Isaiah 55:2
Isaiah 55:2
Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and you will delight in the richest of fare.

Why spend your money on food that does not give you strength? Why pay for food that does you no good? Listen to me, and you will eat what is good. You will enjoy the finest food.

Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread, and your labor for that which does not satisfy? Listen diligently to me, and eat what is good, and delight yourselves in rich food.

"Why do you spend money for what is not bread, And your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, And delight yourself in abundance.

Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? and your labour for that which satisfieth not? hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness.

Why do you spend money on what is not food, and your wages on what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, and you will enjoy the choicest of foods.

Why spend your money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to me, and eat what is good, and let your soul delight itself in rich food.

Why pay money for something that will not nourish you? Why spend your hard-earned money on something that will not satisfy? Listen carefully to me and eat what is nourishing! Enjoy fine food!

Why do you spend money on what cannot nourish you and your wages on what does not satisfy you? Listen carefully to me: Eat what is good, and enjoy the best foods.

Why do ye spend money for that which is not bread? and your labour for that which does not satisfy? Hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness.

Why do you spend money for that which is not bread? and your labor for that which satisfies not? hearken diligently unto me, and eat you that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in richness.

Why do you spend money for that which is not bread? and your labor for that which satisfies not? listen diligently to me, and eat you that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness.

Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? and your labor for that which satisfieth not? hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness.

Why do you spend money for that which is not breed, and your labour for that which doth not satisfy you? Hearken diligently to me, and eat that which is good, and your soul shall be delighted in fatness.

Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? and your labour for that which satisfieth not? Hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness.

Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? and your labour for that which satisfieth not? hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness.

Why do ye spend money for that which is not bread? and your labor for that which satisfieth not? hearken diligently to me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness.

Why do you spend money for that which is not bread? and your labor for that which doesn't satisfy? listen diligently to me, and eat you that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness.

Why do ye weigh money for that which is not bread? And your labour for that which is not for satiety? Hearken diligently unto me, and eat good, And your soul doth delight itself in fatness.

Isaia 55:2
Pse shpenzoni para për atë që nuk është bukë dhe fryt i mundit tuaj, për atë që nuk të ngop? Dëgjomëni me kujdes dhe do të hani atë që është e mirë, dhe shpirti juaj do të shijojë ushqime të shijshme.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 55:2
لماذا تزنون فضة لغير خبز وتعبكم لغير شبع. استمعوا لي استماعا وكلوا الطيب ولتتلذذ بالدسم انفسكم.

Dyr Ieseien 55:2
Zwö zaltß n für öbbs, was enk nit nört; zwo sötztß önn Loon von enkerner Müe für öbbs ein, was enk nit satt? Lostß auf mi; naacherd kriegtß de böstn Schmänggerln und labtß enk an de gschmäckigstn Speisn!

Исая 55:2
Защо иждивявате пари за онова, което не е хляб, И трудът си за това, което не насища? Послушайте Ме с внимание и ще ядете благо, И душата ви ще се наслаждава с най-доброто.

以 賽 亞 書 55:2
你 們 為 何 花 錢 ( 原 文 是 平 銀 ) 買 那 不 足 為 食 物 的 ? 用 勞 碌 得 來 的 買 那 不 使 人 飽 足 的 呢 ? 你 們 要 留 意 聽 我 的 話 就 能 吃 那 美 物 , 得 享 肥 甘 , 心 中 喜 樂 。

你 们 为 何 花 钱 ( 原 文 是 平 银 ) 买 那 不 足 为 食 物 的 ? 用 劳 碌 得 来 的 买 那 不 使 人 饱 足 的 呢 ? 你 们 要 留 意 听 我 的 话 就 能 吃 那 美 物 , 得 享 肥 甘 , 心 中 喜 乐 。



Isaiah 55:2
Zašto da trošite novac na ono što kruh nije i nadnicu svoju na ono što ne siti? Mene poslušajte, i dobro ćete jesti i sočna ćete uživati jela.

Izaiáše 55:2
Proč vynakládáte peníze ne za chléb, a práci svou za to, což nenasycuje? Poslechněte mne raději, a jezte to, což jest dobrého, a nechť se kochá v tuku duše vaše.

Esajas 55:2
Hvi giver I Sølv for, hvad ikke er Brød, eders Dagløn for, hvad ej mætter? Hør mig, saa faar I, hvad godt er, at spise, eders Sjæl skal svælge i Fedt;

Jesaja 55:2
Waarom weegt gijlieden geld uit voor hetgeen geen brood is, en uw arbeid voor hetgeen niet verzadigen kan? Hoort aandachtiglijk naar Mij, en eet het goede, en laat uw ziel in vettigheid zich verlustigen.

ישעה 55:2
לָ֤מָּה תִשְׁקְלוּ־כֶ֙סֶף֙ בְּֽלֹוא־לֶ֔חֶם וִיגִיעֲכֶ֖ם בְּלֹ֣וא לְשָׂבְעָ֑ה שִׁמְע֨וּ שָׁמֹ֤ועַ אֵלַי֙ וְאִכְלוּ־טֹ֔וב וְתִתְעַנַּ֥ג בַּדֶּ֖שֶׁן נַפְשְׁכֶֽם׃

ב למה תשקלו כסף בלוא לחם ויגיעכם בלוא לשבעה שמעו שמוע אלי ואכלו טוב ותתענג בדשן נפשכם

למה תשקלו־כסף בלוא־לחם ויגיעכם בלוא לשבעה שמעו שמוע אלי ואכלו־טוב ותתענג בדשן נפשכם׃

Ézsaiás 55:2
Miért adtok pénzt azért, a mi nem kenyér, és gyûjtött kincseteket azért, a mi meg nem elégíthet? Hallgassatok, hallgassatok reám, hogy jót egyetek, és gyönyörködjék lelketek kövérségben.

Jesaja 55:2
Kial vi donas monon por tio, kio ne estas pano? kaj vian laboron por tio, kio ne satigas? auxskultu do Min, kaj mangxu bonajxon, kaj via animo gxuu grasajxon.

Miksi te annatte rahan siinä, kussa ei leipää ole, ja teidän työnne siinä, kussa ei ole ravintoa? Kuulkaat minua, ja nauttikaat hyvää, ja teidän sielunne riemuitkaan lihavuudessa.

Ésaïe 55:2
Pourquoi dépensez-vous l'argent pour ce qui n'est pas du pain, et votre labeur pour ce qui ne rassasie pas? Ecoutez-moi attentivement, et mangez ce qui est bon; et que votre âme jouisse à plaisir des choses grasses.

Pourquoi pesez-vous de l'argent pour ce qui ne nourrit pas? Pourquoi travaillez-vous pour ce qui ne rassasie pas? Ecoutez-moi donc, et vous mangerez ce qui est bon, Et votre âme se délectera de mets succulents.

Pourquoi employez-vous l'argent pour des choses qui ne nourrissent point? et votre travail pour des choses qui ne rassasient point? écoutez-moi attentivement, et vous mangerez de ce qui est bon, et votre âme jouira à plaisir de la graisse.

Jesaja 55:2
Warum zählet ihr Geld dar, da kein Brot ist, und eure Arbeit, da ihr nicht satt von werden könnet? Höret mir doch zu und esset das Gute, so wird eure Seele in Wollust fett werden.

Warum zählet ihr Geld dar, da kein Brot ist und tut Arbeit, davon ihr nicht satt werden könnt? Höret mir doch zu und esset das Gute, so wird eure Seele am Fetten ihre Lust haben.

Warum wollt ihr Geld darwägen, um doch kein Brot zu erhalten, und euren Verdienst für etwas, das euch nicht satt macht? Hört vielmehr auf mich, so sollt ihr Gutes zu essen haben, und eure Seele soll sich erlaben an Fett!

Isaia 55:2
Perché spendete danaro per ciò che non è pane? e il frutto delle vostre fatiche per ciò che non sazia? Ascoltatemi attentamente e mangerete ciò ch’è buono, e l’anima vostra godrà di cibi succulenti!

Perchè spendete danari in ciò che non è pane, e la vostra fatica in ciò che non può saziare? ascoltatemi pure, e voi mangerete del buono, e l’anima vostra goderà del grasso.

Mengapa kamu membelanjakan uang karena barang yang bukan makanan dan kelelahanmu karena barang yang tiada dapat mengenyangkan? Dengarlah akan Daku dengan yakin, makanlah barang yang baik dan biarlah hatimu menyedapkan dirinya dengan kelimpahan itu.

이사야 55:2
너희가 어찌하여 양식아닌 것을 위하여 은을 달아 주며 배부르게 못할 것을 위하여 수고하느냐 나를 청종하라 그리하면 너희가 좋은 것을 먹을 것이며 너희 마음이 기름진 것으로 즐거움을 얻으리라

Isaias 55:2
quare adpenditis argentum non in panibus et laborem vestrum non in saturitate audite audientes me et comedite bonum et delectabitur in crassitudine anima vestra

Izaijo knyga 55:2
Kodėl jūs leidžiate pinigus už tai, kas nėra maistas, ir dirbate už tai, kas jūsų nepatenkina? Klausykite manęs atidžiai ir valgykite tai, kas jūsų sielą atgaivins ir sustiprins.

Isaiah 55:2
He aha ra i hokona ai e koutou te moni mo nga mea ehara i te taro, to koutou uaua mo nga mea e kore ai koutou e makona? ata whakarongo mai ki ahau, a kainga te mea pai; kia ora hoki o koutou wairua i nga mea momona.

Esaias 55:2
Hvorfor veier I ut penger for det som ikke er brød, og eders fortjeneste for det som ikke kan mette? Hør på mig! Så skal I ete det gode, og eders sjel glede sig ved de fete retter.

Isaías 55:2
¿Por qué gastáis dinero en lo que no es pan, y vuestro salario en lo que no sacia? Escuchadme atentamente, y comed lo que es bueno, y se deleitará vuestra alma en la abundancia.

¿Por qué gastan dinero en lo que no es pan, Y su salario en lo que no sacia? Escúchenme atentamente, y coman lo que es bueno, Y se deleitará su alma en la abundancia.

¿Por qué gastáis el dinero en lo que no es pan, y vuestro trabajo en lo que no satisface? Oídme atentamente, y comed del bien, y se deleitará vuestra alma con grosura.

¿Por qué gastáis el dinero no en pan, y vuestro trabajo no en hartura? Oidme atentamente, y comed del bien, y deleitaráse vuestra alma con grosura.

¿Por qué gastáis el dinero en lo que no es pan, y vuestro trabajo en lo que no sacia? Oídme atentamente, y comed del bien; y se deleitará vuestra alma con grosura.

Isaías 55:2
Por que investir dinheiro naquilo que não é alimento, e o seu trabalho árduo naquilo que não consegue produzir satisfação? Ouvi-me com toda atenção e comei o que é bom; haveis de deleitar-vos com manjares revigorantes.

Por que gastais o dinheiro naquilo que não é pão! e o produto do vosso trabalho naquilo que não pode satisfazer? ouvi-me atentamente, e comei o que é bom, e deleitai-vos com a gordura.   

Isaia 55:2
De ce cîntăriţi argint pentru un lucru care nu hrăneşte? De ce vă daţi cîştigul muncii pentru ceva care nu satură? Ascultaţi-Mă dar, şi veţi mînca ce este bun, şi sufletul vostru se va desfăta cu bucate gustoase.

Исаия 55:2
Для чего вам отвешивать серебро за то, что не хлеб, и трудовое свое за то, что не насыщает? Послушайте Меня внимательно и вкушайте благо, и душа ваша да насладится туком.

Для чего вам отвешивать серебро за то, что не хлеб, и трудовое свое за то, что не насыщает? Послушайте Меня внимательно и вкушайте благо, и душа ваша да насладится туком.[]

Jesaja 55:2
Varför given I ut penningar för det som ej är bröd och edert förvärv för det som icke kan mätta? Hören på mig, så skolen I få äta det gott är och förnöja eder med feta rätter.

Isaiah 55:2
Ano't kayo'y nangaggugugol ng salapi sa hindi pagkain? at ng inyong gawa sa hindi nakabubusog? inyong pakinggan ako, at magsikain kayo ng mabuti, at mangalugod kayo sa katabaan.

อิสยาห์ 55:2
ทำไมเจ้าจึงใช้เงินของเจ้าเพื่อของซึ่งไม่ใช่อาหาร และใช้ผลแรงงานซื้อสิ่งซึ่งมิให้อิ่มใจ จงเอาใจใส่ฟังเรา และรับประทานของดี และให้จิตใจปีติยินดีในไขมัน

Yeşaya 55:2
Paranızı neden ekmek olmayana,
Emeğinizi doyurmayana harcıyorsunuz?
Beni iyi dinleyin ki, iyi olanı yiyesiniz,
Bolluğun tadını çıkarasınız![]

EÂ-sai 55:2
Sao các ngươi trả tiền để mua đồ không phải là bánh? Sao các ngươi đem công lao mình đổi lấy vật chẳng làm cho no? Hãy chăm chỉ nghe ta, hãy ăn của ngon, và cho linh hồn các ngươi vui thích trong của béo.

Isaiah 55:1
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