Isaiah 61:9
Isaiah 61:9
Their descendants will be known among the nations and their offspring among the peoples. All who see them will acknowledge that they are a people the LORD has blessed."

Their descendants will be recognized and honored among the nations. Everyone will realize that they are a people the LORD has blessed."

Their offspring shall be known among the nations, and their descendants in the midst of the peoples; all who see them shall acknowledge them, that they are an offspring the LORD has blessed.

Then their offspring will be known among the nations, And their descendants in the midst of the peoples. All who see them will recognize them Because they are the offspring whom the LORD has blessed.

And their seed shall be known among the Gentiles, and their offspring among the people: all that see them shall acknowledge them, that they are the seed which the LORD hath blessed.

Their descendants will be known among the nations, and their posterity among the peoples. All who see them will recognize that they are a people the LORD has blessed.

Your offspring will be known among the nations, and your descendants among the people. All who see them will acknowledge them, that they are an offspring the LORD has blessed."

Their descendants will be known among the nations, their offspring among the peoples. All who see them will recognize that the LORD has blessed them."

Then their offspring will be known among the nations and their descendants among the people. Everyone who sees them will recognize that they are the descendants whom the LORD has blessed.

And their seed shall be known among the Gentiles and their offspring among the peoples; all that saw them shall acknowledge them that they are the seed which the LORD has blessed.

And their descendants shall be known among the Gentiles, and their offspring among the people: all that see them shall acknowledge them, that they are the descendants whom the LORD has blessed.

And their seed shall be known among the Gentiles, and their offspring among the people: all that see them shall acknowledge them, that they are the seed which the LORD has blessed.

And their seed shall be known among the nations, and their offspring among the peoples; all that see them shall acknowledge them, that they are the seed which Jehovah hath blessed.

And they shall know their seed among the Gentiles, and their offspring in the midst of peoples: all that shall see them, shall know them, that these are the seed which the Lord hath blessed.

And their seed shall be known among the nations, and their offspring among the peoples: all that see them shall acknowledge them, that they are a seed that Jehovah hath blessed.

And their seed shall be known among the nations, and their offspring among the peoples: all that see them shall acknowledge them, that they are the seed which the LORD hath blessed.

And their seed shall be known among the Gentiles, and their offspring among the people: all that see them shall acknowledge them, that they are the seed which the LORD hath blessed.

Their seed shall be known among the nations, and their offspring among the peoples; all who see them shall acknowledge them, that they are the seed which Yahweh has blessed."

And known among nations hath been their seed, And their offspring in the midst of the peoples, All their beholders acknowledge them, For they are a seed Jehovah hath blessed.

Isaia 61:9
Pasardhësit e tyre do të jenë të njohur ndër kombet dhe brezi i tyre ndër popuj; tërë ata që do t'i shohin do t'i njohin, sepse ata janë një fis i bekuar nga Zoti.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 61:9
ويعرف بين الامم نسلهم وذريتهم في وسط الشعوب. كل الذين يرونهم يعرفونهم انهم نسل باركه الرب

Dyr Ieseien 61:9
Ienerne Naachkemmen sollnd bei alle Dietn bekannt sein, ienerne Kinder unter alle Völker. Ayn Ieder, wo s seght, gaat kennen, däß dös die Naachkemmen seind, wo dyr Trechtein gsögnt haat.

Исая 61:9
Потомството им ще бъде познато между народите, И внуците им между племената; Всеки, който ги гледа, ще познае, Че те са род, който Бог е благословил.

以 賽 亞 書 61:9
他 們 的 後 裔 必 在 列 國 中 被 人 認 識 ; 他 們 的 子 孫 在 眾 民 中 也 是 如 此 。 凡 看 見 他 們 的 必 認 他 們 是 耶 和 華 賜 福 的 後 裔 。

他 们 的 後 裔 必 在 列 国 中 被 人 认 识 ; 他 们 的 子 孙 在 众 民 中 也 是 如 此 。 凡 看 见 他 们 的 必 认 他 们 是 耶 和 华 赐 福 的 後 裔 。



Isaiah 61:9
Slavno će im biti sjeme među pucima i potomstvo među narodima. Tko god ih vidi, prepoznat će da su sjeme što ga Jahve blagoslovi.

Izaiáše 61:9
I vejdeť v známost mezi pohany símě jejich, a potomci jejich u prostřed národů. Všickni, kteříž je uzří, poznají je, že jsou símě, jemuž požehnal Hospodin.

Esajas 61:9
Deres Æt skal kendes blandt Folkene, deres Afkom ude blandt Folkeslag; alle, der ser dem, skal kende dem som Slægten, HERREN velsigner.

Jesaja 61:9
En hun zaad zal onder de heidenen bekend worden, en hun nakomelingen in het midden der volken; allen, die hen zien zullen, zullen hen kennen, dat zij zijn een zaad, dat de HEERE gezegend heeft.

ישעה 61:9
וְנֹודַ֤ע בַּגֹּויִם֙ זַרְעָ֔ם וְצֶאֱצָאֵיהֶ֖ם בְּתֹ֣וךְ הָעַמִּ֑ים כָּל־רֹֽאֵיהֶם֙ יַכִּיר֔וּם כִּ֛י הֵ֥ם זֶ֖רַע בֵּרַ֥ךְ יְהוָֽה׃ ס

ט ונודע בגוים זרעם וצאצאיהם בתוך העמים כל ראיהם יכירום כי הם זרע ברך יהוה  {פ}

ונודע בגוים זרעם וצאצאיהם בתוך העמים כל־ראיהם יכירום כי הם זרע ברך יהוה׃ ס

Ézsaiás 61:9
És ismeretes lesz magvok a népek közt, és ivadékaik a népségek között, valakik látják õket, megismerik õket, hogy õk az Úrtól megáldott magok.

Jesaja 61:9
Kaj ilia idaro estos fama inter la popoloj, kaj iliaj posteuloj inter la nacioj; cxiuj, kiuj ilin vidos, konos ilin, ke ili estas semo benita de la Eternulo.

Ja heidän siemenensä pitää pakanain seassa tunnettaman, ja heidän jälkeentulevaisensa kansain seassa; että jokainen, joka heidät näkee, pitää heidät tunteman, että he ovat siunattu siemen Herralta.

Ésaïe 61:9
Et leur semence sera connue parmi les nations, et leur postérité, au milieu des peuples; tous ceux qui les verront les reconnaîtront, qu'ils sont la semence que l'Éternel a bénie.

Leur race sera connue parmi les nations, Et leur postérité parmi les peuples; Tous ceux qui les verront reconnaîtront Qu'ils sont une race bénie de l'Eternel.

Et leur race sera connue entre les nations, et ceux qui seront sortis d'eux, [seront connus] parmi les peuples; tous ceux qui les verront connaîtront qu'ils sont la race que l'Eternel aura bénie.

Jesaja 61:9
Und man soll ihren Samen kennen unter den Heiden und ihre Nachkommen unter den Völkern, daß, wer sie sehen wird, soll sie kennen, daß sie ein Same sind, gesegnet vom HERRN,

Und man soll ihren Samen kennen unter den Heiden und ihre Nachkommen unter den Völkern, daß, wer sie sehen wird, soll sie kennen, daß sie sein Same sind, gesegnet vom HERRN.

Und ihre Nachkommen werden bekannt sein unter den Völkern und ihre Sprößlinge inmitten der Nationen: alle, die sie sehen, werden sie dafür erkennen, daß sie ein Geschlecht sind, das Jahwe gesegnet hat.

Isaia 61:9
E la lor razza sarà nota fra le nazioni, e la loro progenie, fra i popoli; tutti quelli che li vedranno riconosceranno che sono una razza benedetta dall’Eterno.

E la lor progenie sarà riconosciuta fra le genti, e i lor discendenti in mezzo de’ popoli; tutti quelli che li vedranno riconosceranno che quelli son la progenie che il Signore ha benedetta.

Maka benih mereka itu akan masyhur kelak di antara segala orang kafir dan anak cucunyapun di antara segala bangsa; barangsiapa yang melihat mereka itu, ia itu akan mengetahui bahwa mereka itulah suatu benih yang diberkati Tuhan.

이사야 61:9
그 자손을 열방 중에, 그 후손을 만민 중에 알리리니 무릇 이를 보는 자가 그들은 여호와께 복 받은 자손이라 인정하리라

Isaias 61:9
et scietur in gentibus semen eorum et germen eorum in medio populorum omnes qui viderint eos cognoscent eos quia isti sunt semen cui benedixit Dominus

Izaijo knyga 61:9
Pagonys pažins jų palikuonis, jų atžala bus žinoma tarp tautų. Visi, kurie matys juos, pripažins, kad jie yra Viešpaties palaiminti palikuonys.

Isaiah 61:9
Ka matauria ano to ratou uri i roto i nga tauiwi, o ratou whanau i roto i nga iwi: ko te hunga katoa e kite ana i a ratou ka mohio ki a ratou he uri no ta Ihowa i manaaki ai.

Esaias 61:9
Og deres ætt skal bli kjent blandt folkene, og deres avkom blandt folkeslagene; alle som ser dem, skal kjenne at de er en ætt Herren har velsignet.

Isaías 61:9
Entonces su descendencia será conocida entre las naciones, y sus vástagos en medio de los pueblos; todos los que los vean los reconocerán, porque son la simiente que el SEÑOR ha bendecido.

Entonces su descendencia será conocida entre las naciones, Y sus vástagos en medio de los pueblos. Todos los que los vean los reconocerán, Porque son la simiente que el SEÑOR ha bendecido.

Y la simiente de ellos será conocida entre los gentiles, y sus renuevos en medio de los pueblos; todos los que los vieren, reconocerán que son simiente que Jehová ha bendecido.

Y la simiente de ellos será conocida entre las gentes, y sus renuevos en medio de los pueblos; todos los que los vieren, los conocerán, que son simiente bendita de Jehová.

Y la simiente de ellos será conocida entre los gentiles, y sus renuevos en medio de los pueblos; todos los que los vieren, los conocerán, que son simiente bendita del SEÑOR.

Isaías 61:9
A sua posteridade será conhecida entre as nações, a sua descendência no meio dos povos. Todos aqueles que os virem reconhecerão que eles são um povo abençoado por Yahweh

E a sua posteridade será conhecida entre as nações, e os seus descendentes no meio dos povos; todos quantos os virem os reconhecerão como descendência bendita do Senhor.   

Isaia 61:9
Sămînţa lor va fi cunoscută între neamuri, şi urmaşii lor printre popoare; toţi ceice -i vor vedea, vor cunoaşte că sînt o sămînţă binecuvîntată de Domnul.``

Исаия 61:9
и будет известно между народами семя их, и потомство их – среди племен; все видящие их познают, что они семя, благословенное Господом.

и будет известно между народами семя их, и потомство их--среди племен; все видящие их познают, что они семя, благословенное Господом.[]

Jesaja 61:9
Och deras släkte skall bliva känt bland folken och deras avkomma bland folkslagen; alla som se dem skola märka på dem, att de äro ett släkte, som HERREN har välsignat.

Isaiah 61:9
At ang kanilang lahi makikilala sa gitna ng mga bansa, at ang kanilang lahi sa gitna ng mga bayan: lahat na nangakakakita sa kanila ay mangakakakilala sa kanila, na sila ang lahi na pinagpala ng Panginoon.

อิสยาห์ 61:9
เชื้อสายของเขาทั้งหลายจะเป็นที่รู้จักกันท่ามกลางบรรดาประชาชาติ และลูกหลานของเขาในท่ามกลางชนชาติทั้งหลาย ทุกคนที่ได้เห็นเขาจะจำเขาได้ ว่าเขาเป็นเชื้อสายซึ่งพระเยโฮวาห์ทรงอำนวยพระพร"

Yeşaya 61:9
Soylarından gelenler uluslar arasında,
Torunları halklar arasında tanınacak.
Onları gören herkes
RABbin kutsadığı soy olduklarını anlayacak.››[]

EÂ-sai 61:9
Dòng-dõi chúng nó sẽ nổi tiếng trong các nước, con cháu sẽ nổi tiếng trong các dân; phàm ai thấy sẽ nhận là một dòng dõi mà Ðức Giê-hô-va đã ban phước.

Isaiah 61:8
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