Isaiah 60:19
Isaiah 60:19
The sun will no more be your light by day, nor will the brightness of the moon shine on you, for the LORD will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory.

"No longer will you need the sun to shine by day, nor the moon to give its light by night, for the LORD your God will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory.

The sun shall be no more your light by day, nor for brightness shall the moon give you light; but the LORD will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory.

"No longer will you have the sun for light by day, Nor for brightness will the moon give you light; But you will have the LORD for an everlasting light, And your God for your glory.

The sun shall be no more thy light by day; neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto thee: but the LORD shall be unto thee an everlasting light, and thy God thy glory.

The sun will no longer be your light by day, and the brightness of the moon will not shine on you; but the LORD will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your splendor.

"The sun will no longer be your light by day, nor for brightness will the moon shine on you by night — for the LORD will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory.

The sun will no longer supply light for you by day, nor will the moon's brightness shine on you; the LORD will be your permanent source of light--the splendor of your God will shine upon you.

The sun will no longer be your light during the day, nor will the brightness of the moon give you light, But the LORD will be your everlasting light. Your God will be your glory.

The sun shall no longer be thy light by day; nor shall the moon give light unto thee for brightness; but the LORD shall be unto thee an everlasting light and thy God thy glory.

The sun shall be no more your light by day; neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto you: but the LORD shall be unto you an everlasting light, and your God your glory.

The sun shall be no more your light by day; neither for brightness shall the moon give light to you: but the LORD shall be to you an everlasting light, and your God your glory.

The sun shall be no more thy light by day; neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto thee: but Jehovah will be unto thee an everlasting light, and thy God thy glory.

Thou shalt no more have the sun for thy light by day, neither shall the brightness of the moon enlighten thee: but the Lord shall be unto thee for an everlasting light, and thy God for thy glory.

The sun shall be no more thy light by day, neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto thee; but Jehovah shall be thine everlasting light, and thy God thy glory.

The sun shall be no more thy light by day; neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto thee: but the LORD shall be unto thee an everlasting light, and thy God thy glory.

The sun shall be no more thy light by day; neither for brightness shall the moon give light to thee: but the LORD will be to thee an everlasting light, and thy God thy glory.

The sun shall be no more your light by day; neither for brightness shall the moon give light to you: but Yahweh will be to you an everlasting light, and your God your glory.

To thee no more is the sun for a light by day, And for brightness the moon giveth not light to thee, And Jehovah hath become to thee A light age-during, and thy God thy beauty.

Isaia 60:19
Dielli nuk do të jetë më drita jote gjatë ditës, as hëna nuk do të të ndriçojë më me vezullimin e saj; por Zoti do të jetë drita jote e përjetshme dhe Perëndia yt lavdia jote.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 60:19
لا تكون لك بعد الشمس نورا في النهار ولا القمر ينير لك مضيئا بل الرب يكون لك نورا ابديا والهك زينتك.

Dyr Ieseien 60:19
Önn Tag macht dyr niemer d Sunn hell und d Nacht dyr Maand, sundern dyr Trechtein ist dein eebigs Liecht, dein Got dein straaleter Glanz.

Исая 60:19
Слънцето не ще ти бъде вече светлина денем, Нито луната със сиянието си ще ти свети; Но Господ ще ти бъде вечна светлина, И твоят Бог твоя слава.

以 賽 亞 書 60:19
日 頭 不 再 作 你 白 晝 的 光 , 月 亮 也 不 再 發 光 照 耀 你 。 耶 和 華 卻 要 作 你 永 遠 的 光 你   神 要 為 你 的 榮 耀 。

日 头 不 再 作 你 白 昼 的 光 , 月 亮 也 不 再 发 光 照 耀 你 。 耶 和 华 却 要 作 你 永 远 的 光 你   神 要 为 你 的 荣 耀 。



Isaiah 60:19
Neće ti više sunce biti svjetlost danju nit' će ti svijetlit' mjesečina, nego će Jahve biti tvoje vječno svjetlo i tvoj će Bog biti tvoj sjaj.

Izaiáše 60:19
Nebudeš míti více slunce za světlo denní, a blesk měsíce nebude tě osvěcovati, ale budeť Hospodin světlem tvým věčným, a Bůh tvůj okrasou tvou.

Esajas 60:19
Ej mer skal Solen være dit Lys eller Maanen Skinne for dig: HERREN skal være dit Lys for evigt, din Gud skal være din Herlighed.

Jesaja 60:19
De zon zal u niet meer wezen tot een licht des daags, en tot een glans zal u de maan niet lichten; maar de HEERE zal u wezen tot een eeuwig Licht, en uw God tot uw Sierlijkheid.

ישעה 60:19
לֹא־יִֽהְיֶה־לָּ֨ךְ עֹ֤וד הַשֶּׁ֙מֶשׁ֙ לְאֹ֣ור יֹומָ֔ם וּלְנֹ֕גַהּ הַיָּרֵ֖חַ לֹא־יָאִ֣יר לָ֑ךְ וְהָיָה־לָ֤ךְ יְהוָה֙ לְאֹ֣ור עֹולָ֔ם וֵאלֹהַ֖יִךְ לְתִפְאַרְתֵּֽךְ׃

יט לא יהיה לך עוד השמש לאור יומם ולנגה הירח לא יאיר לך והיה לך יהוה לאור עולם ואלהיך לתפארתך

לא־יהיה־לך עוד השמש לאור יומם ולנגה הירח לא־יאיר לך והיה־לך יהוה לאור עולם ואלהיך לתפארתך׃

Ézsaiás 60:19
Nem a nap lesz néked többé nappali világosságod, és fényességül nem a hold világol néked, hanem az Úr lesz néked örök világosságod, és Istened lesz ékességed,

Jesaja 60:19
La suno ne plu estos por vi lumo de la tago, kaj la brilo de la luno ne lumos al vi; sed la Eternulo estos por vi lumo eterna, kaj via Dio estos via gloro.

JESAJA 60:19
Ei auringon pidä enään päivällä sinulle paistaman, eikä kuun valon sinua valaiseman; vaan Herra on sinun ijankaikkinen valkeutes, ja sinun Jumalas on sinun ylistykses.

Ésaïe 60:19
Le soleil ne sera plus ta lumière, de jour, et la clarté de la lune ne t'éclairera plus; mais l'Éternel sera ta lumière à toujours, et ton Dieu, ta gloire.

Ce ne sera plus le soleil qui te servira de lumière pendant le jour, Ni la lune qui t'éclairera de sa lueur; Mais l'Eternel sera ta lumière à toujours, Ton Dieu sera ta gloire.

Tu n'auras plus le soleil pour la lumière du jour, et la lueur de la lune ne t'éclairera plus; mais l'Eternel te sera pour lumière éternelle, et ton Dieu pour ta gloire.

Jesaja 60:19
Die Sonne soll nicht mehr des Tages dir scheinen, und der Glanz des Mondes soll dir nicht leuchten, sondern der HERR wird dein ewiges Licht und dein Gott wird dein Preis sein.

Die Sonne soll nicht mehr des Tages dir scheinen, und der Glanz des Mondes soll dir nicht leuchten; sondern der HERR wird dein ewiges Licht und dein Gott wird dein Preis sein.

Nicht wird dir ferner die Sonne als Licht bei Tage dienen, noch wird dir bei Nacht der Glanz des Mondes leuchten; vielmehr wird dir Jahwe als immerwährendes Licht dienen und dein Gott zu deiner Verherrlichung.

Isaia 60:19
Non più il sole sarà la tua luce, nel giorno; e non più la luna t’illuminerà col suo chiarore; ma l’Eterno sarà la tua luce perpetua, e il tuo Dio sarà la tua gloria.

Tu non avrai più il sole per la luce del giorno, e lo splendor della luna non ti illuminerà più; ma il Signore ti sarà per luce eterna, e l’Iddio tuo ti sarà per gloria.

YESAYA 60:19
Bahwa matahari tiada lagi akan terang bagimu pada siang hari dan cahaya bulanpun tiada bersinar lagi kepadamu, melainkan Tuhan juga bagimu akan terang yang kekal dan Allahmupun akan kemuliaanmu.

이사야 60:19
다시는 낮에 해가 네 빛이 되지 아니하며 달도 네게 빛을 비취지 않을 것이요 오직 여호와가 네게 영영한 빛이 되며 네 하나님이 네 영광이 되리니

Isaias 60:19
non erit tibi amplius sol ad lucendum per diem nec splendor lunae inluminabit te sed erit tibi Dominus in lucem sempiternam et Deus tuus in gloriam tuam

Izaijo knyga 60:19
Tau nebereikės saulės dieną ir mėnulio šviesos naktį; Viešpats bus tavo amžina šviesa ir Dievas bus tavo šlovė.

Isaiah 60:19
E kore te ra e waiho i muri hei whakamarama mou i te awatea; na, ko te marama e tiaho nei, e kore tera e whakamarama i a koe; ko Ihowa hoki hei whakamarama mou ake ake, ko tou Atua hoki hei whakakororia i a koe.

Esaias 60:19
Solen skal ikke mere være ditt lys om dagen, og månen skal ikke skinne og lyse for dig; men Herren skal være et evig lys for dig, og din Gud skal være din herlighet.

Isaías 60:19
Ya el sol no será para ti luz del día, ni el resplandor de la luna te alumbrará; sino que tendrás al SEÑOR por luz eterna, y a tu Dios por tu gloria.

Ya el sol no será para ti luz del día, Ni el resplandor de la luna te alumbrará; Sino que tendrás al SEÑOR por luz eterna, Y a tu Dios por tu gloria.

El sol nunca más te servirá de luz para el día, ni el resplandor de la luna te alumbrará; sino que Jehová te será por luz perpetua, y el Dios tuyo por tu gloria.

El sol nunca más te servirá de luz para el día, ni el resplandor de la luna te alumbrará; sino que Jehová te será por luz perpetua, y el Dios tuyo por tu gloria.

El sol nunca más te servirá de luz para el día, ni el resplandor de la luna te alumbrará; mas te será el SEÑOR por luz perpetua, y por tu gloria el Dios tuyo.

Isaías 60:19
Não terás mais a necessidade do sol para fornecer a luz do dia; nem precisarás do brilho do luar, porquanto Yahweh será a tua luz para sempre, e o teu Deus será a tua glória e teu esplendor eternamente.

Não te servirá mais o sol para luz do dia, nem com o seu resplendor a lua te alumiará; mas o Senhor será a tua luz perpétua, e o teu Deus a tua glória.   

Isaia 60:19
Nu soarele îţi va mai sluji ca lumină ziua, nici luna nu te va mai lumina cu lumina ei; ci Domnul va fi Lumina ta pe vecie, şi Dumnezeul tău va fi slava ta.

Исаия 60:19
Не будет уже солнце служить тебе светом дневным, и сияние луны – светить тебе; но Господь будет тебе вечным светом, и Бог твой – славою твоею.

Не будет уже солнце служить тебе светом дневным, и сияние луны--светить тебе; но Господь будет тебе вечным светом, и Бог твой--славою твоею.[]

Jesaja 60:19
Solen skall icke mer vara ditt ljus om dagen, och månen skall icke mer lysa dig med sitt sken, utan HERREN skall vara ditt eviga ljus, och din Gud skall vara din härlighet.

Isaiah 60:19
Ang araw ay hindi na magiging iyong liwanag sa araw; o ang buwan man ay magbibigay sa iyo ng liwanag: kundi ang Panginoon ay magiging sa iyo ay walang hanggang liwanag, at ang iyong Dios ay iyong kaluwalhatian.

อิสยาห์ 60:19
ดวงอาทิตย์จะไม่เป็นความสว่างของเจ้าในกลางวันอีก หรือดวงจันทร์จะไม่ให้แสงแก่เจ้าในกลางคืนเพื่อเป็นความสุกใส แต่พระเยโฮวาห์จะทรงเป็นความสว่างเป็นนิตย์ของเจ้า และพระเจ้าของเจ้าจะเป็นสง่าราศีของเจ้า

Yeşaya 60:19
‹‹Gündüz ışığın güneş olmayacak artık,
Ay da aydınlatmayacak seni;
Çünkü RAB sonsuz ışığın,
Tanrın görkemin olacak.[]

EÂ-sai 60:19
Ngươi sẽ chẳng nhờ mặt trời soi sáng ban ngày nữa, và cũng chẳng còn nhờ mặt trăng chiếu sáng ban đêm; nhưng Ðức Giê-hô-va sẽ làm sự sáng đời đời cho ngươi, Ðức Chúa Trời ngươi sẽ làm vinh quang cho ngươi.

Isaiah 60:18
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