Jeremiah 15:16
Jeremiah 15:16
When your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart's delight, for I bear your name, LORD God Almighty.

When I discovered your words, I devoured them. They are my joy and my heart's delight, for I bear your name, O LORD God of Heaven's Armies.

Your words were found, and I ate them, and your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart, for I am called by your name, O LORD, God of hosts.

Your words were found and I ate them, And Your words became for me a joy and the delight of my heart; For I have been called by Your name, O LORD God of hosts.

Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O LORD God of hosts.

Your words were found, and I ate them. Your words became a delight to me and the joy of my heart, for I am called by Your name, Yahweh God of Hosts.

Your words were found, and I consumed them. Your words were joy and my hearts delight, because I bear your name, LORD God of the Heavenly Armies.

As your words came to me I drank them in, and they filled my heart with joy and happiness because I belong to you.

Your words were found, and I devoured them. Your words are my joy and my heart's delight, because I am called by your name, O LORD God of Armies.

Thy words were found, and I ate them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of my heart: for thy name was called upon me, O LORD God of the hosts.

Your words were found, and I did eat them; and your word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of my heart: for I am called by your name, O LORD God of hosts.

Your words were found, and I did eat them; and your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart: for I am called by your name, O LORD God of hosts.

Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy words were unto me a joy and the rejoicing of my heart: for I am called by thy name, O Jehovah, God of hosts.

Thy words were found, and I did eat them, and thy word was to me a joy and gladness of my heart: for thy name is called upon me, O Lord God of hosts.

Thy words were found, and I did eat them, and thy words were unto me the joy and rejoicing of my heart; for I am called by thy name, O Jehovah, God of hosts.

Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy words were unto me a joy and the rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O LORD God of hosts.

Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart: for I am called by thy name, O LORD God of hosts.

Your words were found, and I ate them; and your words were to me a joy and the rejoicing of my heart: for I am called by your name, Yahweh, God of Armies.

Thy words have been found, and I eat them, And Thy word is to me for a joy, And for the rejoicing of my heart, For Thy name is called on me, O Jehovah, God of Hosts.

Jeremia 15:16
Me të gjetur fjalët e tua, i përpiva; fjala jote ka qenë për mua gëzimi dhe gazi i zemrës sime, sepse emri yt kërkohet nga unë o Zot, Perëndi i ushtrive.

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 15:16
وجد كلامك فأكلته فكان كلامك لي للفرح ولبهجة قلبي لاني دعيت باسمك يا رب اله الجنود.

Dyr Ierymies 15:16
Dein Worter verschlandd i weilete, bal i s ghoer; die warnd für mi de hoehste Freud. Ayn waare Wunn war s für mi, däß dein Nam über mir ausgrueffen ist, o Trechtein, Allmächtiger.

Еремия 15:16
Като намерих Твоите думи изядох ги, И Твоето слово ми беше радост и веселие на сърцето; Защото се наричам с Твоето име, Господи Боже на Силите.

耶 利 米 書 15:16
耶 和 華 ─ 萬 軍 之   神 啊 , 我 得 著 你 的 言 語 就 當 食 物 吃 了 ; 你 的 言 語 是 我 心 中 的 歡 喜 快 樂 , 因 我 是 稱 為 你 名 下 的 人 。

耶 和 华 ─ 万 军 之   神 啊 , 我 得 着 你 的 言 语 就 当 食 物 吃 了 ; 你 的 言 语 是 我 心 中 的 欢 喜 快 乐 , 因 我 是 称 为 你 名 下 的 人 。



Jeremiah 15:16
Kad mi dođoše riječi tvoje, ja sam ih gutao: riječi tvoje ushitiše i obradovaše srce moje. Jer sam se tvojim zvao imenom, o Jahve, Bože nad Vojskama.

Jermiáše 15:16
Když se naskytly řeči tvé, snědl jsem je, a měl jsem slovo tvé za radost a potěšení srdce svého, poněvadž jsi ty mne povolal sám, ó Hospodine Bože zástupů.

Jeremias 15:16
fra dem, der lader haant om dit Ord; ryd dem ud! Men mig blev dit Ord til Fryd og til Hjertens Glæde; thi dit Navn er nævnet over mig, HERRE, Hærskarers Gud.

Jeremia 15:16
Als Uw woorden gevonden zijn, zo heb ik ze opgegeten, en Uw woord is mij geweest tot vreugde en tot blijdschap mijns harten; want ik ben naar Uw Naam genoemd, o HEERE, God der heirscharen!

ירמיה 15:16
נִמְצְא֤וּ דְבָרֶ֙יךָ֙ וָאֹ֣כְלֵ֔ם וַיְהִ֤י [דְבָרֶיךָ כ] (דְבָֽרְךָ֙ ק) לִ֔י לְשָׂשֹׂ֖ון וּלְשִׂמְחַ֣ת לְבָבִ֑י כִּֽי־נִקְרָ֤א שִׁמְךָ֙ עָלַ֔י יְהוָ֖ה אֱלֹהֵ֥י צְבָאֹֽות׃ ס

טז נמצאו דבריך ואכלם ויהי דבריך (דברך) לי לששון ולשמחת לבבי  כי נקרא שמך עלי יהוה אלהי צבאות  {ס}

נמצאו דבריך ואכלם ויהי [דבריך כ] (דברך ק) לי לששון ולשמחת לבבי כי־נקרא שמך עלי יהוה אלהי צבאות׃ ס

Jeremiás 15:16
Ha szavaidat hallattad, én élveztem azokat; a te szavaid örömömre váltak nékem és szívemnek vígasságára; mert a te nevedrõl neveztetem oh Uram, Seregeknek Istene!

Jeremia 15:16
Kiam mi trovis Viajn vortojn, mi ilin englutis; kaj Via vorto farigxis mia gxojo kaj gajeco de mia koro; cxar mi portas sur mi Vian nomon, ho Eternulo, Dio Cebaot.

Sinun sanas ovat saavutetut, ja minä olen ne käsittänyt, ja sinun sanas on minulle ilo ja sydämen lohdutus; ja minä olen nimitetty sinun nimes jälkeen, Herra Jumala Zebaot.

Jérémie 15:16
Tes paroles se sont-elles trouvées, je les ai mangées; et tes paroles ont été pour moi l'allégresse et la joie de mon coeur; car je suis appelé de ton nom, ô Éternel, Dieu des armées!

J'ai recueilli tes paroles, et je les ai dévorées; Tes paroles ont fait la joie et l'allégresse de mon coeur; Car ton nom est invoqué sur moi, Eternel, Dieu des armées!

Tes paroles se sont-elles trouvées? je les ai [aussitôt] mangées; et ta parole m'a été en joie, et elle a été l'allégresse de mon cœur ; car ton Nom est réclamé sur moi, ô Eternel! Dieu des armées.

Jeremia 15:16
Indes enthalte uns dein Wort, wenn wir's kriegen; und dasselbe, dein Wort ist unsers Herzens Freude und Trost; denn wir sind ja nach deinem Namen genannt, HERR, Gott Zebaoth!

Dein Wort ward mir Speise, da ich's empfing; und dein Wort ist meines Herzens Freude und Trost; denn ich bin ja nach deinem Namen genannt; HERR, Gott Zebaoth.

Gab es Worte von dir, so verschlang ich sie, und es gereichten mir deine Worte zur Wonne und zur Freude meines Herzens, weil ich nach deinem Namen genannt bin, Jahwe, du Gott der Heerscharen.

Geremia 15:16
Tosto che ho trovato le tue parole, io le ho divorate; e le tue parole sono state la mia gioia, l’allegrezza del mio cuore, perché il tuo nome è invocato su me, o Eterno, Dio degli eserciti.

Tosto che le tue parole sono state ritrovate da me, io le ho mangiate; e la tua parola mi è stata in gioia, e in allegrezza del mio cuore; perciocchè il tuo Nome è invocato sopra me, o Signore Iddio degli eserciti.

Pada masa itu aku mendapat firman-Mu, maka sudah kukecap nikmatnya, dan firman-Mu bagiku akan kesukaan dan kegemaran hatiku, karena nama-Mu sudah disebut atasku, ya Tuhan, Allah serwa sekalian alam!

예레미아 15:16
만군의 하나님 여호와시여, 나는 주의 이름으로 일컬음을 받는 자라 내가 주의 말씀을 얻어 먹었사오니 주의 말씀은 내게 기쁨과 내 마음의 즐거움이오나

Ieremias 15:16
inventi sunt sermones tui et comedi eos et factum est mihi verbum tuum in gaudium et in laetitiam cordis mei quoniam invocatum est nomen tuum super me Domine Deus exercituum

Jeremijo knyga 15:16
Tavo žodžiais maitinuosi. Tavo žodis džiugina mane, jis yra mano širdies linksmybė; aš vadinuosi Tavo vardu, Viešpatie, kareivijų Dieve!

Jeremiah 15:16
I kitea au kupu, a kainga ake e ahau; a ki ahau hei whakakaoa, hei whakahari au kupu mo toku ngakau: kua huaina hoki tou ingoa moku, e Ihowa, e te Atua o nga mano.

Jeremias 15:16
Jeg fant dine ord, og jeg åt dem, og dine ord var til fryd for mig og til glede for mitt hjerte; for jeg er kalt med ditt navn, Herre, hærskarenes Gud!

Jeremías 15:16
Cuando se presentaban tus palabras, yo las comía; tus palabras eran para mí el gozo y la alegría de mi corazón, porque se me llamaba por tu nombre, oh SEÑOR, Dios de los ejércitos.

Cuando se presentaban Tus palabras, yo las comía; Tus palabras eran para mí el gozo y la alegría de mi corazón, Porque se me llamaba por Tu nombre, Oh SEÑOR, Dios de los ejércitos.

Se hallaron tus palabras, y yo las comí; y tus palabras fueron para mí el gozo y la alegría de mi corazón; porque tu nombre se invocó sobre mí, oh Jehová Dios de los ejércitos.

Halláronse tus palabras, y yo las comí; y tu palabra me fué por gozo y por alegría de mi corazón: porque tu nombre se invocó sobre mí, oh Jehová Dios de los ejércitos.

Se hallaron tus palabras, y yo las comí; y tu palabra me fue por gozo y por alegría de mi corazón; porque tu nombre se llamó sobre mí, oh SEÑOR Dios de los ejércitos.

Jeremias 15:16
Quando a tua Palavra foi encontrada, eu comi cada frase e as digeri em meu íntimo; elas me nutrem dia após dia, são minha satisfação e júbilo maior; porquanto teu Nome foi invocado sobre mim, isto é, pertenço a ti!

Acharam-se as tuas palavras, e eu as comi; e as tuas palavras eram para mim o gozo e alegria do meu coração; pois levo o teu nome, ó Senhor Deus dos exércitos.   

Ieremia 15:16
Cînd am primit cuvintele Tale, le-am înghiţit; cuvintele Tale au fost bucuria şi veselia inimii mele, căci după Numele Tău sînt numit, Doamne, Dumnezeul oştirilor!

Иеремия 15:16
Обретены слова Твои, и я съел их; и было слово Твое мне в радость и в веселие сердца моего; ибо имя Твое наречено на мне, Господи, Боже Саваоф.

Обретены слова Твои, и я съел их; и было слово Твое мне в радость и в веселие сердца моего; ибо имя Твое наречено на мне, Господи, Боже Саваоф.[]

Jeremia 15:16
När jag fick dina ord, blevo de min spis, ja, dina ord blevo för mig mitt hjärtas fröjd och glädje; ty jag är uppkallad efter ditt namn, HERRE, härskarornas Gud.

Jeremiah 15:16
Ang iyong mga salita ay nangasumpungan, at aking kinain; at ang iyong mga salita sa ganang akin ay katuwaan at kagalakan sa aking puso: sapagka't ako'y tinawag sa iyong pangalan, Oh Panginoong Dios ng mga hukbo.

เยเรมีย์ 15:16
เมื่อพบพระวจนะของพระองค์แล้ว ข้าพระองค์ก็กินเสีย พระวจนะของพระองค์เป็นความชื่นบานแก่ข้าพระองค์ และเป็นความปีติยินดีแห่งจิตใจของข้าพระองค์ ข้าแต่พระเยโฮวาห์ พระเจ้าจอมโยธา เพราะว่าเขาเรียกข้าพระองค์ตามพระนามของพระองค์

Yeremya 15:16
Sözlerini bulur bulmaz yuttum,
Bana neşe, yüreğime sevinç oldu.
Çünkü seninim ben,
Ya RAB, Her Şeye Egemen Tanrı![]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 15:16
Tôi vừa nghe những lời Ngài, thì đã ăn lấy rồi; lời Ngài là sự vui mừng hớn hở của lòng tôi vậy. Hỡi Giê-hô-va Ðức Chúa Trời vạn quân, vì tôi được xưng bằng danh Ngài!

Jeremiah 15:15
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