Isaiah 63:15
Isaiah 63:15
Look down from heaven and see, from your lofty throne, holy and glorious. Where are your zeal and your might? Your tenderness and compassion are withheld from us.

LORD, look down from heaven; look from your holy, glorious home, and see us. Where is the passion and the might you used to show on our behalf? Where are your mercy and compassion now?

Look down from heaven and see, from your holy and beautiful habitation. Where are your zeal and your might? The stirring of your inner parts and your compassion are held back from me.

Look down from heaven and see from Your holy and glorious habitation; Where are Your zeal and Your mighty deeds? The stirrings of Your heart and Your compassion are restrained toward me.

Look down from heaven, and behold from the habitation of thy holiness and of thy glory: where is thy zeal and thy strength, the sounding of thy bowels and of thy mercies toward me? are they restrained?

Look down from heaven and see from Your lofty home--holy and beautiful. Where is Your zeal and Your might? Your yearning and Your compassion are withheld from me.

Look down from heaven, and see from your holy and glorious dwelling. Where are your zeal and your might? Where are the yearning of your heart and your compassion? They are held back from me.

Look down from heaven and take notice, from your holy, majestic palace! Where are your zeal and power? Do not hold back your tender compassion!

Look down and see from heaven, from your holy and beautiful dwelling. Where is your determination and might? Where is the longing of your heart and your compassion? Don't hold back.

Look down from heaven, and behold from the habitation of thy holiness and of thy glory; where is thy zeal and thy strength, the feeling of thy bowels and of thy mercies toward me? are they restrained?

Look down from heaven, and behold from the habitation of your holiness and of your glory: where is your zeal and your strength, the yearning of your heart and of your mercies toward me? are they restrained?

Look down from heaven, and behold from the habitation of your holiness and of your glory: where is your zeal and your strength, the sounding of your bowels and of your mercies toward me? are they restrained?

Look down from heaven, and behold from the habitation of thy holiness and of thy glory: where are thy zeal and thy mighty acts? the yearning of thy heart and thy compassions are restrained toward me.

Look down from heaven, and behold from thy holy habitation and the place of thy glory: where is thy zeal, and thy strength, the multitude of thy bowels, and of thy mercies? they have held back themselves from me.

Look down from the heavens, and behold from the habitation of thy holiness and of thy glory! Where is thy zeal and thy strength, the sounding of thy bowels and of thy tender mercies? Are they restrained toward me?

Look down from heaven, and behold from the habitation of thy holiness and of thy glory: where is thy zeal and thy mighty acts? the yearning of thy bowels and thy compassions are restrained toward me.

Look down from heaven, and behold from the habitation of thy holiness and of thy glory: where is thy zeal and thy strength, the sounding of thy bowels and of thy mercies towards me? are they restrained?

Look down from heaven, and see from the habitation of your holiness and of your glory: where are your zeal and your mighty acts? the yearning of your heart and your compassion is restrained toward me.

Look attentively from the heavens, And see from Thy holy and beauteous habitation, Where is Thy zeal and Thy might? The multitude of Thy bowels and Thy mercies Towards me have refrained themselves.

Isaia 63:15
Shiko nga qielli dhe shiko nga banesa jote e shenjtë dhe e lavdishme. Ku është zelli yt dhe fuqia jote? Drithërima e të përbrendëshmeve të tua dhe dhembshuritë e tua të thella ndaj meje mos vallë janë shtypur?

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 63:15
تطلع من السموات وانظر من مسكن قدسك ومجدك. اين غيرتك وجبروتك زفير احشائك ومراحمك نحوي امتنعت.

Dyr Ieseien 63:15
Blick von n Himml abher auf üns, aus deiner heilignen, herrlichnen Lostat! Wo ist dein Feuereifer und dein Entzmacht? Sein myr n +gar nix meer bei dir; dyrbarmst di denn +gar niemer? Gee, kimm halt wider!

Исая 63:15
Погледни от небесата И виж от светото Си и славно обиталище, Где са ревността Ти и могъществените Ти дела? Ожидането на Твоите милости и щедрости е въздържано спрямо мене.

以 賽 亞 書 63:15
求 你 從 天 上 垂 顧 , 從 你 聖 潔 榮 耀 的 居 所 觀 看 。 你 的 熱 心 和 你 大 能 的 作 為 在 哪 裡 呢 ? 你 愛 慕 的 心 腸 和 憐 憫 向 我 們 止 住 了 。

求 你 从 天 上 垂 顾 , 从 你 圣 洁 荣 耀 的 居 所 观 看 。 你 的 热 心 和 你 大 能 的 作 为 在 哪 里 呢 ? 你 爱 慕 的 心 肠 和 怜 悯 向 我 们 止 住 了 。



Isaiah 63:15
Pogledaj s nebesa i vidi iz prebivališta svoga svetog i slavnog. Gdje li je ljubomora tvoja i snaga? Zar se susteglo ganuće tvog srca i samilost tvoja prema meni? Ah, sućuti nam svoje ne ustegni,

Izaiáše 63:15
Popatřiž s nebe, a pohleď z příbytku svatosti své a okrasy své. Kdež jest horlivost tvá a veliká síla tvá? Kde množství milosrdenství tvých a slitování tvých? Mně-liž se zadržovati budou?

Esajas 63:15
Sku ned fra Himlen, se ud fra din hellige, herlige Bolig! Hvor er din Nidkærhed og Vælde, dit svulmende Hjerte, din Medynk? Hold dig ikke tilbage,

Jesaja 63:15
Zie van den hemel af, en aanschouw van Uw heilige en Uw heerlijke woning; waar zijn Uw ijver en Uw mogendheden, het gerommel Uws ingewands en Uwer barmhartigheden? Zij houden zich tegen mij in.

ישעה 63:15
הַבֵּ֤ט מִשָּׁמַ֙יִם֙ וּרְאֵ֔ה מִזְּבֻ֥ל קָדְשְׁךָ֖ וְתִפְאַרְתֶּ֑ךָ אַיֵּ֤ה קִנְאָֽתְךָ֙ וּגְב֣וּרֹתֶ֔ךָ הֲמֹ֥ון מֵעֶ֛יךָ וְֽרַחֲמֶ֖יךָ אֵלַ֥י הִתְאַפָּֽקוּ׃

טו הבט משמים וראה מזבל קדשך ותפארתך  איה קנאתך וגבורתך המון מעיך ורחמיך אלי התאפקו

הבט משמים וראה מזבל קדשך ותפארתך איה קנאתך וגבורתך המון מעיך ורחמיך אלי התאפקו׃

Ézsaiás 63:15
Tekints alá az égbõl, és nézz le szentséged és dicsõséged hajlékából! Hol van buzgó szerelmed és hatalmad? Szívednek dobogása és irgalmad megtartóztatják magokat én tõlem!

Jesaja 63:15
Rigardu el la cxielo kaj vidu el Via sankta kaj majesta logxejo:kie estas Via fervoro kaj potenco? Via granda interno kaj Via kompato fortirigxis de mi.

JESAJA 63:15
Niin katso nyt taivasta, ja katso tänne alas pyhästä ja kunniallisesta asuinsiastas. Kusssa nyt on kiivautes ja voimas? sinun suuri sydämellinen laupiutes kovennetaan minua vastaan.

Ésaïe 63:15
Regarde des cieux, et vois, de la demeure de ta sainteté et de ta magnificence! Où sont ta jalousie et ta puissance, le frémissement de tes entrailles et de tes compassions? Se retiennent-elles envers moi?

Regarde du ciel, et vois, De ta demeure sainte et glorieuse: Où sont ton zèle et ta puissance? Le frémissement de tes entrailles et tes compassions Ne se font plus sentir envers moi.

Regarde des cieux, et vois de la demeure de ta sainteté et de ta gloire. Où est ta jalousie, et ta force, et l'émotion bruyante de tes entrailles et de tes compassions, lesquelles se sont retenues envers moi?

Jesaja 63:15
So schaue nun vom Himmel und siehe herab von deiner heiligen herrlichen Wohnung. Wo ist nun dein Eifer, deine Macht? Deine große herzliche Barmherzigkeit hält sich hart gegen mich.

So schaue nun vom Himmel und siehe herab von deiner heiligen, herrlichen Wohnung. Wo ist nun dein Eifer, deine Macht? Deine große, herzliche Barmherzigkeit hält sich hart gegen mich.

Blicke vom Himmel herab und schaue nieder, aus deiner heiligen und herrlichen Wohnung! Wo sind dein Eifer und deine Krafterweisungen? Mit der Regung deines Innern und deinem Erbarmen hältst du gegen mich zurück!

Isaia 63:15
Guarda dal cielo, e mira, dalla tua dimora santa e gloriosa: Dove sono il tuo zelo, i tuoi atti potenti? Il fremito delle tue viscere e le tue compassioni non si fan più sentire verso di me.

Riguarda dal cielo, dalla stanza della tua santità, e della tua gloria, e vedi; dove è la tua gelosia, la tua forza, e il commovimento delle tue interiora, e delle tue compassioni? Elle si son ristrette inverso me.

YESAYA 63:15
Lihat apalah dari dalam sorga dan pandang apalah dari dalam tempat kedudukan-Mu yang suci dan mulia; di mana gerangan kasih-Mu yang cemburuan dan segala kuasa-Mu? Adakah segala rahmat-Mu dan kasihan-Mu ditegahkan dari padaku?

이사야 63:15
주여, 하늘에서 굽어 살피시며 주의 거룩하시고 영화로운 처소에서 보옵소서 ! 주의 열성과 주의 능하신 행동이 이제 어디 있나이까 ? 주의 베푸시던 간곡한 자비와 긍휼이 내게 그쳤나이다

Isaias 63:15
adtende de caelo et vide de habitaculo sancto tuo et gloriae tuae ubi est zelus tuus et fortitudo tua multitudo viscerum tuorum et miserationum tuarum super me continuerunt se

Izaijo knyga 63:15
Pažvelk iš dangaus, iš savo šventos ir šlovingos buveinės. Kur Tavo uolumas ir galia? Kur Tavo širdies ilgesys ir gailestingumas? Ar jie paliovė?

Isaiah 63:15
Titiro mai i runga i te rangi, matakitaki mai i runga i te nohoanga o tou tapu, o tou kororia; kei hea tou ngakau nui, me au mahi nunui? ko te ohoohonga o ou whekau, ko au mahi tohu ka pehia iho ki ahau.

Esaias 63:15
Sku ned fra himmelen og se, fra din hellige og herlige bolig! Hvor er din nidkjærhet og ditt velde? Ditt hjertes medynk og din miskunnhet holder sig tilbake fra mig.

Isaías 63:15
Mira desde el cielo, y ve desde tu santa y gloriosa morada; ¿dónde está tu celo y tu poder? La conmoción de tus entrañas y tu compasión para conmigo se han restringido.

Mira desde el cielo, y ve desde Tu santa y gloriosa morada; ¿Dónde está Tu celo y Tu poder? La conmoción de Tus entrañas y Tu compasión para conmigo se han restringido.

Mira desde el cielo, y contempla desde la morada de tu santidad y de tu gloria: ¿Dónde está tu celo, y tu fortaleza, la conmoción de tus entrañas y de tus misericordias para conmigo? ¿Se han estrechado?

Mira desde el cielo, y contempla desde la morada de tu santidad y de tu gloria: ¿dónde está tu celo, y tu fortaleza, la conmoción de tus entrañas y de tus miseraciones para conmigo? ¿hanse estrechado?

Mira desde el cielo, desde la morada de tu santidad, y de tu gloria. ¿Dónde está tu celo, y tu fortaleza, la conmoción de tus entrañas, y de tus miseraciones para conmigo? ¿Se han estrechado?

Isaías 63:15
Olha desde os altos céus, da tua habitação no universo, santa e majestosa e vê; onde estão o teu zelo e o teu poder? Retiveste a tua bondade e a tua misericórdia; eis que já sentimos falta destas tuas virtudes!

Atenta lá dos céus e vê, lá da tua santa e gloriosa habitação; onde estão o teu zelo e as tuas obras poderosas? A ternura do teu coração e as tuas misericórdias para comigo estancaram.   

Isaia 63:15
,,Priveşte din cer şi vezi, din locuinţa Ta cea sfîntă şi slăvită: unde este rîvna şi puterea Ta? Fiorul inimii Tale şi îndurările Tale nu se mai arată faţă de mine!

Исаия 63:15
Призри с небес и посмотри из жилища святыни Твоей и славы Твоей:где ревность Твоя и могущество Твое? – благоутробие Твое и милости Твои ко мне удержаны.

Призри с небес и посмотри из жилища святыни Твоей и славы Твоей: где ревность Твоя и могущество Твое? --благоутробие Твое и милости Твои ко мне удержаны.[]

Jesaja 63:15
Skåda ned från himmelen och se härtill från din heliga och härliga boning. Var äro nu din nitälskan och dina väldiga gärningar, var är ditt hjärtas varkunnsamhet och din barmhärtighet? De hålla sig tillbaka från mig.

Isaiah 63:15
Tumungo ka mula sa langit, at tumingin ka, mula sa tahanan ng iyong kabanalan at ng iyong kaluwalhatian: saan nandoon ang iyong sikap at ang iyong mga makapangyarihang gawa? ang iyong pagmamagandang-loob at ang iyong mga habag ay iniurong mo sa akin.

อิสยาห์ 63:15
ขอทอดพระเนตรลงมาจากฟ้าสวรรค์ และทรงเพ่งดูจากสถานบริสุทธิ์และรุ่งโรจน์ของพระองค์ ความกระตือรือร้นและอานุภาพของพระองค์อยู่ที่ไหน พระทัยกรุณาและพระเมตตาของพระองค์ต่อข้าพระองค์อยู่ที่ไหน ได้ถูกยึดไว้แล้วหรือ

Yeşaya 63:15
Ya RAB, gökten bak,
Kutsal, görkemli ve yüce yerinden bizi gör!
Gayretin, gücün nerede?
Gönlündeki özlem ve merhameti
Bizden esirgedin.[]

EÂ-sai 63:15
Xin Chúa từ trên trời ngó xuống, từ chỗ ở thánh và vinh hiển của Ngài mà nhìn xem! Chớ nào lòng nóng nảy và công việc lớn Ngài ở đâu? Lòng ước ao sốt sắng và sự thương xót của Ngài bị ngăn trở đến cùng tôi.

Isaiah 63:14
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