Jeremiah 11:4
Jeremiah 11:4
the terms I commanded your ancestors when I brought them out of Egypt, out of the iron-smelting furnace.' I said, 'Obey me and do everything I command you, and you will be my people, and I will be your God.

For I said to your ancestors when I brought them out of the iron-smelting furnace of Egypt, "If you obey me and do whatever I command you, then you will be my people, and I will be your God."

that I commanded your fathers when I brought them out of the land of Egypt, from the iron furnace, saying, Listen to my voice, and do all that I command you. So shall you be my people, and I will be your God,

which I commanded your forefathers in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt, from the iron furnace, saying, 'Listen to My voice, and do according to all which I command you; so you shall be My people, and I will be your God,'

Which I commanded your fathers in the day that I brought them forth out of the land of Egypt, from the iron furnace, saying, Obey my voice, and do them, according to all which I command you: so shall ye be my people, and I will be your God:

which I commanded your ancestors when I brought them out of the land of Egypt, out of the iron furnace.' I declared: 'Obey Me, and do everything that I command you, and you will be My people, and I will be your God,'

which I commanded to your ancestors on the day I brought them out of the land of Egypt, from the iron furnace. I said, 'Obey me and do everything that I commanded you. Then you will be my people and I'll be your God.'

Those are the terms that I charged your ancestors to keep when I brought them out of Egypt, that place which was like an iron-smelting furnace. I said at that time, "Obey me and carry out the terms of the agreement exactly as I commanded you. If you do, you will be my people and I will be your God.

I made this promise to your ancestors when I brought them out of Egypt, which was an iron smelter. I said, "Obey me, and do everything that I have told you to do. Then you will be my people, and I will be your God.

which I commanded your fathers the day that I brought them forth out of the land of Egypt, from the iron furnace, saying unto them, hear my voice and comply with my words according to all which I command you; and ye shall be my people, and I will be your God

Which I commanded your fathers in the day that I brought them forth out of the land of Egypt, from the iron furnace, saying, Obey my voice, and do them, according to all which I command you: so shall you be my people, and I will be your God:

Which I commanded your fathers in the day that I brought them forth out of the land of Egypt, from the iron furnace, saying, Obey my voice, and do them, according to all which I command you: so shall you be my people, and I will be your God:

which I commanded your fathers in the day that I brought them forth out of the land of Egypt, out of the iron furnace, saying, Obey my voice, and do them, according to all which I command you: so shall ye be my people, and I will be your God;

Which I commanded your fathers in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt, from the iron furnace, saying: Hear ye my voice, and do all things that I command you: and you shall be my people, and I will be your God:

which I commanded your fathers in the day that I brought them forth out of the land of Egypt, from the iron furnace, saying, Hearken unto my voice and do them, according to all that I command you; so shall ye be my people, and I will be your God:

which I commanded your fathers in the day that I brought them forth out of the land of Egypt, out of the iron furnace, saying, Obey my voice, and do them, according to all which I command you: so shall ye be my people, and I will be your God:

Which I commanded your fathers in the day that I brought them forth from the land of Egypt, from the iron furnace, saying, Obey my voice, and do them, according to all which I command you: so shall ye be my people, and I will be your God:

which I commanded your fathers in the day that I brought them forth out of the land of Egypt, out of the iron furnace, saying, Obey my voice, and do them, according to all which I command you: so you shall be my people, and I will be your God;

That I commanded your fathers, In the day of My bringing them out from the land of Egypt, Out of the iron furnace, saying, Hearken to My voice, and ye have done them, According to all that I command you, And ye have been to Me for a people, And I am to you for God,

Jeremia 11:4
që unë u urdhërova etërve tuaj ditën që i nxora nga Egjipti, nga furra prej hekuri, duke thënë: "Dëgjoni zërin tim dhe i bëni këto gjëra në bazë të atyre që ju komandoj; atëherë ju do të jeni populli im dhe unë do të jem Perëndia juaj",

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 11:4
الذي أمرت به آباءكم يوم اخرجتهم من ارض مصر من كور الحديد قائلا اسمعوا صوتي واعملوا به حسب كل ما آمركم به فتكونوا لي شعبا وانا اكون لكم الها

Dyr Ierymies 11:4
wie i s yn enkerne Vätter gakündd, wie i s aus Güptn ausherghol, aus n Hoohofen: Lostß auf mi, und erfülltß meine Geboter; naacherd gaatß mein Volk sein, und i enker Got.

Еремия 11:4
който заповядах на бащите ви в деня, когато ги изведох из Египетската земя, из железарската пещ и рекох: Слушайте гласа Ми, и изпълнявайте тия [думи] според всичко що ви съм заповядал; и така вие ще бъдете Мои люде, и Аз ще бъда ваш Бог,

耶 利 米 書 11:4
這 約 是 我 將 你 們 列 祖 從 埃 及 地 領 出 來 、 脫 離 鐵 爐 的 那 日 所 吩 咐 他 們 的 , 說 : 你 們 要 聽 從 我 的 話 , 照 我 一 切 所 吩 咐 的 去 行 。 這 樣 , 你 們 就 作 我 的 子 民 , 我 也 作 你 們 的   神 ;

这 约 是 我 将 你 们 列 祖 从 埃 及 地 领 出 来 、 脱 离 铁 炉 的 那 日 所 吩 咐 他 们 的 , 说 : 你 们 要 听 从 我 的 话 , 照 我 一 切 所 吩 咐 的 去 行 。 这 样 , 你 们 就 作 我 的 子 民 , 我 也 作 你 们 的   神 ;



Jeremiah 11:4
riječi koje sam zapovjedio ocima vašim kad sam ih izveo iz zemlje egipatske, iz one peći ražarene, govoreći: Poslušajte glas moj i činite sve što vam zapovjedim: tada ćete biti narod moj, a ja vaš Bog,

Jermiáše 11:4
Kterouž jsem vydal otcům vašim tehdáž, když jsem je vyvedl z země Egyptské, z peci železné, řka: Poslouchejte hlasu mého, a čiňte to všecko, tak jakž přikazuji vám, i budete lidem mým, a já budu Bohem vaším,

Jeremias 11:4
som jeg bød eders Fædre holde, dengang jeg førte dem ud af Ægypten, af Jernovnen, idet jeg sagde: »Hør min Røst og gør alt, hvad jeg paalægger eder, saa skal I være mit Folk, og jeg vil være eders Gud

Jeremia 11:4
Dat Ik uw vaderen geboden heb, ten dage als Ik hen uit Egypteland, uit den ijzeroven, uitvoerde, zeggende: Zijt Mijner stem gehoorzaam, en doet dezelve, naar alles wat Ik ulieden gebiede; zo zult gij Mij tot een volk zijn, en Ik zal u tot een God zijn;

ירמיה 11:4
אֲשֶׁ֣ר צִוִּ֣יתִי אֶת־אֲבֹֽותֵיכֶ֡ם בְּיֹ֣ום הֹוצִיאִֽי־אֹותָ֣ם מֵאֶֽרֶץ־מִצְרַיִם֩ מִכּ֨וּר הַבַּרְזֶ֜ל לֵאמֹ֗ר שִׁמְע֤וּ בְקֹולִי֙ וַעֲשִׂיתֶ֣ם אֹותָ֔ם כְּכֹ֥ל אֲשֶׁר־אֲצַוֶּ֖ה אֶתְכֶ֑ם וִהְיִ֤יתֶם לִי֙ לְעָ֔ם וְאָ֣נֹכִ֔י אֶהְיֶ֥ה לָכֶ֖ם לֵאלֹהִֽים׃

ד אשר צויתי את אבותיכם ביום הוציאי אותם מארץ מצרים מכור הברזל לאמר שמעו בקולי ועשיתם אותם ככל אשר אצוה אתכם והייתם לי לעם ואנכי אהיה לכם לאלהים

אשר צויתי את־אבותיכם ביום הוציאי־אותם מארץ־מצרים מכור הברזל לאמר שמעו בקולי ועשיתם אותם ככל אשר־אצוה אתכם והייתם לי לעם ואנכי אהיה לכם לאלהים׃

Jeremiás 11:4
A melyet akkor parancsoltam a ti atyáitoknak, a mikor kihoztam õket Égyiptom földérõl, a vaskemenczébõl, mondván: Halljátok meg az én szómat, és cselekedjétek mindazokat, a miket én parancsolok néktek, és népemmé lesztek, én pedig Istenetekké leszek néktek;

Jeremia 11:4
kiun Mi donis al viaj patroj, kiam Mi elkondukis ilin el la lando Egipta, el la fera forno, dirante:Obeu Mian vocxon, kaj faru cxion, kion Mi ordonas al vi; kaj vi estos Mia popolo, kaj Mi estos via Dio;

Jotka minä sinä päivänä teidän isillenne käskin, jona minä johdatin heitä Egyptin maalta, rautapätsistä, ja sanoin: kuulkaat minun ääntäni, ja tehkäät niinkuin minä teidän käskenyt olen, niin teidän pitää minun kansani oleman, ja minä olen teidän Jumalanne;

Jérémie 11:4
que j'ai commandée à vos pères au jour que je les ai fait sortir du pays d'Égypte, de la fournaise de fer, disant: Écoutez ma voix, et faites ces paroles selon tout ce que je vous ai commandé, et vous serez mon peuple, et moi je serai votre Dieu;

Que j'ai prescrite à vos pères, Le jour où je les ai fait sortir du pays d'Egypte, De la fournaise de fer, en disant: Ecoutez ma voix, et faites tout ce que je vous ordonnerai; Alors vous serez mon peuple, Je serai votre Dieu,

Laquelle j'ai ordonnée à vos pères, le jour que je les ai retirés du pays d'Egypte, du fourneau de fer, en disant : Ecoutez ma voix, et faites toutes les choses que je vous ai commandées, et vous serez mon peuple, et je serai votre Dieu.

Jeremia 11:4
den ich euren Vätern gebot des Tages, da ich sie aus Ägyptenland führete, aus dem eisernen Ofen, und sprach: Gehorchet meiner Stimme und tut, wie ich euch geboten habe, so sollt ihr mein Volk sein, und ich will euer Gott sein,

den ich euren Vätern gebot des Tages, da ich sie aus Ägyptenland führte, aus einem eisernen Ofen, und sprach: Gehorchet meiner Stimme und tut, wie ich euch geboten habe, so sollt ihr mein Volk sein, und ich will euer Gott sein,

die ich euren Vätern anbefahl, als ich sie aus Ägypten, aus dem eisernen Schmelzofen wegführte, indem ich sprach: gehorcht meinem Befehl und thut danach, ganz wie ich euch gebieten werde; so sollt ihr mein Volk sein, und ich will euer Gott sein!

Geremia 11:4
che io comandai ai vostri padri il giorno che li feci uscire dal paese d’Egitto, dalla fornace di ferro, dicendo: Ascoltate la mia voce e fate tutto quello che vi comanderò, e voi sarete mio popolo e io sarò vostro Dio,

il quale io comandai a’ padri vostri di osservare, quando li trassi fuor del paese di Egitto, della fornace di ferro, dicendo: Ascoltate la mia voce, e fate queste cose, secondo tutto quello che io vi comando; e voi mi sarete popolo, ed io vi sarò Dio.

yang sudah Kupesan kepada nenek moyang kamu, tatkala Kuhantar akan mereka itu keluar dari negeri Mesir, dari dalam dapur besi itu, firman-Ku: Dengarlah olehmu akan bunyi suara-Ku dan perbuatlah kamu segala sesuatu yang Kupesan kepadamu, maka kamu akan umat bagi-Ku, dan Akupun akan Allah bagimu;

예레미아 11:4
이 언약은 내가 너희 열조를 쇠풀무 애굽 땅에서 이끌어 내던 날에 그들에게 명한 것이라 곧 내가 이르기를 너희는 나의 목소리 를 청종하고 나의 모든 명령을 좇아 행하라 그리하면 너희는 내 백성이 되겠고 나는 너희 하나님이 되리라

Ieremias 11:4
quod praecepi patribus vestris in die qua eduxi eos de terra Aegypti de fornace ferrea dicens audite vocem meam et facite omnia quae praecipio vobis et eritis mihi in populum et ego ero vobis in Deum

Jeremijo knyga 11:4
kuriuos Aš įsakiau jūsų tėvams, kai juos išvedžiau iš Egipto šalies, iš geležinės krosnies. Pakluskite mano balsui ir elkitės taip, kaip jums įsakiau, tai būsite mano tauta, o Aš būsiu jūsų Dievas,

Jeremiah 11:4
I whakahaua nei e ahau ki o koutou matua i te ra i kawea mai ai ratou e ahau i te whenua o Ihipa, i roto i te oumu rino; i ahau i ki ra, Whakarongo ki toku reo, mahia hoki aua mea, kia rite ki nga mea katoa i whakahaua e ahau ki a koutou; a ka wa iho koutou hei iwi maku, ko ahau hoki hei Atua mo koutou:

Jeremias 11:4
den som jeg bød eders fedre den dag jeg førte dem ut av Egyptens land, av jernovnen, da jeg sa: Hør på min røst og gjør disse ting i ett og alt således som jeg byder eder, så skal I være mitt folk, og jeg vil være eders Gud,

Jeremías 11:4
que mandé a vuestros padres el día que los saqué de la tierra de Egipto, del horno de hierro, diciéndoles: ``Escuchad mi voz, y haced conforme a todo lo que yo os mando; y vosotros seréis mi pueblo, y yo seré vuestro Dios,

que mandé a sus padres el día que los saqué de la tierra de Egipto, del horno de hierro, y les dije: 'Escuchen Mi voz (Obedézcanme), y hagan conforme a todo lo que Yo les mando; y ustedes serán Mi pueblo, y Yo seré su Dios,'

el cual mandé a vuestros padres el día que los saqué de la tierra de Egipto, del horno de hierro, diciéndoles: Obedeced mi voz, y haced conforme a todo lo que os mando, y vosotros seréis mi pueblo, y yo seré vuestro Dios;

El cual mandé á vuestros padres el día que los saqué de la tierra de Egipto, del horno de hierro, diciéndoles: Oid mi voz, y ejecutad aquéllas, conforme á todo lo que os mando, y me seréis por pueblo, y yo seré á vosotros por Dios;

el cual mandé a vuestros padres el día que los saqué de la tierra de Egipto, del horno de hierro, diciéndoles: Oíd mi voz, y cumplid mis palabras, conforme a todo lo que os mando, y me seréis por pueblo, y yo seré a vosotros por Dios;

Jeremias 11:4
que ordenei a vossos antepassados no dia em que os libertei da terra do Egito, da fornalha de fundição de ferro e lhes dei esta palavra: ‘Ouvi a minha voz e fazei tudo de acordo com o que vos ordeno; assim sereis o meu povo, e Eu serei o vosso Deus.

que ordenei a vossos pais no dia em que os tirei da terra do Egito, da fornalha de ferro, dizendo: Ouvi a minha voz, e fazei conforme a tudo que vos mando; assim vós sereis o meu povo, e eu serei o vosso Deus;   

Ieremia 11:4
pe care l-am poruncit părinţilor voştri, în ziua cînd i-am scos din ţara Egiptului, din cuptorul de fer, zicînd: ,Ascultaţi glasul Meu, şi faceţi tot ce vă voi porunci; şi veţi fi poporul Meu, iar Eu voi fi Dumnezeul vostru;

Иеремия 11:4
который Я заповедал отцам вашим, когда вывел их из земли Египетской,из железной печи, сказав: „слушайтесь гласа Моего и делайте все, что Язаповедаю вам, – и будете Моим народом, и Я буду вашим Богом,

который Я заповедал отцам вашим, когда вывел их из земли Египетской, из железной печи, сказав: `слушайтесь гласа Моего и делайте все, что Я заповедаю вам, --и будете Моим народом, и Я буду вашим Богом,[]

Jeremia 11:4
det som jag bjöd edra fader på den tid då jag förde dem ut ur Egyptens land, den smältugnen, i det jag sade: Hören min röst och gören detta, alldeles såsom jag bjuder eder, så skolen I vara mitt folk, och jag skall vara eder Gud,

Jeremiah 11:4
Na aking iniutos sa iyong mga magulang, nang araw na aking inilabas sila mula sa lupain ng Egipto, mula sa hurnong bakal, na nagsasabi, inyong talimahin ang aking tinig, at inyong isagawa, ayon sa lahat na iniuutos ko sa inyo: sa gayo'y magiging bayan ko kayo, at ako'y magiging inyong Dios;

เยเรมีย์ 11:4
ซึ่งเป็นพันธสัญญาที่เราบัญชาแก่บรรพบุรุษของเจ้าทั้งหลาย ในวันที่เราได้นำเขาออกมาจากแผ่นดินอียิปต์ จากเตาไฟเหล็ก กล่าวว่า จงเชื่อฟังเสียงของเรา และจงกระทำทุกอย่างที่เราบัญชาเจ้าไว้ เจ้าจึงจะเป็นประชาชนของเรา และเราจะเป็นพระเจ้าของเจ้า

Yeremya 11:4
Atalarınızı Mısırdan, demir eritme ocağından çıkardığımda bu antlaşmaya bağlı kalmalarını buyurdum. Onlara dedim ki: Sözümü dinleyin, buyurduğum her şeyi yerine getirin. Böylece siz benim halkım olursunuz, ben de sizin Tanrınız olurum.[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 11:4
mà ta đã truyền cho tổ phụ các ngươi, trong ngày ta đem họ ra khỏi xứ Ê-díp-tô, khỏi lò nấu sắt, mà phán rằng: Hãy nghe tiếng ta, noi theo điều ta dạy mà làm. Vậy thì các ngươi sẽ làm dân ta, ta sẽ làm Ðức Chúa Trời các ngươi;

Jeremiah 11:3
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