Jeremiah 19:3
Jeremiah 19:3
and say, 'Hear the word of the LORD, you kings of Judah and people of Jerusalem. This is what the LORD Almighty, the God of Israel, says: Listen! I am going to bring a disaster on this place that will make the ears of everyone who hears of it tingle.

Say to them, 'Listen to this message from the LORD, you kings of Judah and citizens of Jerusalem! This is what the LORD of Heaven's Armies, the God of Israel, says: I will bring a terrible disaster on this place, and the ears of those who hear about it will ring!

You shall say, ‘Hear the word of the LORD, O kings of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem. Thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel: Behold, I am bringing such disaster upon this place that the ears of everyone who hears of it will tingle.

and say, 'Hear the word of the LORD, O kings of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem: thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, "Behold I am about to bring a calamity upon this place, at which the ears of everyone that hears of it will tingle.

And say, Hear ye the word of the LORD, O kings of Judah, and inhabitants of Jerusalem; Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will bring evil upon this place, the which whosoever heareth, his ears shall tingle.

Say: Hear the word of the LORD, kings of Judah and residents of Jerusalem. This is what the LORD of Hosts, the God of Israel, says: I am going to bring such disaster on this place that everyone who hears about it will shudder

"You are to say, 'Hear this message from the LORD, you kings of Judah and residents of Jerusalem! "'This is what the LORD of the Heavenly Armies, the God of Israel, says: "I'm about to bring a disaster on this place that will make the ears of all who hear about it tingle.

Say, 'Listen to what the LORD says, you kings of Judah and citizens of Jerusalem! The LORD God of Israel who rules over all says, "I will bring a disaster on this place that will make the ears of everyone who hears about it ring!

Say, "Listen to the word of the LORD, you kings of Judah and those who live in Jerusalem. This is what the LORD of Armies, the God of Israel, says: I'm going to bring such a disaster on this place that the ears of everyone who hears about it will ring.

Therefore thou shalt say, Hear ye the word of the LORD, O kings of Judah, and inhabitants of Jerusalem. Thus saith the LORD of the hosts, God of Israel: Behold, I bring evil upon this place, such that whoever hears of it, his ears shall tingle.

And say, Hear you the word of the LORD, O kings of Judah, and inhabitants of Jerusalem; Thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will bring such evil upon this place, that whosoever hears of it, his ears shall tingle.

And say, Hear you the word of the LORD, O kings of Judah, and inhabitants of Jerusalem; Thus said the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will bring evil on this place, the which whoever hears, his ears shall tingle.

and say, Hear ye the word of Jehovah, O kings of Judah, and inhabitants of Jerusalem: thus saith Jehovah of hosts, the God of Israel, Behold, I will bring evil upon this place, which whosoever heareth, his ears shall tingle.

And thou shalt say: Hear the word of the Lord, O ye kings of Juda, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem: Thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: Behold I will bring an affliction upon this place: so that whoever shall hear it, his ears shall tingle:

and say, Hear the word of Jehovah, O kings of Judah, and inhabitants of Jerusalem. Thus saith Jehovah of hosts, the God of Israel: Behold, I will bring evil upon this place, the which whosoever heareth, his ears shall tingle;

and say, Hear ye the word of the LORD, O kings of Judah, and inhabitants of Jerusalem; thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, Behold, I will bring evil upon this place, the which whosoever heareth, his ears shall tingle.

And say, Hear ye the word of the LORD, O kings of Judah, and inhabitants of Jerusalem; Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will bring evil upon this place, which whoever heareth, his ears shall tingle.

and say, Hear the word of Yahweh, kings of Judah, and inhabitants of Jerusalem: thus says Yahweh of Armies, the God of Israel, Behold, I will bring evil on this place, which whoever hears, his ears shall tingle.

and hast said, Hear a word of Jehovah, ye kings of Judah, and inhabitants of Jerusalem, Thus said Jehovah of Hosts, God of Israel: 'Lo, I am bringing in evil on this place, at which the ears of every one who is hearing it do tingle,

Jeremia 19:3
Do të thuash kështu: Dëgjoni fjalën e Zotit, o mbret i Judës dhe banorë të Jeruzalemit. Kështu thotë Zoti i ushtrive, Perëndia i Izraelit: Ja, unë do të sjell mbi këtë vend një fatkeqësi të tillë që do të bëjë të shungullojnë veshët e cilitdo që do ta dëgjojë,

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 19:3
وقل اسمعوا كلمة الرب يا ملوك يهوذا وسكان اورشليم. هكذا قال رب الجنود اله اسرائيل. هانذا جالب على هذا الموضع شرا كل من سمع به تطن اذناه.

Dyr Ierymies 19:3
Also, sag: Lostß auf s Wort von n Herrn, ös Künig und ös Ruslhamer! Yso spricht dyr Hörerherr, dyr Got von Isryheel: I bring ayn sölchers Unglück über dös Ort, däß yn aynn Iedn Hoern und Seghn vergeet.

Еремия 19:3
Слушайте Господното слово, Юдови царе и ерусалимски жители. Така казва Господ на Силите, Израилевият Бог: Ето, ще докарам на това място зло, поради което всекиму, който чуе за него ще му писнат ушите;

耶 利 米 書 19:3
說 : 猶 大 君 王 和 耶 路 撒 冷 的 居 民 哪 , 當 聽 耶 和 華 的 話 。 萬 軍 之 耶 和 華 ─ 以 色 列 的   神 如 此 說 : 我 必 使 災 禍 臨 到 這 地 方 , 凡 聽 見 的 人 都 必 耳 鳴 ;

说 : 犹 大 君 王 和 耶 路 撒 冷 的 居 民 哪 , 当 听 耶 和 华 的 话 。 万 军 之 耶 和 华 ─ 以 色 列 的   神 如 此 说 : 我 必 使 灾 祸 临 到 这 地 方 , 凡 听 见 的 人 都 必 耳 鸣 ;



Jeremiah 19:3
Reci im: Čujte riječ Jahvinu, kraljevi judejski i stanovnici jeruzalemski. Ovako govori Jahve nad Vojskama, Bog Izraelov: 'Evo dovodim nesreću na ovo mjesto te će svima koji to čuju u ušima zazujati.

Jermiáše 19:3
A rci: Slyšte slovo Hospodinovo, králové Judští i obyvatelé Jeruzalémští: Takto praví Hospodin zástupů, Bůh Izraelský: Aj, já uvedu bídu na místo toto, o kteréž kdokoli uslyší, zníti mu bude v uších jeho,

Jeremias 19:3
Du skal sige: Hør HERRENS Ord, Judas Konger og Jerusalems Borgere: Saa siger Hærskarers HERRE, Israels Gud: Se, jeg sender over dette Sted en Ulykke, saa det skal ringe for Ørene paa enhver, der hører derom,

Jeremia 19:3
En zeg: Hoort des HEEREN woord, gij koningen van Juda en inwoners van Jeruzalem! Alzo zegt de HEERE der heirscharen, de God Israels: Ziet, Ik zal een kwaad brengen over deze plaats, van hetwelk een ieder, die het hoort, zijn oren klinken zullen;

ירמיה 19:3
וְאָֽמַרְתָּ֙ שִׁמְע֣וּ דְבַר־יְהוָ֔ה מַלְכֵ֣י יְהוּדָ֔ה וְיֹשְׁבֵ֖י יְרֽוּשָׁלִָ֑ם כֹּֽה־אָמַר֩ יְהוָ֨ה צְבָאֹ֜ות אֱלֹהֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֗ל הִנְנִ֨י מֵבִ֤יא רָעָה֙ עַל־הַמָּקֹ֣ום הַזֶּ֔ה אֲשֶׁ֥ר כָּל־שֹׁמְעָ֖הּ תִּצַּ֥לְנָה אָזְנָֽיו׃

ג ואמרת שמעו דבר יהוה מלכי יהודה וישבי ירושלם כה אמר יהוה צבאות אלהי ישראל הנני מביא רעה על המקום הזה אשר כל שמעה תצלנה אזניו

ואמרת שמעו דבר־יהוה מלכי יהודה וישבי ירושלם כה־אמר יהוה צבאות אלהי ישראל הנני מביא רעה על־המקום הזה אשר כל־שמעה תצלנה אזניו׃

Jeremiás 19:3
És ezt mondjad: Halljátok meg az Úr szavát Júda királyai és Jeruzsálem lakosai: Ezt mondja a Seregek Ura, Izráel Istene: Ímé, én veszedelmet hozok e helyre, úgy hogy a ki csak hallja, megcsendül [bele] a füle.

Jeremia 19:3
Kaj diru:Auxskultu la vorton de la Eternulo, ho regxoj de Judujo kaj logxantoj de Jerusalem! tiele diras la Eternulo Cebaot, Dio de Izrael:Jen Mi venigos sur cxi tiun lokon tian malfelicxon, ke al cxiu, kiu auxdos pri gxi, eksonoros liaj oreloj.

Ja sano: kuulkaat Herran sanaa, te Juudan kuninkaat ja Jerusalemin asuvaiset: näin sanoo Herra Zebaot, Israelin Jumala: katso, minä tahdon antaa kovan onnen tulla tälle paikalle, että jokainen, joka sen kuulee, pitää sen hänen korvissansa soiman:

Jérémie 19:3
et dis: Écoutez la parole de l'Éternel, vous, rois de Juda, et vous, habitants de Jérusalem: Ainsi dit l'Éternel des armées, le Dieu d'Israël: Voici, je fais venir sur ce lieu-ci un mal tel, que quiconque l'entendra, les oreilles lui tinteront;

Tu diras: Ecoutez la parole de l'Eternel, rois de Juda, et vous, habitants de Jérusalem! Ainsi parle l'Eternel des armées, le Dieu d'Israël: Voici, je vais faire venir sur ce lieu un malheur Qui étourdira les oreilles de quiconque en entendra parler.

Dis donc : Rois de Juda, et vous habitants de Jérusalem, écoutez la parole de l'Eternel : ainsi a dit l'Eternel des armées, le Dieu d'Israël : voici, je m'en vais faire venir sur ce lieu-ci un mal, tel que quiconque l'entendra, les oreilles lui en tinteront.

Jeremia 19:3
und sprich: Höret des HERRN Wort, ihr Könige Judas und Bürger zu Jerusalem! So spricht der HERR Zebaoth, der Gott Israels: Siehe, ich will ein solch Unglück über diese Stätte gehen lassen, daß, wer es hören wird, ihm die Ohren klingen sollen,

und sprich: Höret des HERRN Wort, ihr Könige Juda's und Bürger zu Jerusalem! So spricht der HERR Zebaoth, der Gott Israels: Siehe, ich will ein solch Unglück über diese Stätte gehen lassen, daß, wer es hören wird, dem die Ohren klingen sollen,

und sprich: Hört das Wort Jahwes, ihr Könige von Juda und ihr Bewohner Jerusalems! So spricht Jahwe der Heerscharen, der Gott Israels: Fürwahr, ich will Unheil über diesen Ort bringen, daß jedem, der davon hören wird, die Ohren gellen sollen!

Geremia 19:3
Dirai così: Ascoltate la parola dell’Eterno, o re di Giuda, e abitanti di Gerusalemme! Così parla l’Eterno degli eserciti, l’Iddio d’Israele: Ecco io fo venire sopra questo luogo una calamità, che farà intronar gli orecchi di chi n’udrà parlare;

Ascoltate la parola del Signore, voi re di Giuda, ed abitanti di Gerusalemme: Così ha detto il Signor degli eserciti, l’Iddio d’Israele: Ecco, io fo venire sopra questo luogo un male, il quale chiunque udirà avrà gli orecchi intronati.

katakanlah ini: Dengarlah olehmu firman Tuhan, hai segala raja Yehuda dan segala orang isi Yeruzalem! Demikianlah firman Tuhan serwa sekalian alam, Allah orang Israel: Bahwasanya Aku akan mendatangkan kelak suatu jahat atas tempat ini, sehingga tiap-tiap orang yang mendengarnya itu akan mendering kedua belah telinganya.

예레미아 19:3
이르기를 너희 유다 왕들과 예루살렘 거민아 ! 여호와의 말씀을 들으라 만군의 여호와 이스라엘의 하나님이 이같이 말씀하시되 보라, 내가 이 곳에 재앙을 내릴 것이라 무릇 그것을 듣는 자의 귀가 진동하리니

Ieremias 19:3
et dices audite verbum Domini reges Iuda et habitatores Hierusalem haec dicit Dominus exercituum Deus Israhel ecce ego inducam adflictionem super locum istum ita ut omnis qui audierit illam tinniant aures eius

Jeremijo knyga 19:3
ir sakyk: ‘Klausykitės Viešpaties žodžio, Judo karaliai ir Jeruzalės gyventojai! Taip sako kareivijų Viešpats, Izraelio Dievas: ‘Aš užleisiu ant šitos vietos tokią nelaimę, kad kiekvienam, kuris išgirs apie ją, suspengs ausyse.

Jeremiah 19:3
Ki atu, Whakarongo ki te kupu a Ihowa, e nga kingi o Hura, e te hunga e noho ana i Hiruharama, Ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa o nga mano, a te Atua o Iharaira: Tenei ahau te kawe nei i te kino ki tenei wahi, a ko nga tangata katoa e rongo ana, ka tioro oro ona taringa.

Jeremias 19:3
Og du skal si: Hør Herrens ord, I Judas konger og Jerusalems innbyggere! Så sier Herren, hærskarenes Gud, Israels Gud: Se, jeg fører ulykke over dette sted, så det skal ringe for ørene på hver den som hører om det,

Jeremías 19:3
Dirás: ``Oíd la palabra del SEÑOR, reyes de Judá y habitantes de Jerusalén. Así dice el SEÑOR de los ejércitos, el Dios de Israel: `He aquí, traeré tal calamidad sobre este lugar, que a todo el que oiga de ella le retiñirán los oídos.

"Dirás: 'Oigan la palabra del SEÑOR, reyes de Judá y habitantes de Jerusalén. Así dice el SEÑOR de los ejércitos, el Dios de Israel: "Voy a traer tal calamidad sobre este lugar, que a todo el que oiga de ella le zumbarán los oídos.

Dirás, pues: Oíd palabra de Jehová, oh reyes de Judá, y moradores de Jerusalén. Así dice Jehová de los ejércitos, Dios de Israel: He aquí que yo traigo mal sobre este lugar, tal que quien lo oyere, le retiñirán los oídos.

Dirás pues: Oid palabra de Jehová, oh reyes de Judá, y moradores de Jerusalem. Así dice Jehová de los ejércitos, Dios de Israel: He aquí que yo traigo mal sobre este lugar, tal que quien lo oyere, le retiñan los oídos.

Dirás pues: Oíd palabra del SEÑOR, oh reyes de Judá, y moradores de Jerusalén. Así dice el SEÑOR de los ejércitos, Dios de Israel: He aquí que yo traigo mal sobre este lugar, tal que quien lo oyere, le retiñan los oídos.

Jeremias 19:3
E dize: “Ouvi a Palavra do SENHOR, ó reis de Judá e habitantes de Jerusalém!” Assim convoca o Eterno dos Exércitos, o Deus de Israel: “Eis que sobre estas terras trarei uma calamidade tal que fará retinir os ouvidos daqueles que a escutarem na ocasião!

e dirás: Ouvi a palavra do Senhor, ó reis de Judá, e moradores de Jerusalém. Assim diz o Senhor dos exércitos, o Deus de Israel: Eis que trarei sobre este lugar uma calamidade tal que fará retinir os ouvidos de quem quer que dela ouvir.   

Ieremia 19:3
Să spui: ,Ascultaţi Cuvîntul Domnului, împăraţi ai lui Iuda, şi locuitori ai Ierusalimului! Aşa vorbeşte Domnul oştirilor, Dumnezeul lui Israel: ,Iată, voi aduce peste locul acesta o nenorocire, care va face să ţiuie urechile oricui va auzi vorbindu-se de ea.

Иеремия 19:3
и скажи: слушайте слово Господне, цари Иудейские и жители Иерусалима! так говорит Господь Саваоф, Бог Израилев: вот, Я наведу бедствие на место сие, – о котором кто услышит, у того зазвенит в ушах,

и скажи: слушайте слово Господне, цари Иудейские и жители Иерусалима! так говорит Господь Саваоф, Бог Израилев: вот, Я наведу бедствие на место сие, --о котором кто услышит, у того зазвенит в ушах,[]

Jeremia 19:3
Du skall säga: »Hören HERRENS ord, I Juda konungar och I Jerusalems invånare: Så säger HERREN Sebaot, Israels Gud: Se, jag skall låta en sådan olycka komma över denna plats, att det skall genljuda i öronen på var och en som får höra det.

Jeremiah 19:3
At iyong sabihin, Inyong dinggin ang salita ng Panginoon, Oh mga hari sa Juda, at mga nananahan sa Jerusalem: Ganito ang sabi ng Panginoon ng mga hukbo, ng Dios ng Israel, Narito, ako'y magpaparating ng kasamaan sa dakong ito, na sinomang makarinig ay magpapanting ang mga pakinig.

เยเรมีย์ 19:3
เจ้าจงว่า `ข้าแต่บรรดากษัตริย์แห่งยูดาห์ และชาวกรุงเยรูซาเล็ม ขอทรงฟังพระวจนะของพระเยโฮวาห์ พระเยโฮวาห์จอมโยธา พระเจ้าแห่งอิสราเอลตรัสดังนี้ว่า ดูเถิด เราจะนำเหตุร้ายมาถึงสถานที่นี้ อย่างที่หูของทุกคนที่ได้ยินจะซ่าไป

Yeremya 19:3
De ki, ‹RABbin sözünü dinleyin, ey Yahuda kralları ve Yeruşalimde yaşayanlar! İsrailin Tanrısı, Her Şeye Egemen RAB şöyle diyor: Dinleyin! Buraya, her duyanı şaşkına çevirecek bir felaket göndermek üzereyim.[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 19:3
Ngươi khá nói rằng: Hỡi các vua Giu-đa, và các ngươi, là dân cư Giê-ru-sa-lem, hãy nghe lời của Ðức Giê-hô-va. Ðức Giê-hô-va vạn quân, Ðức Chúa Trời của Y-sơ-ra-ên, phán như vầy: Nầy, ta sẽ giáng tai vạ trên nơi nầy, đến nỗi ai nghe nói cũng phải bùng tai;

Jeremiah 19:2
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