Jeremiah 12:4
Jeremiah 12:4
How long will the land lie parched and the grass in every field be withered? Because those who live in it are wicked, the animals and birds have perished. Moreover, the people are saying, "He will not see what happens to us."

How long must this land mourn? Even the grass in the fields has withered. The wild animals and birds have disappeared because of the evil in the land. For the people have said, "The LORD doesn't see what's ahead for us!"

How long will the land mourn and the grass of every field wither? For the evil of those who dwell in it the beasts and the birds are swept away, because they said, “He will not see our latter end.”

How long is the land to mourn And the vegetation of the countryside to wither? For the wickedness of those who dwell in it, Animals and birds have been snatched away, Because men have said, "He will not see our latter ending."

How long shall the land mourn, and the herbs of every field wither, for the wickedness of them that dwell therein? the beasts are consumed, and the birds; because they said, He shall not see our last end.

How long will the land mourn and the grass of every field wither? Because of the evil of its residents, animals and birds have been swept away, for the people have said, "He cannot see what our end will be."

How long will the land mourn and the vegetation of every field dry up? Because of the wickedness of those who live in it, animals and birds are swept away. For they say, "He does not see our future."

How long must the land be parched and the grass in every field be withered? How long must the animals and the birds die because of the wickedness of the people who live in this land? For these people boast, "God will not see what happens to us."

How long will the land mourn? How long will the plants in every field remain dried up? The animals and the birds are dying, because people are wicked. They think that God doesn't know what they are doing.

How long shall the land be desolate, and the grass of all the field wither, for the wickedness of those that dwell therein? The cattle are lacking, and the birds, because they said, He shall not see our latter end.

How long shall the land mourn, and the herbs of every field wither, for the wickedness of them that dwell in it? the beasts are consumed, and the birds; because they said, He shall not see our latter end.

How long shall the land mourn, and the herbs of every field wither, for the wickedness of them that dwell therein? the beasts are consumed, and the birds; because they said, He shall not see our last end.

How long shall the land mourn, and the herbs of the whole country wither? for the wickedness of them that dwell therein, the beasts are consumed, and the birds; because they said, He shall not see our latter end.

How long shall the land mourn, and the herb of every field wither for the wickedness of them that dwell therein? The beasts and the birds are consumed: because they have said: He shall not see our last end.

How long shall the land mourn, and the herbs of all the fields wither? Because of the wickedness of them that dwell therein, the beasts and the birds perish; for they say, He will not see our end.

How long shall the land mourn, and the herbs of the whole country wither? for the wickedness of them that dwell therein, the beasts are consumed, and the birds; because they said, He shall not see our latter end.

How long shall the land mourn, and the herbs of every field wither, for the wickedness of them that dwell therein? the beasts are consumed, and the birds; because they said, He will not see our last end.

How long shall the land mourn, and the herbs of the whole country wither? for the wickedness of those who dwell therein, the animals are consumed, and the birds; because they said, He shall not see our latter end.

Till when doth the earth mourn, And the herb of the whole field wither? For the wickedness of those dwelling in it, Consumed have been beast and fowl, Because they said, 'He doth not see our latter end.'

Jeremia 12:4
Deri kur do të mbajë zi vendi dhe do të thahet bari i çdo fushe? Nga shkaku i ligësisë së banorëve të tij, kafshët dhe zogjtë shfarosen, sepse ata thonë: "Ai nuk do ta shikojë fundin tonë".

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 12:4
حتى متى تنوح الارض وييبس عشب كل الحقل. من شر الساكنين فيها فنيت البهائم والطيور لانهم قالوا لا يرى آخرتنا.

Dyr Ierymies 12:4
Wie lang sollt n dö Dürrn +non dauern, däß allss eyn de Felder hindan verdürrt? D Vicher und Vögl müessnd s büessn, däß d Leut sölcherne Sauhundd seind. Die mainend: "Gee, was waiß n der Ierymies schoon von ünserner Zuekumft?"

Еремия 12:4
До кога ще жалее страната, И ще съхне тревата на цялата земя? Загинаха животните и птиците Поради нечестието на жителите й, Защото рекоха: Той няма да види сетнината ни.

耶 利 米 書 12:4
這 地 悲 哀 , 通 國 的 青 草 枯 乾 , 要 到 幾 時 呢 ? 因 其 上 居 民 的 惡 行 , 牲 畜 和 飛 鳥 都 滅 絕 了 。 他 們 曾 說 : 他 看 不 見 我 們 的 結 局 。

这 地 悲 哀 , 通 国 的 青 草 枯 乾 , 要 到 几 时 呢 ? 因 其 上 居 民 的 恶 行 , 牲 畜 和 飞 鸟 都 灭 绝 了 。 他 们 曾 说 : 他 看 不 见 我 们 的 结 局 。



Jeremiah 12:4
Dokle će zemlja tugovati, dokle će trava na svem polju sahnuti? Zbog opačine njezinih stanovnika ugiba stoka i ptice! Jer govore: Bog ne vidi naših putova.

Jermiáše 12:4
Dokudž by žalostila země, a bylina všeho pole svadla pro zlost přebývajících v ní, a hynulo každé hovado i ptactvo? Nebo říkají: Nevidíť Bůh skončení našeho.

Jeremias 12:4
(Hvor længe skal Landet sørge, al Markens Urter visne? For Indbyggernes Ondskabs Skyld omkommer Dyr og Fugle; thi man siger: »Han skuer ikke, hvorledes det vil gaa os.«)

Jeremia 12:4
Hoe lang zal het land treuren, en het kruid des gansen velds verdorren? Vanwege de boosheid dergenen, die daarin wonen, vergaan de beesten en het gevogelte; dewijl zij zeggen: Hij ziet ons einde niet.

ירמיה 12:4
עַד־מָתַי֙ תֶּאֱבַ֣ל הָאָ֔רֶץ וְעֵ֥שֶׂב כָּל־הַשָּׂדֶ֖ה יִיבָ֑שׁ מֵרָעַ֣ת יֹֽשְׁבֵי־בָ֗הּ סָפְתָ֤ה בְהֵמֹות֙ וָעֹ֔וף כִּ֣י אָמְר֔וּ לֹ֥א יִרְאֶ֖ה אֶת־אַחֲרִיתֵֽנוּ׃

ד עד מתי תאבל הארץ ועשב כל השדה ייבש מרעת ישבי בה ספתה בהמות ועוף--כי אמרו לא יראה את אחריתנו

עד־מתי תאבל הארץ ועשב כל־השדה ייבש מרעת ישבי־בה ספתה בהמות ועוף כי אמרו לא יראה את־אחריתנו׃

Jeremiás 12:4
Meddig gyászoljon a föld, és [meddig] száradjon el minden fû a mezõn? A benne lakók gonoszsága miatt pusztul el barom és madár; mert azt mondják: Nem látja meg a mi végünket!

Jeremia 12:4
Kiel longe Vi tenos la landon en malgxojo kaj la herbo sur cxiuj kampoj velkos? Brutoj kaj birdoj pereas pro la malboneco de gxiaj logxantoj, kiuj diras:Li ne scias, kio estos al ni.

Kuinka kauvan siis pitää maan niin surkiasti oleman, ja ruohon kaikissa paikoissa kedolla kuivuman? asuvaisten pahuuden tähden, että sekä eläimet että linnut katoovat; sillä he sanovat: hän kyllä vähän tietää, kuinka meille tästälähin käy.

Jérémie 12:4
Jusques à quand le pays mènera-t-il deuil et l'herbe de tous les champs séchera-t-elle? A cause de l'iniquité de ceux qui y habitent, le bétail et les oiseaux périssent; car ils disent: Il ne verra pas notre fin.

Jusques à quand le pays sera-t-il dans le deuil, Et l'herbe de tous les champs sera-t-elle desséchée? A cause de la méchanceté des habitants, Les bêtes et les oiseaux périssent. Car ils disent: Il ne verra pas notre fin. -

Jusques à quand la terre mènera-t-elle deuil, et l'herbe de tous les champs séchera-t-elle à cause de la malice des habitants qui sont en la terre? Les bêtes et les oiseaux ont été consumés [par la disette], parce que [ces méchants] ont dit : on ne verra point notre dernière fin.

Jeremia 12:4
Wie lange soll doch das Land so jämmerlich stehen, und das Gras auf dem Felde allenthalben verdorren um der Einwohner Bosheit willen, daß beide, Vieh und Vögel, nimmer da sind? Denn sie sprechen: Ja, er weiß viel, wie es uns gehen wird!

Wie lange soll doch das Land so jämmerlich stehen und das Gras auf dem Felde allenthalben verdorren um der Einwohner Bosheit willen, daß beide, Vieh und Vögel, nimmer da sind? denn sie sprechen: Ja, er weiß viel, wie es uns gehen wird.

Wie lange noch soll das Land trauern, und die Pflanzen überall auf der Flur verdorren? Ob der Bosheit der darin Wohnenden schwinden Tiere und Vögel dahin, - weil sie sagen: Er wird das Ende, das es mit uns nimmt, nicht sehen!

Geremia 12:4
Fino a quando farà cordoglio il paese, e si seccherà l’erba di tutta la campagna? Per la malvagità degli abitanti, le bestie e gli uccelli sono sterminati. Poiché quelli dicono: "Egli non vedrà la nostra fine".

Infino a quando farà cordoglio il paese, e seccherassi l’erba di tutta la campagna, per la malvagità degli abitanti di quello? le bestie, e gli uccelli son venuti meno; perciocchè hanno detto: Iddio non vede il nostro fine.

Berapa lama lagi tanah itu akan murung dan segala tumbuh-tumbuhan di padangpun menjadi layu oleh karena jahat segala orang penduduknya? Segala binatang dan unggaspun sudah lenyap, sedang kata mereka itu: Tiada dilihatnya kesudahan kami.

예레미아 12:4
언제까지 이 땅이 슬퍼하며 온 지방의 채소가 마르리이까 짐승과 새들도 멸절하게 되었사오니 이는 이 땅 거민이 악하여 스스로 말하기를 그가 우리의 결국을 보지 못하리라 함이니이다

Ieremias 12:4
usquequo lugebit terra et herba omnis regionis siccabitur propter malitiam habitantium in ea consumptum est animal et volucre quoniam dixerunt non videbit novissima nostra

Jeremijo knyga 12:4
Ar ilgai liūdės šalis ir džius lauko augalai? Dėl jos gyventojų nedorybių išnyko žvėrys ir paukščiai. Jie sakė: “Jis nematys mūsų galo”.

Jeremiah 12:4
Kia pehea te roa o te whenua ka tangi nei, o te otaota o nga mara katoa ka maroke nei? hei mea mo te kino o ona tangata, kua pau ona kararehe me nga manu; no te mea i ki ratou, E kore ia e kite i to tatou mutunga iho.

Jeremias 12:4
Hvor lenge skal landet visne og all markens urter tørke bort? For dets innbyggeres ondskap er dyr og fugler revet bort; for de sier: Han* ser ikke hvorledes det vil gå oss til sist.

Jeremías 12:4
¿Hasta cuándo estará de luto la tierra y marchita la vegetación de todo el campo? Por la maldad de los que moran en ella han sido destruidos los animales y las aves, porque han dicho: Dios no verá nuestro fin.

¿Hasta cuándo estará de luto la tierra Y marchita la vegetación de todo el campo? Por la maldad de los que moran en ella Han sido destruidos los animales y las aves, Porque han dicho: "Dios no verá nuestro fin."

¿Hasta cuándo estará de luto la tierra, y marchita la hierba de todo el campo? Por la maldad de los que en ella moran, faltaron los ganados y las aves; porque dijeron: Él no verá nuestro fin.

¿Hasta cuándo estará desierta la tierra, y marchita la hierba de todo el campo? Por la maldad de los que en ella moran, faltaron los ganados, y las aves; porque dijeron: No verá él nuestras postrimerías.

¿Hasta cuándo estará desierta la tierra, y marchita la hierba de todo el campo por la maldad de los que en ella moran? Faltaron los ganados, y las aves; porque dijeron: No verá él nuestras postrimerías.

Jeremias 12:4
Até quando a terra pranteará em seu luto e a relva de todo campo estará seca? Perecem os animais e as aves por causa da maldade dos que habitam nesta terra, pois eles costumam dizer: “Deus não dá atenção ao que estamos fazendo na terra!”

Até quando lamentará a terra, e se secará a erva de todo o campo? Por causa da maldade dos que nela habitam, perecem os animais e as aves; porquanto disseram: Ele nào vera o nosso fim.   

Ieremia 12:4
Pînă cînd să se jălească ţara, şi să se usuce iarba de pe toate cîmpiile? Pier vitele şi păsările din pricina răutăţii locuitorilor. Căci ei zic: ,El, (Ieremia) n'are să ne vadă sfîrşitul!`` -

Иеремия 12:4
Долго ли будет сетовать земля, и трава на всех полях –сохнуть? скот и птицы гибнут за нечестие жителей ее, ибо они говорят: „Он не увидит, что с нами будет".

Долго ли будет сетовать земля, и трава на всех полях--сохнуть? скот и птицы гибнут за нечестие жителей ее, ибо они говорят: `Он не увидит, что с нами будет`.[]

Jeremia 12:4
Huru länge skall landet ligga sörjande och gräset på marken allestädes förtorka, så att både fyrfotadjur och fåglar förgås för inbyggarnas ondskas skull, under det att dessa säga: »Han skall icke se vår undergång»

Jeremiah 12:4
Hanggang kailan tatangis ang lupain, at matutuyo ang mga damo sa buong lupain? dahil sa kasamaan nila na nagsisitahan doon, nilipol ang mga hayop, at ang mga ibon; sapagka't kanilang sinabi, Hindi niya makikita ang ating huling kawakasan.

เยเรมีย์ 12:4
แผ่นดินนี้จะไว้ทุกข์นานเท่าใด และผักหญ้าตามท้องนาทุกแห่งจะเหี่ยวแห้งไปนานเท่าใด เพราะความชั่วของผู้ที่อาศัยอยู่ในนั้น สัตว์และนกก็ถูกผลาญไปเสียสิ้น เพราะเขาว่า "พระองค์จะไม่ทอดพระเนตรบั้นสุดปลายของเราทั้งหลาย"

Yeremya 12:4
İçinde yaşayanların kötülüğü yüzünden,
Ülke ne zamana dek yas tutacak,
Otlar ne zamana dek sararıp solacak?
Hayvanlarla kuşlar yok oldu.
Çünkü bu halk,
‹‹O başımıza neler geleceğini görmüyor›› dedi.[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 12:4
Trong xứ bị sầu thảm, cỏ ngoài đồng khô héo cho đến chừng nào? Vì cớ dân cư hung ác nên loài sinh súc và chim chóc đều bị diệt. Vì chúng nó nói rằng: Người sẽ chẳng thấy sự cuối cùng của chúng ta!

Jeremiah 12:3
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