Isaiah 55:9
Isaiah 55:9
"As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.

For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

"For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways And My thoughts than your thoughts.

For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

For as heaven is higher than earth, so My ways are higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.

"For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

for just as the sky is higher than the earth, so my deeds are superior to your deeds and my plans superior to your plans.

"Just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways, and my thoughts are higher than your thoughts."

For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts more than your thoughts.

For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

For as the heavens are exalted above the earth, so are my ways exalted above your ways, and my thoughts above your thoughts.

For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

"For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

For high have the heavens been above the earth, So high have been My ways above your ways, And My thoughts above your thoughts.

Isaia 55:9
Ashtu si qiejtë janë më të lartë se toka, kështu edhe rrugët e mia janë më të larta se rrugët tuaja dhe mendimet e mia janë më të larta se mendimet tuaja.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 55:9
لانه كما علت السموات عن الارض هكذا علت طرقي عن طرقكم وافكاري عن افكاركم.

Dyr Ieseien 55:9
So hooh wie dyr Himml über dyr Erdn ist, so erhabn ist mein Pfad über dönn enkern, seine meine Gedänken über de enkern.

Исая 55:9
Понеже, както небето е по-високо от земята, Така и Моите пътища са по-високи от вашите пътища, И Моите помисли от вашите помисли.

以 賽 亞 書 55:9
天 怎 樣 高 過 地 , 照 樣 , 我 的 道 路 高 過 你 們 的 道 路 ; 我 的 意 念 高 過 你 們 的 意 念 。

天 怎 样 高 过 地 , 照 样 , 我 的 道 路 高 过 你 们 的 道 路 ; 我 的 意 念 高 过 你 们 的 意 念 。



Isaiah 55:9
Visoko je iznad zemlje nebo, tako su puti moji iznad vaših putova, i misli moje iznad vaših misli.

Izaiáše 55:9
Ale jakož vyšší jsou nebesa než země, tak převyšují cesty mé cesty vaše, a myšlení má myšlení vaše.

Esajas 55:9
nej, som Himlen er højere end Jorden, er mine Veje højere end eders og mine Tanker højere end eders.

Jesaja 55:9
Want gelijk de hemelen hoger zijn dan de aarde, alzo zijn Mijn wegen hoger dan uw wegen, en Mijn gedachten dan ulieder gedachten.

ישעה 55:9
כִּֽי־גָבְה֥וּ שָׁמַ֖יִם מֵאָ֑רֶץ כֵּ֣ן גָּבְה֤וּ דְרָכַי֙ מִדַּרְכֵיכֶ֔ם וּמַחְשְׁבֹתַ֖י מִמַּחְשְׁבֹתֵיכֶֽם׃

ט כי גבהו שמים מארץ--כן גבהו דרכי מדרכיכם ומחשבתי ממחשבתיכם

כי־גבהו שמים מארץ כן גבהו דרכי מדרכיכם ומחשבתי ממחשבתיכם׃

Ézsaiás 55:9
Mert a mint magasabbak az egek a földnél, akképen magasabbak az én útaim útaitoknál, és gondolataim gondolataitoknál!

Jesaja 55:9
Kiom la cxielo estas pli alte ol la tero, tiom Miaj vojoj estas pli alte ol viaj vojoj, kaj Miaj pensoj ol viaj pensoj.

Vaan niin paljo korkeampi kuin taivas on maasta, niin ovat myös minun tieni korkeammat teidän teitänne, ja minun ajatukseni teidän ajatuksianne.

Ésaïe 55:9
car comme les cieux sont élevés au-dessus de la terre, ainsi mes voies sont élevées au-dessus de vos voies, et mes pensées au-dessus de vos pensées.

Autant les cieux sont élevés au-dessus de la terre, Autant mes voies sont élevées au-dessus de vos voies, Et mes pensées au-dessus de vos pensées.

Mais autant que les cieux sont élevés par-dessus la terre, autant mes voies sont élevées par-dessus vos voies; et mes pensées, par-dessus vos pensées.

Jesaja 55:9
sondern soviel der Himmel höher ist denn die Erde, so sind auch meine Wege höher denn eure Wege und meine Gedanken denn eure Gedanken.

sondern soviel der Himmel höher ist denn die Erde, so sind auch meine Wege höher denn eure Wege und meine Gedanken denn eure Gedanken.

sondern so viel der Himmel höher ist als die Erde, so viel sind auch meine Wege höher als eure Wege und meine Gedanken als eure Gedanken!

Isaia 55:9
Come i cieli sono alti al di sopra della terra, così son le mie vie più alte delle vostre vie, e i miei pensieri più alti dei vostri pensieri.

Conciossiachè, quanto i cieli son più alti che la terra, tanto sieno più alte le mie vie che le vostre vie, ed i miei pensieri che i vostri pensieri.

Melainkan seperti tinggi langit dari pada bumi, demikianpun tinggi jalan-Ku dari pada jalanmu dan kepikiran-Ku dari pada kepikiranmu.

이사야 55:9
하늘이 땅보다 높음 같이 내 길은 너희 길보다 높으며 내 생각은 너희 생각보다 높으니라

Isaias 55:9
quia sicut exaltantur caeli a terra sic exaltatae sunt viae meae a viis vestris et cogitationes meae a cogitationibus vestris

Izaijo knyga 55:9
Nes kiek dangūs yra aukščiau už žemę, tiek mano keliai aukštesni už jūsų kelius ir mano mintys­už jūsų mintis.

Isaiah 55:9
Ta te mea e ikeike ake ana te rangi i te whenua, waihoki ko oku huarahi e ikeike ake ana i o koutou huarahi, ko oku whakaaro i o koutou whakaaro.

Esaias 55:9
som himmelen er høiere enn jorden, således er mine veier høiere enn eders veier, og mine tanker høiere enn eders tanker.

Isaías 55:9
Porque como los cielos son más altos que la tierra, así mis caminos son más altos que vuestros caminos, y mis pensamientos más que vuestros pensamientos.

"Porque como los cielos son más altos que la tierra, Así Mis caminos son más altos que sus caminos, Y Mis pensamientos más que sus pensamientos.

Como son más altos los cielos que la tierra, así son mis caminos más altos que vuestros caminos, y mis pensamientos más que vuestros pensamientos.

Como son más altos los cielos que la tierra, así son mis caminos más altos que vuestros caminos, y mis pensamientos más que vuestros pensamientos.

Como son más altos los cielos que la tierra, así son más altos mis caminos que vuestros caminos, y mis pensamientos más que vuestros pensamientos.

Isaías 55:9
“Assim como os céus são mais altos do que a terra, também os meus caminhos são mais altos do que os vossos caminhos, e os meus pensamentos, mais altos do que os vossos pensamentos.

Porque, assim como o céu é mais alto do que a terra, assim são os meus caminhos mais altos do que os vossos caminhos, e os meus pensamentos mais altos do que os vossos pensamentos.   

Isaia 55:9
,Ci cît sînt de sus cerurile faţă de pămînt, atît sînt de sus căile Mele faţă de căile voastre şi gîndurile Mele faţă de gîndurile voastre.

Исаия 55:9
Но как небо выше земли, так пути Мои выше путей ваших, и мысли Мои выше мыслей ваших.

Но как небо выше земли, так пути Мои выше путей ваших, и мысли Мои выше мыслей ваших.[]

Jesaja 55:9
Nej, så mycket som himmelen är högre än jorden, så mycket äro ock mina vägar högre än edra vägar och mina tankar högre än edra tankar.

Isaiah 55:9
Sapagka't kung paanong ang langit ay lalong mataas kay sa lupa, gayon ang aking mga lakad ay lalong mataas kay sa inyong mga lakad, at ang aking mga pagiisip kay sa inyong mga pagiisip.

อิสยาห์ 55:9
เพราะฟ้าสวรรค์สูงกว่าแผ่นดินโลกฉันใด วิถีของเราสูงกว่าทางของเจ้า และความคิดของเราก็สูงกว่าความคิดของเจ้าฉันนั้น

Yeşaya 55:9
‹‹Çünkü gökler nasıl yeryüzünden yüksekse,
Yollarım da sizin yollarınızdan,
Düşüncelerim düşüncelerinizden yüksektir.[]

EÂ-sai 55:9
Vì các từng trời cao hơn đất bao nhiêu, thì đường lối ta cao hơn đường lối các ngươi, ý tưởng ta cao hơn ý tưởng các ngươi cũng bấy nhiêu.

Isaiah 55:8
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