Jeremiah 21:4
Jeremiah 21:4
This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: I am about to turn against you the weapons of war that are in your hands, which you are using to fight the king of Babylon and the Babylonians who are outside the wall besieging you. And I will gather them inside this city.

This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: I will make your weapons useless against the king of Babylon and the Babylonians who are outside your walls attacking you. In fact, I will bring your enemies right into the heart of this city.

‘Thus says the LORD, the God of Israel: Behold, I will turn back the weapons of war that are in your hands and with which you are fighting against the king of Babylon and against the Chaldeans who are besieging you outside the walls. And I will bring them together into the midst of this city.

'Thus says the LORD God of Israel, "Behold, I am about to turn back the weapons of war which are in your hands, with which you are warring against the king of Babylon and the Chaldeans who are besieging you outside the wall; and I will gather them into the center of this city.

Thus saith the LORD God of Israel; Behold, I will turn back the weapons of war that are in your hands, wherewith ye fight against the king of Babylon, and against the Chaldeans, which besiege you without the walls, and I will assemble them into the midst of this city.

'This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: I will repel the weapons of war in your hands, those you are using to fight the king of Babylon and the Chaldeans who are besieging you outside the wall, and I will bring them into the center of this city.

This is what the LORD God of Israel says: "I'm about to turn against you the weapons of war that are in your hands and with which you are fighting the king of Babylon and the Chaldeans who are besieging you outside the walls. I'll gather them into the center of this city.

that the LORD, the God of Israel, says, 'The forces at your disposal are now outside the walls fighting against King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon and the Babylonians who have you under siege. I will gather those forces back inside the city.

'This is what the LORD God of Israel says: I'm going to take your weapons away from you. You are using these weapons to fight the king of Babylon as well as the Babylonians who are now blockading you outside the wall. I will bring the Babylonians inside this city.

Thus hath the LORD God of Israel said: Behold, I turn back the weapons of war that are in your hands with which ye fight against the king of Babylon and against the Chaldeans, which besiege you outside the walls, and I will assemble them into the midst of this city.

Thus says the LORD God of Israel; Behold, I will turn back the weapons of war that are in your hands, with which you fight against the king of Babylon, and against the Chaldeans, who besiege you outside the walls, and I will assemble them into the midst of this city.

Thus said the LORD God of Israel; Behold, I will turn back the weapons of war that are in your hands, with which you fight against the king of Babylon, and against the Chaldeans, which besiege you without the walls, and I will assemble them into the middle of this city.

Thus saith Jehovah, the God of Israel, Behold, I will turn back the weapons of war that are in your hands, wherewith ye fight against the king of Babylon, and against the Chaldeans that besiege you, without the walls; and I will gather them into the midst of this city.

Thus saith the Lord, the God of Israel: Behold I will turn back the weapons of war that are in your hands, with which you fight against the king of Babylon, and the Chaldeans, that besiege you round about the walls: and I will gather them together in the midst of this city.

Thus saith Jehovah the God of Israel: Behold, I will turn back the weapons of war that are in your hands, with which ye fight against the king of Babylon, and against the Chaldeans who besiege you, outside the walls, and I will assemble them into the midst of this city.

Thus saith the LORD, the God of Israel, Behold, I will turn back the weapons of war that are in your hands; wherewith ye fight against the king of Babylon, and against the Chaldeans which besiege you, without the walls, and I will gather them into the midst of this city.

Thus saith the LORD God of Israel; Behold, I will turn back the weapons of war that are in your hands, with which ye fight against the king of Babylon, and against the Chaldeans, who besiege you without the walls, and I will assemble them into the midst of this city.

Thus says Yahweh, the God of Israel, Behold, I will turn back the weapons of war that are in your hands, with which you fight against the king of Babylon, and against the Chaldeans who besiege you, without the walls; and I will gather them into the midst of this city.

Thus said Jehovah, God of Israel: Lo, I am turning round the weapons of battle That are in your hand, With which ye do fight the king of Babylon, And the Chaldeans, who are laying siege against you, At the outside of the wall, And I have gathered them into the midst of this city,

Jeremia 21:4
Kështu thotë Zoti, Perëndia i Izraelit: Ja, unë do të bëj që të tërhiqen armët e luftës që janë në duart tuaja, me të cilat po luftoni kundër mbretit të Babilonisë, kundër Kaldeasve që ju rrethojnë jashtë mureve, dhe do t'i grumbulloj në mes të këtij qyteti.

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 21:4
هكذا قال الرب اله اسرائيل. هانذا ارد ادوات الحرب التي بيدكم التي انتم محاربون بها ملك بابل والكلدانيين الذين يحاصرونكم خارج السور واجمعهم في وسط هذه المدينة.

Dyr Ierymies 21:4
Yso spricht dyr Trechtein, dyr Got von Isryheel: Ös kömpftß ja ietzet draussterhalb dyr Mauer gögn önn Bäbler Künig und de Kaldauer, wo enk belögernd. Aber i sag s enk, i hilf aft zo +ien und laaß s aau eyn d Stat einher!

Еремия 21:4
Така казва Господ Израилевият Бог: Ето, Аз ще обърна назад военните оръжия, които са в ръцете ви, с които се биете против вавилонския цар и халдейците, които ви обсаждат извън стените; и Аз ще ги събера всред тоя град.

耶 利 米 書 21:4
耶 和 華 ─ 以 色 列 的   神 如 此 說 : 我 要 使 你 們 手 中 的 兵 器 , 就 是 你 們 在 城 外 與 巴 比 倫 王 和 圍 困 你 們 的 迦 勒 底 人 打 仗 的 兵 器 翻 轉 過 來 , 又 要 使 這 些 都 聚 集 在 這 城 中 。

耶 和 华 ─ 以 色 列 的   神 如 此 说 : 我 要 使 你 们 手 中 的 兵 器 , 就 是 你 们 在 城 外 与 巴 比 伦 王 和 围 困 你 们 的 迦 勒 底 人 打 仗 的 兵 器 翻 转 过 来 , 又 要 使 这 些 都 聚 集 在 这 城 中 。



Jeremiah 21:4
Ovako govori Jahve, Bog Izraelov: 'Povući ću oružje koje je u vašim rukama, kojim se borite protiv kralja babilonskoga i Kaldejaca što vas napadaju izvan zidina, i skupiti ga usred ovoga grada.

Jermiáše 21:4
Takto praví Hospodin Bůh Izraelský: Aj, já odvrátím nástroje válečné, kteréž jsou v rukou vašich, jimiž vy bojujete proti králi Babylonskému a Kaldejským, kteříž oblehli vás vně za zdí, a shromáždím je do prostřed města tohoto.

Jeremias 21:4
Saa siger HERREN, Israels Gud: Se, Vaabnene i eders Haand, med hvilke I uden for Muren kæmper mod Babels Konge og Kaldæerne, der belejrer eder, dem driver jeg tilbage og samler dem midt i denne By;

Jeremia 21:4
Zo zegt de HEERE, de God Israels: Ziet, Ik zal de krijgswapenen omwenden, die in ulieder hand zijn, met dewelke gij strijdt tegen den koning van Babel en tegen de Chaldeen, die u belegeren, van buiten aan den muur; en Ik zal ze verzamelen in het midden van deze stad.

ירמיה 21:4
כֹּֽה־אָמַ֨ר יְהוָ֜ה אֱלֹהֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֗ל הִנְנִ֣י מֵסֵב֮ אֶת־כְּלֵ֣י הַמִּלְחָמָה֮ אֲשֶׁ֣ר בְּיֶדְכֶם֒ אֲשֶׁ֨ר אַתֶּ֜ם נִלְחָמִ֣ים בָּ֗ם אֶת־מֶ֤לֶךְ בָּבֶל֙ וְאֶת־הַכַּשְׂדִּ֔ים הַצָּרִ֣ים עֲלֵיכֶ֔ם מִח֖וּץ לַֽחֹומָ֑ה וְאָסַפְתִּ֣י אֹותָ֔ם אֶל־תֹּ֖וךְ הָעִ֥יר הַזֹּֽאת׃

ד כה אמר יהוה אלהי ישראל הנני מסב את כלי המלחמה אשר בידכם אשר אתם נלחמים בם את מלך בבל ואת הכשדים הצרים עליכם מחוץ לחומה ואספתי אותם אל תוך העיר הזאת

כה־אמר יהוה אלהי ישראל הנני מסב את־כלי המלחמה אשר בידכם אשר אתם נלחמים בם את־מלך בבל ואת־הכשדים הצרים עליכם מחוץ לחומה ואספתי אותם אל־תוך העיר הזאת׃

Jeremiás 21:4
Így szól az Úr, Izráel Istene: Ímé, én elfordítok minden hadi szerszámot, a melyek a ti kezeitekben vannak, a melyekkel ti a babiloni király ellen és a Kaldeusok ellen viaskodtok, a kik kivül a kõfalon ostromolnak titeket, és begyûjtöm õket e városnak közepébe;

Jeremia 21:4
Tiele diras la Eternulo, Dio de Izrael:Jen Mi returnos la batalilojn, kiuj estas en viaj manoj kaj per kiuj vi batalas kontraux la regxo de Babel, kaj kontraux la HXaldeoj, kiuj siegxas vin ekstere de la murego, kaj Mi kolektos ilin meze de cxi tiu urbo.

Näin sanoo Herra, Israelin Jumala: katso, minä tahdon kääntää ne sota-aseet takaperin, jotka teidän käsissänne ovat, joilla te soditte Babelin kuningasta vastaan ja Kaldealaisia vastaan, jotka teidän muurinne piirittäneet ovat ympäri, ja tahdon heitä koota keskelle kaupunkia kokoon.

Jérémie 21:4
Ainsi dit l'Éternel, le Dieu d'Israël: Voici, je retourne en arrière les instruments de guerre qui sont en vos mains, avec lesquels vous combattez en dehors des murailles contre le roi de Babylone et contre les Chaldéens qui vous assiègent, et je les rassemblerai au dedans de cette ville.

Ainsi parle l'Eternel, le Dieu d'Israël: Voici, je vais détourner les armes de guerre qui sont dans vos mains, et avec lesquelles vous combattez en dehors des murailles le roi de Babylone et les Chaldéens qui vous assiègent, et je les rassemblerai au milieu de cette ville.

Ainsi a dit l'Eternel, le Dieu d'Israël : voici, je m'en vais faire retourner de dehors la muraille les instruments de guerre qui sont en vos mains, avec lesquels vous combattez contre le Roi de Babylone et contre les Caldéens qui vous assiègent, et je les ramasserai au milieu de cette ville.

Jeremia 21:4
Das spricht der HERR, der Gott Israels: Siehe, ich will die Waffen zurückwenden, die ihr in euren Händen habt, damit ihr streitet wider den König zu Babel und wider die Chaldäer, welche euch draußen an der Mauer belagert haben, und will sie zuhauf sammeln mitten in der Stadt.

Das spricht der Herr, der Gott Israels: Siehe, ich will die Waffen zurückwenden, die ihr in euren Händen habt, womit ihr streitet wider den König zu Babel und wider die Chaldäer, welche euch draußen an der Mauer belagert haben; und will sie zuhauf sammeln mitten in dieser Stadt.

So spricht Jahwe, der Gott Israels: Fürwahr, ich will die Kriegswaffen in eurer Hand, mit denen ihr den König von Babel und die Chaldäer, die euch bedrängen, außerhalb der Stadtmauer bekämpft, umwenden und ins Innere dieser Stadt zusammenziehen,

Geremia 21:4
Così parla l’Eterno, l’Iddio d’Israele: Ecco, io sto per far rientrare nella città le armi di guerra che sono nelle vostre mani e con le quali voi combattete, fuori delle mura, contro il re di Babilonia, e contro i Caldei che vi assediano, e le raccoglierò in mezzo a questa città.

Il Signore Iddio d’Israele ha detto così: Ecco, io fo rivolgere indietro gli strumenti bellici, che son nelle vostre mani, co’ quali voi combattete contro al re di Babilonia, e contro ai Caldei, che vi assediano di fuori delle mura; e li raccoglierò in mezzo di questa città.

Demikianlah firman Tuhan, Allah orang Israel: Bahwasanya Aku akan memalingkan segala senjata perang yang pada tanganmu, yang kamu pakai akan berperang dengan raja Babil dan dengan segala orang Kasdim, yang mengepung kamu di luar dewala, dan Aku akan mengumpulkan mereka itu ke pertengahan negeri ini.

예레미아 21:4
이스라엘의 하나님 여호와께서 이같이 말씀하시되 보라, 너희가 성밖에서 바벨론 왕과 또 너희를 에운 갈대아인과 싸우는바 너희 손에 가진 병기를 내가 돌이킬 것이요 그들을 이 성중에 모아 들이리라

Ieremias 21:4
haec dicit Dominus Deus Israhel ecce ego convertam vasa belli quae in manibus vestris sunt et quibus vos pugnatis adversum regem Babylonis et Chaldeos qui obsident vos in circuitu murorum et congregabo ea in medio civitatis huius

Jeremijo knyga 21:4
‘Viešpats, Izraelio Dievas, sako: ‘Aš apgręšiu kovos ginklus jūsų rankose, kuriais kariaujate prieš Babilono karalių ir chaldėjus, jus apgulusius, ir juos surinksiu viduryje šio miesto.

Jeremiah 21:4
Ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa, a te Atua o Iharaira, Nana, ka whakahokia atu e ahau nga patu mo te whawhai i o koutou ringa, mo ta koutou whawhai ki te kingi o Papurona, ki nga Karari, e whakapae nei i a koutou i waho o te taiepa, ka huihuia hoki rato u e ahau ki waenganui o tenei pa.

Jeremias 21:4
Så sier Herren, Israels Gud: Se, jeg vender om de krigsvåben som er i eders hånd, og som I strider med utenfor muren mot Babels konge og mot kaldeerne, som har kringsatt eder, og jeg vil samle dem midt i denne by.

Jeremías 21:4
``Así dice el SEÑOR, Dios de Israel: `He aquí, yo haré volver atrás las armas de guerra que tenéis en vuestras manos, con las cuales peleáis contra el rey de Babilonia y contra los caldeos que os sitian fuera de los muros, y las reuniré en medio de esta ciudad.

'Así dice el SEÑOR, Dios de Israel: "Yo haré volver atrás las armas de guerra que ustedes tienen en sus manos, con las cuales pelean contra el rey de Babilonia y contra los Caldeos que los sitian fuera de los muros, y las reuniré en medio de esta ciudad.

Así dice Jehová Dios de Israel: He aquí yo vuelvo atrás las armas de guerra que están en vuestras manos, con las cuales vosotros peleáis contra el rey de Babilonia y contra los caldeos, que os tienen sitiados fuera de la muralla, y yo los reuniré en medio de esta ciudad.

Así ha dicho Jehová Dios de Israel: He aquí yo vuelvo las armas de guerra que están en vuestras manos, y con que vosotros peleáis con el rey de Babilonia; y los Caldeos que os tienen cercados fuera de la muralla, yo los juntaré en medio de esta ciudad.

Así dijo el SEÑOR Dios de Israel: He aquí yo vuelvo atrás las armas de guerra que están en vuestras manos, y con que vosotros peleáis con el rey de Babilonia; y los caldeos que os tienen cercados fuera de la muralla, yo los juntaré en medio de esta ciudad.

Jeremias 21:4
Assim diz Yahweh, o Deus de Israel: ‘Estou muito próximo de ordenar que se voltem contra vós todas as armas de guerra que estão em suas próprias mãos, as quais estais usando para lutar contra o rei da Babilônia e os caldeus, esse povo babilônico que vos cercou do lado de fora do muro. E Eu os reunirei dentro desta cidade,

Assim diz o Senhor, o Deus de Israel: Eis que virarei contra vos as armas de guerra, que estão nas vossas mãos, com que vós pelejais contra o rei de Babilônia e contra os caldeus, que vos estão sitiando ao redor dos muros, e ajuntá-los-ei no meio desta cidade.   

Ieremia 21:4
,Aşa vorbeşte Domnul, Dumnezeul lui Israel: ,Iată, voi întoarce armele de război cari sînt în mînile voastre, şi cu cari vă luptaţi în afară de ziduri, împotriva împăratului Babilonului şi împotriva Haldeilor cari vă împresoară, şi le voi strînge în mijlocul cetăţii acesteia.

Иеремия 21:4
так говорит Господь, Бог Израилев: вот, Я обращу назад воинские орудия, которые в руках ваших, которыми вы сражаетесь с царем Вавилонским и с Халдеями, осаждающими вас вне стены, и соберу оные посреди города сего;

так говорит Господь, Бог Израилев: вот, Я обращу назад воинские орудия, которые в руках ваших, которыми вы сражаетесь с царем Вавилонским и с Халдеями, осаждающими вас вне стены, и соберу оные посреди города сего;[]

Jeremia 21:4
Så säger HERREN, Israels Gud Se, de vapen i eder hand, med vilka I utanför muren striden mot konungen i Babel och kaldéerna, som belägra eder, dem skall jag vända om och skall famla dem inne i denna stad.

Jeremiah 21:4
Ganito ang sabi ng Panginoon, ng Dios ng Israel, Narito, ibabalik ko ang mga almas na pangdigma na nangasa inyong mga kamay, na inyong ipinakikipaglaban sa hari sa Babilonia, at laban sa mga Caldeo na kinukubkob ninyo sa labas ng mga kuta, at aking pipisanin sa gitna ng bayang ito.

เยเรมีย์ 21:4
`พระเยโฮวาห์พระเจ้าแห่งอิสราเอลตรัสดังนี้ว่า ดูเถิด เราจะหันกลับซึ่งยุทโธปกรณ์อันอยู่ในมือของเจ้า และซึ่งเจ้าใช้สู้รบกับกษัตริย์แห่งบาบิโลนและกับชนเคลเดียซึ่งกำลังล้อมเจ้าอยู่นอกกำแพง และเราจะรวบรวมมันมาไว้ในใจกลางเมืองนี้

Yeremya 21:4
‹İsrailin Tanrısı RAB şöyle diyor: Surların dışında sizi kuşatan Babil Kralı ve Kildanilerle savaşmakta kullandığınız silahları size karşı çevireceğim; hepsini bu kentin ortasına toplayacağım.[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 21:4
Giê-hô-va Ðức Chúa Trời của Y-sơ-ra-ên, phán như vầy: Nầy, những binh khí trong tay các ngươi đương cầm để đánh đuổi vua Ba-by-lôn và người Canh-đê hiện vây các ngươi ở ngoài tường thành, thì ta sẽ khiến lui về, và thâu lại vào giữa thành nầy.

Jeremiah 21:3
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