Isaiah 59:9
Isaiah 59:9
So justice is far from us, and righteousness does not reach us. We look for light, but all is darkness; for brightness, but we walk in deep shadows.

So there is no justice among us, and we know nothing about right living. We look for light but find only darkness. We look for bright skies but walk in gloom.

Therefore justice is far from us, and righteousness does not overtake us; we hope for light, and behold, darkness, and for brightness, but we walk in gloom.

Therefore justice is far from us, And righteousness does not overtake us; We hope for light, but behold, darkness, For brightness, but we walk in gloom.

Therefore is judgment far from us, neither doth justice overtake us: we wait for light, but behold obscurity; for brightness, but we walk in darkness.

Therefore justice is far from us, and righteousness does not reach us. We hope for light, but there is darkness; for brightness, but we live in the night.

"So justice is far from us, and righteousness does not reach us. We wait for light, but look—there is darkness; we wait for brightness, but we walk in deep darkness.

For this reason deliverance is far from us and salvation does not reach us. We wait for light, but see only darkness; we wait for a bright light, but live in deep darkness.

That is why justice is far from us, and righteousness doesn't reach us. We hope for light, but we walk in darkness. We hope for brightness, but we walk in gloom.

Therefore judgment has withdrawn from us, and righteousness has never overtaken us: we wait for light, but behold obscurity; for brightness, but we walk in darkness.

Therefore is justice far from us, neither does righteousness overtake us: we wait for light, but behold darkness; for brightness, but we walk in gloom.

Therefore is judgment far from us, neither does justice overtake us: we wait for light, but behold obscurity; for brightness, but we walk in darkness.

Therefore is justice far from us, neither doth righteousness overtake us: we look for light, but, behold, darkness; for brightness, but we walk in obscurity.

Therefore is judgment far from us, and justice shall not overtake us. We looked for light, and behold darkness: brightness, and we have walked in the dark.

Therefore is justice far from us, and righteousness overtaketh us not: we wait for light, and behold darkness; for brightness, but we walk in obscurity.

Therefore is judgment far from us, neither doth righteousness overtake us: we look for light, but behold darkness; for brightness, but we walk in obscurity.

Therefore is judgment far from us, neither doth justice overtake us: we wait for light, but behold obscurity; for brightness, but we walk in darkness.

Therefore is justice far from us, neither does righteousness overtake us: we look for light, but, behold, darkness; for brightness, but we walk in obscurity.

Therefore hath judgment been far from us, And righteousness reacheth us not, We wait for light, and lo, darkness, For brightness -- in thick darkness we go,

Isaia 59:9
Prandaj ndershmëria është larg nesh dhe drejtësia nuk arrin deri te ne; prisnim dritën, por ja që erdhi errësira, prisnim shkëlqimin, por ja që ecim në errësirë.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 59:9
من اجل ذلك ابتعد الحق عنا ولم يدركنا العدل. ننتظر نورا فاذا ظلام. ضياء فنسير في ظلام دامس.

Dyr Ieseien 59:9
Dösswögn kan bei üns von Recht und Gerechtigkeit kain Röd sein. Mir wartetnd auf s Liecht, aber es bleibt dunkl; mir hoffetnd auf d Frueh, aber d Finster geet nit wögg.

Исая 59:9
Затова правосъдието е далеч от нас. И правдата не стига до нас; Чакаме светлина, а ето тъмнина,- Сияние, а ходим в мрак.

以 賽 亞 書 59:9
因 此 , 公 平 離 我 們 遠 , 公 義 追 不 上 我 們 。 我 們 指 望 光 亮 , 卻 是 黑 暗 , 指 望 光 明 , 卻 行 幽 暗 。

因 此 , 公 平 离 我 们 远 , 公 义 追 不 上 我 们 。 我 们 指 望 光 亮 , 却 是 黑 暗 , 指 望 光 明 , 却 行 幽 暗 。



Isaiah 59:9
Stog' se pravo od nas udaljilo, zato pravda ne dopire do nas. Nadasmo se svjetlosti, a ono tama; i vidjelu, a ono u tmini hodimo.

Izaiáše 59:9
Protož vzdálil se od nás soud, a nedochází nás spravedlnost. Čekáme-li na světlo, aj, tma, pakli na blesk, v mrákotách chodíme.

Esajas 59:9
Derfor er Ret os fjern, og Retfærd naar os ikke; vi bier paa Lys — se, Mørke, paa Dagning, men vandrer i Mulm;

Jesaja 59:9
Daarom is het recht verre van ons, en de gerechtigheid achterhaalt ons niet; wij wachten op het licht, maar ziet, er is duisternis, op een groten glans, maar wij wandelen in donkerheden.

ישעה 59:9
עַל־כֵּ֗ן רָחַ֤ק מִשְׁפָּט֙ מִמֶּ֔נּוּ וְלֹ֥א תַשִּׂיגֵ֖נוּ צְדָקָ֑ה נְקַוֶּ֤ה לָאֹור֙ וְהִנֵּה־חֹ֔שֶׁךְ לִנְגֹהֹ֖ות בָּאֲפֵלֹ֥ות נְהַלֵּֽךְ׃

ט על כן רחק משפט ממנו ולא תשיגנו צדקה נקוה לאור והנה חשך לנגהות באפלות נהלך

על־כן רחק משפט ממנו ולא תשיגנו צדקה נקוה לאור והנה־חשך לנגהות באפלות נהלך׃

Ézsaiás 59:9
Ezért van távol tõlünk az ítélet, és nem ér el minket az igazság, várunk világosságra, és ímé, sötétség, és fényességre, és ímé, homályban járunk!

Jesaja 59:9
Tial malproksimigxis de ni justeco, kaj vero ne atingis nin; ni atendas lumon, sed jen estas mallumo; brilon, sed ni iras en mallumo.

Sentähden on meistä oikeus kaukana, ja vanhurskaus ei käsitä meitä; me odotimme valkeutta, katso, niin tulee pimeys: paistetta, ja katso, me vaellamme sumussa.

Ésaïe 59:9
C'est pourquoi le juste jugement est loin de nous, et la justice ne nous atteint pas; nous attendons la lumière, et voici les ténèbres! la clarté, et nous marchons dans l'obscurité.

C'est pourquoi l'arrêt de délivrance est loin de nous, Et le salut ne nous atteint pas; Nous attendons la lumière, et voici les ténèbres, La clarté, et nous marchons dans l'obscurité.

C'est pourquoi le jugement s'est éloigné de nous, et la justice ne vient point jusques à nous; nous attendions la lumière, et voici les ténèbres; la splendeur, [et] nous marchons dans l'obscurité.

Jesaja 59:9
Darum ist das Recht ferne von uns, und wir erlangen die Gerechtigkeit nicht. Wir harren aufs Licht, siehe, so wird's finster, auf den Schein, siehe, so wandeln wir im Dunkeln.

Darum ist das Recht fern von uns, und wir erlangen die Gerechtigkeit nicht. Wir harren aufs Licht, siehe, so wird's finster, auf den Schein, siehe, so wandeln wir im Dunkeln.

Darum blieb das Recht fern von uns, und Gerechtigkeit kommt uns nicht zu nahe. Wir harren auf Licht, aber da ist Finsternis, auf Lichtstrahlen - in tiefem Dunkel wandeln wir dahin!

Isaia 59:9
Perciò la sentenza liberatrice è lunge da noi, e non arriva fino a noi la giustizia; noi aspettiamo la luce, ed ecco le tenebre; aspettiamo il chiarore del dì, e camminiamo nel buio.

Perciò, il giudicio si è allontanato da noi, e la giustizia non ci ha aggiunti; noi abbiamo aspettata luce, ed ecco tenebre; splendore, ed ecco camminiamo in caligine.

Maka sebab itu insaf jauhlah dari pada kita dan kebenaranpun tiada sampai kepada kita; bahwa kita menantikan terang, tetapi sesungguhnya ada kegelapan juga; kita menantikan terang cuaca, tetapi kita berjalan di dalam gelap gulita.

이사야 59:9
그러므로 공평이 우리에게서 멀고 의가 우리에게 미치지 못한즉 우리가 빛을 바라나 어두움 뿐이요 밝은 것을 바라나 캄캄한 가운데 행하므로

Isaias 59:9
propter hoc elongatum est iudicium a nobis et non adprehendet nos iustitia expectavimus lucem et ecce tenebrae splendorem et in tenebris ambulavimus

Izaijo knyga 59:9
Todėl teisingumas yra toli nuo mūsų, teisybė nepasiekia mūsų; mes laukiame šviesos, o čia tamsa, laukiame aušros, o vaikščiojame sutemose.

Isaiah 59:9
Na reira matara noa atu te whakawa i a tatou, te mau tatou i te tika: e taria atu ana e tatou te marama, na ko te pouri; te tiaho, na kei te haere nei tatou i te pouri.

Esaias 59:9
Derfor er retten* langt borte fra oss, og rettferdigheten når oss ikke; vi venter på lys, og se, det er mørke, vi venter på bare solskinn, og i dypeste natt må vi ferdes.

Isaías 59:9
Por tanto el derecho está lejos de nosotros, y no nos alcanza la justicia; esperamos luz, y he aquí tinieblas, claridad, pero andamos en oscuridad.

Por tanto el derecho está lejos de nosotros, Y no nos alcanza la justicia. Esperamos luz, y sólo hay tinieblas; Claridad, pero andamos en oscuridad.

Por esto se alejó de nosotros el juicio, y no nos alcanzó justicia; esperamos luz, y he aquí tinieblas; resplandor, y andamos en oscuridad.

Por esto se alejó de nosotros el juicio, y no nos alcanzó justicia: esperamos luz, y he aquí tinieblas; resplandores, y andamos en oscuridad.

Por esto se alejó de nosotros el juicio, y justicia nunca nos alcanzó, esperamos luz, y he aquí tinieblas, resplandores y andamos en oscuridad.

Isaías 59:9
Por esta razão a justiça está muito longe de nós, e a retidão não consegue nos alcançar; buscamos e procuramos por ela, mas tudo são trevas. Ansiamos encontrar a claridade, mas caminhamos sob densas sombras.

Pelo que a justiça está longe de nós, e a retidão não nos alcança; esperamos pela luz, e eis que só há trevas; pelo resplendor, mas andamos em escuridão.   

Isaia 59:9
Deaceea hotărîrea de izbăvire este departe de noi şi mîntuirea nu ne ajunge. Aşteptăm lumina, şi iată întunerecul, lucirea, şi umblăm în negură!

Исаия 59:9
Потому-то и далек от нас суд, и правосудие не достигает до нас; ждем света, и вот тьма, – озарения, и ходим во мраке.

Потому-то и далек от нас суд, и правосудие не достигает до нас; ждем света, и вот тьма, --озарения, и ходим во мраке.[]

Jesaja 59:9
Därför är rätten fjärran ifrån oss, och rättfärdighet tillfaller oss icke; vi bida efter ljus, men se, mörker råder, efter solsken, men vi få vandra i djupaste natt.

Isaiah 59:9
Kaya't ang kahatulan ay malayo sa amin, o umaabot man sa amin ang katuwiran: kami'y nagsisihanap ng liwanag, nguni't narito, kadiliman; ng kaliwanagan, nguni't nagsisilakad kami sa kadiliman.

อิสยาห์ 59:9
เพราะฉะนั้นความยุติธรรมจึงอยู่ห่างจากเราทั้งหลาย และความเที่ยงธรรมตามเราไม่ทัน เราทั้งหลายคอยท่าความสว่างและ ดูเถิด ความมืด คอยท่าความสุกใส แต่เราดำเนินในความมืดคลุ้ม

Yeşaya 59:9
Diyorlar ki, ‹‹Bu yüzden adalet bizden uzak,
Doğruluk bize erişemiyor.
Işık bekliyoruz, yalnız karanlık var;
Parıltı bekliyor, koyu karanlıkta yürüyoruz.[]

EÂ-sai 59:9
Vậy nên sự công bình đã cách xa chúng ta, sự nhơn nghĩa cũng không theo kịp chúng ta. Chúng ta trông mong sự sáng, mà sự tối tăm đây nầy, trông mong sự sáng láng, mà đi trong u ám.

Isaiah 59:8
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