Jeremiah 10:19
Jeremiah 10:19
Woe to me because of my injury! My wound is incurable! Yet I said to myself, "This is my sickness, and I must endure it."

My wound is severe, and my grief is great. My sickness is incurable, but I must bear it.

Woe is me because of my hurt! My wound is grievous. But I said, “Truly this is an affliction, and I must bear it.”

Woe is me, because of my injury! My wound is incurable. But I said, "Truly this is a sickness, And I must bear it."

Woe is me for my hurt! my wound is grievous: but I said, Truly this is a grief, and I must bear it.

Woe to me because of my brokenness-- I am severely wounded! I exclaimed, "This is my intense suffering, but I must bear it."

Woe is me because of my injury. My wound is severe. I said, "Truly this is my sickness, and I must bear it.

And I cried out, "We are doomed! Our wound is severe! We once thought, 'This is only an illness. And we will be able to bear it!'

Oh, I'm wounded! My wound is serious. Then I thought that this is my punishment, and I will bear it.

Woe is me for my hurt! my wound is grievous, but I said, Truly this is my sickness, and I must bear it.

Woe is me for my hurt! my wound is grievous: but I said, Truly this is a grief, and I must bear it.

Woe is me for my hurt! my wound is grievous; but I said, Truly this is a grief, and I must bear it.

Woe is me because of my hurt! my wound is grievous: but I said, Truly this is my grief, and I must bear it.

Woe is me for my destruction, my wound is very grievous. But I said: Truly this is my own evil, and I will bear it.

Woe is me, for my wound! My stroke is hard to heal, and I had said, Yea, this is my grief, and I will bear it.

Woe is me for my hurt! my wound is grievous: but I said, Truly this is my grief, and I must bear it.

Woe is me for my hurt! my wound is grievous: but I said, Truly this is a grief, and I must bear it.

Woe is me because of my hurt! my wound is grievous: but I said, Truly this is [my] grief, and I must bear it.

Woe to me for my breaking, Grievious hath been my smiting, And I said, Only, this is my sickness, and I bear it.

Jeremia 10:19
Mjerë unë për plagën time, plaga ime është e dhembshme. Por unë kam thënë: "Kjo është një sëmundje që unë duhet ta duroj".

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 10:19
ويل لي من اجل سحقي. ضربتي عديمة الشفاء. فقلت انما هذه مصيبة فاحتملها.

Dyr Ierymies 10:19
Dann haisst s: "Ou, ietz haat s mi aber grausig dyrwischt! Und i haet non gmaint aau, dös wär ayn Kranket, wie myn s halt tieweil haat."

Еремия 10:19
Горко ми поради болежа ми! Раната ми е люта; но аз рекох: Наистина тая болка ми се пада, и трябва да я търпя.

耶 利 米 書 10:19
民 說 : 禍 哉 ! 我 受 損 傷 ; 我 的 傷 痕 極 其 重 大 。 我 卻 說 : 這 真 是 我 的 痛 苦 , 必 須 忍 受 。

民 说 : 祸 哉 ! 我 受 损 伤 ; 我 的 伤 痕 极 其 重 大 。 我 却 说 : 这 真 是 我 的 痛 苦 , 必 须 忍 受 。



Jeremiah 10:19
Jao meni zbog ozljede moje, rana je moja neiscjeljiva. A ja rekoh: Ipak, bolest je moja, nosit ću je!

Jermiáše 10:19
Běda mně pro setření mé, přebolestná jest rána má, ješto jsem já byl řekl: Jistě tuto nemoc budu moci snésti.

Jeremias 10:19
»Ve mig for min Brøst, mit Saar er svart! Men jeg siger: «Det er min Smerte, den vil jeg bære.»

Jeremia 10:19
O, wee mij over mijn breuk! mijn plage is smartelijk; en ik had gezegd: Dit is immers een krankheid, die ik wel dragen zal!

ירמיה 10:19
אֹ֥וי לִי֙ עַל־שִׁבְרִ֔י נַחְלָ֖ה מַכָּתִ֑י וַאֲנִ֣י אָמַ֔רְתִּי אַ֛ךְ זֶ֥ה חֳלִ֖י וְאֶשָּׂאֶֽנּוּ׃

יט אוי לי על שברי נחלה מכתי ואני אמרתי אך זה חלי ואשאנו

אוי לי על־שברי נחלה מכתי ואני אמרתי אך זה חלי ואשאנו׃

Jeremiás 10:19
Jaj nékem az én romlásom miatt, gyógyíthatatlan az én sebem! De azt mondom [mégis:] Bizony ilyen az én vereségem, és szenvedem azt!

Jeremia 10:19
Ho ve al mi en mia malfelicxo! neresanigebla estas mia vundo. Kaj mi pensis, ke tio estas mia malsano, kiun mi devas elporti.

Voi minun murheeni ja sydämeni suru! vaan minä luulen, että se on minun vaivani, jonka minun pitää kärsimän.

Jérémie 10:19
Malheur à moi, à cause de ma ruine! ma plaie est douloureuse. Et moi j'ai dit: C'est ici mon mal, et je le supporterai.

Malheur à moi! je suis brisée! Ma plaie est douloureuse! Mais je dis: C'est une calamité qui m'arrive, Je la supporterai!

Malheur à moi, [diront-ils], à cause de ma plaie, ma plaie est douloureuse. Mais moi j'ai dit : quoi qu'il en soit, c'est une maladie qu'il faut que je souffre.

Jeremia 10:19
Ach, meines Jammers und Herzeleids! Ich denke aber: Es ist meine Plage, ich muß sie leiden.

Ach mein Jammer und mein Herzeleid! Ich denke aber: Es ist meine Plage; ich muß sie leiden.

O wehe mir ob meiner Verwundung, unheilbar ist der mir zugefügte Schlag! Und doch dachte ich: Ist nur das mein Leiden, so will ich es schon ertragen!

Geremia 10:19
Guai a me a motivo della mia ferita! La mia piaga è dolorosa; ma io ho detto: "Questo è il mio male, e lo devo sopportare".

Ahi lasso me! dirà il paese, per cagione del mio fiaccamento! la mia piaga è dolorosa; e pure io avea detto: Questa è una doglia, che ben potrò sofferire.

Wai bagiku dari karena lukaku! bagaimana pedih rasanya penyakitku! sehingga kataku: Aduh, apa macam penyakit ini, bagaimana aku dapat menderita dia?

예레미아 10:19
슬프다, 내 상처여 내가 중상을 당하였도다 그러나 내가 말하노라 이는 참으로 나의 고난이라 내가 참아야 하리로다

Ieremias 10:19
vae mihi super contritione mea pessima plaga mea ego autem dixi plane haec infirmitas mea est et portabo illam

Jeremijo knyga 10:19
Vargas man, esu sužeistas! Mano žaizda nepagydoma! Aš tariau: “Tai yra sielvartas, kurį turiu pakelti”.

Jeremiah 10:19
Aue, te mate i ahau, mamae rawa toku marutanga: otiia kua mea nei ahau, He pono noku tenei mate, me whakamanawanui.

Jeremias 10:19
Ve mig for et slag jeg har fått! Mitt sår er ulægelig! Men jeg sier: Ja, dette er en plage, og jeg må bære den.

Jeremías 10:19
¡Ay de mí, por mi quebranto! Mi herida es incurable. Mas yo me dije: De cierto esta es una enfermedad, y debo soportarla.

¡Ay de mí, por mi quebranto! Mi herida es incurable. Pero yo me dije: "De cierto ésta es una enfermedad, Y debo soportarla."

¡Ay de mí, por mi quebrantamiento! mi llaga es muy dolorosa. Pero yo dije: Ciertamente enfermedad mía es ésta, y debo sufrirla.

Ay de mí, por mi quebrantamiento! mi llaga es muy dolorosa. Yo empero dije: Ciertamente enfermedad mía es esta, y debo sufrirla.

¡Ay de mí, por mi quebrantamiento! Mi llaga es muy dolorosa. Pero yo dije: Ciertamente enfermedad mía es ésta, y debo sufrirla.

Jeremias 10:19
Ai de mim! Estou muito ferido! E o meu ferimento não tem cura! Esta, pois, é minha enfermidade e tenho que suportá-la.

Ai de mim, por causa do meu quebrantamento! a minha chaga me causa grande dor; mas eu havia dito: Certamente isto é minha enfermidade, e eu devo suporta-la.   

Ieremia 10:19
,,Vai de mine! Sînt zdrobită! Mă doare rana!`` ,,Dar eu zic: ,O nenorocire a dat peste mine şi o voi suferi!

Иеремия 10:19
Горе мне в моем сокрушении; мучительна рана моя, но я говорю сам в себе: „подлинно, это моя скорбь, и я буду нести ее;

Горе мне в моем сокрушении; мучительна рана моя, но я говорю [сам] [в себе]: `подлинно, это моя скорбь, и я буду нести ее;[]

Jeremia 10:19
Ve mig, jag är sönderkrossad! Oläkligt är mitt sår. Men jag säger: Ja, detta är min plåga, jag måste bära den!

Jeremiah 10:19
Sa aba ko, dahil sa aking sugat! ang aking sugat ay malubha: nguni't aking sinabi, Tunay na ito ay aking hirap, at aking marapat na tiisin.

เยเรมีย์ 10:19
วิบัติแก่ข้าพเจ้า เพราะความเจ็บปวดของข้าพเจ้า บาดแผลของข้าพเจ้าก็ร้ายหนัก แต่ข้าพเจ้าว่า "แท้จริงนี่เป็นความทุกข์ใจ และข้าพเจ้าจะต้องทนเอา"

Yeremya 10:19
Yaramdan ötürü vay başıma gelen!
Derdim iyileşmez!
Ama, ‹Dert benim derdim,
Dayanmalıyım› dedim.[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 10:19
Khốn nạn cho tôi vì vết thương tôi! Vít tôi là đau đớn! Nhưng tôi nói: Ấy là sự lo buồn tôi, tôi phải chịu.

Jeremiah 10:18
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