Isaiah 52:10
Isaiah 52:10
The LORD will lay bare his holy arm in the sight of all the nations, and all the ends of the earth will see the salvation of our God.

The LORD has demonstrated his holy power before the eyes of all the nations. All the ends of the earth will see the victory of our God.

The LORD has bared his holy arm before the eyes of all the nations, and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God.

The LORD has bared His holy arm In the sight of all the nations, That all the ends of the earth may see The salvation of our God.

The LORD hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God.

The LORD has displayed His holy arm in the sight of all the nations; all the ends of the earth will see the salvation of our God.

The LORD has bared his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth will see the salvation of our God.

The LORD reveals his royal power in the sight of all the nations; the entire earth sees our God deliver.

The LORD will show his holy power to all the nations. All the ends of the earth will see the salvation of our God.

The LORD has made bare the arm of his holiness before the eyes of all the Gentiles; and all the ends of the earth shall see the saving health of our God.

The LORD has made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God.

The LORD has made bore his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God.

Jehovah hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.

The Lord hath prepared his holy arm in the sight of all the Gentiles: and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God.

Jehovah hath made bare his holy arm in the sight of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God.

The LORD hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God.

The LORD hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations: and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God.

Yahweh has made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.

Jehovah hath made bare His holy arm Before the eyes of all the nations, And seen have all the ends of the earth, The salvation of our God.

Isaia 52:10
Zoti ka zhveshur krahun e tij të shenjtë para syve të të gjitha kombeve; të gjitha skajet e tokës do të shohin shpëtimin e Perëndisë tonë.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 52:10
قد شمر الرب عن ذراع قدسه امام عيون كل الامم فترى كل اطراف الارض خلاص الهنا

Dyr Ieseien 52:10
Dyr Trechtein haat sein Heiligkeit und Macht vor allsand Dietn goffnbart. Non s lösste Ögg von dyr Erdn seght dös Heil, wo ünser Got brungen haat.

Исая 52:10
Господ запретна светата Си мишца Пред всичките народи; И всичките земни краища ще видят Спасението от нашия Бог.

以 賽 亞 書 52:10
耶 和 華 在 萬 國 眼 前 露 出 聖 臂 ; 地 極 的 人 都 看 見 我 們   神 的 救 恩 了 。

耶 和 华 在 万 国 眼 前 露 出 圣 臂 ; 地 极 的 人 都 看 见 我 们   神 的 救 恩 了 。



Isaiah 52:10
Ogolio je Jahve svetu svoju mišicu pred očima svih naroda, da svi krajevi zemaljski vide spasenje Boga našega.

Izaiáše 52:10
Ohrnul Hospodin rámě svatosti své před očima všech národů, aby viděly všecky končiny země spasení Boha našeho.

Esajas 52:10
Han blotter sin hellige Arm for al Folkenes Øjne, den vide Jord skal skue Frelsen fra vor Gud.

Jesaja 52:10
De HEERE heeft Zijn heiligen arm ontbloot voor de ogen aller heidenen; en al de einden der aarde zullen zien het heil onzes Gods.

ישעה 52:10
חָשַׂ֤ף יְהוָה֙ אֶת־זְרֹ֣ועַ קָדְשֹׁ֔ו לְעֵינֵ֖י כָּל־הַגֹּויִ֑ם וְרָאוּ֙ כָּל־אַפְסֵי־אָ֔רֶץ אֵ֖ת יְשׁוּעַ֥ת אֱלֹהֵֽינוּ׃ ס

י חשף יהוה את זרוע קדשו לעיני כל הגוים וראו כל אפסי ארץ את ישועת אלהינו  {ס}

חשף יהוה את־זרוע קדשו לעיני כל־הגוים וראו כל־אפסי־ארץ את ישועת אלהינו׃ ס

Ézsaiás 52:10
Feltûrte az Úr szent karját minden népeknek szemei elõtt, hogy lássák a föld minden határai Istenünk szabadítását!

Jesaja 52:10
La Eternulo malkovris Sian sanktan brakon antaux la okuloj de cxiuj nacioj; kaj cxiuj finoj de la tero vidas la helpon de nia Dio.

JESAJA 52:10
Herra on ilmoittanut pyhän käsivartensa kaikkein pakanain silmäin edessä, niin että kaikki maailman ääret näkevät meidän Jumalamme autuuden.

Ésaïe 52:10
L'Éternel a mis à nu le bras de sa sainteté aux yeux de toutes les nations; et tous les bouts de la terre verront le salut de notre Dieu.

L'Eternel découvre le bras de sa sainteté, Aux yeux de toutes les nations; Et toutes les extrémités de la terre verront Le salut de notre Dieu.

L'Eternel a manifesté le bras de sa sainteté devant les yeux de toutes les nations; et tous les bouts de la terre verront le salut de notre Dieu.

Jesaja 52:10
Der HERR hat offenbaret seinen heiligen Arm vor den Augen aller Heiden, daß aller Welt Ende siehet das Heil unsers Gottes.

Der HERR hat offenbart seinen heiligen Arm vor den Augen aller Heiden, daß aller Welt Enden sehen das Heil unsers Gottes.

Entblößt hat Jahwe seinen heiligen Arm vor den Augen aller Völker, und alle Enden der Erde sollen sehen das Heil unseres Gottes!

Isaia 52:10
L’Eterno ha nudato il suo braccio santo agli occhi di tutte le nazioni; e tutte le estremità della terra vedranno la salvezza del nostro Dio.

Il Signore ha tratto fuori il braccio della sua santità, alla vista di tutte le genti; e tutte le estremità della terra hanno veduta la salute del nostro Dio.

YESAYA 52:10
Bahwa Tuhan sudah menyingsing lengan kesucian-Nya di hadapan mata segala orang kafir, maka segala ujung bumipun akan melihat selamat yang dari pada Allah kami.

이사야 52:10
여호와께서 열방의 목전에서 그 거룩한 팔을 나타내셨으므로 모든 땅 끝까지도 우리 하나님의 구원을 보았도다

Isaias 52:10
paravit Dominus brachium sanctum suum in oculis omnium gentium et videbunt omnes fines terrae salutare Dei nostri

Izaijo knyga 52:10
Viešpats apnuogino savo šventą ranką visų tautų akivaizdoje. Visi žemės pakraščiai matys mūsų Dievo išgelbėjimą.

Isaiah 52:10
Kua huhua te ringa tapu o Ihowa ki te aroaro o nga tauiwi katoa, a ka kite nga pito katoa o te ao i te whakaora a to tatou Atua.

Esaias 52:10
Herren avdekker sin hellige arm for alle folkenes øine, og alle jordens ender får se vår Guds frelse.

Isaías 52:10
El SEÑOR ha desnudado su santo brazo a la vista de todas las naciones, y todos los confines de la tierra verán la salvación de nuestro Dios.

El SEÑOR ha desnudado Su santo brazo A la vista de todas las naciones, Y todos los confines de la tierra verán La salvación de nuestro Dios.

Jehová desnudó su santo brazo ante los ojos de todas las naciones; y todos los términos de la tierra verán la salvación de nuestro Dios.

Jehová desnudó el brazo de su santidad ante los ojos de todas las gentes; y todos los términos de la tierra verán la salud del Dios nuestro.

El SEÑOR desnudó el brazo de su santidad ante los ojos de todos los gentiles. Y todos los términos de la tierra verán la salud del Dios nuestro.

Isaías 52:10
Yahweh descobriu o seu braço santo diante dos olhos das nações e as extremidades da terra viram a salvação oferecida a todos por nosso Deus.

O Senhor desnudou o seu santo braço à vista de todas as nações; e todos os confins da terra verão a salvação do nosso Deus.   

Isaia 52:10
Domnul Îşi descopere braţul Său cel sfînt, înaintea tuturor neamurilor; şi toate marginile pămîntului vor vedea mîntuirea Dumnezeului nostru.``

Исаия 52:10
Обнажил Господь святую мышцу Свою пред глазами всех народов; и все концы земли увидят спасение Бога нашего.

Обнажил Господь святую мышцу Свою пред глазами всех народов; и все концы земли увидят спасение Бога нашего.[]

Jesaja 52:10
HERREN blottar sin heliga arm inför alla hedningars ögon, och alla jordens ändar få se vår Guds frälsning.

Isaiah 52:10
Hinubdan ng Panginoon ang kaniyang banal na bisig sa harap ng mga mata ng lahat na bansa; at makikita ng lahat na wakas ng lupa ang pagliligtas ng ating Dios.

อิสยาห์ 52:10
พระเยโฮวาห์ทรงเปลือยพระกรอันบริสุทธิ์ของพระองค์ท่ามกลางสายตาของบรรดาประชาชาติ และที่สุดปลายแผ่นดินโลกทั้งสิ้นจะเห็นความรอดของพระเจ้าของเรา

Yeşaya 52:10
Bütün ulusların gözü önünde
Kutsal kolunu sıvadı,
Dünyanın dört bucağı
Tanrımızın kurtarışını görecek.[]

EÂ-sai 52:10
Ðức Giê-hô-va đã tỏ trần cánh tay thánh Ngài trước mắt mọi nước; mọi đầu cùng đất đã thấy sự cứu rỗi của Ðức Chúa Trời chúng ta!

Isaiah 52:9
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