërrimtari në fakt erdhi kundër saj, kundër Babilonisë; trimat e saj janë kapur, harqet e tyre janë copëtuar, sepse Zoti është Perëndia i shpërblimeve; ai do t'i shpërblejë me siguri.

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 51:56
لانه جاء عليها على بابل المخرب وأخذ جبابرتها وتحطمت قسيهم لان الرب اله مجازاة يكافئ مكافأة.

Dyr Ierymies 51:56
Der +kimmt schoon, dyr Verwüester, über Bäbl! Seine Höldn werdnd gfangen und ienerne Pfeilbögn zammghaut, denn dyr Trechtein ist ayn Got, wo haimzalt auf Höller und Pfenning.

Еремия 51:56
Защото изтребителят дойде върху него, да! върху Вавилон, И юнаците му се хванаха, Лъковете им се строшиха; Понеже Господ е Бог, Който въздава, И непременно ще въздаде.

耶 利 米 書 51:56
這 是 行 毀 滅 的 臨 到 巴 比 倫 。 巴 比 倫 的 勇 士 被 捉 住 , 他 們 的 弓 折 斷 了 ; 因 為 耶 和 華 是 施 行 報 應 的 神 , 必 定 施 行 報 應 。

这 是 行 毁 灭 的 临 到 巴 比 伦 。 巴 比 伦 的 勇 士 被 捉 住 , 他 们 的 弓 折 断 了 ; 因 为 耶 和 华 是 施 行 报 应 的 神 , 必 定 施 行 报 应 。



Jeremiah 51:56
Jest, pustošnik dođe na Babilon, uhvaćeni su ratnici njegovi, lukovi im polomljeni. Zaista, Jahve je Bog osvetnik koji plaća po zasluzi!

Jermiáše 51:56
Když přitáhne na něj, na Babylon zhoubce. I budou jati silní jeho, potříno bude lučiště jejich; nebo Bůh silný odplatí, Hospodin vrchovatě odplatí.

Jeremias 51:56
Thi en Hærværksmand kommer over Babel, og dets Helte skal fanges, deres Buer knækkes; thi en Gengældelsens Gud er HERREN, han giver fuld Løn.

Jeremia 51:56
Want de verstoorder komt over haar, over Babel, en haar helden zullen gevangen worden; hunlieder bogen zijn verbroken; want de HEERE, de God der vergelding, zal hun zekerlijk betalen.

ירמיה 51:56
כִּי֩ בָ֨א עָלֶ֤יהָ עַל־בָּבֶל֙ שֹׁודֵ֔ד וְנִלְכְּדוּ֙ גִּבֹּורֶ֔יהָ חִתְּתָ֖ה קַשְּׁתֹותָ֑ם כִּ֣י אֵ֧ל גְּמֻלֹ֛ות יְהוָ֖ה שַׁלֵּ֥ם יְשַׁלֵּֽם׃

נו כי בא עליה על בבל שודד ונלכדו גבוריה חתתה קשתותם  כי אל גמלות יהוה שלם ישלם

כי בא עליה על־בבל שודד ונלכדו גבוריה חתתה קשתותם כי אל גמלות יהוה שלם ישלם׃

Jeremiás 51:56
Mert pusztító tör reá, Babilonra, és elfogatnak vitézei, eltörik az õ kézívök, mert a megfizetésnek Istene, az Úr, bizonynyal megfizet.

Jeremia 51:56
CXar venos sur gxin, sur Babelon, ruiniganto, kaj kaptitaj estos gxiaj herooj, rompitaj estos iliaj pafarkoj; cxar la Eternulo, Dio de repagado, nepre repagos.

Sillä hävittäjä on tullut Babelin päälle, hänen sankarinsa käsitetään, heidän joutsensa taitetaan; sillä koston Jumala, Herra maksaa täydellisesti hänelle.

Jérémie 51:56
Car le dévastateur est venu contre elle, contre Babylone; et ses hommes forts sont pris, leurs arcs sont brisés! Car l'Éternel, le *Dieu des rétributions, rend certainement ce qui est dû.

Oui, le dévastateur fond sur elle, sur Babylone; Les guerriers de Babylone sont pris, Leurs arcs sont brisés. Car l'Eternel est un Dieu qui rend à chacun selon ses oeuvres, Qui paie à chacun son salaire.

Car le destructeur est venu contre elle, contre Babylone; ses hommes forts ont été pris, et leurs arcs ont été brisés; car le [Dieu] Fort des rétributions, l'Eternel, ne manque jamais à rendre la pareille.

Jeremia 51:56
Denn es ist über Babel der Verstörer kommen; ihre Helden werden gefangen, ihre Bogen werden zerbrochen; denn der Gott der Rache, der HERR, bezahlet sie.

Denn es ist über Babel der Verstörer gekommen, ihre Helden werden gefangen, ihre Bogen zerbrochen; denn der Gott der Rache, der HERR, bezahlt ihr.

Denn der Verwüster bricht über es, über Babel, herein, und seine Helden werden gefangen, zersplittert ihre Bogen; denn Jahwe ist ein Gott der Vergeltung, pünktlich zahlt er heim.

Geremia 51:56
poiché il devastatore piomba su lei, su Babilonia, i suoi prodi son presi, i loro archi spezzati, giacché l’Eterno è l’Iddio delle retribuzioni, non manca di rendere ciò ch’è dovuto.

Perciocchè sopra lei, sopra Babilonia, è venuto il distruttore, e gli uomini valorosi di essa sono stati presi, i loro archi sono stati spezzati; perciocchè il Signore è l’Iddio delle retribuzioni; egli non manca di rendere il giusto pagamento.

Apabila si pembinasa itu datang atasnya, yaitu atas Babil, dan segala pahlawannya tertangkap dan segala busur panah mereka itupun patah! karena Tuhan juga Allah yang membalas, tak dapat tiada diadakannya pembalasan.

예레미아 51:56
만군의 여호와라 일컫는 왕이 이같이 말씀하시되 내가 그 방백들과 박사들과 감독들과 관장들과 용사들로 취하게 하리니 그들이 영영히 자고 깨지 못하리라

Ieremias 51:56
quia venit super eam id est super Babylonem praedo et adprehensi sunt fortes eius et emarcuit arcus eorum quia fortis ultor Dominus reddens retribuet

Jeremijo knyga 51:56
Priešas veržiasi į Babiloną; jo kariai patenka į nelaisvę, jų lankai sulaužyti. Viešpats, atlygio Dievas, tikrai atlygins.

Jeremiah 51:56
Kua tae mai hoki te kaipahua ki a ia, ki Papurona, kua mau hoki ona marohirohi, kua mongamonga a ratou pere: no te mea he Atua a Ihowa no te whakahoki utu, a he pono ka tino takoto tana utu.

Jeremias 51:56
For over det, over Babel, kommer en ødelegger, og dets kjemper blir fanget, deres buer knekket; for Herren er en gjengjeldelsens Gud, han lønner, han gjengjelder.

Jeremías 51:56
Porque viene contra ella, contra Babilonia, el destructor, sus valientes serán apresados, quebrados están sus arcos; porque Dios de retribuciones es el SEÑOR, ciertamente dará la paga.

Porque viene contra ella, contra Babilonia, el destructor, Sus valientes serán apresados, Quebrados están sus arcos; Porque Dios es el SEÑOR de retribuciones, Ciertamente dará la paga.

Porque vino destruidor contra ella, contra Babilonia, y sus valientes fueron apresados, el arco de ellos fue quebrado; porque Jehová, Dios de retribuciones, dará la paga.

Porque vino destruidor contra ella, contra Babilonia, y sus valientes fueron presos, el arco de ellos fué quebrado: porque Jehová, Dios de retribuciones, dará la paga.

porque vino destruidor contra ella, contra Babilonia, y sus valientes fueron presos, el arco de ellos fue quebrado; porque el SEÑOR, Dios de retribuciones, dará la paga.

Jeremias 51:56
Afinal, eis que o exterminador veio sobre ela, sobre a grande cidade de Babilônia e seus guerreiros estão cativos; já estão despedaçados todos os seus arcos; pois Yahweh é Deus de retribuição, e ele, de fato, retribuirá perfeitamente!

Porque o destruidor veio sobre ela, sobre Babilônia, e os seus valentes estão presos; já estão despedaçados os seus arcos; pois o Senhor é Deus das recompensas, ele certamente retribuirá.   

Ieremia 51:56
Da, pustiitorul se aruncă asupra lui, asupra Babilonului; vitejii Babilonului sînt prinşi, şi li se sfărîmă arcurile. Căci Domnul este un Dumnezeu care răsplăteşte! El va da negreşit fiecăruia plata cuvenită lui!

Иеремия 51:56
Ибо придет на него, на Вавилон, опустошитель, и взяты будут ратоборцы его, сокрушены будут луки их; ибоГосподь, Бог воздаяний, воздаст воздаяние.

Ибо придет на него, на Вавилон, опустошитель, и взяты будут ратоборцы его, сокрушены будут луки их; ибо Господь, Бог воздаяний, воздаст воздаяние.[]

Jeremia 51:56
Ty över det, över Babel, kommer en förhärjare, och dess hjältar tagas till fånga, deras bågar brytas sönder. Se, HERREN är en vedergällningens Gud; han lönar till fullo.

Jeremiah 51:56
Sapagka't ang manglilipol ay dumating doon, sa Babilonia, at ang mga makapangyarihang lalake niyaon ay nangahuli, ang kanilang mga busog ay nagkaputolputol: sapagka't ang Panginoon ay Dios ng mga kagantihan, siya'y tunay na magbabayad.

เยเรมีย์ 51:56
เพราะว่าผู้ทำลายได้มาเหนือเธอ มาเหนือบาบิโลน บรรดานักรบของเธอถูกยึดแล้ว คันธนูของเขาทั้งหลายถูกหักเป็นชิ้นๆ เพราะพระเยโฮวาห์ทรงเป็นพระเจ้าแห่งการตอบแทน พระองค์จะทรงสนองเป็นแน่

Yeremya 51:56
Çünkü Babile karşı bir yok edici çıkacak;
Yiğitleri tutsak olacak,
Yayları paramparça edilecek.
Çünkü RAB karşılık veren bir Tanrıdır,
Her şeyin tam karşılığını verir.[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 51:56
Thật, kẻ tàn hại đã áo đến trên Ba-by-lôn. Những kẻ mạnh mẽ của nó bị bắt, cung chúng nó bị gãy; vì Ðức Giê-hô-va là Ðức Chúa Trời hay báo trả, Ngài chắc sẽ báo trả cho.

Jeremiah 51:55
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