Jeremiah 40:4
Jeremiah 40:4
But today I am freeing you from the chains on your wrists. Come with me to Babylon, if you like, and I will look after you; but if you do not want to, then don't come. Look, the whole country lies before you; go wherever you please."

But I am going to take off your chains and let you go. If you want to come with me to Babylon, you are welcome. I will see that you are well cared for. But if you don't want to come, you may stay here. The whole land is before you--go wherever you like.

Now, behold, I release you today from the chains on your hands. If it seems good to you to come with me to Babylon, come, and I will look after you well, but if it seems wrong to you to come with me to Babylon, do not come. See, the whole land is before you; go wherever you think it good and right to go.

"But now, behold, I am freeing you today from the chains which are on your hands. If you would prefer to come with me to Babylon, come along, and I will look after you; but if you would prefer not to come with me to Babylon, never mind. Look, the whole land is before you; go wherever it seems good and right for you to go."

And now, behold, I loose thee this day from the chains which were upon thine hand. If it seem good unto thee to come with me into Babylon, come; and I will look well unto thee: but if it seem ill unto thee to come with me into Babylon, forbear: behold, all the land is before thee: whither it seemeth good and convenient for thee to go, thither go.

Now pay attention: Today I am setting you free from the chains that were on your hands. If it pleases you to come with me to Babylon, come, and I will take care of you. But if it seems wrong to you to come with me to Babylon, go no farther. Look--the whole land is in front of you. Wherever it seems good and right for you to go, go there."

Now, look, I've freed you today from the chains that were on your hands. If you want to come with me to Babylon, come, and I'll look after you. But if you don't want to come with me to Babylon, don't. Look, the whole land lies before you, so go wherever it seems good and right for you to go."

But now, Jeremiah, today I will set you free from the chains on your wrists. If you would like to come to Babylon with me, come along and I will take care of you. But if you prefer not to come to Babylon with me, you are not required to do so. You are free to go anywhere in the land you want to go. Go wherever you choose."

Today I'm removing the chains from your hands. If you would like to come with me to Babylon, come, and I'll look after you. But if you don't want to come with me to Babylon, don't come. The whole land is yours. Go wherever you want.

And now, behold, I loose thee this day from the chains which were upon thine hand. If it seems good unto thee to come with me into Babylon, come; and I will look well unto thee: but if it seems ill unto thee to come with me into Babylon, forbear: behold, all the land is before thee; where it seems good and convenient for thee to go, go there.

And now, behold, I loose you this day from the chains which were upon your hand. If it seems good unto you to come with me into Babylon, come; and I will look well after you: but if it seems wrong unto you to come with me into Babylon, remain here: behold, all the land is before you: where it seems good and convenient for you to go, there go.

And now, behold, I loose you this day from the chains which were on your hand. If it seem good to you to come with me into Babylon, come; and I will look well to you: but if it seem ill to you to come with me into Babylon, forbear: behold, all the land is before you: where it seems good and convenient for you to go, thither go.

And now, behold, I loose thee this day from the chains which are upon thy hand. If it seem good unto thee to come with me into Babylon, come, and I will look well unto thee; but if it seem ill unto thee to come with me into Babylon, forbear: behold, all the land is before thee; whither it seemeth good and right unto thee to go, thither go.

Now then behold I have loosed thee this day from the chains which were upon thy hands: if it please thee to come with me to Babylon, come : and I will set my eyes upon thee: but if it do not please thee to come with me to Babylon, stay here: behold all the land is before thee, as thou shalt choose, and whither it shall please thee to go, thither go.

And now, behold, I loose thee this day from the chains that are upon thy hand. If it seem good in thy sight to come with me to Babylon, come, and I will keep mine eye upon thee; but if it seem ill unto thee to come with me to Babylon, forbear. See, all the land is before thee: whither it seemeth good and right in thy sight to go, thither go.

And now, behold, I loose thee this day from the chains which are upon thine hand. If it seem good unto thee to come with me into Babylon, come, and I will look well unto thee: but if it seem ill unto thee to come with me into Babylon, forbear: behold, all the land is before thee; whither it seemeth good and convenient unto thee to go, thither go.

And now, behold, I loose thee this day from the chains which were upon thy hand. If it seemeth good to thee to come with me into Babylon, come; and I will look well to thee: but if it seemeth ill to thee to come with me into Babylon, forbear: behold, all the land is before thee: whither it seemeth good and convenient for thee to go, thither go.

Now, behold, I release you this day from the chains which are on your hand. If it seems good to you to come with me into Babylon, come, and I will take care of you; but if it seems bad to you to come with me into Babylon, don't: behold, all the land is before you; where it seems good and right to you to go, there go.

And now, lo, I have loosed thee to-day from the chains that are on thy hand; if good in thine eyes to come with me to Babylon, come, and I keep mine eye upon thee: and if evil in thine eyes to come with me to Babylon, forbear; see, all the land is before thee, whither it be good, and whither it be right in thine eyes to go -- go.' --

Jeremia 40:4
Ja sot po të zgjidh nga prangat që ke në duar; në rast se të pëlqen të vish me mua në Babiloni, eja, dhe unë do të kujdesem për ty; por në rast se nuk të pëlqen të vish me mua në Babiloni, qëndro. Ja, tërë vëndi është para teje; shko atje ku të pëlqen më tepër dhe ku ke më tepër rehati".

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 40:4
فالآن هانذا احلّك اليوم من القيود التي على يدك. فان حسن في عينيك ان تأتي معي الى بابل فتعال فاجعل عينيّ عليك. وان قبح في عينيك ان تاتي معي الى بابل فامتنع. انظر. كل الارض هي امامك فحيثما حسن وكان مستقيما في عينيك ان تنطلق فانطلق الى هناك.

Dyr Ierymies 40:4
Ietz aber tue i dyr d Handschellnen abher. Wennst lieber mit mir auf Bäbl mitgeest, steet s dyr frei, und i kümmert mi um di. Geest aber lieber +nit mit mir mit, laasst ys bleibn. Du bist ayn freier Mensch und kanst hingeen, wost grad willst.

Еремия 40:4
А сега, ето, отвързвам те от веригите, които са на ръцете ти. Ако ти се вижда добре да дойдеш с мене във Вавилон, дойди, и аз ще имам грижа за тебе; но ако ти се вижда зле да дойдеш с мене във Вавилон, недей; ето, цялата страна е пред тебе; гдето ти се вижда добре и угодно да идеш, там иди.

耶 利 米 書 40:4
現 在 我 解 開 你 手 上 的 鍊 子 , 你 若 看 與 我 同 往 巴 比 倫 去 好 , 就 可 以 去 , 我 必 厚 待 你 ; 你 若 看 與 我 同 往 巴 比 倫 去 不 好 , 就 不 必 去 。 看 哪 , 全 地 在 你 面 前 , 你 以 為 哪 裡 美 好 , 哪 裡 合 宜 , 只 管 上 那 裡 去 罷 !

现 在 我 解 开 你 手 上 的 炼 子 , 你 若 看 与 我 同 往 巴 比 伦 去 好 , 就 可 以 去 , 我 必 厚 待 你 ; 你 若 看 与 我 同 往 巴 比 伦 去 不 好 , 就 不 必 去 。 看 哪 , 全 地 在 你 面 前 , 你 以 为 哪 里 美 好 , 哪 里 合 宜 , 只 管 上 那 里 去 罢 !



Jeremiah 40:4
Evo, sada driješim okove s ruku tvojih. Ako ti je po volji da ideš sa mnom u Babilon, pođi sa mnom i oko će moje bdjeti nad tobom. Ako ti nije volja ići sa mnom u Babilon, ti ostani. Gle, sva je zemlja pred tobom: možeš ići kamo ti oko želi i gdje će ti biti dobro.

Jermiáše 40:4
Již tedy, aj, rozvazuji tě dnes z řetězů těch, kteříž jsou na rukou tvých. Vidí-liť se za dobré jíti se mnou do Babylona, poď, a budu tě pilně opatrovati; jestližeť se pak nevidí za dobré jíti se mnou do Babylona, nech tak. Aj, všecka tato země jest před tebou; kamžť se za dobré a slušné vidí jíti, tam jdi.

Jeremias 40:4
Se, nu tager jeg i Dag Lænkerne af dine Hænder. Hvis det tykkes dig godt at drage med mig til Babel, saa drag med, og jeg vil have Øje med dig; men tykkes det dig ilde, saa lad være! Se, hele Landet staar dig aabent; gaa, hvor det tykkes dig godt og ret!«

Jeremia 40:4
Nu dan, zie, ik heb u heden losgemaakt van de ketenen, die aan uw hand waren; indien het goed is in uw ogen met mij naar Babel te komen, zo kom, en ik zal mijn oog op u stellen; maar indien het kwaad is in uw ogen met mij naar Babel te komen, zo laat het; zie, het ganse land is voor uw aangezicht, waarhenen het goed en recht in uw ogen is te gaan, ga daar.

ירמיה 40:4
וְעַתָּ֞ה הִנֵּ֧ה פִתַּחְתִּ֣יךָ הַיֹּ֗ום מִֽן־הָאזִקִּים֮ אֲשֶׁ֣ר עַל־יָדֶךָ֒ אִם־טֹ֨וב בְּעֵינֶ֜יךָ לָבֹ֧וא אִתִּ֣י בָבֶ֗ל בֹּ֚א וְאָשִׂ֤ים אֶת־עֵינִי֙ עָלֶ֔יךָ וְאִם־רַ֧ע בְּעֵינֶ֛יךָ לָבֹֽוא־אִתִּ֥י בָבֶ֖ל חֲדָ֑ל רְאֵה֙ כָּל־הָאָ֣רֶץ לְפָנֶ֔יךָ אֶל־טֹ֨וב וְאֶל־הַיָּשָׁ֧ר בְּעֵינֶ֛יךָ לָלֶ֥כֶת שָׁ֖מָּה לֵֽךְ׃

ד ועתה הנה פתחתיך היום מן האזקים אשר על ידך--אם טוב בעיניך לבוא אתי בבל בא ואשים את עיני עליך ואם רע בעיניך לבוא אתי בבל חדל  ראה כל הארץ לפניך אל טוב ואל הישר בעיניך ללכת שמה לך

ועתה הנה פתחתיך היום מן־האזקים אשר על־ידך אם־טוב בעיניך לבוא אתי בבל בא ואשים את־עיני עליך ואם־רע בעיניך לבוא־אתי בבל חדל ראה כל־הארץ לפניך אל־טוב ואל־הישר בעיניך ללכת שמה לך׃

Jeremiás 40:4
Mostan azért ímé, én téged ma megszabadítalak a láncztól, a mely a te kezeiden van; ha tetszik néked Babilonba jõnöd, jõjj velem, nékem pedig gondom lesz reád, ha pedig nem tetszik néked, hogy eljõjj velem Babilonba, maradj itt. Ímé, az egész föld elõtted van, a hova jobbnak és helyesebbnek látszik menned, menj oda.

Jeremia 40:4
Kaj nun jen hodiaux mi liberigis vin de la katenoj, kiuj estis sur viaj manoj; se placxas al vi iri kun mi en Babelon, iru, kaj mi zorgos pri vi; se ne placxas al vi iri kun mi en Babelon, ne faru tion; vidu, la tuta lando estas antaux vi; kien placxas al vi iri, tien iru.

Ja nyt katso, minä olen sinun tänäpänä päästänyt kahleista, joilla sinun kätes olivat sidotut. Jos sinulle kelpaa mennä minun kanssani Babeliin, niin tule, minä tahdon katsoa sinun parastas; ja jollet sinä tahdo tulla minun kanssani Babeliin, niin anna olla: katso, siellä on sinulle koko maa edessäs: kussa sinä luulet itselles hyvän olevan ja sinulle kelpaa, niin mene sinne.

Jérémie 40:4
Et maintenant, voici, aujourd'hui je te délivre des chaînes qui sont à tes mains. S'il est bon à tes yeux de venir avec moi à Babylone, viens, et j'aurai les yeux sur toi; mais, s'il est mauvais à tes yeux de venir avec moi à Babylone, ne viens pas. Regarde, toute la terre est devant toi: va où il est bon et droit à tes yeux d'aller.

Maintenant voici, je te délivre aujourd'hui des chaînes que tu as aux mains; si tu veux venir avec moi à Babylone, viens, j'aurai soin de toi; si cela te déplaît de venir avec moi à Babylone, ne viens pas; regarde, tout le pays est devant toi, va où il te semblera bon et convenable d'aller.

Maintenant donc voici, aujourd'hui je t'ai délié des chaînes que tu avais aux mains, s'il te plaît de venir avec moi à Babylone, viens et je prendrai soin de toi; mais s'il ne te plaît pas de venir avec moi à Babylone, demeure; regarde, toute la terre [est] à ta disposition; va où il te semblera bon et convenable d'aller.

Jeremia 40:4
Nun siehe, ich habe dich heute losgemacht von den Ketten, damit deine Hände gebunden waren. Gefällt dir's, mit mir gen Babel zu ziehen, so komm, du sollst mir befohlen sein; gefällt dir's aber nicht, mit mir gen Babel zu ziehen, so laß es anstehen. Siehe, da hast du das ganze Land vor dir; wo dich's gut dünkt und dir gefällt, da zeuch hin.

Und nun siehe, ich habe dich heute losgemacht von den Ketten, womit deine Hände gebunden waren. Gefällt dir's, mit mir gen Babel zu ziehen, so komm du sollst mir befohlen sein; gefällt dir's aber nicht, mit mir gen Babel zu ziehen, so laß es anstehen. Siehe, da hast du das ganze Land vor dir; wo dich's gut dünkt und dir gefällt, da zieh hin. {~} {~}

Und nun - wohlan! ich löse dich jetzt von den Ketten an deiner Hand: wenn es dir gut dünkt, mit mir nach Babel zu kommen, so komm' und ich will Sorge für dich tragen! Wenn es dir aber nicht gefällt, mit mir nach Babel zu kommen, so laß' es! Sieh', das ganze Land steht dir offen: wohin es dir gut und recht dünkt zu gehen, dahin geh'!

Geremia 40:4
Ora ecco, io ti sciolgo oggi dalle catene che hai alle mani; se ti piace di venire con me a Babilonia, vieni; e io avrò cura di te; ma se non t’aggrada di venir con me a Babilonia, rimantene; ecco, tutto il paese ti sta dinanzi; va’ dove ti piacerà e ti converrà d’andare".

Or al presente, ecco, io ti sciolgo oggi dalle catene, che tu hai in sulle mani; se ti piace di venir meco in Babilonia, vieni, ed io avrò cura di te; ma, se non ti aggrada di venir meco in Babilonia, rimantene; ecco, tutto il paese è al tuo comando; va’ dove ti parrà e piacerà.

Maka sekarangpun, tengoklah, aku menguraikan segala rantai yang pada tanganmu, jikalau baik kepada pemandanganmu mengikut akau ke Babil, ikut juga, maka aku akan memandang dengan baik kepadamu; tetapi jikalau pada sangkamu tiada baik pergi sertaku ke Babil, janganlah engkau pergi; bahwasanya seluruh tanah ini adalah di hadapanmu, barang ke mana kausangka baik, pergilah juga ke sana!

예레미아 40:4
보라 내가 오늘 네 손의 사슬을 풀어 너를 해방하노니 만일 네가 나와 함께 바벨론으로 가는 것을 선히 여기거든 오라 내가 너를 선대하리라 만일 나와 함께 바벨론으로 가는 것을 좋지 않게 여기거든 그만 두라 보라 온 땅이 네 앞에 있나니 네가 선히 여기는 대로 가하게 여기는 곳으로 갈지니라

Ieremias 40:4
nunc ergo ecce solvi te hodie de catenis quae sunt in manibus tuis si placet tibi ut venias mecum in Babylonem veni et ponam oculos meos super te si autem displicet tibi venire mecum in Babylonem reside ecce omnis terra in conspectu tuo quod elegeris et quo placuerit tibi ut vadas illuc perge

Jeremijo knyga 40:4
Taigi šiandien aš nuimu grandines nuo tavo rankų. Jei tu nori eiti drauge su manimi į Babiloną, eik, ir aš tavimi pasirūpinsiu. O jei tu nenori eiti į Babiloną, neik! Visas kraštas yra tau prieš akis. Eik ten, kur tau patinka.

Jeremiah 40:4
Na, inaianei, ka wetekina koe e ahau i tenei ra i nga mekameka i runga i ou ringa na. Ki te pai koe ki te haere tahi i ahau ki Papurona, haere mai, a maku koe e ata tirotiro: ki te kino ki a koe te haere tahi mai i ahau ki Papurona, kauaka: nana, kei tou aroaro te whenua katoa; na ko tau wahi e kite ai koe he pai, he ata tau hei haerenga atu mou, haere ki reira.

Jeremias 40:4
Og se, nu har jeg idag løst dig av lenkene om din hånd. Er det godt i dine øine å komme med mig til Babel, så kom, og jeg vil la mitt øie våke over dig. Men er det ikke godt i dine øine å komme med mig til Babel, så la det være! Se, hele landet ligger for dig; hvor det er godt og rett i dine øine å gå, dit kan du gå.

Jeremías 40:4
Mas ahora, he aquí, hoy te libro de las cadenas que están en tus manos. Si te parece bien venir conmigo a Babilonia, ven, y yo te cuidaré; pero si te parece mal venir conmigo a Babilonia, no te preocupes. Mira, toda la tierra está delante de ti; ve adonde mejor y más conveniente te parezca ir.

"Pero ahora, hoy te libro de las cadenas que están en tus manos. Si te parece bien venir conmigo a Babilonia, ven, y yo te cuidaré; pero si te parece mal venir conmigo a Babilonia, no te preocupes. Mira, toda la tierra está delante de ti; ve adonde mejor y más conveniente te parezca ir."

Y ahora yo te he soltado hoy de las esposas que tenías en tus manos. Si te parece bien venir conmigo a Babilonia, ven, y yo miraré por ti; mas si no te parece bien venir conmigo a Babilonia, déjalo; mira, toda la tierra está delante de ti; ve a donde mejor y más cómodo te pareciere ir.

Y ahora yo te he soltado hoy de las esposas que tenías en tus manos. Si te está bien venir conmigo á Babilonia, ven, y yo miraré por ti; mas si no te está bien venir conmigo á Babilonia, déjalo: mira, toda la tierra está delante de ti; ve á donde mejor y

Y ahora yo te he soltado hoy de las esposas que tenías en tus manos. Si te está bien venir conmigo a Babilonia, ven, y yo miraré por ti; mas si no te está bien venir conmigo a Babilonia, déjalo. Mira, toda la tierra está delante de ti; ve a donde mejor y más cómodo te pareciere ir.

Jeremias 40:4
Contudo, eis que hoje eu te liberto das correntes que prendem as tuas mãos. Se desejares, és bem-vindo em minha companhia rumo à Babilônia, e zelarei para que sejas cercado de todos os cuidados. Contudo, se preferires não vir comigo para a Babilônia, não venhas. Observa! Eis que toda a terra está diante de ti; vai para onde te parecer bem e conveniente!”

Agora pois, eis que te solto hoje das cadeias que estão sobre as tuas mãos. Se te apraz vir comigo para Babilônia, vem, e eu velarei por ti; mas, se não te apraz vir comigo para Babilônia, deixa de vir. Olha, toda a terra está diante de ti; para onde te parecer bem e conveniente ir, para ali vai.   

Ieremia 40:4
Acum, iată, te izbăvesc astăzi din lanţurile, pe cari le ai la mîni; dacă vrei să vii cu mine la Babilon, vino, şi voi îngriji de tine. Dar, dacă nu-ţi place să vii cu mine la Babilon, nu veni. Iată, toată ţara este înaintea ta, du-te unde vei crede, şi unde-ţi place să te duci!``

Иеремия 40:4
Итак вот, я освобождаю тебя сегодня от цепей, которые на руках твоих: если тебе угодно идти со мною в Вавилон, иди, и я буду иметь попечение о тебе; а если не угодно тебе идти со мною в Вавилон, оставайся. Вот, вся земля перед тобою; куда тебе угодно, и куда нравится идти, туда и иди.

Итак вот, я освобождаю тебя сегодня от цепей, которые на руках твоих: если тебе угодно идти со мною в Вавилон, иди, и я буду иметь попечение о тебе; а если не угодно тебе идти со мною в Вавилон, оставайся. Вот, вся земля перед тобою; куда тебе угодно, и куда нравится идти, туда и иди.[]

Jeremia 40:4
Och se, nu löser jag dig i dag ur kedjorna som dina händer hava varit bundna med. Om du är sinnad att komma med mig till Babel, så kom, och jag skall då se dig till godo; men om du icke är sinnad att komma med mig till Babel, så gör det icke. Se, hela landet ligger öppet för dig; dit dig synes gott och rätt att gå, dit må du gå.»

Jeremiah 40:4
At ngayon, narito, aking kinakalagan ka sa araw na ito ng mga tanikala na nangasa iyong kamay. Kung inaakala mong mabuti na sumama sa akin sa Babilonia, halina, at lilingapin kitang mabuti; nguni't kung inaakala mong masama na sumama sa akin sa Babilonia, tanggihan mo; narito, ang buong lupain ay nasa harap mo, kung saan inaakala mong mabuti at marapat sa iyo na pumaroon, doon ka pumaroon.

เยเรมีย์ 40:4
ดูเถิด วันนี้ข้าพเจ้าปล่อยท่านจากโซ่ตรวนที่มือของท่าน ถ้าท่านเห็นชอบที่จะมายังกรุงบาบิโลนกับข้าพเจ้า ก็จงมาเถิด ข้าพเจ้าจะดูแลท่านให้ดี แต่ถ้าท่านไม่เห็นชอบที่จะมายังกรุงบาบิโลนกับข้าพเจ้า ก็อย่ามา ดูซิ แผ่นดินทั้งหมดนี้อยู่ต่อหน้าท่าน ท่านจะไปที่ไหนก็ได้ตามแต่ท่านเห็นดีเห็นชอบที่จะไป"

Yeremya 40:4
İşte ellerindeki zincirleri çözüyorum. Benimle Babile gelmeyi yeğlersen gel, sana iyi bakarım; eğer benimle Babile gelmek istemezsen de sorun yok. Bak, bütün ülke önünde! İyi ve doğru bildiğin yere git.[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 40:4
Nhưng ngươi thấy rằng ngày nay ta cứu ngươi thoát khỏi xiềng nơi tay ngươi. Nếu ngươi cho đi với ta sang Ba-by-lôn là phải, thì hãy đi, ta sẽ săn sóc ngươi. Nếu ngươi cho đi với ta sang Ba-by-lôn là không phải, thì đừng đi; nầy, khắp đất ở trước mặt ngươi, ngươi coi đâu tốt và đi đâu phải, thì đi đó.

Jeremiah 40:3
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