Jeremiah 20:5
Jeremiah 20:5
I will deliver all the wealth of this city into the hands of their enemies--all its products, all its valuables and all the treasures of the kings of Judah. They will take it away as plunder and carry it off to Babylon.

And I will let your enemies plunder Jerusalem. All the famed treasures of the city--the precious jewels and gold and silver of your kings--will be carried off to Babylon.

Moreover, I will give all the wealth of the city, all its gains, all its prized belongings, and all the treasures of the kings of Judah into the hand of their enemies, who shall plunder them and seize them and carry them to Babylon.

'I will also give over all the wealth of this city, all its produce and all its costly things; even all the treasures of the kings of Judah I will give over to the hand of their enemies, and they will plunder them, take them away and bring them to Babylon.

Moreover I will deliver all the strength of this city, and all the labours thereof, and all the precious things thereof, and all the treasures of the kings of Judah will I give into the hand of their enemies, which shall spoil them, and take them, and carry them to Babylon.

I will give away all the wealth of this city, all its products and valuables. Indeed, I will hand all the treasures of the kings of Judah over to their enemies. They will plunder them, seize them, and carry them off to Babylon.

I'll turn over all the wealth of this city, all its possessions, all its valuables, and all the treasures of the kings of Judah right into the hands of their enemies, and they'll plunder them, capture them, and take them to Babylon.

I will hand over all the wealth of this city to their enemies. I will hand over to them all the fruits of the labor of the people of this city and all their prized possessions, as well as all the treasures of the kings of Judah. Their enemies will seize it all as plunder and carry it off to Babylon.

I will hand all the riches of this city over to their enemies. This will include all its produce, all its valuables, and all the treasures of the kings of Judah. Their enemies will loot them, take them away, and bring them to Babylon.

Moreover I will deliver all the strength of this city and all its labours and all its precious things and all the treasures of the kings of Judah I will give into the hand of their enemies, who shall spoil them and take them and carry them to Babylon.

Moreover I will deliver all the strength of this city, and all its labors, and all its precious things, and all the treasures of the kings of Judah will I give into the hand of their enemies, which shall plunder them, and take them, and carry them to Babylon.

Moreover I will deliver all the strength of this city, and all the labors thereof, and all the precious things thereof, and all the treasures of the kings of Judah will I give into the hand of their enemies, which shall spoil them, and take them, and carry them to Babylon.

Moreover I will give all the riches of this city, and all the gains thereof, and all the precious things thereof, yea, all the treasures of the kings of Judah will I give into the hand of their enemies; and they shall make them a prey, and take them, and carry them to Babylon.

And I will give all the substance of this city, and all its labour, and every precious thing thereof, and all the treasures of the kings of Juda will I give into the hands of their enemies: and they shall pillage them, and take them away, and carry them to Babylon.

And, I will give all the wealth of this city, and all its gains, and all its precious things, and all the treasures of the kings of Judah, will I give into the hand of their enemies; and they shall make them a prey, and take them, and carry them to Babylon.

Moreover I will give all the riches of this city, and all the gains thereof, and all the precious things thereof, yea, all the treasures of the kings of Judah will I give into the hand of their enemies, which shall spoil them, and take them, and carry them to Babylon.

Moreover I will deliver all the strength of this city, and all its labors, and all its precious things, and all the treasures of the kings of Judah will I give into the hand of their enemies, who shall pillage them, and take them, and carry them to Babylon.

Moreover I will give all the riches of this city, and all its gains, and all the precious things of it, yes, all the treasures of the kings of Judah will I give into the hand of their enemies; and they shall make them a prey, and take them, and carry them to Babylon.

And I have given all the strength of this city, And all its labour, and all its precious things, Yea, all the treasures of the kings of Judah I do give into the hand of their enemies, And they have spoiled them, and taken them, And have brought them into Babylon.

Jeremia 20:5
Përveç kësaj tërë pasuritë e këtij qyteti, tërë prodhimin e mundit të tij dhe të gjitha sendet e tij të çmuara, po, do t'i jap tërë thesaret e mbretërve të Judës në dorë të armiqve të tyre që do t'i plaçkisin, do t'i marrin dhe do t'i çojnë në Babiloni.

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 20:5
وادفع كل ثروة هذه المدينة وكل تعبها وكل مثمناتها وكل خزائن ملوك يهوذا ادفعها ليد اعدائهم فيغنمونها وياخذونها ويحضرونها الى بابل.

Dyr Ierymies 20:5
Aau dönn gantzn Bsiz von derer Stat, allss Kostbare und d Schätz von de Judauer Künig lifert i yn n Feind aus; der gaat allss raaubn und auf Bäbl abhin schlaipfen.

Еремия 20:5
При това, ще предам цялото богатство на тоя град, всичките му печалби, и всичките му скъпоценности, дори всичките съкровища на Юдовите царе ще предам в ръката на неприятелите им, които ще ги разграбят и ще ги вземат та ще ги занесат във Вавилон.

耶 利 米 書 20:5
並 且 我 要 將 這 城 中 的 一 切 貨 財 和 勞 碌 得 來 的 , 並 一 切 珍 寶 , 以 及 猶 大 君 王 所 有 的 寶 物 , 都 交 在 他 們 仇 敵 的 手 中 ; 仇 敵 要 當 作 掠 物 帶 到 巴 比 倫 去 。

并 且 我 要 将 这 城 中 的 一 切 货 财 和 劳 碌 得 来 的 , 并 一 切 珍 宝 , 以 及 犹 大 君 王 所 有 的 宝 物 , 都 交 在 他 们 仇 敌 的 手 中 ; 仇 敌 要 当 作 掠 物 带 到 巴 比 伦 去 。



Jeremiah 20:5
I sve bogatstvo ovoga grada, sav njegov trudom stečeni imetak i sve dragocjenosti te sve blago kraljeva judejskih predat ću u ruke neprijateljima. Oni će sve opljačkati, ugrabiti i u Babilon odnijeti.'

Jermiáše 20:5
Vydám i všelijaké bohatství města tohoto, a všecko úsilé jeho, i všelijakou věc drahou jeho, i všecky poklady králů Judských vydám v ruku nepřátel jejich, a rozchvátají je, i poberou je, a dovezou je do Babylona.

Jeremias 20:5
Og jeg giver alt denne Bys Gods og al dens Velstand og alle dens kostelige Ting og alle Judas Kongers Skatte i deres Fjenders Haand; de skal rane dem og tage dem og føre dem til Babel.

Jeremia 20:5
Ook zal Ik geven al het vermogen dezer stad, en al haar arbeid, en al haar kostelijkheid, en alle schatten der koningen van Juda, Ik zal ze geven in de hand hunner vijanden, die zullen ze roven, zullen ze nemen, en zullen ze brengen naar Babel.

ירמיה 20:5
וְנָתַתִּ֗י אֶת־כָּל־חֹ֙סֶן֙ הָעִ֣יר הַזֹּ֔את וְאֶת־כָּל־יְגִיעָ֖הּ וְאֶת־כָּל־יְקָרָ֑הּ וְאֵ֨ת כָּל־אֹוצְרֹ֜ות מַלְכֵ֣י יְהוּדָ֗ה אֶתֵּן֙ בְּיַ֣ד אֹֽיְבֵיהֶ֔ם וּבְזָזוּם֙ וּלְקָח֔וּם וֶהֱבִיא֖וּם בָּבֶֽלָה׃

ה ונתתי את כל חסן העיר הזאת ואת כל יגיעה ואת כל יקרה ואת כל אוצרות מלכי יהודה אתן ביד איביהם ובזזום ולקחום והביאום בבלה

ונתתי את־כל־חסן העיר הזאת ואת־כל־יגיעה ואת־כל־יקרה ואת כל־אוצרות מלכי יהודה אתן ביד איביהם ובזזום ולקחום והביאום בבלה׃

Jeremiás 20:5
És odaadom e városnak minden vagyonát és minden keresményét, és minden drágaságát, és Júda királyainak minden kincsét odaadom az õ ellenségeik kezébe, és elrabolják, elhurczolják és Babilonba viszik azokat.

Jeremia 20:5
Kaj la tutan havon de cxi tiu urbo kaj gxian tutan laborakiron kaj cxiujn gxiajn valorajxojn kaj cxiujn trezorojn de la regxoj de Judujo Mi transdonos en la manon de iliaj malamikoj, kiuj prirabos kaj prenos kaj forportos ilin en Babelon.

Ja minä olen antava kaiken tämän kaupungin kalun, ynnä kaiken hänen työnsä kanssa, ja kaikki kalliit kappaleet, ja kaiken Juudan kuningasten tavaran, tahdon minä antaa heidän vihollistensa käteen, niin että heidän pitää heitä ryöstämän, ottaman pois ja viemän Babeliin.

Jérémie 20:5
Et je livrerai toutes les richesses de cette ville et tout son travail, et tout ce qu'elle a de précieux, et tous les trésors des rois de Juda, je les livrerai en la main de leurs ennemis; et ils les pilleront, et les prendront, et les emporteront à Babylone.

Je livrerai toutes les richesses de cette ville, tout le produit de son travail, tout ce qu'elle a de précieux, je livrerai tous les trésors des rois de Juda entre les mains de leurs ennemis, qui les pilleront, les enlèveront et les transporteront à Babylone.

Et je livrerai toutes les richesses de cette ville, et tout son travail, et tout ce qu'elle a de précieux, je livrerai, dis-je, tous les trésors des Rois de Juda, entre les mains de leurs ennemis, qui les pilleront, les enlèveront, et les emporteront à Babylone.

Jeremia 20:5
Auch will ich alle Güter dieser Stadt samt allem, das sie gearbeitet, und alle Kleinode und alle Schätze der Könige Judas in ihrer Feinde Hand geben, daß sie dieselbigen rauben, nehmen und gen Babel bringen.

Auch will ich alle Güter dieser Stadt samt allem, was sie gearbeitet und alle Kleinode und alle Schätze der Könige Juda's in ihrer Feinde Hand geben, daß sie dieselben rauben, nehmen und gen Babel bringen.

Dazu will ich alle Vorräte in dieser Stadt und alle ihre Habe und alle ihre Kostbarkeiten preisgeben, auch alle Schätze der Könige Judas will ich in die Gewalt ihrer Feinde überliefern: die sollen sie rauben und fortschleppen und nach Babel bringen.

Geremia 20:5
E darò tutte le ricchezze di questa città e tutto il suo guadagno e tutte le sue cose preziose, darò tutti i tesori dei re di Giuda in mano dei loro nemici che ne faranno lor preda, li piglieranno, e li porteranno via a Babilonia.

E darò tutte le ricchezze di questa città, e tutto il suo guadagno, e tutte le sue cose preziose; e insieme tutti i tesori dei re di Giuda in man dei lor nemici, i quali li prederanno, e li rapiranno, e li porteranno via in Babilonia.

Maka segala khazanah negeri ini dan segala kelelahan mereka itu dan segala barang-barangnya yang indah-indah dan segala harta benda raja-raja Yehuda akan Kuserahkan kepada tangan musuhnya, yang akan menjarah dia dan merampas dia dan membawa akan dia ke Babil.

예레미아 20:5
내가 또 이 성의 모든 부와 그 모든 소득과 그 모든 소득과 그 모든 귀물과 유다 왕들의 모든 보물을 그 원수의 손에 붙이리니 그들이 그것을 탈취하여 바벨론으로 가져가리라

Ieremias 20:5
et dabo universam substantiam civitatis huius et omnem laborem eius omneque pretium et cunctos thesauros regum Iuda dabo in manu inimicorum eorum et diripient eos et tollent et ducent in Babylonem

Jeremijo knyga 20:5
Aš atiduosiu visus šito miesto turtus, visas jo atsargas, brangenybes ir visus Judo karalių lobius į jų priešų rankas, kurie juos pasiims ir išgabens į Babiloną.

Jeremiah 20:5
Ka hoatu ano e ahau nga rawa katoa o tenei pa, me ana mea katoa i hua mai, me ana mea utu nui katoa, ae ra, me nga taonga katoa o nga kingi o Hura, ka hoatu e ahau ki te ringa o o ratou hoariri, a ka pahuatia e ratou, ka tangohia, ka maua hoki ki Papurona.

Jeremias 20:5
Og jeg vil gi alt godset i denne by og all dens eiendom og alle dens kostbarheter og alle Judas kongers skatter i deres fienders hånd, og de skal røve dem og ta dem og føre dem til Babel.

Jeremías 20:5
``También entregaré toda la riqueza de esta ciudad, todos sus productos y cosas de gran valor, y todos los tesoros de los reyes de Judá, en manos de sus enemigos, que los saquearán, los tomarán y se los llevarán a Babilonia.

'También entregaré toda la riqueza de esta ciudad, todos sus productos y todas las cosas de gran valor, aun todos los tesoros de los reyes de Judá, los entregaré en manos de sus enemigos, que los saquearán, los tomarán y se los llevarán a Babilonia.

Entregaré también toda la riqueza de esta ciudad, y todo su trabajo, y todas sus cosas preciosas; y daré todos los tesoros de los reyes de Judá en manos de sus enemigos, y los saquearán, y los tomarán, y los llevarán a Babilonia.

Entregaré asimismo toda la sustancia de esta ciudad, y todo su trabajo, y todas sus cosas preciosas; y daré todos los tesoros de los reyes de Judá en manos de sus enemigos, y los saquearán, y los tomarán, y llevaránlos á Babilonia.

Y daré toda la sustancia de esta ciudad, y todo su trabajo, y todas sus cosas preciosas; y todos los tesoros de los reyes de Judá daré en manos de sus enemigos, y los saquearán, y los tomarán, y los llevarán a Babilonia.

Jeremias 20:5
Eu entregarei nas mãos dos seus inimigos toda a riqueza desta cidade: toda a sua produção, todos os seus bens de valor e todos os tesouros dos reis de Judá. Levarão tudo como despojo para a Babilônia.

Também entregarei todas as riquezas desta cidade, todos os seus lucros, e todas as suas coisas preciosas, sim, todos os tesouros dos reis de Judá na mão de seus inimigos, que os saquearão e, tomando-os, os levarão a Babilônia.   

Ieremia 20:5
Toate bogăţiile cetăţii acesteia, tot rodul muncii ei, tot ce are ea mai scump, şi toate vistieriile împăraţilor lui Iuda le voi da în mîinile vrăjmaşilor lor; aceştia le vor jăfui, le vor lua şi le vor duce la Babilon.

Иеремия 20:5
И предам все богатство этого города и все стяжание его, и все драгоценности его; и все сокровища царей Иудейских отдам в руки врагов их, и разграбят их ивозьмут, и отправят их в Вавилон.

И предам все богатство этого города и все стяжание его, и все драгоценности его; и все сокровища царей Иудейских отдам в руки врагов их, и разграбят их и возьмут, и отправят их в Вавилон.[]

Jeremia 20:5
Och jag skall giva denna stads alla rikedomar, allt dess gods och alla dyrbarheter däri, ja, Juda konungars alla skatter skall jag giva i deras fienders hand; och de skola göra det till sitt byte och taga det och föra det till Babel.

Jeremiah 20:5
Bukod dito ay ibibigay ko ang lahat na kayamanan ng bayang ito, at ang lahat na pakinabang nito, at ang lahat na mahalagang bagay nito, oo, ang lahat na kayamanan ng mga hari sa Juda ay ibibigay ko sa kamay ng kanilang mga kaaway; na magsisisamsam sa kanila, at magsisihuli sa kanila, at mangagdadala sa kanila sa Babilonia.

เยเรมีย์ 20:5
ยิ่งกว่านั้นอีกเราจะยกความมั่งคั่งของเมืองนี้ ผลแรงงานทั้งสิ้นและของมีค่าทั้งสิ้นของเมืองนี้ และทรัพย์สมบัติทั้งสิ้นของบรรดากษัตริย์ของยูดาห์ไว้ในมือของศัตรูของเขาทั้งหลาย ผู้ซึ่งจะปล้นและฉุดคร่าและขนเอาเขาเหล่านั้นไปบาบิโลน

Yeremya 20:5
Bu kentin bütün zenginliğini -ürününü, değerli eşyalarını, Yahuda krallarının hazinelerini- düşmanlarının eline vereceğim. Hepsini yağmalayıp Babile götürecekler.[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 20:5
Ta lại sẽ phó mọi của cải thành nầy, cùng lợi đã làm ra, vật quí hiện có; thật, ta sẽ phó đồ châu báu của các vua Giu-đa trong tay kẻ thù nghịch, chúng nó sẽ lấy làm của cướp mà đem về Ba-by-lôn.

Jeremiah 20:4
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