Jeremiah 44:7
Jeremiah 44:7
"Now this is what the LORD God Almighty, the God of Israel, says: Why bring such great disaster on yourselves by cutting off from Judah the men and women, the children and infants, and so leave yourselves without a remnant?

"And now the LORD God of Heaven's Armies, the God of Israel, asks you: Why are you destroying yourselves? For not one of you will survive--not a man, woman, or child among you who has come here from Judah, not even the babies in your arms.

And now thus says the LORD God of hosts, the God of Israel: Why do you commit this great evil against yourselves, to cut off from you man and woman, infant and child, from the midst of Judah, leaving you no remnant?

'Now then thus says the LORD God of hosts, the God of Israel, "Why are you doing great harm to yourselves, so as to cut off from you man and woman, child and infant, from among Judah, leaving yourselves without remnant,

Therefore now thus saith the LORD, the God of hosts, the God of Israel; Wherefore commit ye this great evil against your souls, to cut off from you man and woman, child and suckling, out of Judah, to leave you none to remain;

"So now, this is what the LORD, the God of Hosts, the God of Israel, says: Why are you doing such great harm to yourselves? You are cutting off man and woman, child and infant from Judah, leaving yourselves without a remnant.

"Now, this is what the LORD of the Heavenly Armies, the God of Israel, says: 'Why are you doing great harm to yourselves so as to cut off from Judah man and woman, child and infant from you, leaving yourselves without a remnant?

"So now the LORD, the God who rules over all, the God of Israel, asks, 'Why will you do such great harm to yourselves? Why should every man, woman, child, and baby of yours be destroyed from the midst of Judah? Why should you leave yourselves without a remnant?

Now, this is what the LORD God of Armies, the God of Israel, says: Why do you bring this terrible disaster on yourselves? Why do you keep destroying men, women, children, and babies from Judah until none are left?

Therefore now thus hath the LORD, the God of the hosts, the God of Israel said: Why do ye commit this great evil against your souls, that ye be cut off, man and woman, child and suckling, out of Judah. Why do ye not desire to have a remnant?

Therefore now thus says the LORD, the God of hosts, the God of Israel; Why commit you this great evil against your souls, to cut off from you man and woman, child and infant, out of Judah, to leave you none to remain;

Therefore now thus said the LORD, the God of hosts, the God of Israel; Why commit you this great evil against your souls, to cut off from you man and woman, child and suckling, out of Judah, to leave you none to remain;

Therefore now thus saith Jehovah, the God of hosts, the God of Israel: Wherefore commit ye this great evil against your own souls, to cut off from you man and woman, infant and suckling, out of the midst of Judah, to leave you none remaining;

And now thus saith the Lord of hosts the God of Israel: Why do you commit this great evil against your own souls, that there should die of you man and woman, child and suckling out of the midst of Juda, and no remnant should be left you:

And now thus saith Jehovah the God of hosts, the God of Israel: Wherefore commit ye great evil against your souls, to cut off from you man and woman, infant and suckling, out of the midst of Judah, to leave you no remnant;

Therefore now thus saith the LORD, the God of hosts, the God of Israel: Wherefore commit ye this great evil against your own souls, to cut off from you man and woman, infant and suckling, out of the midst of Judah, to leave you none remaining;

Therefore now thus saith the LORD, the God of hosts, the God of Israel; Why do ye commit this great evil against your souls, to cut off from you man and woman, child and suckling, out of Judah, to leave you none to remain;

Therefore now thus says Yahweh, the God of Armies, the God of Israel: Why do you commit great evil against your own souls, to cut off from yourselves man and woman, infant and nursing child out of the midst of Judah, to leave yourselves none remaining;

'And, now, thus said Jehovah of Hosts, God of Israel: Why are ye doing great evil unto your own souls, to cut off to you man and woman, infant and suckling, from the midst of Judah, so as not to leave to you a remnant:

Jeremia 44:7
Por tani kështu thotë Zoti, Perëndia i ushtrive, Perëndia i Izraelit: "Pse kryeni këtë të keqe të madhe kundër vetes suaj, duke shkaktuar shfarosjen tuaj në mes të Judës, burra dhe gra, fëmijë dhe foshnja, kështu që të mos ngelet prej jush asnjë mbetje?

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 44:7
فالآن هكذا قال الرب اله الجنود اله اسرائيل. لماذا انتم فاعلون شرا عظيما ضد انفسكم لانقراضكم رجالا ونساء اطفالا ورضعا من وسط يهوذا ولا تبقى لكم بقية.

Dyr Ierymies 44:7
Ietz aber sait enk dyr Trechtein, dyr Hörergot, dyr Got von Isryheel dös Ain: Zwö reittß n enk allweil non tieffer einhin, Mänder, Weiber, Kinder und Sogerer, hinst däß von Judau iewet +wirklich nix meer übrig ist?

Еремия 44:7
Сега, прочее, така казва Господ на Силите, Израилевият Бог: Защо вършите [това] голямо зло против своите души, тъй щото да изтребите изпомежду си мъж и жена, дете и бозайниче отсред Юда, та да не остане от вас [никой оцелял],

耶 利 米 書 44:7
現 在 耶 和 華 ─ 萬 軍 之   神 、 以 色 列 的   神 如 此 說 : 你 們 為 何 作 這 大 惡 自 害 己 命 , 使 你 們 的 男 人 、 婦 女 、 嬰 孩 , 和 吃 奶 的 都 從 猶 大 中 剪 除 、 不 留 一 人 呢 ?

现 在 耶 和 华 ─ 万 军 之   神 、 以 色 列 的   神 如 此 说 : 你 们 为 何 作 这 大 恶 自 害 己 命 , 使 你 们 的 男 人 、 妇 女 、 婴 孩 , 和 吃 奶 的 都 从 犹 大 中 剪 除 、 不 留 一 人 呢 ?



Jeremiah 44:7
Zašto sami svaljujete na se tako golemu nesreću - govori Jahve, Bog nad Vojskama, Bog Izraelov - te sami do korijena istrebljujete iz Judeje sve muško i žensko, djecu i dojenčad, te vam ni ostatka ostati neće,

Jermiáše 44:7
Nyní pak takto praví Hospodin Bůh zástupů, Bůh Izraelský: Proč vy činíte zlé převeliké proti dušem svým, abyste vyplénili z sebe muže i ženu, dítě i prsí požívajícího z prostředku Judy, abyste nepozůstavili sobě ostatků,

Jeremias 44:7
Og nu, saa siger HERREN, Hærskarers Gud, Israels Gud: Hvorfor nedkalder I stor Ulykke over eder selv og udrydder Mænd og Kvinder, Børn og diende af Juda, saa I ikke levner eder nogen Rest,

Jeremia 44:7
En nu, zo zegt de HEERE, de God der heirscharen, de God Israels: Waarom doet gij zulk een groot kwaad tegen uw zielen, opdat gij u den man en de vrouw, het kind en den zuigeling uit het midden van Juda uitroeit, opdat gij u geen overblijfsel overlaat?

ירמיה 44:7
וְעַתָּ֡ה כֹּֽה־אָמַ֣ר יְהוָה֩ אֱלֹהֵ֨י צְבָאֹ֜ות אֱלֹהֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֗ל לָמָה֩ אַתֶּ֨ם עֹשִׂ֜ים רָעָ֤ה גְדֹולָה֙ אֶל־נַפְשֹׁ֣תֵכֶ֔ם לְהַכְרִ֨ית לָכֶ֧ם אִישׁ־וְאִשָּׁ֛ה עֹולֵ֥ל וְיֹונֵ֖ק מִתֹּ֣וךְ יְהוּדָ֑ה לְבִלְתִּ֛י הֹותִ֥יר לָכֶ֖ם שְׁאֵרִֽית׃

ז ועתה כה אמר יהוה אלהי צבאות אלהי ישראל למה אתם עשים רעה גדולה אל נפשתכם להכרית לכם איש ואשה עולל ויונק מתוך יהודה--לבלתי הותיר לכם שארית

ועתה כה־אמר יהוה אלהי צבאות אלהי ישראל למה אתם עשים רעה גדולה אל־נפשתכם להכרית לכם איש־ואשה עולל ויונק מתוך יהודה לבלתי הותיר לכם שארית׃

Jeremiás 44:7
Most azért ezt mondja az Úr, a Seregek Istene, az Izráel Istene: Miért szereztek nagy veszedelmet a ti lelketek ellen, hogy kipusztítsatok közületek férfit és asszonyt, gyermeket és csecsemõt Júda kebelébõl, hogy magatoknak még csak maradékot se hagyjatok;

Jeremia 44:7
Kaj nun tiele diras la Eternulo, Dio Cebaot, Dio de Izrael:Kial vi faras grandan malbonon al viaj propraj animoj, por ke ekstermigxu cxe vi viroj kaj virinoj, infanoj kaj sucxinfanoj en Judujo, por ke nenio restu cxe vi?

Nyt, näin sanoo Herra Jumala Zebaot, Israelin Jumala: miksi te teette tämän suuren pahan vastaan omaa henkeänne? että teidän seassanne pitää hävitettämän sekä mies että vaimo, sekä lapset että imeväiset Juudasta, ja ei pidä yhtään teistä jäämän,

Jérémie 44:7
Et maintenant, ainsi dit l'Éternel, le Dieu des armées, le Dieu d'Israël: Pourquoi faites-vous un grand mal contre vos âmes, pour vous faire retrancher du milieu de Juda, homme et femme, enfant et celui qui tette, en sorte qu'il ne vous demeure aucun reste;

Maintenant ainsi parle l'Eternel, le Dieu des armées, le Dieu d'Israël: Pourquoi vous faites-vous à vous-mêmes un si grand mal, que de faire exterminer du milieu de Juda hommes, femmes, enfants et nourrissons, en sorte qu'il n'y ait plus de vous aucun reste?

Maintenant donc, ainsi a dit l'Eternel, le Dieu des armées, le Dieu d'Israël : pourquoi faites-vous ce grand mal contre vous-mêmes, pour vous faire retrancher du milieu de Juda, hommes et femmes, petits enfants, et ceux qui tètent, afin qu'on ne vous laisse aucun de reste?

Jeremia 44:7
Nun, so spricht der HERR, der Gott Zebaoth, der Gott Israels: Warum tut ihr doch so groß Übel wider euer eigen Leben, damit unter euch ausgerottet werde beide, Mann und Weib, beide, Kind und Säugling aus Juda, und nichts von euch überbleibe,

Nun, so spricht der HERR, der Gott Zebaoth, der Gott Israels: Warum tut ihr doch so großes Übel wider euer eigen Leben, damit unter euch ausgerottet werden Mann und Weib, Kind und Säugling aus Juda und nichts von euch übrigbleibe,

Und nun, - so spricht Jahwe, der Gott der Heerscharen, der Gott Israels: Warum wollt ihr denn euch selbst großes Unheil bereiten, indem ihr euch Mann und Weib, Knabe und Säugling aus dem Bereiche Judas ausrottet, so daß ihr keinen Rest von euch übrig laßt,

Geremia 44:7
E ora così parla l’Eterno, l’Iddio degli eserciti, l’Iddio d’Israele: Perché commettete questo gran male contro voi stessi, tanto da farvi sterminare dal mezzo di Giuda, uomini e donne, bambini e lattanti, sì che non rimanga di voi alcun residuo?

Ed ora, così ha detto il Signore, l’Iddio degli eserciti, l’Iddio d’Israele: Perchè fate voi questo gran male contro alle anime vostre, per farvi distruggere del mezzo di Giuda, uomini, e donne, e fanciulli, e bambini di poppa, e non lasciarvi alcun rimanente?

Maka sekarangpun, demikianlah firman Tuhan, Allah semesta alam sekalian, yaitu Allah orang Israel: Mengapa maka kamu berbuat jahat yang besar begini akan jiwamu sendiri, maka kamu tumpas bagi dirimu baik laki-laki baik perempuan baik budak-budak baik anak-anak penyusu dari antara orang Yahudi, sehingga tiada kamu tinggalkan bagi dirimu barang sisanya?

예레미아 44:7
나 만군의 하나님 이스라엘의 하나님 여호와가 이같이 말하노라 너희가 어찌하여 큰 악을 행하여 자기 영혼을 해하며 유다 중에서 너희의 남자와 여자와 아이와 젖먹는 자를 멸절하여 하나도 남기지 않게 하려느냐

Ieremias 44:7
et nunc haec dicit Dominus exercituum Deus Israhel quare vos facitis malum grande contra animas vestras ut intereat ex vobis vir et mulier parvulus et lactans de medio Iudae nec relinquatur vobis quicquam residuum

Jeremijo knyga 44:7
Todėl dabar taip sako Viešpats: “Kodėl patys sau darote bloga, sunaikindami vyrus, moteris, kūdikius ir vaikus, kol nebeliks Jude nė likučio?

Jeremiah 44:7
Mo reira ko te kupu tenei inaianei a Ihowa, a te Atua o nga mano, a te Atua o Iharaira; He aha koutou i mahi ai i tenei kino nui mo o koutou wairua, ka hatepe atu i a koutou, i nga tane, i nga wahine, i te kohungahunga, i te mea ngote u, i roto i a Hura, a kore iho he toenga o koutou e mahue?

Jeremias 44:7
Og nu sier Herren, hærskarenes Gud, Israels Gud, så: Hvorfor gjør I så stor en ondskap mot eder selv, så mann og kvinne, barn og diebarn utryddes for eder av Judas midte, så det ikke levnes eder nogen rest,

Jeremías 44:7
``Ahora pues, así dice el SEÑOR Dios de los ejércitos, el Dios de Israel: `¿Por qué os hacéis un daño tan grande a vosotros mismos cortando de entre vosotros a hombre y mujer, niño y lactante de en medio de Judá, sin que os quede remanente,

'Ahora pues, así dice el SEÑOR Dios de los ejércitos, el Dios de Israel: "¿Por qué ustedes se hacen un daño tan grande a sí mismos cortando de entre ustedes a hombre y mujer, niño y lactante de en medio de Judá, sin que les quede remanente,

Ahora, pues, así dice Jehová de los ejércitos, Dios de Israel: ¿Por qué hacéis tan grande mal contra vuestras almas, para ser talados varón y mujer, y niño de pecho, de en medio de Judá, sin que os quede remanente alguno;

Ahora pues, así ha dicho Jehová de los ejércitos, Dios de Israel: ¿Por qué hacéis tan grande mal contra vuestras almas, para ser talados varón y mujer, niño y mamante, de en medio de Judá, sin que os quede residuo alguno;

Ahora, pues, así dijo el SEÑOR de los ejércitos, Dios de Israel: ¿Por qué hacéis tan grande mal contra vuestras almas, para ser talados varón y mujer, niño y mamante, de en medio de Judá, ¿para qué no os desáis remanente?

Jeremias 44:7
Agora, pois, assim diz Yahweh, o Todo-Poderoso dos Exércitos, Deus de Israel: “Por que cometeis tanta malignidade contra vós mesmos, expulsando de Judá o homem e a mulher, a criança e o recém-nascido, sem deixar ali nenhum remanescente?

Agora, pois, assim diz o Senhor, Deus dos exércitos, Deus de Israel: Por que fazeis vós tão grande mal contra vós mesmos, para desarraigardes o homem e a mulher, a criança e o que mama, dentre vós, do meio de Judá, a fim de não vos deixardes ali resto algum;   

Ieremia 44:7
,Acum, aşa vorbeşte Domnul, Dumnezeul oştirilor, Dumnezeul lui Israel: ,Pentru ce vă faceţi voi singuri un rău atît de mare, ca să se nimicească din mijlocul lui Iuda bărbaţi, femei, copii şi prunci, şi să nu mai rămînă nici o rămăşiţă din voi?

Иеремия 44:7
И ныне так говорит Господь Бог Саваоф, Бог Израилев: зачем вы делаете это великое зло душам вашим, истребляя у себя мужей и жен, взрослых детей и младенцев из среды Иудеи, чтобы не оставить у себя остатка,

И ныне так говорит Господь Бог Саваоф, Бог Израилев: зачем вы делаете это великое зло душам вашим, истребляя у себя мужей и жен, взрослых детей и младенцев из среды Иудеи, чтобы не оставить у себя остатка,[]

Jeremia 44:7
Och nu säger HERREN, härskarornas Gud, Israels Gud, så: Varför bereden I eder själva stor olycka? I utroten ju ur Juda både man och kvinna, både barn och spenabarn bland eder, så att ingen kvarleva av eder kommer att återstå;

Jeremiah 44:7
Kaya't ngayo'y ganito ang sabi ng Panginoon, ng Dios ng mga hukbo, ng Dios ng Israel, Bakit kayo'y nagsigawa nitong malaking kasamaan laban sa inyong sariling mga kaluluwa, upang maghiwalay sa inyo ng lalake at babae, ng sanggol at pasusuhin, sa gitna ng Juda, upang huwag maiwanan kayo ng anomang labi;

เยเรมีย์ 44:7
เพราะฉะนั้นบัดนี้ พระเยโฮวาห์พระเจ้าจอมโยธา พระเจ้าแห่งอิสราเอล จึงตรัสดังนี้ว่า ทำไมเจ้าทั้งหลายจึงทำความชั่วร้ายยิ่งใหญ่นี้แก่จิตใจเจ้าเอง และตัดเอาผู้ชายผู้หญิงทั้งเด็กและเด็กที่ยังดูดนมเสียจากเจ้า เสียจากท่ามกลางยูดาห์ ไม่มีชนที่เหลืออยู่ไว้แก่เจ้าเลย

Yeremya 44:7
‹‹İsrailin Tanrısı RAB, Her Şeye Egemen Tanrı şöyle diyor: Neden bu büyük felaketi başınıza getiriyorsunuz? Kadın erkek, çoluk çocuk Yahuda halkından kesilip atılacak, sizden sağ kalan olmayacak.[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 44:7
Bây giờ Giê-hô-va, Ðức Chúa Trời vạn quân, Ðức Chúa Trời của Y-sơ-ra-ên, phán như vầy: Sao các ngươi phạm tội trọng dường ấy nghịch cùng mạng sống mình, để cho đờn ông, đờn bà, trẻ con, trẻ đương bú, bị cất khỏi giữa Giu-đa, đến nỗi dân các ngươi không còn lại chút nào;

Jeremiah 44:6
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