Jeremiah 36:7
Jeremiah 36:7
Perhaps they will bring their petition before the LORD and will each turn from their wicked ways, for the anger and wrath pronounced against this people by the LORD are great."

Perhaps even yet they will turn from their evil ways and ask the LORD's forgiveness before it is too late. For the LORD has threatened them with his terrible anger."

It may be that their plea for mercy will come before the LORD, and that every one will turn from his evil way, for great is the anger and wrath that the LORD has pronounced against this people.”

"Perhaps their supplication will come before the LORD, and everyone will turn from his evil way, for great is the anger and the wrath that the LORD has pronounced against this people."

It may be they will present their supplication before the LORD, and will return every one from his evil way: for great is the anger and the fury that the LORD hath pronounced against this people.

Perhaps their petition will come before the LORD, and each one will turn from his evil way, for the anger and fury that the LORD has pronounced against this people are great."

Perhaps their pleas for help will come to the LORD's attention, and each of them will turn from his evil lifestyle in light of the great anger and wrath that the LORD has declared against this people."

Perhaps then they will ask the LORD for mercy and will all stop doing the evil things they have been doing. For the LORD has threatened to bring great anger and wrath against these people."

Maybe their prayers will come into the LORD's presence, and they will turn from their evil ways. The LORD has threatened these people with his terrifying anger and fury."

if peradventure their prayer will fall into the presence of the LORD, and they shall turn each one from his evil way; for great is the anger and the fury that the LORD has pronounced against this people.

It may be they will present their supplication before the LORD, and will return everyone from his evil way: for great is the anger and the fury that the LORD has pronounced against this people.

It may be they will present their supplication before the LORD, and will return every one from his evil way: for great is the anger and the fury that the LORD has pronounced against this people.

It may be they will present their supplication before Jehovah, and will return every one from his evil way; for great is the anger and the wrath that Jehovah hath pronounced against this people.

If so be they may present their supplication before the Lord, and may return every one from his wicked way: for great is the wrath and indignation which the Lord hath pronounced against this people.

It may be they will present their supplication before Jehovah, and that they will return every one from his evil way; for great is the anger and the fury that Jehovah hath pronounced against this people.

It may be they will present their supplication before the LORD, and will return every one from his evil way: for great is the anger and the fury that the LORD hath pronounced against this people.

It may be they will present their supplication before the LORD, and will return every one from his evil way: for great is the anger and the fury that the LORD hath pronounced against this people.

It may be they will present their supplication before Yahweh, and will return everyone from his evil way; for great is the anger and the wrath that Yahweh has pronounced against this people.

if so be their supplication doth fall before Jehovah, and they turn back each from his evil way, for great is the anger and the fury that Jehovah hath spoken concerning this people.'

Jeremia 36:7
Ndofta do t'i paraqesin lutjet e tyre për falje Zotit dhe secili do të tërhiqet nga rruga e tij e keqe, sepse i madh është zemërimi dhe tërbimi që Zoti ka shqiptuar kundër këtij populli".

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 36:7
لعل تضرعهم يقع امام الرب فيرجعوا كل واحد عن طريقه الرديء لانه عظيم الغضب والغيظ اللذان تكلم بهما الرب على هذا الشعب.

Dyr Ierymies 36:7
Öbby fleehend s ja vor n Trechtein um Barmung und stöckend um von ienern Lumpnlöbn. Dyr Trechtein haat ja ankündigt, däß yr dös Volk in seinn Gluetzorn schwaer straaffen gaat."

Еремия 36:7
Негли принесат молба пред Господа и се върнат всеки от лошия си път; защото големи са гневът и яростта, които Господ е произнесъл против тия люде.

耶 利 米 書 36:7
或 者 他 們 在 耶 和 華 面 前 懇 求 各 人 回 頭 , 離 開 惡 道 , 因 為 耶 和 華 向 這 百 姓 所 說 要 發 的 怒 氣 和 忿 怒 是 大 的 。

或 者 他 们 在 耶 和 华 面 前 恳 求 各 人 回 头 , 离 开 恶 道 , 因 为 耶 和 华 向 这 百 姓 所 说 要 发 的 怒 气 和 忿 怒 是 大 的 。



Jeremiah 36:7
Možda će se vapaji njihovi vinuti k Jahvi i možda će se obratiti svatko sa zloga puta svojega; jer je velik bijes i srdžba kojima Jahve prijeti ovom narodu.

Jermiáše 36:7
Zda by snad poníženě a pokorně modléce se před Hospodinem, i navrátili by se jeden každý z cesty své zlé; neboť jest veliký hněv a prchlivost, v níž mluvil Hospodin proti lidu tomuto.

Jeremias 36:7
Maaske naar deres klage HERRENS Aasyn, maaske omvender de sig hver fra sin onde Vej; thi stor er Vreden og Harmen, som HERREN har udtalt mod dette Folk.«

Jeremia 36:7
Misschien zal hunlieder smeking voor des HEEREN aangezicht nedervallen, en zij zullen zich bekeren, een iegelijk van zijn bozen weg; want groot is de toorn en de grimmigheid, die de HEERE tegen dit volk heeft uitgesproken.

ירמיה 36:7
אוּלַ֞י תִּפֹּ֤ל תְּחִנָּתָם֙ לִפְנֵ֣י יְהוָ֔ה וְיָשֻׁ֕בוּ אִ֖ישׁ מִדַּרְכֹּ֣ו הָרָעָ֑ה כִּֽי־גָדֹ֤ול הָאַף֙ וְהַ֣חֵמָ֔ה אֲשֶׁר־דִּבֶּ֥ר יְהוָ֖ה אֶל־הָעָ֥ם הַזֶּֽה׃

ז אולי תפל תחנתם לפני יהוה וישבו איש מדרכו הרעה  כי גדול האף והחמה אשר דבר יהוה אל העם הזה

אולי תפל תחנתם לפני יהוה וישבו איש מדרכו הרעה כי־גדול האף והחמה אשר־דבר יהוה אל־העם הזה׃

Jeremiás 36:7
Hátha az Úr elé száll könyörgésük, és mindenki megtér az õ gonosz útáról, mert nagy az Úr haragja és felháborodása, a melylyel szólott az Úr e nép ellen!

Jeremia 36:7
Eble falos ilia pregxo antaux la Eternulo, kaj ili returnigxos cxiu de sia malbona vojo; cxar granda estas la kolero kaj indigno, kiujn la Eternulo esprimis pri cxi tiu popolo.

Jos he mitämaks nöyryyttävät itsensä rukouksella Herran edessä, ja kääntyvät jokainen pahasta menostansa; sillä viha ja julmuus on suuri, jonka Herra on tätä kansaa vastaan puhunut.

Jérémie 36:7
Peut-être leur supplication sera-t-elle présentée devant l'Éternel, et ils reviendront chacun de sa mauvaise voie; car grande est la colère et la fureur que l'Éternel a prononcée contre ce peuple.

Peut-être l'Eternel écoutera-t-il leurs supplications, et reviendront ils chacun de leur mauvaise voie; car grande est la colère, la fureur dont l'Eternel a menacé ce peuple.

Peut-être que leur supplication sera reçue devant l'Eternel, et que chacun se détournera de sa mauvaise voie; car la colère et la fureur que l'Eternel a déclarée contre ce peuple [est] grande.

Jeremia 36:7
ob sie vielleicht sich mit Beten vor dem HERRN demütigen wollten und sich bekehren, ein jeglicher von seinem bösen Wesen; denn der Zorn und Grimm ist groß, davon der HERR wider dies Volk geredet hat.

ob sie vielleicht sich mit Beten vor dem HERRN demütigen wollen und sich bekehren, ein jeglicher von seinem bösen Wesen; denn der Zorn und Grimm ist groß, davon der HERR wider dies Volk geredet hat.

ob sie sich vielleicht mit Flehen vor Jahwe demütigen und sich ein jeder von seinem bösen Wege bekehren: denn gewaltig ist der Zorn und der Grimm, mit dem Jahwe dieses Volk bedroht hat.

Geremia 36:7
Forse presenteranno le loro supplicazioni all’Eterno, e si convertiranno ciascuno dalla sua via malvagia; perché l’ira e il furore che l’Eterno ha espresso contro questo popolo, sono grandi".

Forse la lor supplicazione caderà nel cospetto del Signore, e si convertiranno ciascuno dalla sua via malvagia; perciocchè l’ira, e il cruccio che il Signore ha pronunziato contro a questo popolo è grande.

Mudah-mudahan permintaan doa mereka itu dikabulkan di hadapan hadirat Tuhan, serta mereka itu bertobat masing-masing dari pada jalannya yang jahat; karena dengan sangat besarlah murka dan kehangatan amarah Tuhan sudah berfirman dan mengamang-amang bangsa ini.

예레미아 36:7
그들이 여호와앞에 기도를 드리며 각기 악한 길을 떠날듯 하니라 여호와께서 이 백성에 대하여 선포하신 노와 분이 크니라

Ieremias 36:7
si forte cadat oratio eorum in conspectu Domini et revertatur unusquisque a via sua pessima quoniam magnus furor et indignatio quam locutus est Dominus adversum populum hunc

Jeremijo knyga 36:7
Gal jie nusižeminę maldaus Viešpatį ir atsisakys savo piktų kelių, nes didelė Viešpaties rūstybė ir bausmė paskelbta šitam miestui”.

Jeremiah 36:7
Tera pea ka takoto ta ratou inoi ki te aroaro o Ihowa, a ka hoki ratou i tona ara kino, i tona ara kino: he nui hoki te riri, he nui te weriweri i korerotia e Ihowa mo tenei iwi.

Jeremias 36:7
Kanskje de vil legge sin ydmyke bønn frem for Herrens åsyn og vende om, hver fra sin onde vei; for stor er den vrede og harme som Herren har uttalt over dette folk.

Jeremías 36:7
Tal vez su súplica llegue delante del SEÑOR, y todos se vuelvan de su mal camino, porque grande es la ira y el furor que el SEÑOR ha pronunciado contra este pueblo.

"Tal vez su súplica llegue delante del SEÑOR, y todos se vuelvan de su mal camino, porque grande es la ira y el furor que el SEÑOR ha pronunciado contra este pueblo."

Quizá llegue la oración de ellos a la presencia de Jehová, y se vuelva cada uno de su mal camino; porque grande es el furor y la ira que ha pronunciado Jehová contra este pueblo.

Quizá caerá oración de ellos en la presencia de Jehová, y tornaráse cada uno de su mal camino; porque grande es el furor y la ira que ha expresado Jehová contra este pueblo.

si por ventura caerá oración de ellos en la presencia del SEÑOR, y se tornarán cada uno de su mal camino; porque grande es el furor y la ira que ha hablado el SEÑOR contra este pueblo.

Jeremias 36:7
Talvez a sua súplica chegue diante de Yahweh, e cada um se converta do seu mau caminho; pois a ira e a violência com que o SENHOR ameaça este povo são demasiado severas.

Pode ser que caia a sua súplica diante do Senhor, e se converta cada um do seu mau caminho; pois grande é a ira e o furor que o Senhor tem manifestado contra este povo.   

Ieremia 36:7
Poate că se vor smeri cu rugăciuni înaintea Domnului, şi se vor întoarce fiecare dela calea sa cea rea. Căci mare este mînia şi urgia, cu care a ameninţat Domnul pe poporul acesta!``

Иеремия 36:7
может быть, они вознесут смиренное моление пред лице Господа и обратятся каждый от злого пути своего; ибо велик гнев и негодование, которое объявил Господь на народ сей.

может быть, они вознесут смиренное моление пред лице Господа и обратятся каждый от злого пути своего; ибо велик гнев и негодование, которое объявил Господь на народ сей.[]

Jeremia 36:7
Kanhända skola de då bönfalla inför HERREN och vända om, var och en från sin onda väg. Ty stor är den vrede och förtörnelse som HERREN har uttalat över detta folk.»

Jeremiah 36:7
Marahil ay maghaharap sila ng kanilang daing sa harap ng Panginoon, at hihiwalay bawa't isa sa kaniyang masamang lakad; sapagka't malaki ang galit at ang kapusukan na sinalita ng Panginoon laban sa bayang ito.

เยเรมีย์ 36:7
ชะรอยเขาจะถวายคำทูลวิงวอนของเขาต่อพระพักตร์พระเยโฮวาห์ และทุกคนจะหันกลับจากทางชั่วของตัว เพราะความกริ้วและความพิโรธซึ่งพระเยโฮวาห์ทรงประกาศเป็นโทษเหนือชนชาตินี้นั้นใหญ่หลวงนัก"

Yeremya 36:7
Belki RABbe yalvarır, kötü yollarından dönerler. Çünkü RABbin bu halka karşı sözünü ettiği öfke ve kızgınlığı büyüktür.››[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 36:7
Có lẽ họ sẽ cầu xin Ðức Giê-hô-va và xây lại khỏi đường ác mình; vì cơn giận và thạnh nộ mà Ðức Giê-hô-va đã rao nghịch cùng dân nầy là lớn lắm.

Jeremiah 36:6
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