Jeremiah 17:26
Jeremiah 17:26
People will come from the towns of Judah and the villages around Jerusalem, from the territory of Benjamin and the western foothills, from the hill country and the Negev, bringing burnt offerings and sacrifices, grain offerings and incense, and bringing thank offerings to the house of the LORD.

And from all around Jerusalem, from the towns of Judah and Benjamin, from the western foothills and the hill country and the Negev, the people will come with their burnt offerings and sacrifices. They will bring their grain offerings, frankincense, and thanksgiving offerings to the LORD's Temple.

And people shall come from the cities of Judah and the places around Jerusalem, from the land of Benjamin, from the Shephelah, from the hill country, and from the Negeb, bringing burnt offerings and sacrifices, grain offerings and frankincense, and bringing thank offerings to the house of the LORD.

"They will come in from the cities of Judah and from the environs of Jerusalem, from the land of Benjamin, from the lowland, from the hill country and from the Negev, bringing burnt offerings, sacrifices, grain offerings and incense, and bringing sacrifices of thanksgiving to the house of the LORD.

And they shall come from the cities of Judah, and from the places about Jerusalem, and from the land of Benjamin, and from the plain, and from the mountains, and from the south, bringing burnt offerings, and sacrifices, and meat offerings, and incense, and bringing sacrifices of praise, unto the house of the LORD.

Then people will come from the cities of Judah and from the area around Jerusalem, from the land of Benjamin and from the Judean foothills, from the hill country and from the Negev bringing burnt offerings and sacrifice, grain offerings and frankincense, and thank offerings to the house of the LORD.

They'll come from the cities of Judah, from the places around Jerusalem, from the territory of Benjamin, from the Shephelah, from the hill country, and from the Negev, bringing burnt offerings, sacrifices, grain offerings, and incense, and bringing thanksgiving offerings to the LORD's Temple.

Then people will come here from the towns in Judah, from the villages surrounding Jerusalem, from the territory of Benjamin, from the western foothills, from the southern hill country, and from the southern part of Judah. They will come bringing offerings to the temple of the LORD: burnt offerings, sacrifices, grain offerings, and incense along with their thank offerings.

"People will come from the cities of Judah, from all around Jerusalem, from the territory of Benjamin, from the foothills, from the mountains, and from the Negev. They will bring burnt offerings, sacrifices, grain offerings, and incense. They will also bring thank offerings to the LORD's temple.

And they shall come from the cities of Judah and from the places about Jerusalem and from the land of Benjamin and from the fields and from the mountain and from the south, bringing burnt offerings and sacrifices and presents and incense, and bringing the sacrifice of praise unto the house of the LORD.

And they shall come from the cities of Judah, and from the places about Jerusalem, and from the land of Benjamin, and from the plain, and from the mountains, and from the south, bringing burnt offerings, and sacrifices, and grain offerings, and incense, and bringing sacrifices of praise, unto the house of the LORD.

And they shall come from the cities of Judah, and from the places about Jerusalem, and from the land of Benjamin, and from the plain, and from the mountains, and from the south, bringing burnt offerings, and sacrifices, and meat offerings, and incense, and bringing sacrifices of praise, to the house of the LORD.

And they shall come from the cities of Judah, and from the places round about Jerusalem, and from the land of Benjamin, and from the lowland, and from the hill-country, and from the South, bringing burnt-offerings, and sacrifices, and meal-offerings, and frankincense, and bringing'sacrifices of thanksgiving, unto the house of Jehovah.

And they shall come from the cities of Juda, and from the places round about Jerusalem, and from the land of Benjamin, and from the plains, and from the mountains, and from the south, bringing holocausts, and victims, and sacrifices, and frankincense, and they shall bring in an offering into the house of the Lord.

And they shall come from the cities of Judah, and from the places around Jerusalem, and from the land of Benjamin, and from the lowland, and from the hill-country, and from the south, bringing burnt-offerings, and sacrifices, and oblations, and incense, and bringing thanksgiving unto the house of Jehovah.

And they shall come from the cities of Judah, and from the places round about Jerusalem, and from the land of Benjamin, and from the lowland, and from the mountains, and from the South, bringing burnt offerings, and sacrifices, and oblations, and frankincense, and bringing sacrifices of thanksgiving, unto the house of the LORD.

And they shall come from the cities of Judah, and from the places about Jerusalem, and from the land of Benjamin, and from the plain, and from the mountains, and from the south, bringing burnt-offerings, and sacrifices, and meat-offerings, and incense, and bringing sacrifices of praise, to the house of the LORD.

They shall come from the cities of Judah, and from the places around Jerusalem, and from the land of Benjamin, and from the lowland, and from the hill country, and from the South, bringing burnt offerings, and sacrifices, and meal offerings, and frankincense, and bringing [sacrifices of] thanksgiving, to the house of Yahweh.

And they have come in from cities of Judah, And from suburbs of Jerusalem, And from the land of Benjamin, And from the low country, And from the hill-country, and from the south, Bringing in burnt-offering, and sacrifice, And present, and frankincense, And bringing praise to the house of Jehovah.

Jeremia 17:26
Do të vijnë pastaj nga qytetet e Judës, nga rrethinat e Jeruzalemit, nga vendi i Beniaminit, nga ultësira, nga malet dhe nga Negevi, duke sjellë olokauste, flijime, blatime ushqimore dhe temjan dhe duke ofruar flijime falënderimi në shtëpinë e Zotit.

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 17:26
ويأتون من مدن يهوذا ومن حوالي اورشليم ومن ارض بنيامين ومن السهل ومن الجبال ومن الجنوب يأتون بمحرقات وذبائح وتقدمات ولبان ويدخلون بذبائح شكر الى بيت الرب.

Dyr Ierymies 17:26
D Leut kemmend zueher aus Judau überall, um Ruslham umydum, aus Bengymein, von n Nidergau, aus n Gebirg und umbb n Sundergau, die wo Brand-, Schlacht- und Speisopfer zamt n Weihrauck darbringend, und Dankopfer aau in n Herrn seinn Templ.

Еремия 17:26
И ще дойдат от Юдовите градове И от ерусалимските околности, От Вениаминовата земя, и от полската, И от планинската, и от южната страна, Носещи всеизгаряния и жертви, И хлебни приноси и ливан, Носещи още и благодарителни [жертви], в дома Господен.

耶 利 米 書 17:26
也 必 有 人 從 猶 大 城 邑 和 耶 路 撒 冷 四 圍 的 各 處 , 從 便 雅 憫 地 、 高 原 、 山 地 , 並 南 地 而 來 , 都 帶 燔 祭 、 平 安 祭 、 素 祭 , 和 乳 香 , 並 感 謝 祭 , 到 耶 和 華 的 殿 去 。

也 必 有 人 从 犹 大 城 邑 和 耶 路 撒 冷 四 围 的 各 处 , 从 便 雅 悯 地 、 高 原 、 山 地 , 并 南 地 而 来 , 都 带 燔 祭 、 平 安 祭 、 素 祭 , 和 乳 香 , 并 感 谢 祭 , 到 耶 和 华 的 殿 去 。



Jeremiah 17:26
I dolazit će iz gradova judejskih, iz okolice Jeruzalema, iz zemlje Benjaminove i iz Šefele, iz Gorja i iz Negeba, da prinesu paljenice, klanice, prinosnice i kad i da prinesu žrtvu zahvalnicu u Domu Jahvinu.

Jermiáše 17:26
I budou přicházeti z měst Judských a z okolí Jeruzaléma, jakož z země Beniaminovy, tak z roviny, i z té hory, i od poledne, nesouce zápal, a obět i dar s kadidlem, také i díků činění nesouce do domu Hospodinova.

Jeremias 17:26
Og fra Judas Byer, fra Jerusalems Omegn, fra Benjamins Land, fra Lavlandet, Bjergene og Sydlandet skal man komme og bringe Brændoffer, Slagtoffer, Afgrødeoffer og Røgelse og Takoffer til HERRENS Hus.

Jeremia 17:26
En zij zullen komen uit de steden van Juda, en uit de plaatsen rondom Jeruzalem, en uit het land van Benjamin, en uit de laagte, en van het gebergte, en van het zuiden, aanbrengende brandoffer, en slachtoffer, en spijsoffer, en wierook, en aanbrengende lofoffer, ten huize des HEEREN.

ירמיה 17:26
וּבָ֣אוּ מֵעָרֵֽי־יְ֠הוּדָה וּמִסְּבִיבֹ֨ות יְרוּשָׁלִַ֜ם וּמֵאֶ֣רֶץ בִּנְיָמִ֗ן וּמִן־הַשְּׁפֵלָ֤ה וּמִן־הָהָר֙ וּמִן־הַנֶּ֔גֶב מְבִאִ֛ים עֹולָ֥ה וְזֶ֖בַח וּמִנְחָ֣ה וּלְבֹונָ֑ה וּמְבִאֵ֥י תֹודָ֖ה בֵּ֥ית יְהוָֽה׃

כו ובאו מערי יהודה ומסביבות ירושלם ומארץ בנימן ומן השפלה ומן ההר ומן הנגב מבאים עולה וזבח ומנחה ולבונה--ומבאי תודה בית יהוה

ובאו מערי־יהודה ומסביבות ירושלם ומארץ בנימן ומן־השפלה ומן־ההר ומן־הנגב מבאים עולה וזבח ומנחה ולבונה ומבאי תודה בית יהוה׃

Jeremiás 17:26
És bejõnek Júda városaiból, Jeruzsálem környékérõl, Benjámin földérõl, a lapályról, a hegyrõl és dél felõl, hozván égõáldozatot, véres áldozatot, ételáldozatot és temjént, és hozván hála[áldozat]ot az Úrnak házába.

Jeremia 17:26
Kaj oni venados el la urboj de Judujo, el la cxirkauxajxoj de Jerusalem, el la lando de Benjamen, de la ebenajxo, de la montoj, kaj de sudo, alportante bruloferojn kaj bucxoferojn kaj farunoferojn kaj olibanon kaj dankajn donacojn en la domon de la Eternulo.

Ja pitää tuleman Juudan kaupungeista ja niistä, jotka ympäri Jerusalemin ovat, ja Benjaminin maasta, laaksoista ja vuorilta, ja lounaasta päin, ne jotka pitää viemän edes polttouhrit, uhrit, ruokauhrit ja suitsutuksen, niin myös ne, jotka pitää viemän kiitosuhrit Herran huoneesen.

Jérémie 17:26
et on viendra des villes de Juda, et des environs de Jérusalem, et du pays de Benjamin, et du pays plat, et de la montagne, et du midi, apportant des holocaustes, et des sacrifices, et des offrandes de gâteau, et de l'encens, et apportant des actions de grâces à la maison de l'Éternel.

On viendra des villes de Juda et des environs de Jérusalem, Du pays de Benjamin, de la vallée, De la montagne et du midi, Pour amener des holocaustes et des victimes, Pour apporter des offrandes et de l'encens, Et pour offrir des sacrifices d'actions de grâces dans la maison de l'Eternel.

On viendra aussi des villes de Juda, et des environs de Jérusalem et du pays de Benjamin, et de la campagne, et des montagnes, et de devers le Midi, et on apportera des holocaustes, des sacrifices, des oblations et de l'encens; on apportera aussi [des sacrifices] d'action de grâces en la maison de l'Eternel.

Jeremia 17:26
Und sollen kommen aus den Städten Judas, und die um Jerusalem her liegen, und aus dem Lande Benjamin, aus den Gründen und von den Gebirgen und vom Mittage, die da bringen Brandopfer, Opfer, Speisopfer und Weihrauch zum Hause des HERRN.

und sollen kommen aus den Städten Juda's, und die um Jerusalem her liegen, und aus dem Lande Benjamin, aus den Gründen und von den Gebirgen und vom Mittag, die da bringen Brandopfer, Schlachtopfer, Speisopfer und Weihrauch zum Hause des HERRN. {~}

Und es werden aus den Städten Judas und aus der Umgebung Jerusalems und aus dem Stammgebiete Benjamins und aus der Niederung und vom Gebirge und aus dem Südlande Leute kommen, die Brandopfer und Schlachtopfer und Speisopfer und Weihrauch darbringen und die Dankopfer bringen zum Tempel Jahwes.

Geremia 17:26
E dalle città di Giuda, dai luoghi circonvicini di Gerusalemme, dal paese di Beniamino, dal piano, dal monte e dal mezzodì, si verrà a portare olocausti, vittime, oblazioni, incenso, e ad offrire sacrifizi d’azioni di grazie nella casa dell’Eterno.

E si verrà dalle città di Giuda, e da’ luoghi circonvicini di Gerusalemme, e dal paese di Beniamino, e dal piano, e dal monte, e dalla parte meridionale, portando olocausti e sacrificii, ed offerte, ed incenso; portando ancora offerte da render grazie, alla Casa del Signore.

Maka mereka itu akan datang dari segala negeri Yehuda dan dari segala jajahan Yeruzalem dan dari tanah Benyamin dan dari tanah datar dan dari pegunungan dan dari sebelah selatan, sambil membawa korban bakaran dan korban sembelihan dan persembahan makanan dan dupa, sambil membawa persembahan puji-pujian ke dalam rumah Tuhan.

예레미아 17:26
사람들이 유다 성읍들과 예루살렘에 둘린 곳들과 베냐민 땅과 평지와 산지와 남방에서 이르러서 번제와 희생과 소제와 유향과 감사의 희생을 가지고 여호와의 집으로 오려니와

Ieremias 17:26
et venient de civitate Iuda et de circuitu Hierusalem et de terra Beniamin et de campestribus et de montuosis et ab austro portantes holocaustum et victimam et sacrificium et tus et inferent oblationem in domum Domini

Jeremijo knyga 17:26
Jie ateis iš Judo miestų, iš Jeruzalės apylinkių, iš Benjamino krašto, iš lygumos, iš kalnyno ir pietų šalies, atnešdami deginamąsias, padėkos ir duonos aukas bei smilkalus į Viešpaties namus.

Jeremiah 17:26
A ka haere mai nga tangata i nga pa o Hura, i nga wahi i nga taha o Hiruharama, i te whenua o Pineamine, i te mania, i nga maunga, i te tonga hoki, me te mau mai he tahunga tinana, he patunga tapu, he whakahere, he whakakakara, a ka maua mai hok i he whakawhetai, ki te whare o Ihowa.

Jeremias 17:26
og fra Judas byer og fra landet omkring Jerusalem og fra Benjamins land og fra lavlandet og fra fjellbygdene og fra sydlandet skal de komme og bære frem brennoffer og slaktoffer og matoffer og virak, og bære frem takkoffer til Herrens hus.

Jeremías 17:26
`Vendrán de las ciudades de Judá y de los alrededores de Jerusalén, de la tierra de Benjamín, de la tierra baja, de la región montañosa y del Neguev, trayendo holocaustos, sacrificios, ofrendas de grano e incienso, y trayendo sacrificios de acción de gracias a la casa del SEÑOR.

"Vendrán de las ciudades de Judá y de los alrededores de Jerusalén, de la tierra de Benjamín, de la tierra baja, de la región montañosa y del Neguev (región del sur), trayendo holocaustos, sacrificios, ofrendas de grano e incienso, y trayendo sacrificios de acción de gracias a la casa del SEÑOR.

Y vendrán de las ciudades de Judá, y de los alrededores de Jerusalén, y de tierra de Benjamín, de las llanuras, de los montes, y del Neguev, trayendo holocausto y sacrificio, y ofrenda e incienso, y trayendo sacrificio de alabanza a la casa de Jehová.

Y vendrán de las ciudades de Judá, y de los alrededores de Jerusalem, y de tierra de Benjamín, y de los campos, y del monte, y del austro, trayendo holocausto y sacrificio, y ofrenda é incienso, y trayendo sacrificio de alabanza á la casa de Jehová.

Y vendrán de las ciudades de Judá, y de los alrededores de Jerusalén, y de tierra de Benjamín, y de los campos, y del monte, y del austro, trayendo holocausto y sacrificio, y ofrenda e incienso, y trayendo sacrificio de alabanza a la Casa del SEÑOR.

Jeremias 17:26
E virão das cidades de Judá, dos arredores de Jerusalém, da terra de Benjamim, da planície, da região montanhosa e do Sul, levando à casa de Yahweh holocaustos, sacrifícios, ofertas de cereais e incenso, além de sacrifícios de ação de graças.

E virão das cidades de Judá, e dos arredores de Jerusalém, e da terra de Benjamim, e da planície, e da região montanhosa, e do e sul, trazendo à casa do Senhor holocaustos, e sacrifícios, e ofertas de cereais, e incenso, trazendo também sacrifícios de ação de graças.   

Ieremia 17:26
Vor veni din cetăţile lui Iuda şi din împrejurimile Ierusalimului, din ţara lui Beniamin, din vale, de pe munte şi dela miazăzi, ca să aducă arderi de tot şi jertfe, să aducă daruri de mîncare şi tămîie, şi să aducă jertfe de mulţămire în Casa Domnului.

Иеремия 17:26
И будут приходить из городов Иудейских, и из окрестностей Иерусалима, и из земли Вениаминовой, и с равнины и с гор и с юга, и приносить всесожжение и жертву, и хлебное приношение, и ливан, и благодарственные жертвы в дом Господень.

И будут приходить из городов Иудейских, и из окрестностей Иерусалима, и из земли Вениаминовой, и с равнины и с гор и с юга, и приносить всесожжение и жертву, и хлебное приношение, и ливан, и благодарственные жертвы в дом Господень.[]

Jeremia 17:26
Och från Juda städer, från Jerusalems omnejd och från Benjamins land, från Låglandet, Bergsbygden och Sydlandet skall man komma och frambära brännoffer, slaktoffer, spisoffer och rökelse och frambära lovoffer till HERRENS hus.

Jeremiah 17:26
At sila'y manganggagaling sa mga bayan ng Juda, at sa mga palibot ng Jerusalem, at sa lupain ng Benjamin, at sa mababang lupain, at sa mga bundok, at sa Timugan, na magdadala ng mga handog na susunugin, at ng mga hain, at ng mga alay, at ng kamangyan, at mangagdadala ng mga hain na pasalamat sa bahay ng Panginoon.

เยเรมีย์ 17:26
และประชาชนจะมาจากหัวเมืองแห่งยูดาห์ และจากที่ซึ่งอยู่รอบเยรูซาเล็ม จากแผ่นดินเบนยามิน จากที่ราบ จากเทือกเขา และจากภาคใต้ นำเอาเครื่องเผาบูชา และเครื่องสักการบูชา เครื่องธัญญบูชาและกำยาน และนำเครื่องบูชาแห่งการสรรเสริญมายังนิเวศของพระเยโฮวาห์

Yeremya 17:26
Yahuda kentlerinden, Yeruşalim çevresinden, Benyamin topraklarından, Şefeladan, dağlık bölgeden, Negevden gelip RABbin Tapınağına yakmalık sunular, kurbanlar, tahıl sunuları, günnük ve şükran sunuları getirecekler.[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 17:26
Người ta sẽ đến từ các thành của Giu-đa và từ các nơi chung quanh Giê-ru-sa-lem, từ xứ Bên-gia-min, từ đất đồng bằng, đất núi, và phương Nam, đặng đem của lễ thiêu và các của lễ, của lễ chay cùng nhũ hương, và đem của lễ thù ân đến nhà Ðức Giê-hô-va.

Jeremiah 17:25
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