Jeremiah 44:10
Jeremiah 44:10
To this day they have not humbled themselves or shown reverence, nor have they followed my law and the decrees I set before you and your ancestors.

To this very hour you have shown no remorse or reverence. No one has chosen to follow my word and the decrees I gave to you and your ancestors before you.

They have not humbled themselves even to this day, nor have they feared, nor walked in my law and my statutes that I set before you and before your fathers.

"But they have not become contrite even to this day, nor have they feared nor walked in My law or My statutes, which I have set before you and before your fathers."'

They are not humbled even unto this day, neither have they feared, nor walked in my law, nor in my statutes, that I set before you and before your fathers.

They have not become humble to this day, and they have not feared or followed My instruction or My statutes that I set before you and your ancestors.

To this day they haven't humbled themselves, they haven't shown reverence for the LORD, and they haven't lived according to my Law and my statutes that I set before them and before their ancestors.'

To this day your people have shown no contrition! They have not revered me nor followed the laws and statutes I commanded you and your ancestors.'

You have not humbled yourselves even to this day. You haven't feared me or lived your lives by my teachings or by my decrees that I gave your ancestors.

They are not broken even unto this day, neither have they feared, nor walked in my law, nor in my rights, that I set before you and before your fathers.

They are not humbled even unto this day, neither have they feared, nor walked in my law, nor in my statutes, that I set before you and before your fathers.

They are not humbled even to this day, neither have they feared, nor walked in my law, nor in my statutes, that I set before you and before your fathers.

They are not humbled even unto this day, neither have they feared, nor walked in my law, nor in my statutes, that I set before you and before your fathers.

They are not cleansed even to this day: neither have they feared, nor walked in the law of the Lord, nor in my commandments, which I set before you and your fathers.

They are not humbled unto this day, neither have they feared, nor walked in my law, nor in my statutes which I set before you and before your fathers.

They are not humbled even unto this day, neither have they feared, nor walked in my law, nor in my statutes, that I set before you and before your fathers.

They are not humbled even to this day, neither have they feared, nor walked in my law, nor in my statutes, that I set before you and before your fathers.

They are not humbled even to this day, neither have they feared, nor walked in my law, nor in my statutes, that I set before you and before your fathers.

They have not been humbled unto this day, nor have they been afraid, nor have they walked in My law, and in My statutes, that I have set before you and before your fathers.

Jeremia 44:10
Deri më sot nuk janë penduar, as kanë patur frikë, as kanë ecur sipas ligjit tim dhe statuteve të mia, që unë kam vënë para jush dhe etërve tuaj".

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 44:10
لم يذلّوا الى هذا اليوم ولا خافوا ولا سلكوا في شريعتي وفرائضي التي جعلتها امامكم وامام آبائكم

Dyr Ierymies 44:10
Hinst heut bereu'nd s nixn, ferchtnd mi nit und löbnd nit naach meinn Gsötz und meine Weisungen, wie i s enk und enkerne Vätter göbn haan.

Еремия 44:10
Те и до днес не се смириха, нито се убояха, нито ходиха в закона Ми и в повеленията, които поставих пред вас и пред бащите ви.

耶 利 米 書 44:10
到 如 今 還 沒 有 懊 悔 , 沒 有 懼 怕 , 沒 有 遵 行 我 在 你 們 和 你 們 列 祖 面 前 所 設 立 的 法 度 律 例 。

到 如 今 还 没 有 懊 悔 , 没 有 惧 怕 , 没 有 遵 行 我 在 你 们 和 你 们 列 祖 面 前 所 设 立 的 法 度 律 例 。



Jeremiah 44:10
Do dana današnjega nisu se pokajali, nisu se bojali, nisu živjeli po Zakonu mojemu ni po odredbama mojim, koje dadoh vama i ocima vašim.

Jermiáše 44:10
Nekořili se až do tohoto dne, aniž se báli, aniž chodili v zákoně mém a v ustanoveních mých, kteráž předkládám vám jako i otcům vašim.

Jeremias 44:10
Hidtil har de ikke ydmyget sig; de frygter ikke og vandrer ikke efter min Lov og mine Bud, som jeg forelagde eder og eders Fædre.

Jeremia 44:10
Zij zijn tot op dezen dag nog niet verbrijzeld van hart, en zij hebben niet gevreesd, noch gewandeld in Mijn wet en in Mijn inzettingen, die Ik voor ulieder aangezicht en voor het aangezicht uwer vaderen gegeven heb.

ירמיה 44:10
לֹ֣א דֻכְּא֔וּ עַ֖ד הַיֹּ֣ום הַזֶּ֑ה וְלֹ֣א יָרְא֗וּ וְלֹֽא־הָלְכ֤וּ בְתֹֽורָתִי֙ וּבְחֻקֹּתַ֔י אֲשֶׁר־נָתַ֥תִּי לִפְנֵיכֶ֖ם וְלִפְנֵ֥י אֲבֹותֵיכֶֽם׃ ס

י לא דכאו עד היום הזה ולא יראו ולא הלכו בתורתי ובחקתי אשר נתתי לפניכם ולפני אבותיכם  {ס}

לא דכאו עד היום הזה ולא יראו ולא־הלכו בתורתי ובחקתי אשר־נתתי לפניכם ולפני אבותיכם׃ ס

Jeremiás 44:10
Nem alázták meg magokat mind e mai napig se, és nem féltek, sem az én törvényem szerint nem jártak, sem az én parancsolataim szerint, a melyeket elõtökbe és a ti atyáitok elébe adtam.

Jeremia 44:10
Ili ne humiligxis gxis la nuna tago, ili ne timas kaj ne agas laux Mia instruo kaj laux Miaj legxoj, kiujn Mi donis al vi kaj al viaj patroj.

Kuitenkin ei he vielä ole tähän päivään asti itsiänsä nöyryyttäneet, ja ei myös mitään pelkää; ja ei vaella minun laissani ja säädyissäni, jotka minä teidän eteenne ja teidän isäinne eteen pannut olen.

Jérémie 44:10
Il ne se sont pas humiliés jusqu'à ce jour, et ils n'ont pas eu de crainte, et ils n'ont pas marché dans ma loi et dans mes statuts, que j'ai mis devant vous et devant vos pères.

Ils ne se sont point humiliés jusqu'à ce jour, ils n'ont point eu de crainte, ils n'ont point suivi ma loi et mes commandements, que j'ai mis devant vous et devant vos pères.

Jusques à ce jour ils n'ont point été affligés, ils n'ont point eu de crainte, et ils n'ont point marché en ma Loi, ni en mes ordonnances, que je vous ai proposées, et à vos pères aussi.

Jeremia 44:10
Noch sind sie bis auf diesen Tag nicht gedemütiget, fürchten sich auch nicht und wandeln nicht in meinem Gesetz und Rechten, die ich euch und euren Vätern vorgestellet habe.

Noch sind sie bis auf diesen Tag nicht gedemütigt, fürchten sich auch nicht und wandeln nicht in meinem Gesetz und den Rechten, die ich euch und euren Vätern vorgestellt habe.

Bis auf den heutigen Tag wurden sie nicht zerknirscht, noch fürchten sie sich, noch wandelten sie nach meinem Gesetz und nach meinen Satzungen, die ich euch und euren Vätern vorgelegt habe.

Geremia 44:10
Fino ad oggi, non v’è stata contrizione da parte loro, non hanno avuto timore, non hanno camminato secondo la mia legge e secondo i miei statuti, che io avevo messo dinanzi a voi e dinanzi ai vostri padri.

Essi non sono stati domi infino al dì d’oggi, e non han temuto, e non son camminati nella mia Legge, e ne’ miei statuti, che io avea proposti a voi, ed a’ vostri padri.

Sampai kepada hari ini juga tiada hancur hati mereka itu, dan tiada mereka itu takut atau berjalan menurut taurat-Ku dan syariat-Ku, yang telah Kukaruniakan di hadapan kamu dan di hadapan segala nenek moyangmu.

예레미아 44:10
그들이 오늘까지 겸비치 아니하며 두려워하지도 아니하고 내가 너희와 너희 열조 앞에 세운 나의 법과 나의 율례를 준행치 아니하느니라

Ieremias 44:10
non sunt mundati usque ad diem hanc et non timuerunt et non ambulaverunt in lege et in praeceptis meis quae dedi coram vobis et coram patribus vestris

Jeremijo knyga 44:10
Jūs iki šios dienos nenusižeminote, nebijojote manęs ir nesilaikėte mano įstatymo bei įsakymų, kuriuos daviau jums ir jūsų tėvams”.

Jeremiah 44:10
Taea noatia tenei ra kahore ano ratou i whakaiti i a ratou, kahore ano i wehi, kahore i haere i runga i taku ture, i runga i aku tikanga i hoatu e ahau ki to koutou aroaro, ki te aroaro hoki o o koutou matua.

Jeremias 44:10
Til denne dag er de ikke blitt ydmyket, og de frykter ikke og lever ikke efter min lov og mine bud, som jeg har forelagt eder og eders fedre.

Jeremías 44:10
`Pero hasta hoy no se han humillado, ni han temido, ni han andado en mi ley ni en mis estatutos que puse delante de vosotros y delante de vuestros padres.'

"Pero hasta hoy no se han humillado, ni han temido, ni han andado en Mi ley ni en Mis estatutos que puse delante de ustedes y delante de sus padres."'

No se han humillado hasta el día de hoy, ni han tenido temor, ni han caminado en mi ley, ni en mis estatutos que puse delante de vosotros y delante de vuestros padres.

No se han morigerado hasta el día de hoy, ni han tenido temor, ni han caminado en mi ley, ni en mis estatutos que puse delante de vosotros y delante de vuestros padres.

No se han quebrantado hasta el día de hoy, ni han tenido temor, ni han caminado en mi ley, ni en mis derechos que puse delante de vosotros y delante de vuestros padres.

Jeremias 44:10
Vossos compatriotas, até hoje, não se humilharam nem demonstraram reverência, e não têm seguido a minha Torá, Lei, e os decretos que institui diante de vós e de vossos pais!”

Não se humilharam até o dia de hoje, nem temeram, nem andaram na minha lei, nem nos meus estatutos, que pus diante de vós e diante de vossos pais.   

Ieremia 44:10
Ei nu s'au smerit nici pînă în ziua de azi, n'au frică, nu urmează Legea Mea şi poruncile Mele, pe cari le-am pus înaintea voastră şi înaintea părinţilor voştri.

Иеремия 44:10
Не смирились они и до сего дня, и не боятся и не поступают по закону Моему и по уставам Моим, которые Я дал вам и отцам вашим.

Не смирились они и до сего дня, и не боятся и не поступают по закону Моему и по уставам Моим, которые Я дал вам и отцам вашим.[]

Jeremia 44:10
Ännu i dag äro de icke ödmjukade; de frukta intet och vandra icke efter min lag och mina stadgar, dem som jag förelade eder och edra fäder.

Jeremiah 44:10
Sila'y hindi nagpakababa hanggang sa araw na ito, o nangatakot man sila, o nagsilakad man sila ng ayon sa aking kautusan, o sa aking mga palatuntunan man, na aking inilagay sa harap ninyo at sa harap ng inyong mga magulang.

เยเรมีย์ 44:10
แม้กระทั่งวันนี้แล้วเขาทั้งหลายก็ยังมิได้ถ่อมตัวลง หรือเกรงกลัว หรือดำเนินตามราชบัญญัติหรือตามกฎเกณฑ์ของเรา ซึ่งเราให้มีไว้หน้าเจ้าทั้งหลายและหน้าบรรพบุรุษของเจ้า

Yeremya 44:10
Bugüne dek pişmanlık duymadılar, benden korkmadılar. Size ve atalarınıza verdiğim yasa ve kurallar uyarınca yaşamadılar.[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 44:10
Chúng nó chẳng hạ mình xuống cho đến ngày nay, chẳng kính sợ, chẳng bước theo luật pháp mạng lịnh ta đã để trước mặt các ngươi và tổ phụ các ngươi.

Jeremiah 44:9
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