Jeremiah 50:36
Jeremiah 50:36
A sword against her false prophets! They will become fools. A sword against her warriors! They will be filled with terror.

The sword will strike her wise counselors, and they will become fools. The sword will strike her mightiest warriors, and panic will seize them.

A sword against the diviners, that they may become fools! A sword against her warriors, that they may be destroyed!

"A sword against the oracle priests, and they will become fools! A sword against her mighty men, and they will be shattered!

A sword is upon the liars; and they shall dote: a sword is upon her mighty men; and they shall be dismayed.

A sword is against the diviners, and they will act foolishly. A sword is against her heroic warriors, and they will be terrified.

A sword against the diviners. They'll be made fools. A sword against her warriors. They'll be shattered.

Destructive forces will come against her false prophets; they will be shown to be fools! Destructive forces will come against her soldiers; they will be filled with terror!

A sword will kill the false prophets. They will become fools. A sword will kill their soldiers and defeat them.

A sword is upon the fortune-tellers; and they shall be fools: a sword is upon her mighty men; and they shall be broken.

A sword is upon the diviners; and they shall become fools: a sword is upon her mighty men; and they shall be dismayed.

A sword is on the liars; and they shall dote: a sword is on her mighty men; and they shall be dismayed.

A sword is upon the boasters, and they shall become fools; a sword is upon her mighty men, and they shall be dismayed.

A sword upon her diviners, and they shall be foolish: a sword upon her valiant ones, and they shall be dismayed.

the sword is upon the liars, and they shall become fools; the sword is upon her mighty men, and they shall be dismayed;

A sword is upon the boasters, and they shall dote: a sword is upon her mighty men, and they shall be dismayed.

A sword is upon the liars; and they shall be sottish: a sword is upon her mighty men; and they shall be dismayed.

A sword is on the boasters, and they shall become fools; a sword is on her mighty men, and they shall be dismayed.

A sword is on the princes, And they have become foolish; A sword is on her mighty ones, And they have been broken down;

Jeremia 50:36
Një shpatë kërcënon gënjeshtarët mburravecë, që do të rezultojnë pa mend; një shpatë kërcënon trimat e saj, që do të tmerrohen.

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 50:36
سيف على المخادعين فيصيرون حمقا. سيف على ابطالها فيرتعبون.

Dyr Ierymies 50:36
Nider mit de Waarsager; naacherd kimmt s auf, däß nix dran ist! S Schwert aau über d Harstner, däß s grad non yso dyrkemmend!

Еремия 50:36
Меч има върху измамниците! и те ще избезумеят; Меч върху юнаците му! и те ще се ужасяват;

耶 利 米 書 50:36
有 刀 劍 臨 到 矜 誇 的 人 , 他 們 就 成 為 愚 昧 ; 有 刀 劍 臨 到 他 的 勇 士 , 他 們 就 驚 惶 。

有 刀 剑 临 到 矜 夸 的 人 , 他 们 就 成 为 愚 昧 ; 有 刀 剑 临 到 他 的 勇 士 , 他 们 就 惊 惶 。



Jeremiah 50:36
Mač na brbljavce njegove, neka polude! Mač na njegove ratnike, neka se prestrave!

Jermiáše 50:36
Meč na lháře, aby se zbláznili, meč na silné jeho, aby potříni byli.

Jeremias 50:36
Sværd over Sandsigerne, saa de bliver Taaber! Sværd over dets Helte, saa de taber Modet!

Jeremia 50:36
Het zwaard zal zijn over de leugenaars, dat zij zot worden; het zwaard zal zijn over haar helden, dat zij versagen;

ירמיה 50:36
חֶ֥רֶב אֶל־הַבַּדִּ֖ים וְנֹאָ֑לוּ חֶ֥רֶב אֶל־גִּבֹּורֶ֖יהָ וָחָֽתּוּ׃

לו חרב אל הבדים ונאלו חרב אל גבוריה וחתו

חרב אל־הבדים ונאלו חרב אל־גבוריה וחתו׃

Jeremiás 50:36
Fegyver [lesz] az õ varázslóin, és megbolondulnak; fegyver [lesz] az õ vitézein, és elijednek.

Jeremia 50:36
glavo sur la antauxdiristojn, ke ili malsagxigxu; glavo sur gxiajn heroojn, ke ili senkuragxigxu;

Miekan pitää tuleman hänen noitainsa päälle, niin että heidän pitää tyhmäksi tuleman; miekan pitää tuleman hänen väkeväinsä päälle, että heidän pitää epäilemän.

Jérémie 50:36
l'épée est sur les menteurs, et ils deviendront insensés; l'épée est sur ses hommes forts, et ils seront terrifiés;

L'épée contre les prophètes de mensonge! qu'ils soient comme des insensés! L'épée contre ses vaillants hommes! qu'ils soient consternés!

L'épée est tirée contre ses Devins, et ils en perdront l'esprit; l'épée est sur ses hommes forts, et ils [en] seront épouvantés.

Jeremia 50:36
Schwert soll kommen über ihre Weissager, daß sie zu Narren werden. Schwert soll kommen über ihre Starken, daß sie verzagen.

Schwert soll kommen über ihre Weissager, daß sie zu Narren werden; Schwert soll kommen über ihre Starken, daß sie verzagen!

Auf! Schwert, über die Schwätzer, daß sie sich als Thoren erweisen! Auf! Schwert, über seine Helden, daß sie verzagen!

Geremia 50:36
La spada sovrasta ai millantatori, che risulteranno insensati; la spada sovrasta ai suoi prodi, che saranno atterriti;

La spada soprasta a’ bugiardi indovini d’essa, e ne smanieranno; la spada soprasta agli uomini prodi di essa, e ne saranno spaventati.

Pedang akan datang atas segala orang yang berkata dusta, sehingga mereka itu jadi gila; pedang akan datang atas segala pahlawannya, sehingga tawarlah hati mereka itu.

예레미아 50:36
칼이 자긍하는 자의 위에 임하리니 그들이 어리석게 될 것이며 칼이 용사의 위에 임하리니 그들이 놀랄 것이며

Ieremias 50:36
gladius ad divinos eius qui stulti erunt gladius ad fortes illius qui timebunt

Jeremijo knyga 50:36
Kardas jo žyniams, kurie taps kvaili, ir kariams, kad išsigąstų.

Jeremiah 50:36
Kei runga te hoari i te hunga whakapehapeha, a ka wairangi ratou: he hoari kei runga i ana marohirohi, a ka pawera ratou.

Jeremias 50:36
Sverd over snakkerne*! De skal stå der som dårer. Sverd over dets kjemper! De skal bli forferdet.

Jeremías 50:36
Espada contra los impostores, y se volverán necios. Espada contra sus valientes, y serán destrozados.

Espada contra los impostores (falsos profetas, oráculos sacerdotes), y se volverán necios. Espada contra sus valientes, y serán destrozados.

Espada sobre los engañadores, y se atontarán; espada sobre sus valientes, y serán quebrantados.

Cuchillo sobre los adivinos, y se atontarán; cuchillo sobre sus valientes, y serán quebrantados.

Cuchillo sobre los adivinos, y se atontarán; cuchillo sobre sus valientes, y serán quebrantados.

Jeremias 50:36
Uma espada contra os teus falsos profetas! Eles se tornarão bravateiros; homens tolos. Uma espada contra os teus guerreiros! Eis que eles ficarão sobremodo apavorados!

A espada virá sobre os paroleiros, e eles ficarão insensatos; a espada virá sobre os seus valentes, e eles desfalecerão.   

Ieremia 50:36
Sabia împotriva proorocilor minciunii, ca să ajungă ca nişte oameni fără minte! Sabia împotriva vitejilor lui, ca să rămînă încremeniţi!

Иеремия 50:36
меч на обаятелей, и они обезумеют; меч на воинов его, и они оробеют;

меч на обаятелей, и они обезумеют; меч на воинов его, и они оробеют;[]

Jeremia 50:36
Svärd komme över lögnprofeterna, så att de stå där såsom dårar! Svärd komme över dess hjältar, så att de bliva förfärade!

Jeremiah 50:36
Ang tabak ay nasa mga hambog, at sila'y mangahahangal, ang tabak ay nasa kaniyang mga makapangyarihan, at sila'y manganglulupaypay.

เยเรมีย์ 50:36
ให้ดาบอยู่เหนือผู้มุสา เพื่อเขาจะกลายเป็นคนโง่ไป ให้ดาบอยู่เหนือบรรดานักรบของเธอ เพื่อเขาทั้งหลายจะครั่นคร้าม

Yeremya 50:36
Sahte peygamberlere karşı kılıç!
Aptallıkları ortaya çıkacak.
Yiğitlerine karşı kılıç!
Şaşkına dönecek onlar.[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 50:36
Gươm dao trên những người khoe khoang, chúng nó sẽ nên người dại dột! Gươm dao ở trên những kẻ mạnh mẽ, chúng nó sẽ bị kinh khiếp!

Jeremiah 50:35
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