Jeremiah 36:3
Jeremiah 36:3
Perhaps when the people of Judah hear about every disaster I plan to inflict on them, they will each turn from their wicked ways; then I will forgive their wickedness and their sin."

Perhaps the people of Judah will repent when they hear again all the terrible things I have planned for them. Then I will be able to forgive their sins and wrongdoings."

It may be that the house of Judah will hear all the disaster that I intend to do to them, so that every one may turn from his evil way, and that I may forgive their iniquity and their sin.”

"Perhaps the house of Judah will hear all the calamity which I plan to bring on them, in order that every man will turn from his evil way; then I will forgive their iniquity and their sin."

It may be that the house of Judah will hear all the evil which I purpose to do unto them; that they may return every man from his evil way; that I may forgive their iniquity and their sin.

Perhaps when the house of Judah hears about all the disaster I am planning to bring on them, each one of them will turn from his evil way. Then I will forgive their wrongdoing and their sin."

Perhaps the house of Judah will hear about all the calamity that I'm planning to bring on them, and so each of them will turn from his wicked way and I'll forgive their iniquities and sins."

Perhaps when the people of Judah hear about all the disaster I intend to bring on them, they will all stop doing the evil things they have been doing. If they do, I will forgive their sins and the wicked things they have done."

Maybe the nation of Judah will hear about all the disasters that I plan to bring on them, and they will turn from their wicked ways. Then I will forgive their wickedness and their sins."

If peradventure the house of Judah will hear all the evil which I purpose to do unto them; that they may turn each one from his evil way; and I will forgive their iniquity and their sin.

It may be that the house of Judah will hear all the evil which I purpose to do unto them; that they may return every man from his evil way; that I may forgive their iniquity and their sin.

It may be that the house of Judah will hear all the evil which I purpose to do to them; that they may return every man from his evil way; that I may forgive their iniquity and their sin.

It may be that the house of Judah will hear all the evil which I purpose to do unto them; that they may return every man from his evil way; that I may forgive their iniquity and their sin.

If so be, when the house of Juda shall hear all the evils that I purpose to do unto them, that they may return every man from his wicked way: and I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin.

It may be the house of Judah will hear all the evil that I purpose to do unto them, that they may return every man from his evil way, and that I may forgive their iniquity and their sin.

It may be that the house of Judah will hear all the evil which I purpose to do unto them; that they may return every man from his evil way; that I may forgive their iniquity and their sin.

It may be that the house of Judah will hear all the evil which I purpose to do to them; that they may return every man from his evil way; that I may forgive their iniquity and their sin.

It may be that the house of Judah will hear all the evil which I purpose to do to them; that they may return every man from his evil way; that I may forgive their iniquity and their sin.

if so be the house of Israel do hear all the evil that I am thinking of doing to them, so that they turn back each from is evil way, and I have been propitious to their iniquity, and to their sin.'

Jeremia 36:3
Ndofta shtëpia e Judës do të dëgjojë gjithë të keqen që unë mendoj t'u bëj atyre, dhe secili do të tërhiqet nga rruga e tij e keqe, dhe kështu unë do të fal paudhësinë e tyre dhe mëkatin e tyre".

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 36:3
لعل بيت يهوذا يسمعون كل الشر الذي انا مفكر ان اصنعه بهم فيرجعوا كل واحد عن طريقه الرديء فاغفر ذنبهم وخطيتهم.

Dyr Ierymies 36:3
Öbby +kriegnd ja d Judauer d Reib non, wenn s hoernd, was i ien allss yso antuen will, und i kan ien d Schuld und Sündd verzeihen.

Еремия 36:3
Дано чуе Юдовият дом всичкото зло, което Аз мисля да им направя, тъй щото да се върнат всеки от лошия си път, и Аз да простя беззаконието им и греха им.

耶 利 米 書 36:3
或 者 猶 大 家 聽 見 我 想 要 降 與 他 們 的 一 切 災 禍 , 各 人 就 回 頭 , 離 開 惡 道 , 我 好 赦 免 他 們 的 罪 孽 和 罪 惡 。

或 者 犹 大 家 听 见 我 想 要 降 与 他 们 的 一 切 灾 祸 , 各 人 就 回 头 , 离 开 恶 道 , 我 好 赦 免 他 们 的 罪 孽 和 罪 恶 。



Jeremiah 36:3
Možda će čuti dom Judin o svim nesrećama što sam ih naumio oboriti na njih te će se vratiti svaki sa svoga zlog puta, a ja ću im oprostiti krivicu i grijeh njihov.

Jermiáše 36:3
Zdali aspoň uslyšíce dům Judský o všem tom zlém, kteréž já myslím učiniti jim, navrátí se jeden každý z cesty své zlé, abych odpustil nepravost jejich a hřích jejich.

Jeremias 36:3
Maaske vil Judas Hus mærke sig al den Ulykke, jeg har i Sinde at gøre dem, for at de maa omvende sig hver fra sin onde Vej, saa jeg kan tilgive deres Brøde og Synd.«

Jeremia 36:3
Misschien zullen die van het huis van Juda horen al het kwaad, dat Ik hun gedenk te doen; opdat zij zich bekeren, een iegelijk van zijn bozen weg, en Ik hun ongerechtigheid en hun zonde vergeve.

ירמיה 36:3
אוּלַ֤י יִשְׁמְעוּ֙ בֵּ֣ית יְהוּדָ֔ה אֵ֚ת כָּל־הָ֣רָעָ֔ה אֲשֶׁ֛ר אָנֹכִ֥י חֹשֵׁ֖ב לַעֲשֹׂ֣ות לָהֶ֑ם לְמַ֣עַן יָשׁ֗וּבוּ אִ֚ישׁ מִדַּרְכֹּ֣ו הָרָעָ֔ה וְסָלַחְתִּ֥י לַעֲוֹנָ֖ם וּלְחַטָּאתָֽם׃ ס

ג אולי ישמעו בית יהודה את כל הרעה אשר אנכי חשב לעשות להם--למען ישובו איש מדרכו הרעה וסלחתי לעונם ולחטאתם  {ס}

אולי ישמעו בית יהודה את כל־הרעה אשר אנכי חשב לעשות להם למען ישובו איש מדרכו הרעה וסלחתי לעונם ולחטאתם׃ ס

Jeremiás 36:3
Hátha meghallja a Júda háza mindazokat a veszedelmeket, a melyeket én néki szerezni szándékozom, hogy kiki megtérjen az õ gonosz útáról, és megbocsássam az õ bûnöket és vétköket.

Jeremia 36:3
Eble la domo de Jehuda auxdos pri la tuta malbono, kiun Mi intencas fari al ili, kaj ili returnigxos cxiu de sia malbona vojo, por ke Mi pardonu ilian malbonagon kaj ilian pekon.

Jos mitämaks Juudan huone, kuin he kuulevat kaiken sen onnettomuuden, joka minun mielessäni on heille tehdä, on itsensä kääntavä, jokainen pahasta menostansa, etä minä antasin anteeksi heidän pahat tekonsa ja rikoksensa.

Jérémie 36:3
Peut-être la maison de Juda écoutera-t-elle tout le mal que je pense à lui faire, afin qu'ils reviennent chacun de sa mauvaise voie, et que je leur pardonne leur iniquité et leur péché.

Quand la maison de Juda entendra tout le mal que je pense lui faire, peut-être reviendront-ils chacun de leur mauvaise voie; alors je pardonnerai leur iniquité et leur péché.

Peut-être que la maison de Juda fera attention à tout le mal que je pense de leur faire, afin que chacun se détourne de sa mauvaise voie, et que je leur pardonne leur iniquité, et leur péché.

Jeremia 36:3
ob vielleicht das Haus Juda, wo sie hören all das Unglück, das ich ihnen gedenke zu tun, sich bekehren wollten, ein jeglicher von seinem bösen Wesen, damit ich ihnen ihre Missetat und Sünde vergeben könnte.

ob vielleicht die vom Hause Juda, wo sie hören all das Unglück, das ich ihnen gedenke zu tun, sich bekehren wollten, ein jeglicher von seinem bösen Wesen, damit ich ihnen ihre Missetat und Sünde vergeben könnte.

vielleicht hören die vom Hause Juda auf all' das Unheil, das ich gesonnen bin, ihnen anzuthun, daß sie sich ein jeder von seinem bösen Wege bekehren, so will ich ihnen ihre Verschuldung und Sünde vergeben.

Geremia 36:3
Forse quei della casa di Giuda, udendo tutto il male ch’io penso di far loro, si convertiranno ciascuno dalla sua via malvagia, e io perdonerò la loro iniquità e il loro peccato".

Forse ascolterà la casa di Giuda tutto il male che io penso di farle, per convertirsi ciascuno dalla sua via malvagia; ed io perdonerò loro la loro iniquità, e il lor peccato.

Mudah-mudahan didengar juga oleh bangsa Yehuda akan segala perkara jahat yang hendak Kulakukan atasnya; supaya mereka itu bertobat masing-masing dari pada jalannya yang jahat dan Akupun mengampuni kejahatannya dan dosanya.

예레미아 36:3
유다 족속이 내가 그들에게 내리려한 모든 재앙을 듣고 각기 악한 길에서 돌이킬듯 하니라 그리하면 내가 그 악과 죄를 사하리라

Ieremias 36:3
si forte audiente domo Iuda universa mala quae ego cogito facere eis revertatur unusquisque a via sua pessima et propitius ero iniquitati et peccato eorum

Jeremijo knyga 36:3
Gal Judo namai, girdėdami, kaip ketinu juos bausti, atsisakys pikto kelio, ir Aš jiems jų nusikaltimus atleisiu”.

Jeremiah 36:3
Tera pea te whare o Hura e rongo ki te kino katoa e whakaaro nei ahau kia meatia ki a ratou; kia tahuri ratou, ia tangata, ia tangata, i o ratou ara kino; a tera e murua e ahau to ratou he, to ratou hara.

Jeremias 36:3
Kanskje Judas hus vil merke sig all den ulykke jeg tenker å gjøre dem, så de kan vende om, hver fra sin onde vei, og jeg kan forlate dem deres misgjerning og deres synd.

Jeremías 36:3
Tal vez la casa de Judá oiga toda la calamidad que pienso traer sobre ellos, y se vuelva cada uno de su mal camino; entonces perdonaré su iniquidad y su pecado.

"Tal vez la casa de Judá oiga toda la calamidad que pienso traer sobre ellos, y se vuelva cada uno de su mal camino; entonces perdonaré su iniquidad y su pecado."

Quizá oiga la casa de Judá todo el mal que yo pienso hacerles, y se arrepienta cada uno de su mal camino, y yo perdonaré su maldad y su pecado.

Quizá oirá la casa de Judá todo el mal que yo pienso hacerles, para avolverse cada uno de su mal camino, y yo perdonaré su maldad y su pecado.

Si por ventura oyere la Casa de Judá todo el mal que yo pienso hacerles, para que se torne cada uno de su mal camino, y yo perdonaré su maldad y su pecado.

Jeremias 36:3
É possível que ao ouvirem a respeito de todas as desgraças que antevejo ter que trazer sobre eles, cada um se arrependa do mal que pratica e se converta de sua má conduta, e Eu perdoe a iniquidade, o erro e o pecado deles!”

Ouvirão talvez os da casa de Judá todo o mal que eu intento fazer-lhes; para que cada qual se converta do seu mau caminho, a fim de que eu perdoe a sua iniqüidade e o seu pecado.   

Ieremia 36:3
Poate că dacă va auzi casa lui Iuda tot răul pe care am de gînd să i -l fac, se vor întoarce fiecare dela calea lor cea rea, şi le voi ierta astfel nelegiuirea şi păcatul.``

Иеремия 36:3
может быть, дом Иудин услышит о всех бедствиях, какие Я помышляю сделать им, чтобы они обратились каждый от злого пути своего, чтобы Я простил неправду их и грех их.

может быть, дом Иудин услышит о всех бедствиях, какие Я помышляю сделать им, чтобы они обратились каждый от злого пути своего, чтобы Я простил неправду их и грех их.[]

Jeremia 36:3
Kanhända skall Juda hus, när de höra all den olycka som jag har i sinnet att göra dem, vända om, var och en från sin onda väg, och så skall jag förlåta dem deras missgärning och synd.

Jeremiah 36:3
Marahil ay maririnig ng sangbahayan ni Juda ang lahat na kasamaan na aking pinanukalang gawin sa kanila; upang humiwalay bawa't isa sa kanila sa kaniyang masamang lakad; upang aking maipatawad ang kanilang kasamaan at ang kanilang kasalanan.

เยเรมีย์ 36:3
ชะรอยวงศ์วานยูดาห์จะได้ยินถึงความร้ายทั้งสิ้นซึ่งเราประสงค์จะกระทำแก่เขาทั้งปวง เพื่อว่าทุกคนจะหันกลับจากทางชั่วร้ายของเขา และเพื่อเราจะอภัยโทษความชั่วช้าของเขาและบาปของเขา"

Yeremya 36:3
Belki Yahuda halkı başına getirmeyi tasarladığım bütün felaketleri duyar da kötü yolundan döner; ben de suçlarını, günahlarını bağışlarım.››[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 36:3
Khi người Giu-đa sẽ biết mọi tai vạ ta định giáng cho chúng nó, có lẽ ai nấy đều trở lại khỏi đường xấu mình, hầu cho ta có thể tha sự gian ác và tội lỗi chúng nó.

Jeremiah 36:2
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