Jeremiah 32:1
Jeremiah 32:1
This is the word that came to Jeremiah from the LORD in the tenth year of Zedekiah king of Judah, which was the eighteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar.

The following message came to Jeremiah from the LORD in the tenth year of the reign of Zedekiah, king of Judah. This was also the eighteenth year of the reign of King Nebuchadnezzar.

The word that came to Jeremiah from the LORD in the tenth year of Zedekiah king of Judah, which was the eighteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar.

The word that came to Jeremiah from the LORD in the tenth year of Zedekiah king of Judah, which was the eighteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar.

The word that came to Jeremiah from the LORD in the tenth year of Zedekiah king of Judah, which was the eighteenth year of Nebuchadrezzar.

This is the word that came to Jeremiah from the LORD in the tenth year of Zedekiah king of Judah, which was the eighteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar.

This is the message that came to Jeremiah from the LORD in the tenth year of the reign of Zedekiah, king of Judah. It was the eighteenth year of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar.

In the tenth year that Zedekiah was ruling over Judah the LORD spoke to Jeremiah. That was the same as the eighteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar.

The LORD spoke his word to Jeremiah during Zedekiah's tenth year as king of Judah. (This was Nebuchadnezzar's eighteenth year as king.)

The word that came to Jeremiah from the LORD in the tenth year of Zedekiah king of Judah, which was the eighteenth year of Nebuchadrezzar;

The word that came to Jeremiah from the LORD in the tenth year of Zedekiah king of Judah, which was the eighteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar.

The word that came to Jeremiah from the LORD in the tenth year of Zedekiah king of Judah, which was the eighteenth year of Nebuchadrezzar.

The word that came to Jeremiah from Jehovah in the tenth year of Zedekiah king of Judah, which was the eighteenth year of Nebuchadrezzar.

The word that came to Jeremias from the Lord in the tenth year of Sedecias king of Juda: the same is eighteenth year of Nabuchodonosor.

The word that came to Jeremiah from Jehovah in the tenth year of Zedekiah king of Judah: that year was the eighteenth year of Nebuchadrezzar.

The word that came to Jeremiah from the LORD in the tenth year of Zedekiah king of Judah, which was the eighteenth year of Nebuchadrezzar.

The word that came to Jeremiah from the LORD in the tenth year of Zedekiah king of Judah, which was the eighteenth year of Nebuchadrezzar.

The word that came to Jeremiah from Yahweh in the tenth year of Zedekiah king of Judah, which was the eighteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar.

The word that hath been unto Jeremiah from Jehovah, in the tenth year of Zedekiah king of Judah -- it is the eighteenth year of Nebuchadrezzar,

Jeremia 32:1
Fjala që iu drejtua Jeremias nga ana e Zotit në vitin e dhjetë të Sedekias, mbretit të Judës, që ishte viti i tetëmbëdhjetë i Nebukadnetsarit.

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 32:1
الكلمة التي صارت الى ارميا من قبل الرب في السنة العاشرة لصدقيا ملك يهوذا. هي السنة الثامنة عشر لنبوخذراصر.

Dyr Ierymies 32:1
Dös Wort ergieng von n Herrn an n Ierymiesn in n zöntn Jaar von n Judauer Künig Zidkies, also in n achtzöntn von n Nebykädnezer.

Еремия 32:1
Словото, което дойде към Еремия от Господа в десетата година на Юдовия цар Седекия, която година бе осемнадесетата на Навуходоносора.

耶 利 米 書 32:1
猶 大 王 西 底 家 第 十 年 , 就 是 尼 布 甲 尼 撒 十 八 年 , 耶 和 華 的 話 臨 到 耶 利 米 。

犹 大 王 西 底 家 第 十 年 , 就 是 尼 布 甲 尼 撒 十 八 年 , 耶 和 华 的 话 临 到 耶 利 米 。



Jeremiah 32:1
Riječ koju Jahve uputi Jeremiji desete godine Sidkije, kralja judejskoga, to jest osamnaeste godine Nabukodonozorove.

Jermiáše 32:1
Slovo, kteréž se stalo k Jeremiášovi od Hospodina léta desátého Sedechiáše krále Judského, kterýžto rok jest osmnáctý Nabuchodonozorův.

Jeremias 32:1
Det Ord, som kom til Jeremias fra HERREN i Kong Zedekias af Judas tiende Aar, det er Nebukadrezars attende.

Jeremia 32:1
Het woord, dat tot Jeremia geschied is van den HEERE, in het tiende jaar van Zedekia, koning van Juda; dit jaar was het achttiende jaar van Nebukadrezar.

ירמיה 32:1
הַדָּבָ֞ר אֲשֶׁר־הָיָ֤ה אֶֽל־יִרְמְיָ֙הוּ֙ מֵאֵ֣ת יְהוָ֔ה [בִּשְׁנַת כ] (בַּשָּׁנָה֙ ק) הָעֲשִׂרִ֔ית לְצִדְקִיָּ֖הוּ מֶ֣לֶךְ יְהוּדָ֑ה הִ֧יא הַשָּׁנָ֛ה שְׁמֹנֶֽה־עֶשְׂרֵ֥ה שָׁנָ֖ה לִנְבֽוּכַדְרֶאצַּֽר׃

א הדבר אשר היה אל ירמיהו מאת יהוה בשנת (בשנה) העשרית לצדקיהו מלך יהודה--היא השנה שמנה עשרה שנה לנבוכדראצר

הדבר אשר־היה אל־ירמיהו מאת יהוה [בשנת כ] (בשנה ק) העשרית לצדקיהו מלך יהודה היא השנה שמנה־עשרה שנה לנבוכדראצר׃

Jeremiás 32:1
Az a szó, a melyet szóla az Úr Jeremiásnak, Sedékiásnak, a Júda királyának tizedik esztendejében: Ez az esztendõ a Nabukodonozor tizennyolczadik esztendeje.

Jeremia 32:1
Jen estas la vorto, kiu aperis al Jeremia de la Eternulo en la deka jaro de Cidkija, regxo de Judujo, tio estas en la dek-oka jaro de Nebukadnecar.

Tämä on se sana, joka tapahtui Herralta Jeremialle, kymmenentenä Zedekian, Juudan kininkaan, vuonna, joka on Nebukadnetsarin kahdeksastoistakymmenes vuosi.

Jérémie 32:1
La parole qui vint à Jérémie de par l'Éternel, en la dixième année de Sédécias, roi de Juda (ce fut la dix-huitième année de Nebucadnetsar).

La parole qui fut adressée à Jérémie de la part de l'Eternel, la dixième année de Sédécias, roi de Juda. -C'était la dix-huitième année de Nebucadnetsar.

La parole qui fut [adressée] de par l'Eternel à Jérémie, la dixième année de Sédécias Roi de Juda, qui est l'an dix-huitième de Nébucadnetsar.

Jeremia 32:1
Dies ist das Wort, das vom HERRN geschah zu Jeremia im zehnten Jahr Zedekias, des Königs Judas, welches ist das achtzehnte Jahr Nebukadnezars.

Dies ist das Wort, das vom HERRN geschah zu Jeremia im zehnten Jahr Zedekias, des Königs in Juda, welches ist das achtzehnte Jahr Nebukadnezars.

Das Wort, welches an Jeremia von seiten Jahwes erging im zehnten Jahre Zedekias, des Königs von Juda, das ist das achtzehnte Jahr Nebukadrezars.

Geremia 32:1
La parola che fu rivolta a Geremia dall’Eterno nel decimo anno di Sedekia, re di Giuda, che fu l’anno diciottesimo di Nebucadnetsar.

LA parola che fu dal Signore indirizzata a Geremia, nell’anno decimo di Sedechia, re di Giuda, che fu l’anno diciottesimo di Nebucadnesar;

Bermula, maka inilah firman yang telah datang dari pada Tuhan kepada Yermia pada tahun yang kesepuluh dari pada kerajaan Zedekia, raja Yehuda, yaitu pada tahun yang kedelapan belas dari pada kerajaan Nebukadnezar.

예레미아 32:1
유다 왕 시드기야의 제 십년 곧 느부갓네살의 제 십 팔년에 여호와의 말씀이 예레미야에게 임하니라

Ieremias 32:1
verbum quod factum est ad Hieremiam a Domino in anno decimo Sedeciae regis Iuda ipse est annus octavusdecimus Nabuchodonosor

Jeremijo knyga 32:1
Dešimtaisiais Judo karaliaus Zedekijo metais Viešpats kalbėjo Jeremijui. Tai buvo aštuonioliktieji Nebukadnecaro metai.

Jeremiah 32:1
Ko te kupu i puta mai ki a Heremaia, he mea na Ihowa, i te tekau o nga tau o Terekia kingi o Hura, ara i te tekau ma waru o nga tau o Nepukareha.

Jeremias 32:1
Dette er det ord som kom til Jeremias fra Herren i Judas konge Sedekias' tiende år, det er Nebukadnesars attende år.

Jeremías 32:1
Palabra que vino a Jeremías de parte del SEÑOR en el año décimo de Sedequías, rey de Judá, que fue el año dieciocho de Nabucodonosor.

Palabra que vino a Jeremías de parte del SEÑOR en el año décimo de Sedequías, rey de Judá, que fue el año dieciocho de Nabucodonosor.

Palabra de Jehová que vino a Jeremías, el año décimo de Sedequías rey de Judá, que fue el año decimoctavo de Nabucodonosor.

PALABRA que fué á Jeremías, de Jehová el año décimo de Sedechîas rey de Judá, que fué el año décimo octavo de Nabucodonosor.

Palabra que vino a Jeremías, del SEÑOR el año décimo de Sedequías rey de Judá, que fue el año decimooctavo de Nabucodonosor.

Jeremias 32:1
Esta é a Palavra que veio a Jeremias da parte de Yahweh, no décimo ano de Zedequias, rei de Judá, no décimo oitavo ano de Nabucodonosor.

A palavra que veio a Jeremias da parte do Senhor, no ano décimo de Zedequias, rei de Judá, o qual foi o ano dezoito de Nabucodonozor.   

Ieremia 32:1
Iată cuvîntul spus lui Ieremia din partea Domnului, în al zecilea an al lui Zedechia, împăratul lui Iuda. -Acesta era anul al optsprezecelea al lui Nebucadneţar.

Иеремия 32:1
Слово, которое было от Господа к Иеремии в десятый год Седекии, царя Иудейского; этот год был восемнадцатым годом Навуходоносора.

Слово, которое было от Господа к Иеремии в десятый год Седекии, царя Иудейского; этот год был восемнадцатым годом Навуходоносора.[]

Jeremia 32:1
Detta är det ord som från HERREN kom till Jeremia i Sidkias, Juda konungs, tionde regeringsår, vilket var Nebukadressars adertonde regeringsår.

Jeremiah 32:1
Ang salita na dumating kay Jeremias na mula sa Panginoon nang ikasangpung taon ni Sedechias na hari sa Juda na siyang ikalabing walong taon ni Nabucodonosor.

เยเรมีย์ 32:1
พระวจนะซึ่งมาจากพระเยโฮวาห์ถึงเยเรมีย์ในปีที่สิบแห่งเศเดคียาห์กษัตริย์ของยูดาห์ ซึ่งเป็นปีที่สิบแปดของเนบูคัดเนสซาร์

Yeremya 32:1
Yahuda Kralı Sidkiyanın onuncu, Nebukadnessarın on sekizinci yılında RAB Yeremyaya seslendi.[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 32:1
Năm thứ mười về đời vua Sê-đê-kia nước Giu-đa, có lời Ðức Giê-hô-va phán cho Giê-rê-mi. Ấy là năm thứ mười tám về đời vua Nê-bu-cát-nết-sa.

Jeremiah 31:40
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