Jeremiah 33:11
Jeremiah 33:11
the sounds of joy and gladness, the voices of bride and bridegroom, and the voices of those who bring thank offerings to the house of the LORD, saying, "Give thanks to the LORD Almighty, for the LORD is good; his love endures forever." For I will restore the fortunes of the land as they were before,' says the LORD.

the sounds of joy and laughter. The joyful voices of bridegrooms and brides will be heard again, along with the joyous songs of people bringing thanksgiving offerings to the LORD. They will sing, 'Give thanks to the LORD of Heaven's Armies, for the LORD is good. His faithful love endures forever!' For I will restore the prosperity of this land to what it was in the past, says the LORD.

the voice of mirth and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the voices of those who sing, as they bring thank offerings to the house of the LORD: “‘Give thanks to the LORD of hosts, for the LORD is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!’ For I will restore the fortunes of the land as at first, says the LORD.

the voice of joy and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the voice of those who say, "Give thanks to the LORD of hosts, For the LORD is good, For His lovingkindness is everlasting"; and of those who bring a thank offering into the house of the LORD. For I will restore the fortunes of the land as they were at first,' says the LORD.

The voice of joy, and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride, the voice of them that shall say, Praise the LORD of hosts: for the LORD is good; for his mercy endureth for ever: and of them that shall bring the sacrifice of praise into the house of the LORD. For I will cause to return the captivity of the land, as at the first, saith the LORD.

a sound of joy and gladness, the voice of the groom and the bride, and the voice of those saying, Praise the LORD of Hosts, for the LORD is good; His faithful love endures forever as they bring thank offerings to the temple of the LORD. For I will restore the fortunes of the land as in former times, says the LORD.

the sounds of rejoicing and gladness, the sounds of the bridegroom and the bride, and the sounds of those saying, "Give thanks to the LORD of the Heavenly Armies, for the LORD is good, and his gracious love lasts forever," as they bring thanksgiving offerings to the LORD's Temple. For I'll restore the fortunes of the land as they were at first,' declares the LORD.

Once again there will be sounds of joy and gladness and the glad celebrations of brides and grooms. Once again people will bring their thank offerings to the temple of the LORD and will say, "Give thanks to the LORD who rules over all. For the LORD is good and his unfailing love lasts forever." For I, the LORD, affirm that I will restore the land to what it was in days of old.'

the sounds of joy and happiness and the sounds of brides and grooms. You will hear those who bring thank offerings to the LORD's temple say, 'Give thanks to the LORD of Armies because the LORD is good, because his mercy endures forever.' I will restore the fortunes of the land to what they were before," says the LORD.

the voice of joy, and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride, the voice of those that shall say, Praise the LORD of the hosts; for the LORD is good; for his mercy endures for ever: and of those that shall bring the sacrifice of praise into the house of the LORD. For I will cause the captivity of the land to turn as at the first, said the LORD.

The voice of joy, and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride, the voice of them that shall say, Praise the LORD of hosts: for the LORD is good; for his mercy endures forever: and of them that shall bring the sacrifice of praise into the house of the LORD. For I will cause to return the captives of the land, as at the first, says the LORD.

The voice of joy, and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride, the voice of them that shall say, Praise the LORD of hosts: for the LORD is good; for his mercy endures for ever: and of them that shall bring the sacrifice of praise into the house of the LORD. For I will cause to return the captivity of the land, as at the first, said the LORD.

the voice of joy and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the voice of them that say, Give thanks to Jehovah of hosts, for Jehovah is good, for his lovingkindness endureth for ever; and of them that bring'sacrifices of thanksgiving into the house of Jehovah. For I will cause the captivity of the land to return as at the first, saith Jehovah.

The voice of joy and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the voice of them that shall say: Give ye glory to the Lord of hosts, for the Lord is good, for his mercy endureth for ever: and of them that shall bring their vows into the house of the Lord: for I will bring back the captivity of the land as at the first, saith the Lord.

there shall again be heard the voice of mirth and the voice of joy, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the voice of them that say, Give ye thanks unto Jehovah of hosts; for Jehovah is good, for his loving-kindness endureth for ever, of them that bring thanksgiving unto the house of Jehovah. For I will turn the captivity of the land as in the beginning, saith Jehovah.

the voice of joy and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the voice of them that say, Give thanks to the LORD of hosts, for the LORD is good, for his mercy endureth for ever: and of them that bring sacrifices of thanksgiving into the house of the LORD. For I will cause the captivity of the land to return as at the first, saith the LORD.

The voice of joy, and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride, the voice of them that shall say, Praise the LORD of hosts: for the LORD is good; for his mercy endureth for ever: and of them that shall bring the sacrifice of praise into the house of the LORD. For I will cause to return the captivity of the land, as at the first, saith the LORD.

the voice of joy and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the voice of those who say, Give thanks to Yahweh of Armies, for Yahweh is good, for his loving kindness endures forever; [and of them] who bring [sacrifices of] thanksgiving into the house of Yahweh. For I will cause the captivity of the land to return as at the first, says Yahweh.

Is a voice of joy and a voice of gladness, Voice of bridegroom, and voice of bride, The voice of those saying, Thank Jehovah of Hosts, for Jehovah is good, For His kindness is to the age, Who are bringing in thanksgiving to the house of Jehovah, For I turn back the captivity of the land, As at the first, said Jehovah.

Jeremia 33:11
britma gëzimi dhe britma hareje, zëri i dhëndrit dhe zëri i nuses, zëri i atyre që thonë: "Kremtoni Zotin e ushtrive, sepse Zoti është i mirë, sepse mirësia e tij zgjat përjetë", dhe të atyre që sjellin oferta falënderimi në shtëpinë e Zotit. Sepse unë do të bëj që të kthehen të mërguarit në vend dhe do t'i vendos përsëri si më parë", thotë Zoti.

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 33:11
صوت الطرب وصوت الفرح صوت العريس وصوت العروس صوت القائلين احمدوا رب الجنود لان الرب صالح لان الى الابد رحمته. صوت الذين ياتون بذبيحة الشكر الى بيت الرب لاني ارد سبي الارض كالاول يقول الرب

Dyr Ierymies 33:11
wider gjublt und gjuchetzt werd, zo n Beispil bei de Hoohzytn. D Leut gaand yn n Hörerherrn luien; und die, wo Dankopfer eyn n Herrn seinn Templ bringend, singend: "Danktß für sein Guetheit iem; sein Huld bleibt eebig üns!" Ja, i mach wider allss pässet; allss werd wider wie früehers, sait dyr Trechtein.

Еремия 33:11
Глас на радост и глас на веселие, Глас на младоженец и глас на невеста, Глас на ония, които казват: Хвалете Господа на Силите, Защото Господ е благ, Защото Неговата милост е до века, И глас на ония, които принасят благодарствени приноси в дома Господен, Защото ще върна пленниците [взети] от тая земя Както [са били] по-напред, казва Господ.

耶 利 米 書 33:11
必 再 聽 見 有 歡 喜 和 快 樂 的 聲 音 、 新 郎 和 新 婦 的 聲 音 , 並 聽 見 有 人 說 : 要 稱 謝 萬 軍 之 耶 和 華 , 因 耶 和 華 本 為 善 ; 他 的 慈 愛 永 遠 長 存 ! 又 有 奉 感 謝 祭 到 耶 和 華 殿 中 之 人 的 聲 音 ; 因 為 我 必 使 這 地 被 擄 的 人 歸 回 , 和 起 初 一 樣 。 這 是 耶 和 華 說 的 。

必 再 听 见 有 欢 喜 和 快 乐 的 声 音 、 新 郎 和 新 妇 的 声 音 , 并 听 见 有 人 说 : 要 称 谢 万 军 之 耶 和 华 , 因 耶 和 华 本 为 善 ; 他 的 慈 爱 永 远 长 存 ! 又 有 奉 感 谢 祭 到 耶 和 华 殿 中 之 人 的 声 音 ; 因 为 我 必 使 这 地 被 掳 的 人 归 回 , 和 起 初 一 样 。 这 是 耶 和 华 说 的 。



Jeremiah 33:11
poklici radosti, poklici zaručnika i zaručnice, poklici onih koji će u Domu Jahvinu prinositi žrtve zahvalnice pjevajući: 'Hvalite Jahvu nad Vojskama, jer je dobar Jahve - vječna je ljubav njegova!' Jer ja ću obnoviti zemlju da bude kao nekoć - riječ je Jahvina.

Jermiáše 33:11
Ještěť bude slýchán hlas radosti a hlas veselé, hlas ženicha a hlas nevěsty, hlas řkoucích: Oslavujte Hospodina zástupů, nebo dobrý jest Hospodin, nebo na věky milosrdenství jeho, a obětujících díkčinění v domě Hospodinově, když zase přivedu zajaté země této jako na počátku, praví Hospodin.

Jeremias 33:11
skal atter høres Fryderaab og Glædesraab, Brudgoms Røst og Bruds Røst, Raab af Folk, som siger: »Tak Hærskarers HERRE; thi HERREN er god, og hans Miskundhed varer evindelig!« og som bringer Takoffer til HERRENS Hus; thi jeg vender Landets Skæbne, saa det bliver som tilforn, siger HERREN.

Jeremia 33:11
De stem der vrolijkheid en de stem der blijdschap, de stem des bruidegoms en de stem der bruid, de stem dergenen, die zeggen: Looft den HEERE der heirscharen, want de HEERE is goed, want Zijn goedertierenheid is in eeuwigheid! de stem dergenen, die lof aanbrengen ten huize des HEEREN; want Ik zal de gevangenis des lands wenden, als in het eerste, zegt de HEERE.

ירמיה 33:11
קֹ֣ול שָׂשֹׂ֞ון וְקֹ֣ול שִׂמְחָ֗ה קֹ֣ול חָתָן֮ וְקֹ֣ול כַּלָּה֒ קֹ֣ול אֹמְרִ֡ים הֹודוּ֩ אֶת־יְהוָ֨ה צְבָאֹ֜ות כִּֽי־טֹ֤וב יְהוָה֙ כִּֽי־לְעֹולָ֣ם חַסְדֹּ֔ו מְבִאִ֥ים תֹּודָ֖ה בֵּ֣ית יְהוָ֑ה כִּֽי־אָשִׁ֧יב אֶת־שְׁבוּת־הָאָ֛רֶץ כְּבָרִאשֹׁנָ֖ה אָמַ֥ר יְהוָֽה׃ ס

יא קול ששון וקול שמחה קול חתן וקול כלה קול אמרים הודו את יהוה צבאות כי טוב יהוה כי לעולם חסדו מבאים תודה בית יהוה  כי אשיב את שבות הארץ כבראשנה אמר יהוה  {ס}

קול ששון וקול שמחה קול חתן וקול כלה קול אמרים הודו את־יהוה צבאות כי־טוב יהוה כי־לעולם חסדו מבאים תודה בית יהוה כי־אשיב את־שבות־הארץ כבראשנה אמר יהוה׃ ס

Jeremiás 33:11
Örömnek szava és vígasság szava, võlegény szava és menyasszony szava, és azoknak szava, kik ezt mondják: Dícsérjétek a Seregek Urát, mert jó az Úr, mert örökkévaló az õ kegyelme; a kik hálaáldozatot hoznak az Úr házába, mert visszahozom e föld népét a fogságból, mint annakelõtte, azt mondja az Úr.

Jeremia 33:11
ankoraux estos auxdataj sonoj de gxojo kaj sonoj de gajeco, vocxo de fiancxo kaj vocxo de fiancxino, vocxo de homoj, kiuj parolos:Lauxdu la Eternulon Cebaot, cxar la Eternulo estas bona, cxar eterna estas Lia favorkoreco; kaj kiuj alportados dankoferojn en la domon de la Eternulo; cxar Mi revenigos la forkaptitojn de la lando kiel antauxe, diras la Eternulo.

Pitää vielä nyt kuultaman riemun ja ilon ääni, yljän ääni ja morsiamen ääni, ja niiden ääni jotka sanovat: kiittäkäät Herraa Zebaotia, että Herra on hyvä, ja hänen laupiutensa pysyy ijankaikkisesti, ja niidenkin, jotka kiitosuhria Herran huoneeseen kantavat; sillä minä käännän maan vankiuden, niinkuin alusta, sanoo Herra.

Jérémie 33:11
on entendra encore la voix de l'allégresse et la voix de la joie, la voix de l'époux et la voix de l'épouse, la voix de ceux qui disent: Célébrez l'Éternel des armées, car l'Éternel est bon, car sa bonté demeure à toujours, -des gens qui apportent des actions de grâce à la maison de l'Éternel. Car je délivrerai le pays de sa captivité, et je le rétablirai comme il était au commencement, dit l'Éternel.

Les cris de réjouissance et les cris d'allégresse, Les chants du fiancé et les chants de la fiancée, La voix de ceux qui disent: Louez l'Eternel des armées, Car l'Eternel est bon, car sa miséricorde dure à toujours! La voix de ceux qui offrent des sacrifices d'actions de grâces Dans la maison de l'Eternel. Car je ramènerai les captifs du pays, je les rétablirai comme autrefois, Dit l'Eternel.

La voix de joie, et la voix d'allégresse, la voix de l'époux, et la voix de l'épouse, [et] la voix de ceux qui disent : célébrez l'Eternel des armées; car l'Eternel est bon, parce que sa miséricorde demeure à toujours, lorsqu'ils apportent des oblations d'action de grâces à la maison de l'Eternel; car je ferai retourner les captifs de ce pays, [et je les mettrai] au même état qu'auparavant, a dit l'Eternel.

Jeremia 33:11
wird man dennoch wiederum hören Geschrei von Freude und Wonne, die Stimme des Bräutigams und der Braut und die Stimme derer, so da sagen: Danket dem HERRN Zebaoth, daß er so gnädig ist und tut immerdar Gutes! und derer, so da Dankopfer bringen zum Hause des HERRN. Denn ich will des Landes Gefängnis wenden wie von Anfang, spricht der HERR.

wird man dennoch wiederum hören Geschrei von Freude und Wonne, die Stimme des Bräutigams und der Braut und die Stimme derer, so da sagen: "Danket dem HERRN Zebaoth, denn er ist freundlich, und seine Güte währet ewiglich", wenn sie Dankopfer bringen zum Hause des HERRN. Denn ich will des Landes Gefängnis wenden wie von Anfang, spricht der HERR.

wiederum vernehmen Wonnejubel und Freudenjubel, Bräutigamsjubel und Brautjubel, Jubel derer, die da rufen: Preiset Jahwe der Heerscharen, denn gütig ist Jahwe, denn immerdar währt seine Huld! die da Dankopfer zum Tempel Jahwes bringen: denn ich werde die Gefangenen des Landes heimkehren lassen, daß sie seien wie zuvor, - spricht Jahwe.

Geremia 33:11
s’udranno ancora i gridi di gioia, i gridi d’esultanza, la voce dello sposo e la voce della sposa, la voce di quelli che dicono: "Celebrate l’Eterno degli eserciti, poiché l’Eterno è buono, poiché la sua benignità dura in perpetuo", e che portano offerte di azioni di grazie nella casa dell’Eterno. Poiché io farò tornare i deportati del paese, e lo ristabilirò com’era prima, dice l’Eterno.

ancora sarà udita voce di gioia, e voce di allegrezza; voce di sposo, e voce di sposa; voce di persone che diranno: Celebrate il Signor degli eserciti; perciocchè il Signore è buono; perciocchè la sua benignità è in eterno; porteranno offerte di lode alla Casa del Signore; perciocchè io trarrò di cattività il paese, e lo rimetterò nello stato ch’era prima, ha detto il Signore.

bunyi kesukaan dan bunyi keramaian, bunyi mempelai dan bunyi penganten, bunyi segala orang yang berkata demikian Pujilah olehmu akan Tuhan serwa sekalian alam, karena baiklah Tuhan dan kemurahan-Nyapun kekal selama-lamanya! dan lagi bunyi orang yang membawa persembahan puji-pujian ke dalam rumah Tuhan, karena Aku akan mengangkat pula segala orang tawanan negeri ini seperti pada mulanya, demikian firman Tuhan.

예레미아 33:11
하는 소리와 여호와의 집에 감사제를 드리는 자들의 소리가 다시 들리리니 이는 내가 이 땅의 포로로 돌아와서 처음과 같이 되게 할 것이니라 여호와의 말이니라 (33장 10절 내용의 계속임 (10절과 11절의 내용 같음)

Ieremias 33:11
vox gaudii et vox laetitiae vox sponsi et vox sponsae vox dicentium confitemini Domino exercituum quoniam bonus Dominus quoniam in aeternum misericordia eius et portantium vota in domum Domini reducam enim conversionem terrae sicut a principio dicit Dominus

Jeremijo knyga 33:11
džiaugsmo ir linksmybės balsai, jaunikio ir jaunosios balsas ir balsai tų, kurie, nešdami gyriaus aukas į Viešpaties namus, sakys: ‘Girkite kareivijų Viešpatį, nes Viešpats yra geras ir Jo gailestingumas amžinas’. Aš atstatysiu kraštą, koks jis buvo,­sako Viešpats’.

Jeremiah 33:11
Te reo o te koa, te reo o te hari, te reo o te tane marena hou me te reo o te wahine marena hou, te reo hoki o te hunga e ki ana, Whakawhetai ki a Ihowa o nga mano, he pai hoki a Ihowa, he mau tonu ano tana mahi tohu: o te hunga hoki e kawe mai ana i nga whakahere whakawhetai ki roto ki te whare o Ihowa. No te mea ka whakahokia mai ano e ahau te whenua i te whakarau, ka rite ano ki to te timatanga, e ai ta Ihowa.

Jeremias 33:11
fryds røst og gledes røst, brudgoms røst og bruds røst, rop av dem som sier: Lov Herren, hærskarenes Gud, for Herren er god, hans miskunnhet varer evindelig - dem som bærer frem takkoffer i Herrens hus. For jeg vil gjøre ende på fangenskapet, så landet blir som i den første tid, sier Herren.

Jeremías 33:11
voz de gozo y voz de alegría, la voz del novio y la voz de la novia, la voz de los que dicen: `Dad gracias al SEÑOR de los ejércitos, porque el SEÑOR es bueno, porque para siempre es su misericordia'; y de los que traen ofrenda de acción de gracias a la casa del SEÑOR. Porque restauraré el bienestar de esta tierra como fueron al principio--dice el SEÑOR.

voz de gozo y voz de alegría, la voz del novio y la voz de la novia, la voz de los que dicen: "Den gracias al SEÑOR de los ejércitos, Porque el SEÑOR es bueno, Porque para siempre es Su misericordia"; y de los que traen ofrenda de acción de gracias a la casa del SEÑOR. Porque restauraré el bienestar de esta tierra como fueron al principio,' dice el SEÑOR.

voz de gozo y voz de alegría, voz de desposado y voz de desposada, voz de los que digan: Alabad a Jehová de los ejércitos, porque Jehová es bueno, porque para siempre es su misericordia; voz de los que traigan alabanza a la casa de Jehová. Porque volveré a traer la cautividad de la tierra como al principio, dice Jehová.

Voz de gozo y voz de alegría, voz de desposado y voz de desposada, voz de los que digan: Alabad á Jehová de los ejércitos, porque Jehová es bueno, porque para siempre es su misericordia; voz de los que traigan alabanza á la casa de Jehová. Porque tornaré

voz de gozo y voz de alegría, voz de desposado y voz de desposada, voz de los que digan: Alabad al SEÑOR de los ejércitos, porque el SEÑOR es bueno, porque para siempre es su misericordia; voz de los que traigan sacrificio de alabanza a la Casa del SEÑOR. Porque tornaré a traer la cautividad de la tierra como al principio, dijo el SEÑOR.

Jeremias 33:11
a voz de júbilo e a voz de satisfação, a voz do noivo e a voz da noiva, e as vozes de todos aqueles que trazem ofertas de ação de graças para a Casa do SENHOR, exclamando: ‘Daí graças ao SENHOR dos Exércitos, porque ele é bom! Porque o seu amor dura para sempre.’ Porque Eu mudarei o destino desta terra, tornando-a feliz como fora na antiguidade!”, assevera o SENHOR.

a voz de gozo e a voz de alegria, a voz de noivo e a voz de noiva, e a voz dos que dizem: Dai graças ao Senhor dos exércitos, porque bom é o Senhor, porque a sua benignidade dura para sempre; também se ouvirá a voz dos que trazem à casa do Senhor sacrifícios de ação de graças. Pois farei voltar a esta terra os seus exilados como no princípio, diz o Senhor.   

Ieremia 33:11
strigătele de bucurie şi strigătele de veselie, cîntecele mirelui şi cîntecele miresei, glasul celor ce zic: ,Lăudaţi pe Domnul oştirilor, căci Domnul este bun, căci în veac ţine îndurarea Lui!` Glasul celor ce aduc jertfe de mulţămire în Casa Domnului. Căci voi aduce înapoi pe prinşii de război ai ţării, şi îi voi aşeza iarăş ca odinioară, zice Domnul.``

Иеремия 33:11
опять будет слышен голос радости и голос веселья, голос жениха и голос невесты, голос говорящих: „славьте Господа Саваофа, ибо благ Господь, ибо вовек милость Его", и голос приносящих жертву благодарения в доме Господнем; ибо Я возвращу плененных сей земли в прежнее состояние, говорит Господь.

опять будет слышен голос радости и голос веселья, голос жениха и голос невесты, голос говорящих: `славьте Господа Саваофа, ибо благ Господь, ибо вовек милость Его`, и голос приносящих жертву благодарения в доме Господнем; ибо Я возвращу плененных сей земли в прежнее состояние, говорит Господь.[]

Jeremia 33:11
här skall man ännu en gång höra fröjderop och glädjerop, rop för brudgum och rop för brud, rop av människor som säga: »Tacken HERREN Sebaot, ty HERREN är god, ty hans nåd varar evinnerligen», och av människor som frambära lovoffer i HERRENS hus. Ty jag vill åter upprätta landet, så att det bliver såsom förut, säger HERREN.

Jeremiah 33:11
Ang tinig ng kagalakan at ang tinig ng kasayahan, ang tinig ng kasintahang lalake at ang tinig ng kasintahang babae, ang tinig nilang nangagsasabi, Kayo'y mangagpasalamat sa Panginoon ng mga hukbo, sapagka't ang Panginoon ay mabuti, sapagka't ang kaniyang kagandahang-loob ay magpakailan pa man; at ng nangagdadala ng hain ng pagpapasalamat sa bahay ng Panginoon. Sapagka't aking ibabalik ang nangabihag sa lupain gaya ng una, sabi ng Panginoon.

เยเรมีย์ 33:11
ที่นั่นจะได้ยินเสียงบรรเทิงและเสียงรื่นเริง และเสียงเจ้าบ่าวและเสียงเจ้าสาว และเสียงบรรดาคนเหล่านั้นที่ร้องเพลงอีก ขณะที่เขานำเครื่องบูชาแห่งการสรรเสริญมายังพระนิเวศของพระเยโฮวาห์ ว่า `จงสรรเสริญพระเยโฮวาห์จอมโยธา เพราะพระเยโฮวาห์ประเสริฐ เพราะความเมตตาของพระองค์ดำรงอยู่เป็นนิตย์' เพราะเราจะให้พวกเชลยแห่งแผ่นดินนั้นกลับสู่สภาพเดิม พระเยโฮวาห์ตรัสดังนี้แหละ

Yeremya 33:11

Gieâ-reâ-mi 33:11
thì người ta sẽ còn nghe tiếng kêu vui và reo mừng, tiếng của rể mới và dâu mới, tiếng của những kẻ nói rằng: Hãy cảm tạ Ðức Giê-hô-va vạn quân, vì Ðức Giê-hô-va là nhận lãnh, sự nhơn từ của Ngài còn đời đời! và của những kẻ đến dân của lễ tạ ơn trong nhà Ðức Giê-hô-va. Vì ta sẽ khiến những phu tù của đất nầy trở về, làm cho như trước, Ðức Giê-hô-va đã phán.

Jeremiah 33:10
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