Jeremiah 25:11
Jeremiah 25:11
This whole country will become a desolate wasteland, and these nations will serve the king of Babylon seventy years.

This entire land will become a desolate wasteland. Israel and her neighboring lands will serve the king of Babylon for seventy years.

This whole land shall become a ruin and a waste, and these nations shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years.

'This whole land will be a desolation and a horror, and these nations will serve the king of Babylon seventy years.

And this whole land shall be a desolation, and an astonishment; and these nations shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years.

This whole land will become a desolate ruin, and these nations will serve the king of Babylon for 70 years.

This entire land will be a desolation and a waste, and these nations will serve the king of Babylon for seventy years.

This whole area will become a desolate wasteland. These nations will be subject to the king of Babylon for seventy years.'

This whole land will be ruined and become a wasteland. These nations will serve the king of Babylon for 70 years.

And this whole land shall be a desolation and an astonishment; and these Gentiles shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years.

And this whole land shall be a desolation, and an astonishment; and these nations shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years.

And this whole land shall be a desolation, and an astonishment; and these nations shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years.

And this whole land shall be a desolation, and an astonishment; and these nations shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years.

And all this land shall be a desolation, and an astonishment: and all these nations shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years.

And this whole land shall become a waste, an astonishment; and these nations shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years.

And this whole land shall be a desolation, and an astonishment; and these nations shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years.

And this whole land shall be a desolation, and an astonishment; and these nations shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years.

This whole land shall be a desolation, and an astonishment; and these nations shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years.

And all this land hath been for a waste, for an astonishment, and these nations have served the king of Babylon seventy years.

Jeremia 25:11
Tërë ky vend do të bëhet një shkreti dhe një objekt habie dhe këta kombe do t'i shërbejnë mbretit të Babilonisë shtatëdhjetë vjet me radhë".

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 25:11
وتصير كل هذه الارض خرابا ودهشا وتخدم هذه الشعوب ملك بابل سبعين سنة

Dyr Ierymies 25:11
Dös gantze Land daader werd ayn trauriger, verlaassner Trümmerhauffen; und allsand Dietn daader werdnd für sibzg Jaar yn n Bäbler Künig seine Untertaanen.

Еремия 25:11
И цялата тая земя ще бъде пуста и за учудване; и тия народи ще робуват на вавилонския цар седемдесет години.

耶 利 米 書 25:11
這 全 地 必 然 荒 涼 , 令 人 驚 駭 。 這 些 國 民 要 服 事 巴 比 倫 王 七 十 年 。

这 全 地 必 然 荒 凉 , 令 人 惊 骇 。 这 些 国 民 要 服 事 巴 比 伦 王 七 十 年 。



Jeremiah 25:11
Sva će se zemlja pretvoriti u pustoš i pustinju i svi će narodi služiti kralju babilonskom sedamdeset godina.

Jermiáše 25:11
I bude všecka země tato pustinou a pouští, a sloužiti budou národové tito králi Babylonskému sedmdesáte let.

Jeremias 25:11
og hele dette Land skal blive til Ørk og Øde, og disse Folkeslag skal trælle for Babels Konge i halvfjerdsindstyve Aar.

Jeremia 25:11
En dit ganse land zal worden tot een woestheid, tot een ontzetting; en deze volken zullen den koning van Babel dienen zeventig jaren.

ירמיה 25:11
וְהָֽיְתָה֙ כָּל־הָאָ֣רֶץ הַזֹּ֔את לְחָרְבָּ֖ה לְשַׁמָּ֑ה וְעָ֨בְד֜וּ הַגֹּויִ֥ם הָאֵ֛לֶּה אֶת־מֶ֥לֶךְ בָּבֶ֖ל שִׁבְעִ֥ים שָׁנָֽה׃

יא והיתה כל הארץ הזאת לחרבה לשמה ועבדו הגוים האלה את מלך בבל--שבעים שנה

והיתה כל־הארץ הזאת לחרבה לשמה ועבדו הגוים האלה את־מלך בבל שבעים שנה׃

Jeremiás 25:11
És ez egész föld pusztasággá és csudává lészen, és e nemzetek a babiloni királynak szolgálnak hetven esztendeig.

Jeremia 25:11
Kaj cxi tiu tuta lando farigxos ruino kaj dezerto; kaj tiuj nacioj servos al la regxo de Babel dum sepdek jaroj.

Että kaikki tämä maa pitää kylmillä ja hävitettynä oleman, ja nämät kansat pitää Babelin kuningasta palveleman seitsemänkymmentä ajastaikaa.

Jérémie 25:11
Et tout ce pays sera un désert, une désolation; et ces nations serviront le roi de Babylone soixante-dix ans.

Tout ce pays deviendra une ruine, un désert, et ces nations seront asservies au roi de Babylone pendant soixante-dix ans.

Et tout ce pays sera un désert, jusqu’à s'en étonner, et ces nations seront asservies au Roi de Babylone soixante-dix ans.

Jeremia 25:11
daß dies ganze Land wüst und zerstöret liegen soll. Und sollen diese Völker dem Könige zu Babel dienen siebenzig Jahre.

daß dies ganze Land wüst und zerstört liegen soll. Und sollen diese Völker dem König zu Babel dienen siebzig Jahre.

Dieses ganze Land aber soll zur Wüstenei, zur Einöde werden, und es sollen diese Völker dem Könige von Babel dienstbar sein siebzig Jahre lang.

Geremia 25:11
E tutto questo paese sarà ridotto in una solitudine e in una desolazione, e queste nazioni serviranno il re di Babilonia per settant’anni.

E tutto questo paese sarà ridotto in deserto, e in desolazione; e queste genti serviranno al re di Babilonia settant’anni.

Maka segenap negeri ini akan menjadi suatu kerobohan batu dan kerusakan, dan segala bangsa ini akan diperhamba oleh raja Babil tujuh puluh tahun lamanya.

예레미아 25:11
이 온 땅이 황폐하여 놀램이 될 것이며 이 나라들은 칠십 년 동안 바벨론 왕을 섬기리라

Ieremias 25:11
et erit universa terra eius in solitudinem et in stuporem et servient omnes gentes istae regi Babylonis septuaginta annis

Jeremijo knyga 25:11
Visas kraštas pavirs baisia dykuma, ir šios tautos tarnaus Babilono karaliui septyniasdešimt metų.

Jeremiah 25:11
A ka waiho tenei whenua katoa hei ururua, hei keteketenga; a ka mahi enei iwi ki te kingi o Papurona, e whitu tekau tau.

Jeremias 25:11
Og hele dette land skal bli til en ørken, til en ødemark, og disse folkeslag skal tjene Babels konge i sytti år.

Jeremías 25:11
``Toda esta tierra será desolación y horror, y estas naciones servirán al rey de Babilonia setenta años.

'Toda esta tierra será desolación y horror, y estas naciones servirán setenta años al rey de Babilonia.

Y toda esta tierra será puesta en desolación y en espanto; y servirán estas naciones al rey de Babilonia setenta años.

Y toda esta tierra será puesta en soledad, en espanto; y servirán estas gentes al rey de Babilonia setenta años.

Y toda esta tierra será puesta en soledad, en espanto; y servirán estos gentiles al rey de Babilonia setenta años.

Jeremias 25:11
Toda esta terra se transformará em um monte de entulho e tristeza; e estas nações servirão ao rei da Babilônia por um período de setenta anos.

E toda esta terra virá a ser uma desolação e um espanto; e estas nações servirão ao rei de Babilônia setenta anos.   

Ieremia 25:11
Toată ţara aceasta va fi o paragină, un pustiu, şi neamurile acestea vor fi supuse împăratului Babilonului timp de şaptezeci de ani.

Иеремия 25:11
И вся земля эта будет пустынею и ужасом; и народы сии будут служить царю Вавилонскому семьдесят лет.

И вся земля эта будет пустынею и ужасом; и народы сии будут служить царю Вавилонскому семьдесят лет.[]

Jeremia 25:11
Ja, hela detta land skall bliva ödelagt och förött, och dessa folk skola vara Babels konung underdåniga i sjuttio år.

Jeremiah 25:11
At ang buong lupaing ito ay magiging sira, at katigilan; at ang mga bansang ito ay maglilingkod sa hari sa Babilonia na pitong pung taon.

เยเรมีย์ 25:11
แผ่นดินนี้ทั้งสิ้นจะเป็นที่รกร้างและที่น่าตกตะลึง และประชาชาติเหล่านี้จะปรนนิบัติกษัตริย์กรุงบาบิโลนอยู่เจ็ดสิบปี'

Yeremya 25:11
Bütün ülke bir virane, dehşet verici bir yer olacak. Bu uluslar Babil Kralına yetmiş yıl kulluk edecekler.[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 25:11
Cả đất nầy sẽ trở nên hoang vu gở lạ, các nước nầy sẽ phục sự vua Ba-by-lôn trong bảy mươi năm.

Jeremiah 25:10
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