Isaiah 59:16
Isaiah 59:16
He saw that there was no one, he was appalled that there was no one to intervene; so his own arm achieved salvation for him, and his own righteousness sustained him.

He was amazed to see that no one intervened to help the oppressed. So he himself stepped in to save them with his strong arm, and his justice sustained him.

He saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no one to intercede; then his own arm brought him salvation, and his righteousness upheld him.

And He saw that there was no man, And was astonished that there was no one to intercede; Then His own arm brought salvation to Him, And His righteousness upheld Him.

And he saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor: therefore his arm brought salvation unto him; and his righteousness, it sustained him.

He saw that there was no man-- He was amazed that there was no one interceding; so His own arm brought salvation, and His own righteousness supported Him.

He saw that there was no one, and was appalled that there was no one to intervene; so his own arm brought him victory, and his righteous acts upheld him.

He sees there is no advocate; he is shocked that no one intervenes. So he takes matters into his own hands; his desire for justice drives him on.

He sees that there's no one to help. He's astounded that there's no one to intercede. So with his own power he wins a victory. His righteousness supports him.

And he saw that there was no man and wondered that there was no intercessor; therefore his arm brought salvation unto him, and his righteous ness, it sustained him.

And he saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor: therefore his arm brought salvation unto him; and his righteousness, it sustained him.

And he saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor: therefore his arm brought salvation to him; and his righteousness, it sustained him.

And he saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor: therefore his own arm brought salvation unto him; and his righteousness, it upheld him.

And he saw that there is not a man: and he stood astonished, because there is none to oppose himself: and his own arm brought salvation to him, and his own justice supported him.

And he saw that there was no man, and he wondered that there was no intercessor; and his arm brought him salvation, and his righteousness, it sustained him.

And he saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor: therefore his own arm brought salvation unto him; and his righteousness, it upheld him.

And he saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor: therefore his arm brought salvation to him; and his righteousness, it sustained him.

He saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor: therefore his own arm brought salvation to him; and his righteousness, it upheld him.

And He seeth that there is no man, And is astonished that there is no intercessor, And His own arm giveth salvation to Him, And His righteousness -- it sustained Him.

Isaia 59:16
Ai e pa që nuk kishte më asnjë dhe u habit që askush nuk ndërhynte; atëherë i erdhi në ndihmë krahu i tij dhe drejtësia e tij e ka mbajtur,

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 59:16
فرأى انه ليس انسان وتحيّر من انه ليس شفيع. فخلّصت ذراعه لنفسه وبره هو عضده.

Dyr Ieseien 59:16
Er saah, däß dös gar kainn juckt, und war entsötzt, däß daa niemdd öbbs dyrgögn unternimmt. Dösswögn nimmt yr s selbn eyn d Höndd und sötzt yr litzlich de Grechtet durch.

Исая 59:16
Видя, че нямаше човек, И почуди се, че нямаше посредник; Затова Неговата мишца издействува за него спасение, И правдата Му го подкрепи.

以 賽 亞 書 59:16
他 見 無 人 拯 救 , 無 人 代 求 , 甚 為 詫 異 , 就 用 自 己 的 膀 臂 施 行 拯 救 , 以 公 義 扶 持 自 己 。

他 见 无 人 拯 救 , 无 人 代 求 , 甚 为 诧 异 , 就 用 自 己 的 膀 臂 施 行 拯 救 , 以 公 义 扶 持 自 己 。



Isaiah 59:16
Vidje da nema čovjeka, začudi se što nema posrednika. Tad mu pomože njegova mišica i njegova ga pravda poduprije.

Izaiáše 59:16
Když tedy viděl, že není žádného muže, až se užasl, že není žádného prostředníka. A protož vysvobození jemu způsobilo rámě jeho, a spravedlnost jeho sama jej zpodepřela.

Esajas 59:16
han saa, at der ingen var, og det undred ham, at ingen greb ind. Da kom hans Arm ham til Hjælp, hans Retfærd, den stod ham bi;

Jesaja 59:16
Dewijl Hij zag, dat er niemand was, zo ontzette Hij Zich, omdat er geen voorbidder was; daarom bracht Hem Zijn arm heil aan, en Zijn gerechtigheid ondersteunde Hem.

ישעה 59:16
וַיַּרְא֙ כִּֽי־אֵ֣ין אִ֔ישׁ וַיִּשְׁתֹּומֵ֖ם כִּ֣י אֵ֣ין מַפְגִּ֑יעַ וַתֹּ֤ושַֽׁע לֹו֙ זְרֹעֹ֔ו וְצִדְקָתֹ֖ו הִ֥יא סְמָכָֽתְהוּ׃

טז וירא כי אין איש וישתומם כי אין מפגיע ותושע לו זרעו וצדקתו היא סמכתהו

וירא כי־אין איש וישתומם כי אין מפגיע ותושע לו זרעו וצדקתו היא סמכתהו׃

Ézsaiás 59:16
És látá, hogy nincsen senki, és álmélkodott, hogy nincsen közbenjáró; ezért karja segít néki, és igazsága gyámolítja õt.

Jesaja 59:16
Kaj Li vidis, ke ne trovigxas viro, kaj Li miris, ke ne trovigxas defendanto; kaj helpis Lin Lia brako, kaj Lia justeco Lin subtenis.

JESAJA 59:16
Ja hän näkee, ettei yhtään miestä ole, ja ihmettelee, ettei kenkään pyydä sitä sovittaa: niin hänen käsivartensa vapahtaa hänen, ja hänen vanhurskautensa pitää hänen tallella.

Ésaïe 59:16
Et il vit qu'il n'y avait personne, et il s'étonna de ce qu'il n'y eût pas d'intercesseur; et son bras le sauva, et sa justice le soutint.

Il voit qu'il n'y a pas un homme, Il s'étonne de ce que personne n'intercède; Alors son bras lui vient en aide, Et sa justice lui sert d'appui.

Il a vu aussi qu'il n'[y avait] point d'homme [qui soutînt l'innocence] et il s'est étonné que personne ne se mettait à la brèche; c'est pourquoi son bras l'a délivré, et sa propre justice l'a soutenu.

Jesaja 59:16
Und er siehet, daß niemand da ist, und verwundert sich, daß niemand sie vertritt. Darum hilft er ihm selbst mit seinem Arm, und seine Gerechtigkeit erhält ihn.

Und er sieht, daß niemand da ist, und verwundert sich, daß niemand ins Mittel tritt. Darum hilft er sich selbst mit seinem Arm, und seine Gerechtigkeit steht ihm bei.

Und er sah, daß niemand da war, und erstaunte, daß keiner da war, der ins Mittel treten konnte: da half ihm sein Arm, und seine Gerechtigkeit, die unterstützte ihn.

Isaia 59:16
ha veduto che non v’era più un uomo, e s’è stupito che niuno s’interponesse; allora il suo braccio gli è venuto in aiuto, e la sua giustizia l’ha sostenuto;

E veduto che non vi era uomo alcuno, e maravigliatosi che non vi era alcuno che s’interponesse, il suo braccio gli ha operata salute, e la sua giustizia l’ha sostenuto.

YESAYA 59:16
Sedang dilihat-Nya bahwa seorang juapun tiada, maka heranlah Ia tercengang-cengang; tegal tiadalah barang syafi, maka lengan-Nya sendiri mengadakan kemenangan bagi-Nya dan keadilan-Nyapun menyokong Dia.

이사야 59:16
사람이 없음을 보시며 중재자 없음을 이상히 여기셨으므로 자기팔로 스스로 구원을 베푸시며 자기의 의를 스스로 의지하사

Isaias 59:16
et vidit quia non est vir et aporiatus est quia non est qui occurrat et salvavit sibi brachium suum et iustitia eius ipsa confirmavit eum

Izaijo knyga 59:16
Viešpats matė ir stebėjosi, kad nebuvo žmogaus, kuris užtartų; Jo ranka Jį išgelbėjo, Jo teisumas Jį palaikė.

Isaiah 59:16
Na titiro rawa mai ia, kahore he tangata, miharo ana ia no te mea kahore he kaiwawao; na, kei tona ringa he whakaora mona; ko tona tika, na tera ia i tautoko ake.

Esaias 59:16
og han så at ingen trådte frem, og han undret sig over at det ingen var som førte hans sak. Da hjalp hans arm ham, og hans rettferdighet støttet ham,

Isaías 59:16
Vio que no había nadie, y se asombró de que no hubiera quien intercediera. Entonces su brazo le trajo salvación, y su justicia le sostuvo.

Vio que no había nadie, Y se asombró de que no hubiera quien intercediera. Entonces Su brazo Le trajo salvación, Y Su justicia Lo sostuvo.

Y vio que no había hombre, y se maravilló que no hubiera intercesor; por tanto su propio brazo le trajo salvación, y le afirmó su misma justicia.

Y vió que no había hombre, y maravillóse que no hubiera quien se interpusiese; y salvólo su brazo, y afirmóle su misma justicia.

Y vio que no había hombre, y abominó que no hubiera quien se interpusiese; y lo salvó su brazo, y le afirmó su misma justicia.

Isaías 59:16
Ele viu que não havia ninguém, admirou-se de que ninguém tivesse coragem de intervir e fazer o que é certo; então usou o seu próprio braço para trazer-lhe livramento e a sua retidão como apoio.

E viu que ninguém havia, e maravilhou-se de que não houvesse um intercessor; pelo que o seu próprio braço lhe trouxe a salvação, e a sua própria justiça o susteve;   

Isaia 59:16
El vede că nu este nici un om, şi Se miră că nimeni nu mijloceşte. Atunci braţul Lui Îi vine în ajutor, şi neprihănirea Lui Îl sprijineşte.

Исаия 59:16
И видел, что нет человека, и дивился, что нет заступника; и помогла Ему мышца Его, и правда Его поддержала Его.

И видел, что нет человека, и дивился, что нет заступника; и помогла Ему мышца Его, и правда Его поддержала Его.[]

Jesaja 59:16
Och han såg, att ingen trädde fram; han förundrade sig över att ingen grep in. Då hjälpte honom hans egen arm, och hans rättfärdighet understödde honom.

Isaiah 59:16
At kaniyang nakita na walang tao, at namangha na walang tagapamagitan: kaya't ang kaniyang sariling bisig ay nagdala ng kaligtasan sa kaniya; at ang kaniyang katuwiran ay umalalay sa kaniya.

อิสยาห์ 59:16
พระองค์ทรงเห็นว่าไม่มีคนใดเลย ทรงประหลาดพระทัยว่าไม่มีใครอ้อนวอนเผื่อ เพราะฉะนั้นพระกรของพระองค์เองก็นำความรอดมาสู่พระองค์ และความชอบธรรมของพระองค์ชูพระองค์ไว้

Yeşaya 59:16
Kimsenin olmadığını gördü,
Aracılık edecek birinin olmadığına şaştı.
Kendi gücüyle kurtuluş sağladı,
Doğruluğu Ona destek oldu.[]

EÂ-sai 59:16
thấy không có người, chẳng ai cầu thay, thì lấy làm lạ lùng. Ngài bèn dùng chính cánh tay mình đem sự cứu rỗi đến; lấy sự công bình mình mà nâng đỡ.

Isaiah 59:15
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